Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 74 Rhineland 1

"The German people will never forget the humiliation of the cession of territory, and we will quietly wait for the day of revenge."

This is a piece of German text engraved on an inscription in the Demilitarized Zone of the Rhineland, which bears witness to the Germans’ hatred of the Treaty of Versailles.

The Rhineland refers to the land on both sides of the Rhine River. The Rhine River is the only natural barrier between Germany and France. In order to prevent Germany from launching another attack on France, the "Treaty of Versailles" after World War I stipulated that Germany was not allowed on the left bank of the Rhine River. As well as 50 kilometers of German territory on the right bank, troops, fortifications and military facilities are stationed. This is the Rhine Demilitarized Zone. This provision allowed the French army to easily enter this undefended key area in the event of a war, and quickly cross the wide Rhine River and penetrate directly into Germany's Ruhr and Rhine industrial centers.

Seven years after the end of World War I, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Belgium and other countries concluded the Locarno Convention. Germany, France and Belgium guaranteed to each other not to undermine the status quo of Germany's western border as stipulated in the Treaty of Versailles, and prohibited Troops assemble in the Rhineland Demilitarized Zone.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as a violation of the "Versailles Peace Treaty" and constitute an "unprovoked act of aggression." In this case, the violated state party can immediately take corresponding actions.

This was a precautionary measure, hence the importance of the Rhine in a political sense.

According to this convention, the area officially became a demilitarized zone after the Allied occupying forces had completed their retreat from the left bank of the Rhine.

For the Germans, this is of course humiliating, because the Rhineland is originally German! As a result, Germany cannot station any troops here!

They looked at the slowly flowing Rhine River, and hatred was constantly gathering in their hearts!

In the whole of Germany, Yannick is probably the only one who can rationally analyze the Treaty of Versailles and compare it with the Treaty of Bibrest. The Treaty of Versailles was indeed very tolerant to Germany.

The Treaty of Bibrest allowed Russia to cede more than 1.5 million square kilometers of land, losing 56 million people, or 32% of its entire population; it also ceded 1/3 of Russia's railway lines and 73% of its iron ore , 89% of coal production, more than 5,000 factories. Moreover, the land ceded was directly ceded without a referendum.

In addition, Russia had to pay Germany 6 billion marks in compensation.

In the Treaty of Versailles, Germany ceded 30,000 square kilometers of land, but much of it was ceded through referendums.

As for France, it actually only took back Lorraine and Alsace, which was cut off by Germany after the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, and did not ask for an additional inch of German land. Only the coal mines in the Saar region were mined by France for 15 years. The Saar region is autonomous and supervised by the National Alliance. Fifteen years later, the Saarland region returned to Germany in a referendum.

As for the amount of reparations, the Treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay reparations of US$33 billion, equivalent to 132 billion gold marks. But in the end, Germany actually only lost 12 billion gold marks, or 3 billion U.S. dollars. It’s just a fraction, the rest is wasted.

Yes, it’s not that Germany can’t afford to pay, it’s that it’s the one who let it go. After World War II, Germany had to pay US$50 billion in compensation, far exceeding the amount of compensation under the Treaty of Versailles. But in World War II, Germany lost every cent in the end. Germany had the military spending to launch a world war and the money to manufacture countless aircraft and artillery, but it deliberately passed up the money saying that it was unable to pay reparations.

This also coincides with the saying that tolerance for the enemy is cruelty to oneself, which is simply a living example of breeding tigers for trouble.

"Everyone, I have an idea to discuss with you." Yannick looked at the group of officers sitting below and said slowly. "I am preparing to send troops to march into the Rhineland!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an explosion below, and all kinds of objections instantly flooded the entire conference room.

"Your Highness, you must not do it. Our current military strength is less than a fraction of France's. If we send troops into the Rhineland, it will definitely anger the French." This is simply a provocation, a naked provocation!

Damn, if you want to object, just say it one by one. There are so many people talking all over the place, and he can't even hear who said what.

After waiting for a while, Yannick slammed the table hard to signal everyone to be quiet. "I think so. If we send troops into the Rhineland, it will definitely anger the French. Then what? What will they do when they are angry? Won't they consider the 'Ruhr Crisis' more than ten years ago?"

