Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 110 Czech Rebellion 5

"Your Highness, what should we do if the Czechs want to resist? Do we really want to attack?" Rundstedt felt a little uneasy. As mentioned earlier, the Sudetenland is located in the Sudeten Mountains in northern Czechoslovakia. These vast mountainous areas will seriously hinder the progress of German mechanized forces.

If you look at the map, you can see that most of the Czech territory is plain, and only the Sudetenland is mountainous. In other words, as long as the German army crosses the Sudeten Mountains in northern Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic will be unprotected, and modern armored forces will be able to run rampant and enter uninhabited territory.

The Czechs, who understand this Achilles' heel, are also constantly building various fortifications in the Sudeten Mountains. Rundstedt does not believe that the current German army can easily tear through these fortification lines.

You must know that the Czech Republic has forty reorganized divisions, and they have entered general mobilization and can mobilize more troops at any time. And what about yourself? We have to defend both the eastern front and the western front. No more than 10 divisions can be deployed as far as the Czech border. How can we defeat more with less?

Although the move to conquer the Czech Republic was several months ahead of schedule, Yannick was still confident after seeing Chamberlain's cowardice. "General Rundstedt, I believe that Britain and France will continue to insist on appeasement, but we still need to be prepared just in case. Even if we really have to use force, it will not be difficult."

It’s just that it’s hard to be 100% sure about anything, so be fully prepared just in case. "As for the Czechs' defense line in the Sudeten Mountains, although they have many fortifications, we only need to clear a clear road for our armored forces." There are not many such roads in the mountainous areas, but they are not without them. The Elbe River Basin The river valley is a pretty good choice. "Let the Stukas of the Army Aviation Force bomb the defenses near the Elbe River Valley to open up a channel for the armored forces." Stuka bombers are famous for their high-precision dive bombers. They can easily destroy the Czech Republic. All the fortifications that people thought were advanced were blown up to the sky.

"As for other fortifications, we can find local guides who are familiar with the terrain, and then send special forces to take small paths through these mountains and sneak around behind these fortifications unexpectedly!"

Even Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, has a path to the top, and there must be a detour path to even a mere mountain range.

Listening to Yannick's extremely relaxed explanation of the solution, Rundstedt felt much more at ease. But he soon thought of a new problem. "Your Highness, if the Czechs jump over the wall in a hurry, will they ask the Soviet Union for help?"

"Soviet Union?" Yannick sneered.

An incident occurred when Czechoslovakia in the original time and space was about to be annexed by Germany.

When Czechoslovakia was about to fall, Stalin, who had been watching from the east, said that the Soviet Union could provide necessary military assistance to Czechoslovakia to prevent the Czechoslovakia from being "taken over" by Germany.

However, faced with such "timely" military assistance from the Soviet Union, the Czech Republic refused.

Why would the Czech Republic surrender to Germany rather than accept aid from the Soviet Union? The Czech Republic's considerations were the same as those of Poland that later fell: if it fell to Germany, it would lose its land; if it fell to the Soviet Union, it would lose its soul. The Soviet invasion in 1968 proved that the Czech Republic’s previous considerations were extremely prescient.

"Of course not." Yannick shook his head. "Let's not talk about whether the Czech Republic will ask for help from the Soviet Union. Even if the Soviet Union wants to help, Poland and Romania are still separated by Poland. You must know that Poland and the Soviet Union do not have a good relationship. As for Romania, it is even less likely." The German intelligence agency has kept secrets over the years. Penetrating into all strata of Romania, the entire Romania now has a pro-German atmosphere, and it is impossible to give the Soviet Union an excuse to support the Czech Republic.

According to the history of the original time and space, Poland, the big fool, would seek death and seize the opportunity to seize the Czech Republic.

In fact, Poland's move was not a deliberate attempt to commit suicide, but had historical origins. Or else was Poland really trying to occupy a small piece of 800 square kilometers of land to offend Britain and France?

As mentioned earlier, the world structure underwent major changes after World War I. The huge Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed, and four new countries were established on its territory: Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. At the same time, part of its territory was occupied by Italy, Romania, Poland and Yugoslavia.

The collapse of Tsarist Russia allowed Poland and Finland to break away from Tsarist Russia and declare independence.

As a result, the newly formed Czechoslovakia and Poland, which finally became independent, had a dispute over the ownership of the Cesin region.

Of course, at the beginning, neither country could win the competition, so they simply drew a temporary border line in the Cheshin area.

At the beginning, the two sides were relatively harmonious, but later in January 1919, when Poland held a national election, residents of the Polish-controlled Ciesin district also participated in the election. This can greatly irritate the Czech government, because the Czechs believe that the Poles in the Cesin area are new immigrants after industrialization, and these new immigrants should not have the right to self-determination.

I don’t know whether it was really angry or looking for an excuse to stir up trouble. The Czech government issued an ultimatum to Poland, demanding that Poland stop the election in the Polish-controlled Czesin and withdraw its troops from the Polish-controlled Cesin.

In the past, no one could do anything between the two countries. Of course, Poland sneered at the unreasonable demands of the Czech government. The result was also unlucky for Poland. A war broke out between Poland and Soviet Russia more than a month later. The Czech government not only refused the transit of Austrian arms imported by Poland, but also took the opportunity to launch an attack and occupied most of the Cesin area.

You must know that many newly independent countries became independent with the support of Britain and France. Of course, Poland was also the younger brother of Britain and France. The Allies were worried that Czechoslovakia would stab the Soviet Union in the back during the Polish-Soviet war and allow Soviet Russia to take advantage, so they quickly intervened in mediation.

Perhaps it was Poland who backed the country. Czechoslovakia was also supported by Britain and France. The result of the mediation was that in order to strengthen the Czech Republic, the French assigned the most important railways and coal mines to the Czech Republic during the arbitration, while the urban areas with a majority of Poles were assigned to Poland. The Cieszyn region is officially divided into Czech Cieszyn and Polish Cieszyn.

Czechoslovakia took advantage of the situation during the Soviet-Polish War, and the Allied Powers favored Czechoslovakia in arbitration, which aroused Poland's resentment. Therefore, Poland took the opportunity to attack when Germany occupied the Czech Republic and captured the Czech Republic to avenge it.

Link by link, Poland's occupation of Cesin prompted the Czech Republic to speed up its surrender to Germany, and France, which had high hopes for the Czech Republic's millions of elite soldiers, made up its mind to abandon Poland. During the German invasion of Poland, the Western Front remained silent, at least this was one of the factors.

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