Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 136 Area 51 (3)

After talking earnestly for a long time, Otto Hahn finally figured it out and agreed to continue to be responsible for the research.

Yannick was really relieved. "That's right, Dr. Hahn, I promise that when Germany is strong enough, I will lead the empire to take the lead in defending world peace and never let the tragedy of the war happen again. My descendants, your descendants, and all of our descendants will Bathe in the sunshine of peace and live a carefree and happy life.”

I don’t know who took the lead in applauding, but extremely loud applause sounded in the laboratory. Otto Hahn's voice was also slightly trembling with excitement. "Thank you, Your Highness. I really hope that day can come soon."

"Yes, as long as we all work together, that day will come sooner or later." Yannick asked after the atmosphere calmed down a little. "Are there any difficulties with the research?"

Otto Hahn replied. "The biggest problem at the moment is extracting uranium. We currently use electromagnetic methods and can only extract a few milligrams per day."

"..." Yannick knew that in later generations there were gas diffusion method, gas centrifugation method, Lawrence method, crown ether chemical separation method, laser method and many other extraction methods. The only production methods that can truly form an industrial scale are gas diffusion method and gas Centrifugation.

The electromagnetic method he was talking about was the Lawrence method. This is a rather "stupid" method. It requires the use of a giant electromagnet with a diameter of four to five meters and a weight of several thousand tons, and uses the principle of a mass spectrometer to extract. Only a few milligrams of uranium-235 can be extracted every day. A few milligrams per day, it takes a monkey year and a horse month to collect 15 kilograms. Yannick also made a special calculation. 15 kilograms is 15,000,000 milligrams. Even if ten milligrams can be extracted every day, it will take 1,500,000 days, which is almost 4110 years.

"……"I'd rather die.

I really have to admire the financial and material resources of the United States. I don't know how many such giant electromagnets they have built, and they used electromagnetic methods to extract the uranium needed for the first nuclear egg "Slim Man". But Germany's national conditions simply do not allow limited resources to be invested in these places.

The gas diffusion method requires the construction of a huge "boiler" to heat uranium ore, but with current technology and processes, this method is slower than the electromagnetic method.

As for the gas centrifugation method, it requires a high-speed centrifuge. What is frustrating is that Yannick does not know what the structure of this high-speed centrifuge is, and he barely knows its principle. Although the principle of the centrifuge has been told to the research and development department, there is still no news so far. It may take some time to wait depending on the situation.

If you can't get a centrifuge, you'll have to wait for Dr. Einstein's reactor. After all, the uranium concentration required for the reactor is only 3%, which is much easier than the 5% military grade. Then slowly wait for combustion to generate the required plutonium-239.

At this time Heisenberg added. "We still need to carry out a lot of data calculation and analysis, and there are some shortages of manpower."

Yannick nodded. "I will find a way to distribute these data to various universities first, analyze and calculate them in batches, and finally summarize them here. But according to the current situation, we can't just rely on centrifuges and electromagnetic methods. If Einstein If the doctor's reactor is successful, we will abandon uranium bombs and replace them with plutonium bombs." Although this will increase the amount of calculations, once computers are developed, these extremely tedious calculation problems can be easily solved. "You must carefully check all kinds of data to make sure you don't make any mistakes."

The original Heisenberg left a controversial and enigmatic image to future generations.

At that time, Germany was the first country in the world to carry out nuclear energy military projects. As the head of Germany's nuclear egg program, Heisenberg's role in Germany's failure to create a nuclear egg has been controversial.

When Heisenberg was developing nuclear eggs, he actually calculated the data of "uranium 235" (the core) "wrongly". According to his own calculations, the weight of "uranium 235" required for each atomic bomb is as high as several tons. At that time, Germany simply could not find that much uranium-235.

Heisenberg reported to Minister of Arms Speer that the uranium project was difficult to produce any practical results in a short period of time due to technical reasons, and that it was impossible to create nuclear eggs during the war. He then began to study nuclear reactors.

In later generations, there are also sayings that he loves his motherland, but he also hates Mustache's atrocities. He took practical actions to curb the development of German nuclear weapons "with his body in Cao's camp and his heart in Han".

