Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 109 Czech Rebellion 4

"These damn bastards!"

There is probably no one in the world who is more depressed than Czech President Edvard Benes at this moment.

Not only depressed, but extremely angry! !

Czechoslovakia and France signed an alliance in black and white, just to prevent Germany from provoking a war!

It's good now. As soon as Germany issued the threat of war, France shamelessly asked the Czech government to use the principle of national self-determination to solve the problem in the Sudetenland!

Well said! How about "taking advantage of the principle of national self-determination"? Who doesn’t know that most of the residents of the Sudetenland are Germans. If they were allowed to have self-determination and openly vote, they would certainly choose to join Germany!

How shameless! Why don't you just tell us to give up the Sudetenland?

No head of state will just watch his country being divided! What's more, Edward Benes devoted his life's efforts to his motherland!

During World War I, Beneš co-organized a Czech nationalist independence movement. From 1915 he supported the Czech and Slovak independence movements from Paris, together with Thomas Masaryk and the Slovak Milan Štefánik. In 1916 he helped organize the "Czechoslovak National Assembly" and became its general secretary.

In early 1917 Benes, together with others, established an army composed of Czechs and Slovaks, the Czechoslovak Legion. In 1918, France recognized the Czechoslovak National Assembly as the sole representative of the planned Czechoslovak Republic and had a say in the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles.

Because of his role in the fight for independence, he, along with Thomas Masaryk and Milan Štefánik, are known as the three founding fathers of Czechoslovakia.

How could such a person succumb to the power of Germany!

Furious, Benes immediately announced a general mobilization to counter Germany's military threat.

Come on, even without France, the Czech Republic is definitely not a weak persimmon!

It's a pity that Benes, who was blinded by anger, forgot that they were able to get the Sudetenland before because of the help of Britain and France. Now that Britain and France came forward to ask them to cede the Sudetenland, how could they possibly hold on to it.

Berlin Palace.

In the conference room, Yannick looked at the reply he had just received from the Czech Republic and smiled slightly. "Your Excellency Prime Minister, this is the attitude of the Czech government. It seems that they do not take your country and France seriously."

Chamberlain looked a little embarrassed. He originally thought that France could persuade the Czech government to cede the Sudetenland obediently, but he did not expect that the Czech president was such a tough nut. "Then what is His Royal Highness going to do?"

Yannick shrugged, with a helpless tone. "If you say it, it will throw water away. Since they want to fight and have entered general mobilization, then we have to fight tit for tat. At present, the only forces we can continue to mobilize are the defense forces on the eastern front. Tsk, now we can only pray that the polar bear in the east will not They will take advantage of the situation, after all, they suffered a lot in Spain, and maybe they are gearing up for revenge."

Chamberlain's mouth twitched slightly. He didn't expect that Germany would even give up its eastern defense in order to deal with the Czech Republic. If, as he said, the beasts from the east take advantage of the situation and launch a massive attack, then Europe will not be covered with red flags. "Your Highness the Crown Prince, it may be that the Czech government did not fully understand what France meant. In this case, I will send them a telegram."

"That would be the best, I'd like to thank you, Prime Minister."

After reading the harsh telegram sent by Prime Minister Chamberlain, Benes threw it to the ground and stepped on it several times.

"Mr. President, it seems that if we don't compromise, the situation will be unfavorable to us." The vice president advised. "Now Britain and France want us to cede part of the Sudetenland and return it to Germany. If we lose the help of Britain and France, it may be difficult to preserve all the territory."

"These treacherous bastards!!" Benes still couldn't let go and couldn't help but spit. I think that when the First World War just ended, France wanted to dismember Germany, while Britain hoped that Germany would become a docile sheep.

What now? Both countries are actually speaking for Germany, even at the expense of threatening their former allies. It is really unreasonable! !

But he knew he could only compromise, gritted his teeth and said bitterly. "Since they want a part of the land, then we will give them 700, no, 500 square kilometers. Then we will deport all the Germans who stayed in Czechoslovakia." Benes' attitude towards these people has not changed. Just drive them away!

The next morning everyone gathered in the conference room again.

This time there were French Prime Minister Camille Chaudandy and Italian party leader Benito Mussolini. But Mussolini was obviously here to make trouble. He sat there with his head held high and listened to the leaders of the three countries bargaining. Yannick's first reaction when he saw Mussolini was that this guy was too arrogant. You must know that he is now over 1.8 meters tall, while Mussolini is only a little over 1.6 meters tall, but even like this, Mussolini can't wait to look at people with his nostrils.

If he were shorter, he might just be able to admire Mussolini's chin. I can't help but complain in my heart, aren't you tired of holding your head high all the time?

