Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 73 The Italian Princess

Just as Yanik was discussing the improvement of steel bullet casings with several people in charge, Ina hurried over. "Your Highness, Consultant Mr. Ribbentrop has returned from Italy."

"Okay, everyone, that's it for today. I hope everyone will start to deal with the issues discussed today when they go back." After leaving these words, Yannick hurried back to the palace, but saw Ribbentrop in the office. There is a strange little girl. The little girl looks to be only twelve or thirteen years old. She has a beautiful face, pretty face, and gorgeous clothes. You can tell she has an extraordinary status at a glance.

"???" I remember that Ribbentrop only had two sons. Where did this little girl come from?

Seeing Yannick's confusion, Ribbentrop introduced with a little embarrassment. "Uh, Your Highness, this is Princess Silvia, the granddaughter of His Majesty Emanuele III."

Emanuele III? Yannick raised his eyebrows slightly, isn't he the current king of Italy?

This king is quite interesting.

During World War II, King Vittorio Emanuele III of Italy was ostensibly a puppet of Mussolini.

After World War I, fascism emerged in the Kingdom of Italy, and the leader of the fascists was Mussolini. Vittorio Emanuele III actually adopted a conniving attitude toward fascism that spread across the country. He even appointed Mussolini as Prime Minister after Mussolini came to power through a coup in 1922. From then on, the Kingdom of Italy was governed by the Fascist Party.

But the reality is completely different.

Although the Kingdom of Italy implements a constitutional monarchy, the king's prestige and power are still very high. The reason is that the Kingdom of Italy is the second country in Italian history to unify the Italian Peninsula. The first one was more than a thousand years ago. The Roman Empire years ago, so the Italian people were extremely loyal and supportive of their king, so even though Mussolini had real power, all of Mussolini's orders and actions had to be sought and approved by the king. All of Solini's power came from the support of Vittorio Emanuele III.

Everyone knows that during World War II, the combat effectiveness of the Italian army was always very weak. It was always considered to be holding Germany back and was a typical "pig teammate". In fact, there is a reason for this. It is not that the Italian army is poorly equipped or the quality of the Italian army is poor, but because Vittorio Emanuele III has never supported Italy's participation in World War II, let alone the Italian military. Italy formed the so-called "Axis Powers" with Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire. The Italian people supported the king's attitude, but Mussolini insisted on participating in World War II and successfully persuaded Vittorio E. Manuele III, but under the influence of the king, the Italian army was never able to exert its due combat effectiveness.

As World War II progressed, even the German army gradually lost ground on the battlefield, not to mention the Italian army with low combat effectiveness. Therefore, anti-war sentiment in Italy gradually increased, and the Italian people demanded that Italy withdraw from World War II. Wanting Mussolini to step down, Vittorio Emanuele III asked Mussolini to withdraw Italy from World War II as soon as possible in order to ease domestic conflicts. The king had already issued an order. Some pro-king Fascist party members tended to support the king and began to distrust Mussolini. They also asked Mussolini to withdraw from World War II as soon as possible at the meeting, but Mussolini did not listen to the advice. , insisting on colluding with Naz Germany's mustache.

In 1943, Vittorio Emanuele III summoned Mussolini for the last time and asked him to withdraw from World War II, but Mussolini firmly refused. When he wanted to leave the king's palace, he was arrested by the king's court. The guards caught him and threw him into a prison.

When the Italian Fascist party heard the news, no one proposed to launch a coup or rescue Mussolini. No one even raised objections. Then Vittorio Emanuele III announced the withdrawal of the Mexican government. Solini became prime minister, announced the dissolution of the Italian Fascist Party, and announced that the Kingdom of Italy would withdraw from World War II.

Would such a person be a puppet? !

Now what does His Majesty Emanuele III mean by sending his granddaughter here?

Honey trap? Or do you have other plans?

Just when Yannick was wondering what conspiracy Emmanuel III had, Princess Silvia curtsied to him and said bluntly. "Hello, Your Majesty Yannick, I am Sylvia. Please forgive me for visiting."

Yannick smiled. "It's okay, I just don't know if Her Highness the Princess's trip is just for fun or if she has something important to do?"

But what Princess Sylvia said next made him stunned for a moment. "I heard that His Highness Yannick is quite successful in literature and painting, so I came here specifically to become my teacher."

"..." Yannick doesn't even know what to say, yet he still wants to be his teacher? He is now busy preparing for the big battle in the near future, so he has no time to spend with you, a little girl who doesn't know what to worry about.

Just as he was about to refuse, he suddenly thought about it and nodded. "Of course it's no problem. Your Highness, Princess, is tired from the journey. Let's rest first. We'll talk about other things tomorrow." After that, he called Ina and asked her to take Princess Sylvia to rest.

"Thank you, Your Highness Yanik." Princess Sylvia thanked her and followed Ina to leave.

Yannick asked impatiently after she left. "How did things go?!"

Ribbentrop said respectfully. "According to His Highness's instructions, I have rented the Sirte Basin for a period of seventy-five years, and the rent is one dollar per year. This is the contract, please read it." He handed over a document.

"Great!" Yannick was so excited that he almost jumped up and immediately called Annie in. "Miss Anne, immediately prepare an engineering team to go to the Sirt Basin and start construction." He did not directly dispatch the oil exploration team. After all, it is still a place where birds don't shit, there is only bare desert, even the last There is no basic infrastructure. Because of the crude oil shipped from the Ming Dynasty, Germany is not short of oil now, which gives him time to prepare slowly.

Ribbentrop continued reporting after Anne left. "Your Highness, there is one more thing. This trip cost a total of 1.05 million US dollars. I went to see Mussolini, but he refused to meet him for three days on the pretext of being busy with official duties. I had no choice but to spend 50,000 US dollars to bribe his secretary, and then use One million US dollars was exchanged for gold bars and quietly sent over, and he happily rented the land to me."

Yannick waved his hand disapprovingly. "It's nothing, even if it costs ten million, it's still worth it. What's going on with Princess Silvia? Was she sent here by Emanuele III?"

Ribbentrop shook his head. "I'm not sure. It was the princess who found my residence and wanted to come with me. She said that her grandfather also agreed, and I couldn't refuse, so I brought her over and asked your highness to forgive me."

"So that's it." Yannick nodded. "You go back and rest first."

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