In fact, if you think about it, it's impossible to be like that. Everyone who should run has run away, and there is no one to help Mustache research nuclear eggs. So why does Heisenberg stay?

Of course, if you stay here, you really want to make a nuclear egg. After all, if Germany had won the war with nuclear eggs, Heisenberg would have become the empire's greatest scientist.

It’s just that Heisenberg made a miscalculation!

But now that the project leader is Otto Hahn, there should be no such mistakes.

After discussing some other issues, Yannick couldn't help but rub his temples. If he had known better, he would have read more relevant knowledge.

After some encouragement, Yannick left here and continued to the next laboratory. Anyway, when you come, just take a look around.

Radar, artificial rubber, walkie-talkies, night vision devices, radio guidance systems, nylon, proximity fuzes, penicillin... Every research here can affect the course of future wars.

"Dr. Qian En, is there any progress?" It was Qian En who was in charge of the penicillin project.

As for the advent of penicillin, everyone is familiar with it.

One day, Fleming stacked many culture media on top of each other without cleaning them, placed them on the test bench where the sun would not shine, and went on vacation. When he came back, he found a group of green mold growing in one of the petri dishes. Apparently, this was caused by some kind of natural mold falling in. Just as he was about to clean it, Fleming suddenly had an idea: take it to a microscope and have a look.

As a result, he was excited to find that the staphylococci near the mold spots were dead! He immediately started cultivating a large amount of this green mold, filtered the culture solution, and dropped it into the staphylococci. As a result, the staphylococci all died within a few hours. Dilute the filtrate 800 times and drop it into staphylococci. It can still kill staphylococci!

Unfortunately, Fleming was never able to find a way to extract high-purity penicillin. His enthusiasm also cooled down. Before he turned to other research projects, he introduced his findings in a paper published in 1929, but the paper attracted little attention at the time.

Later, while studying at Oxford, Qian was investigating Fleming's discovery of lysozyme and accidentally discovered Fleming's research on penicillin. Together with Flory, he began experiments on purifying penicillin; and shared the 1945 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology with Fleming.

However, Fleming in this time and space did not have such good luck. Yannick sent an agent to burn down his laboratory while he was on vacation. When Fleming returned, he saw the laboratory burned to ashes.

Qian En, who hid in the UK in the original time and space because of his identity as a Jew, was also invited to Area 51 early to be responsible for researching penicillin.

Qian En reported with excitement. "Your Highness, we have found a mold that increases the production of penicillin by more than 200 times. This is simply a medical miracle!"

It must be "producing yellow penicillin". "Thank you, Dr. Qian. Is there any way to continue to increase production?"

"I believe there are others, Your Highness. I promise to find them out!"

Yannick nodded. "Then keep up the good work, doctor. Maybe you can try radiation. Maybe those little things will work harder after being stimulated."

In the past battlefields, in addition to direct death or death, there was another type of death that could easily cause death, and that was trauma. It is easy to get injured even if you are not killed in a war, especially trauma, such as human tissue being blown to pieces or damaged by bombing, which can easily lead to wound infection and bacterial infection. Before the invention of penicillin, it had always been one of the important causes of death among soldiers. Some soldiers were sent to field hospitals alive but died because of untreatable wound infections and wound infections.

The emergence of penicillin saved the lives of countless soldiers on the battlefield, allowing many people infected with germs, especially countless wounded soldiers on the battlefield, to get rid of the miserable situation of "resigning themselves to fate" before. Allied soldiers affectionately called it a life-saving medicine. The Allies even had a poster specifically used to promote penicillin, which printed: Thanks to penicillin (penicillin), it allows soldiers to go home safely. Churchill once commented: Penicillin was the greatest invention of World War II.

In addition to trauma, many diseases that once seriously harmed humans, such as scarlet fever, purulent pharyngitis, diphtheria, syphilis, gonorrhea, as well as various tuberculosis, septicemia, pneumonia, typhoid fever, etc., which were once incurable, have been effectively treated. of inhibition.

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