"Hahaha!" After reading the Czech government's response that Ribbentrop brought over, Yannick burst out laughing. "Your Excellency Chamberlain, do you know the area of ​​the Sudetenland?"

No matter how Chamberlain looked at Yannick's smile, it didn't look like a happy smile, and an uneasy premonition arose in his heart. "I remember it was about 10,000 square kilometers. How much land does the Czech government want to cede?"

"Hmph." Yannick snorted heavily and handed the document in his hand to Chamberlain. "They agreed to cede the land, but they only ceded 500 square kilometers, one-twentieth! How generous!! They are sending beggars away. Since they can be so shameless, I won't be polite. Your Excellency Prime Minister, from now on our demands have changed. Not only the Sudetenland, but all areas in the Czech Republic, as long as there are places where our German compatriots are located, must be dealt with in accordance with the principle of national self-determination! If the Czech Republic If the government doesn’t agree, then it’s war!”

In the Czech Republic, in addition to the Sudetenland, there are also some areas where Germans are the majority.

Listening to Yannick's cold words, Chamberlain's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it, kick your nose in the face! Originally, they were talking about the Sudetenland, but now they are even more shameless!

This new proposal once again caused Chamberlain's headache.

Yannick looked at Chamberlain's constipated expression and felt extremely refreshed.

Appeasement, appeasement is good! In order to maintain peace, we must feed Germany's appetite! And now, with Chamberlain's mediation, Germany will have more and more demands!

"His Royal Highness, you must understand that if Germany dares to invade the Sudetenland, we in France will not stand idly by." Camille Chaudane was somewhat dissatisfied with Yannick's aggressive attitude and couldn't help but speak out.

The reputation of the French government has plummeted since Germany entered the Rhineland a few years ago. Although France does not want to go to war, France must show its determination and strength on the Sudetenland issue this time, at least on the surface.

Yannick curled his lips secretly. If Germany hadn't waited until it annexed the Czech Republic's huge military industry, Germany would have kicked you Gallic chicken to the ground right now. "Of course, that is your country's obligation. But you may have to bear historical responsibility."

Camille Xiao was speechless for a while. Now it's you who want to start a war aggressively. Why should I bear the responsibility for historical crimes?

"Mr. Prime Minister, if you don't suffer from amnesia, you should remember that for hundreds of years before the last war, the Sudetenland belonged to Austria and later Bohemia and Moravia under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Those Germanic people have been living there for generations.

After the war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dismembered. We will not go into details about why the Sudetenland, along with Bohemia and Moravia, was placed in the new country of Czechoslovakia. This was simply a wrong decision, and even the then President of the United States was not satisfied. But the result of this was that more than three million German-speaking Germans were reduced from the main ethnic group in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to a minority in Czechoslovakia. What they suffered was the hatred and hostility of the Czechs. Their land was plundered, they were discriminated against in studying and working, and relief supplies were not distributed fairly.

Now, the Czech government gives us a small piece of territory like a charity, and then drives millions of fellow Germans out of their land and makes them flee their homes?

No, I won't say yes. My people will not agree. The return of the Sudetenland is the will of all the German people and follows the will of the people of the Sudetenland region. "

After speaking impassionedly, Yannick looked at Camille Chaudin with a mocking expression. "As the leader of the country, don't you understand that the will of the people is unstoppable? Do the people of your country yearn for war? Will they watch you drag the entire country into an unjust war?"

Camille Chaudang's face suddenly darkened. What a bullshit people's will. How dare you, the emperor and dictator of an imperial country, speak of the people's will?

Without waiting for his retort, Yannick stood up and left. "This talk ends here. Mr. Prime Minister, please tell the Czech side that we in Germany will not compromise. The end of this year, December 31, is the deadline. Oh, you may not know, we have already started The defense troops on the eastern front are being mobilized to the Czech border. So it is best not to delay too much, lest the giant bear from the east sees the opportunity and sneaks in, and I am afraid that by then we will have to hang portraits of Lenin and Stalin in our office."

"What?!" Camille Chaudang was shocked. Before he could ask more questions, Yannick had already walked out of the conference hall.

Camille Chaudang could only look at the frowning Prime Minister Chamberlain. "Your Excellency Prime Minister, this..."

After careful consideration, Prime Minister Chamberlain finally sighed. "Prime Minister Shaw, since the German people's desire to maintain reunification is so strong, we can't continue to block it." In one sentence, Camille Chautau understood that the British had compromised, and the Czech Republic had been sold.

Now, the British have decided that France cannot go against the British. After all, the French economy, which is currently in extremely bad shape, still relies on money from the British Bank for blood transfusions. If the British are angered, the domestic economy will collapse immediately.

"..." Camille Chaudang had no doubt about this. He also understood how a mere Sudeten could be compared with the threat of the Red Empire and the long-term peace of Europe.

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