Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 134 Area 51 (1)

Germany and Italy in the original time and space aided the Spanish Civil War, and their purpose was not simple. They wanted to expand their power and lay the foundation for future wars. Then they could use Spain to jointly attack France.

It's a pity that De and Yi's wishful thinking came to nothing.

Just a few months after the end of the Spanish Civil War, Germany invaded Poland. Just when Mustache was fully expecting Franco to "repay his favor," Franco declared neutrality.

It's not that Franco was very peace-loving. In fact, like Mustache and Mussolini, he did not lack the ambition to expand. It's just that compared to the arrogance of the latter two, he is more rational, and he has always maintained a clear and sharp mind throughout World War II.

At the beginning of the war, due to the unclear form and the fact that the civil war had just ended, the entire country was in dire straits waiting to be revitalized. Faced with Germany's request to join the war, Franco made a huge request for supplies. They even demanded to seize French colonies in Africa. Such a request made Germany helpless, because it was simply impossible.

When the Axis powers gained full advantage, Franco also put Spanish soldiers in German uniforms and participated in the Battle of Leningrad. This force has 20,000 to 30,000 people and has decent combat effectiveness. This is the famous Spanish "Blue Division". The purpose of doing this is also to hope to get some rewards when sharing the fruits of victory in the future.

However, when the defeat of the Axis powers was revealed, Franco immediately recalled the "Blue Division", claiming that these people were volunteers and that the Spanish government was not responsible for their actions, and began to alienate Germany and Italy. This approach made Mustache furious, and he even had plans to cross the Pyrenees and occupy Spain.

During World War II, Franco was a typical faggot who fell in the wind.

Yannick doesn't want to see such white-eyed wolves, opportunists, and uncertainties hinder his career. Of course, he must get rid of them as soon as possible.

Moreover, the civil war ended more than a year earlier than in the original time and space, and Germany did not need any help at the beginning of the war. This way, Spain had at least more than two years to recuperate.

Speer was brought in to discuss the integration of Spanish industry. "As long as we have rich materials here, we will send them all. Even if we are not rich, as long as they are needed over there, we will squeeze out some and send them over. Restore Spain's industry, especially the military industry, as soon as possible. You have to do these things yourself Responsible."

Speer was confused. "Your Highness, given their current situation, I'm afraid they won't be able to repay these aids in a short time. And I'm afraid Spain won't be so cooperative, right?" In Germany, he can carry out drastic reforms without any scruples, but he also knows that his The reform has affected the interests of many people. If Yannick had not been the backer to fully support him, he would have been kicked aside long ago.

This reform model may not go so smoothly in other countries.

Yannick waved his hand to interrupt him. "Do you think I've ever made a loss-making business? And..." After a pause, a mysterious smile appeared on his face. "Tell you a secret, the new head of state Arias is one of ours." Who would have thought that the head of a country would be an agent of another national intelligence service?

"Ah?!" Speer was stunned for a long time with his mouth wide open. "You mean..."

Yannick nodded. "That's right, so just go ahead and do it boldly."

At this time, Speer felt nothing but wonder. "Your Highness is truly wise. You are truly God's gift to Germany."

Yannick smiled disapprovingly and continued to give instructions. "And we must vigorously develop Spain's mineral resources."

Spain is rich in metal mineral deposits, with iron ore reserves of 1.9 billion tons, ranking among the top in Western Europe; copper-bearing pyrite reserves of 500 million tons, ranking among the best in the world. Mercury reserves are 700,000 tons, ranking first in the world; there are also rich tungsten, lead, zinc, and copper mines. The forest coverage rate reaches 30%, with a total area of ​​more than 11 million hectares. The main tree species are cork oak, whose bark can be used to make cork, with an annual output of more than 60,000 tons. Its output and export volume rank second in the world.

Of course, such abundant resources must be put to good use.

"Spain's arsenals must all produce our aircraft and tank weapons, and all troops must be equipped with our standard weapons. So many veterans who have experienced the war will be a good supply of soldiers in the future." Germany, with a population of 80 million, can squeeze out 7 million combat troops. , How can Spain with a population of 30 million produce 1 million? It would be better if there were more. And it's not the kind of noodle army that fights against the five scum.

Just after sending Speer away, Anne walked in and reported. "Your Highness, one of the funding applications for Area 51 suddenly increased five times." Area 51 was originally the name of the secret scientific research base in Nevada, USA. At that time, its area number on the map was Area 51. Later, due to the frequent occurrence of mysterious and abnormal events here, the folks came to call it "Exclusion Zone 51".

However, Area 51 had not yet been established at this time, so Yannick took the title as his own. More than a hundred kilometers away from Berlin, there is a small town surrounded by mountains on three sides. That town was formed to mine the ores from the three mountains. Later, the mines in the mountains were exhausted, and the people left the buildings. It became a desolate ghost town. Yannick built this place into Germany's secret scientific research base, Area 51.

You must know that every scientific research project here requires astronomical amounts of financial support. It can be said that most of the profits of "Zeus" are invested here. "What project?"

"Power Station Project."

Yannick stood up suddenly. This was the nuclear power plant project that Dr. Einstein was responsible for. Has the project achieved a breakthrough? "Go to Area 51 immediately."


With excitement, Yannick came to Area 51.

Ten kilometers away from the center of Area 51, the convoy encountered the first checkpoint, looking at the endless barbed wire fence and the red prohibition signs hanging on the barbed wire - "No photography," "No entry," and even "Has been blocked." "Authorized to use lethal force" and "minefield", these signs tell those approaching at any time that this is a highly confidential place - trespassers are in danger of life.

"It's really good." Yannick is quite satisfied with the security measures here. There are five levels here. Before the last level, Annie stepped out of the car and personally handed the special pass to the captain on duty. After taking the pass and looking at it, the captain straightened his back as if he was electrocuted and saluted Yannick in the car.

Nodding slightly, Yannick continued to look around. There are several sentry towers and anti-aircraft gun positions built on the top of the mountain in the distance. Looking at the huge antenna tower next to the sentry tower, it seems to be a radar?

What a primitive feeling!

Although he was complaining in his heart, he also knew that German radar technology is now leading the world.

At this time, the entrance to the town was already crowded with scientists in white coats. They watched with excitement as the car, which symbolized the highest status of the empire, slowly drove into the town and burst into loud cheers.

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