Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 101 Search 2

Khrushchev hesitated for a long time, and finally plucked up the courage to pick up the phone at around six o'clock in the morning and gingerly reported to Stalin the disappearance of the gold train. Comrade Stalin should be having breakfast at this time. If he waited until he arrived at the train station to make a report, there would really be no room for him at all.

"What! The gold is lost?!" The extremely happy mood caused by the 560 tons of gold disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by overwhelming anger. When Khrushchev heard Comrade Stalin's angry roar coming from the phone, he almost knelt down and kowtowed to the phone to apologize.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and spoke carefully. "Great leader Comrade Stalin, please calm down. I guarantee with my head that we will definitely find the gold train, and there will be no missing piece of gold."

"I'll give you a day." Stalin, who had been hysterical for a long time, might be tired, so he coldly dropped the words and hung up the phone.

"..." Khrushchev felt chills all over. Comrade Stalin didn't say what would happen if he couldn't find the gold one day later, but this was more frightening than threatening to kill him. He could no longer sit still and immediately set off for Dakharkov, intending to personally direct the search for gold.

"Comrade Khrushchev, why are you here in person?" The secretary who arrived earlier than him came to greet him.

Khrushchev now hates this bastard who always brings bad news to him. After solving this matter, he will drive this bastard away as soon as possible. "Stop talking nonsense, what did you find?!"

The secretary hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's not that I didn't find it. I'll report it to you in the conference room."

Following his secretary to the Dakharkov government conference room, Khrushchev was very dissatisfied when he saw that the huge conference room was already packed with people. "Why are there so many idle people? If you don't have time, you might as well look for a train."

"These people are experts in various fields." The secretary explained in a low voice and clapped his hands. "Everyone, be quiet. Comrade Khrushchev is here."

Wow, people in the conference room rushed to Khrushchev and extended their hands enthusiastically.

"Hello, Comrade Khrushchev."

"Hello, Comrade Khrushchev."

Seeing that everyone wanted to take action, Khrushchev simply waved his hand. "Finding the train is the key now. We will discuss other issues later. What did you find?"

An old man in his 60s with gray hair stood up. "Comrade Khrushchev, I am the construction director of this section of the railway. I studied it with several experts and found that the most suspicious place is here." He pointed to a place on the map. "This is a section of railway 20 kilometers away from the town of Alexei. It is a cliff. We suspect that the train may have lost control and rolled over the cliff here."

Khrushchev frowned. "Are you sure? Why didn't you think of this in the first place?"

"Comrade Khrushchev, there are deceleration warning lights at both ends of this section of railway. In addition, there has not been a single accident since the construction of this section of railway. No one would have thought..."

It would be great if there were clues. Khrushchev couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. "Then let's leave now!"

The secretary spoke to persuade. "Comrade Khrushchev, you should rest here, we can go."

rest? One day after he failed to find the golden train he had to rest forever.

Dakharkov Station immediately mobilized a locomotive and two carriages, carrying everyone straight to the cliff.

It was still cloudy in Dakharkov, but it was already raining continuously dozens of kilometers away. When we arrived at our destination, there was a downpour with thunder and lightning in the sky.

Sure enough, when they were approaching their destination, everyone saw a very eye-catching deceleration warning light standing on the roadside. Unless the driver was drunk, it was impossible not to see this thing. The locomotive began to slow down slowly, and after continuing for a while, it stopped at a curve.

The 60-year-old construction director pointed at the cliff outside the window and said. "Comrade Khrushchev, this is it."

The railway was less than half a meter away from the edge of the cliff. Looking down, it was pitch black. Even if I shined a flashlight downwards, I couldn't see what was under the cliff.

"Send someone down!" Khrushchev ordered immediately after stretching his head and looking outside the cliff for a few times.

"..." Everyone, look at me and look at you. This cliff is at least a hundred meters deep. If something happens to this thing halfway down, you will definitely die! And it's pouring rain now. Don't think too much. With the rain washing away, it's difficult to find a suitable foothold on the cliff wall.

Seeing that no one came forward, Khrushchev said sharply. "What? Are you scared? You must know that this train is Comrade Stalin's heart and soul. Whoever succeeds in this search operation will be a hero of the Soviet Union. Not only will Comrade Stalin receive him in person, but he will also receive bonuses, certificates, and medals. Indispensable." Of course, Khrushchev didn't know whether Comrade Stalin would meet them, but he promised them benefits at this critical moment. Everything would be easier to handle once the golden train was found.

"Comrade Khrushchev, I will take the lead." Finally, Khrushchev's secretary stood up first. As mentioned before, he is a very observant person. From Khrushchev's words and deeds, he has already guessed that Khrushchev will be angry with him. Although he has nothing wrong with him, he is still walking on thin ice in official circles.

I don’t know which words moved me, but finally, three sturdy young men also stood up. Everyone put the prepared ropes on them and used simple pulley devices to carefully lower them down the cliff.

Everyone in the carriage carefully manipulated the pulley device, and everyone's attention was focused on the bottom of the cliff. Although nothing could be seen, people still crowded in front of the windows and watched closely as the four people gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Khrushchev was no exception. He didn't even notice the murmurs of the people around him. "Do you feel a little swaying?" Could it be that the force of the four people descending made the car sway? Not only was the car swaying, but what was even weirder was that the thunder had been coming from the south until just now, so why now there were "boom", "boom" and "boom" sounds similar to thunder coming from behind them?

Khrushchev didn't pay attention, and most people didn't pay attention, but one of them changed his face wildly, ran to the window on the other side, looked at the cliff on one side, and suddenly let out a heart-rending scream. "mudslide!!!"

"Mudslide?!" Upon hearing these fatal words, everyone in the carriage was shocked! !

"Run!!" I don't know who shouted at the top of their lungs, and everyone rushed to the door of the carriage like crazy. The narrow carriage door cannot accommodate so many people passing through at the same time. Everyone is pushing and pushing each other, refusing to give in. "I'm Khrushchev, get out of my way!" Khrushchev, who was only 62 meters tall, was squeezed into the crowd and couldn't move. Everyone around him was a big man who was not a head taller than him. He felt a little hypoxic and couldn't bear it. Zhu yelled.

But at the moment of life and death, who cares who you are, I'm afraid even if Stalin comes, he will be pushed aside.

Just when everyone was crowded at the door and unable to move, a series of strange sounds like "boom", "boom", and "boom" sounded like thunder on dry land. Everyone looked out the window in horror and saw a turbid and yellow torrent roaring down the cliff like a tiger descending the mountain, causing the entire cliff to tremble slightly! !

As we all know, debris flow is a torrent formed after heavy rains and floods saturate and dilute the soft soil containing sand and gravel. It is usually composed of viscous mud suspended in coarse solids, debris and clay, with large area, volume and flow rate. , because it erupts suddenly, is fierce, moves at high speed, and has powerful energy, it is extremely destructive!

"Boom!" The debris flow like a beast hit the train hard. The force was so great that the three-car train instantly tilted to a 45-degree angle.

Accompanied by everyone's desperate screams, the second mudslide came roaring again, easily pushing the rickety train off the cliff.

Behind it is a continuous mudslide waterfall rushing towards the bottom of the cliff.

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