The German government at the time requested a deferral of compensation payments, citing inflation and fiscal crisis. As a result, France and Belgium used Germany's failure to fulfill its reparations obligations as an excuse to dispatch 100,000 troops to occupy Germany's Ruhr Industrial Zone, leading to the "Ruhr Crisis."

In this regard, Germany implemented a policy of "passive resistance". Germany experienced business shutdowns, a decline in industrial production, massive capital outflows, a surge in unemployed workers, and astronomical inflation; workers in Berlin went on strike, and Germany's political situation was in turmoil.

The crisis hit Germany hard. The United Kingdom and the United States were afraid that the collapse of the German economy would lead to social crisis or even revolution, and they demanded an end to the Ruhr crisis as soon as possible. At this time, both Germany and France found it difficult to stick to their original policies. The failure of the Ruhr adventure caused France to "lose more than it gained" and lose its advantage on the issue of German reparations. This eventually led to Germany's leadership on the issue of reparations being transferred to the hands of Britain and the United States, and it began to be at the mercy of Britain and the United States.

"Don't they consider that the consequences of this rash action will be that the Treaty of Versailles will have nothing to do with France in the future?" Yannick continued, ignoring the officers who were exchanging their opinions. "This time I visited the UK and raised the Rhineland issue with the British Prime Minister, but the UK did not express its position. They neither expressed support for us nor clear opposition. After all, the UK does not want to watch France become stronger. If France becomes Europe's Mainland China is the dominant power, which is not in line with their 'shit stirrup' policy."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud. Your Highness, this metaphor is so appropriate. As an island country outside the European continent, the United Kingdom has long pursued a policy of "glorious isolation". In order to prevent the rise of a big country in Europe and compete with it for hegemony, it attacks France today and Germany tomorrow, causing peace in Europe. Although the conflicts between the European countries themselves are only is the main factor, but Britain’s ability to stir up trouble cannot be ignored.

"..." Damn it, why are you smiling so happily? I said the UK is a turd, but then aren’t the European countries a piece of shit?

Anyway, the tense atmosphere in the conference room suddenly eased. Yannick continued. "And the United States on the other side of the ocean does not want to see Britain and France becoming stronger. This time I want to test the attitudes of Britain, the United States, France and other countries. Unless Britain and the United States speak out to support us, even if they say nothing and remain silent, France will also Don’t dare to act rashly.”

"But Your Highness, what if the French don't care about this and insist on taking action?" After all, these are just conjectures of His Highness. What if the French don't have restraint and directly send troops?

"Then we will withdraw immediately and not engage in a firefight with them." Yannick said easily. "I'm not an arrogant person. Of course I know that Germany can't compete with France now. But that's just for now. In a few years, we will make the whole world look at us with admiration!" By then, the Gallic Chicken will become anyone. The pullet was slaughtered.

No one had any objection, so Rundstedt asked. "Your Highness, which troops need to be sent into the Rhineland?"

Yannick thought for a moment and shook his head. "In order not to irritate those guys, I don't plan to send the National Defense Forces and let the Praetorian Guards take on this task. And they will not bring any heavy weapons, only light weapons. This is a test, to test the bottom line of the French, and to test the reactions of other countries. ." If they don't react and are tolerant and conniving towards Germany, then Germany will continue to move forward. If they react strongly, then Germany will give in immediately. It's as simple as that.

I hope nothing goes wrong and France will not take any measures according to the plot of the original time and space.

After discussing for a long time, Yannick announced that the meeting was adjourned. "Then let's adjourn."

"Hi, Germany!" The officers saluted neatly and walked out of the conference room one after another.

An old general slowly came to the end. After everyone walked out of the conference room, he came to Yannick. "Your Highness, please let me carry out this operation. If the French want to investigate, I will bear the responsibility. Let's say it is my personal private act. Whether it is removal from office for investigation or going to a military court, I will bear the responsibility alone. , to appease the anger of the French.”

"..." Yannick looked at this old general who was not well-known in the original time and space, and was really moved. If it fails, then the old general will have to bear all the blame!

