Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 135 Area 51 (2)

Seeing Yannick getting out of the car, the crowd cheered louder. If Yannick's identity was just the crown prince and future emperor of an empire, there might not have been such a big reaction. But Yannick is now a leading figure in the scientific world, and a world-class musician, writer, painter, and screenwriter. , director... is simply a genius that is rare to see in a thousand years. Everyone’s cheers came from the bottom of their hearts.

The leader was Einstein with an afro, and Yannick held his hand enthusiastically. "Dr. Einstein, thank you for your hard work."

Next to him are Otto Hahn, Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, Max Planck, Liesl Meitner, Ihlen Joliot Curie... too many famous scientific figures. There are already many local scientists in Germany, and a few years ago Yannick even sent people to "scoop" a group of them all over the world. Anyone here can be said to be a shining treasure in human civilization. Fortunately, only a small part of them are permanently stationed here, otherwise Yannick would not be able to hold them all from morning to night. "Thank you for your contribution to the empire. You are all the founders of the new world order and heroes of the empire! It is really an honor for me to live in the same era as you." Yannick's humility moved these scientists even more. It is the rhythm of soaring favorability and loyalty until it reaches full value.

"I'm just aggrieved. The research here cannot be made public for a few years. Otherwise, each of you will have a chance to win the Nobel Prize. I owe you all." Over the years, his acting skills have been perfected, and his face Full of guilt.

Everyone hurriedly comforted him. "Your Highness, there is no need for you to blame yourself. It is our honor to be recognized by you. We are more proud than any other award."

Yannick secretly thought that these scientists were much easier to talk to than those cunning politicians and businessmen. "Thank you for your strength. I guarantee here that within ten years, your deeds will be known to the world, and your achievements will last forever."

After some more encouragement, Yannick came to Einstein's experimental area. "Dr. Einstein, I saw the funding application. Is there any breakthrough in the experimental project?"

Dr. Einstein nodded. "Yes, Your Highness, our experimental team has perfected the relevant theory. So we need to build a small reactor to verify the feasibility of this theory. If the correctness of the theory is verified, we can build a nuclear power plant in up to a year. ."

Yannick couldn't help but wonder. "Building a reactor? Is there enough funding?" Although five times the funding is a lot, it can't build a nuclear power plant, right?

Dr. Einstein made a gesture with his hand. "Well, Your Highness, what we want to build is a small reactor. If the energy value is converted into electricity, it can probably light up the lights in this building."

Damn, it turned out that I was happy for nothing. Yannick touched his nose in embarrassment. "Are there sufficient raw materials?" Czechoslovakia is one of the countries with the richest uranium reserves in Europe. As early as 1853, uranium ore was discovered and mined in the Krosny Mountains in the northwest Czech Republic. It was only used as a colorant for porcelain. Coupled with the equally abundant production of graphite, the required materials are sufficient.

After wandering around for a while, Yannick left here and headed to Otto Hahn's testing area.

Otto Hahn was a famous German radiochemist and physicist. He was the first to bombard uranium nuclei with slow neutrons and discovered the fission phenomenon of atomic nuclei. The uranium nucleus is "broken" in the process, becoming two parts that are no longer uranium. Then he realized that the process of atomic fission contained amazing destructive power. In 1939, he published the results of his series of experiments, which immediately caused a sensation in the physics community.

It's just that during this time and space, he was invited to Area 51 early. Although the phenomenon of nuclear fission was discovered earlier, these papers were not published according to confidentiality regulations. According to Yanik, there is no research in this area in the United States at this time.

"His Royal Highness, you'd better transfer me to Dr. Einstein's project team." Seeing Yannick walking into the laboratory, Otto Hahn walked straight up to him and made such a request.

"..." Yannick rubbed his forehead with a headache. "Dr. Hahn, I thought you had figured it out a long time ago." Otto Hahn was a staunch lover of peace. He did not succumb to Natsu's power in the original time and space, and even said such words. "My only hope for you physicists is not to make uranium bombs at any time. If one day, the head of state gets such a weapon, I will definitely commit suicide." Hahn is unwilling to let the Naz regime master atomic energy technology. Refusing to participate in any research, other than conducting radiochemical research as usual. After the war, he also actively participated in anti-war and anti-nuclear weapons demonstrations and became a spokesperson calling for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Yannick had spent a lot of time to invite him to take charge of the nuclear egg research and development department, but now he was "sick" again.

"Your Majesty the Crown Prince, the more I study in-depth, the more I feel that this thing is a Pandora's box. Once opened, it will cause the suffering of thousands of people. I don't want..." Before Otto Hahn could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ya Nick interrupted. "Dr. Hahn, do you think you are the smartest person in the world?"

Otto Hahn couldn't help but be stunned, wondering why His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would ask such a strange question. "Of course not." How arrogant does a person have to be to think he is the smartest person in the world?

"Okay, then let me ask you again, do you think that if you don't participate in the research, others will never be able to create it?"

Otto Hahn subconsciously looked back at Heisenberg and others not far away, and shook his head. "They can still study it even without me."

"It's good to know!" Yannick snorted coldly. He walked to the center of the laboratory and clapped his hands. In fact, there was no need to clap, everyone's eyes were following him closely. "Everyone, I didn't want to put pressure on you, but now it seems that it's no good if I don't say anything." After a pause, he continued. "I just got the news today that the United States has launched a secret project called the 'Manhattan Project.'"

"'Manhattan Project'?" Heisenberg asked curiously. "Your Highness, what's the plan?"

Yannick's eyebrows were a little worried and he shook his head. "This plan is top secret, and our agents only heard that they are working on a very, very powerful super weapon."

"..." The scientists present couldn't help but look at each other. Aren't they also studying incredibly powerful super weapons? Are Americans also conducting research in this area?

Yannick looked at Otto Hahn with a complicated expression. "Dr. Hahn, in the future, super weapons from the United States, France, Britain, and Poland will explode on German soil one after another. Will those innocent people who died in vain have to thank you for your efforts for peace? You love peace, But what are you going to do to protect it? Kneel down and beg for alms from others? You have to understand that peace cannot be obtained. Only when you are strong can you protect your home and country and better defend peace."

Under his "serious and thoughtful" instruction, Otto Hahn's expression gradually revealed a look of guilt. "Your Highness, I didn't think carefully."

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