The old general continued slowly. "I have done nothing in my life, and I hope I can make some contribution to the motherland in the short time I have left."

Yannick comforted. "Don't worry, General, we won't fail this time." And he had already planned it. This operation needs to be led by a person with enough weight to make the French fearful and not dare to act rashly.

And who in Germany today has a higher status than him?

He planned to personally lead the Praetorian Guard into the Rhineland.

The old general asked worriedly. "Your Highness, are we really going to experience another world war?"

Yannick sighed slightly. "I think war is inevitable."

Whether it was Roosevelt's New Deal or Germany's economic reforms, the country actually turned on its money printing machine and printed money. The government then uses the form of footing the bill to issue orders, stimulate demand, and allow companies to operate at full capacity. Since companies are operating at full capacity, they will naturally need a large number of employees, and the unemployment problem will be temporarily solved. In addition, the massive infrastructure construction and manpower consumption are all manifestations of Keynesian economics.

Then the most important question comes, who will sell the thing to after it is made?

The United States is better off. South America is America's back garden. Although the market is not big, it can at least consume a lot. Germany is more embarrassed here. It is surrounded by industrial powers and lacks a market, so things basically cannot be sold.

When these things accumulate to a certain extent, they become bombs that can ignite at any time!

Once it explodes, Germany's economy will be in dire straits! !

The only way is to expand externally, seize more markets and resources, transfer excess domestic industrial production capacity, stimulate rapid growth of the domestic economy, and continuously improve the living standards of the people.


Frankfurt is a city on the Rhine River. It is on the lower reaches of the river. In later generations, it was the industrial and commercial center and financial services center of Germany and even Europe. It was also a transportation hub and a very famous international exhibition center.

Frankfurt means the ferry crossing of the Franks, and the Franks are a branch of the Germanic people.

This place has a long history, which can be traced back to around the first year of the Christian era. At that time, the Rhine and Danube rivers were the northern borders of the Roman Empire. The Romans set up garrison camps here, and this area became a border fortress.

By the 8th century AD, it gradually emerged and became an important political stage in Germany.

For example, during the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick I, nicknamed Barbarossa, was elected emperor here.

Since 1562, Frankfurt has replaced Aachen as the venue for the emperor's coronation ceremony. 10 emperors were crowned here and ascended to the emperor's throne.

The Holy Roman Empire officially ended in 1806, and Frankfurt became the seat of the Rhineland Federation.

It can be said that for the German people, Frankfurt has deep-rooted political significance!

When a new day came, workers walked in groups towards the factories in the city, and suddenly heard the dull sound of engines behind them, and there were more than one.

Many people looked back curiously, because usually there were no cars passing by at this time. This is not the future. Coupled with the impact of the economic crisis, many people cannot even afford bicycles. If the distance is not too far, they can only choose to walk.

The next second, everyone saw an unforgettable scene, and time seemed to have frozen here!

What caught my eye was the flag fluttering in the wind. It was an eye-catching flag with red background and black double lightning bolts.

"Oh my God! That's the battle flag of the Royal Guards!!"

Someone immediately recognized the meaning of the flag. Although there was no German army here, they still learned about some military reforms from the newspaper. The Praetorian Guard was an army affiliated with His Majesty the Emperor.

What he saw next was an even more surprising sight.

At the front was an extremely luxurious Mercedes-Benz sedan, followed by a row of trucks. In the back of the truck stood a soldier carrying a Mauser rifle and wearing a Guards uniform.

The crowd gradually became commotion.

The army, the German army, entered the Rhineland.

Finally, someone cheered loudly. "Our army is back!" After waiting for more than ten years, looking forward to it day and night, we finally looked forward to the return of the motherland's army! People rushed to tell each other excitedly. When the convoy entered the city, it was already blocked, but a steady stream of people continued to pour into the streets. There were more and more people here, and the crowds had blocked the road.

Helpless, Yannick could only ask the driver to open the hood of the convertible, stand up, smile and wave around.

Everyone burst out with louder and louder calls!

At this time, Yannick, who was surrounded by fanatical people, had no idea that he was almost shot in the cold.

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