Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 21: A Date With The Lady

Right after the princess vanished into the castle, Larc decided that it was time for him to also head back. Although he had just solved his monetary problem regarding Juliette's gift, he wasn't really able to breathe a sigh of relief, it was after all at the cost of himself getting entangled with a royal's scheme once again.

"I just can't catch a break." He sighed to himself.

Today he would accompany his lady on a tour around the city. He called it escorting but Juliette had insisted on calling it a date, much to his embarrassment. They would, of course be travelling incognito, as to avoid causing any rumors to float around.

Unfortunately, a certain red-haired princess caught wind of this and decided that she too wanted to experience this, taking advantage of his predicament. Larc had no choice but to accept.

It was no secret that both the young lady and the princess held animosity towards each other. They first displayed it at the Prince's debut, and again when the royal sisters arrived at Carmine unannounced. So it was no surprise that Larc was especially wary of what might happen if Juliette were to find out about his and the princess'arrangement.

Truthfully speaking, just thinking about it is enough to send a shiver down his spine.

But it was too late now. He had already given his word to the princess, and by his honour as a servant and as a disciple of sir Alford he would uphold his promise.

"..I should be fine as long as my lady doesn't find out about it, right?" He asked himself as he scratched his head and walked back to his room.


Inside a relatively large and beautifully decorated room, a lady sat Infront of her mirror. Behind her, a woman wearing a maid's outfit stood steadfast while meticulously brushing her silky silver-blonde hair that would usually be styled into drills, decorated with intricately designed pins. Today however, was a special day.

"I think I want them braided today, Milin." The young lady said as she tilted her head to the side.

The handmaiden smiled as she stopped her hand and put the brush on the table side.

"Braids would look beautiful on you, lady Juliette." She answered as she started working on the braids.

"Mhmm~ hmm~ you think so too? Hehe"

[I hope Larc likes it]

Milin watched lovingly as Juliette hummed and smiled radiantly, perhaps the most radiant she had ever seen, while swaying her head back and forth.

"My lady, please! Keep your head still! I might mess up the braids!." She chuckled while trying to fix up Juliette's hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry Milin! Hehe~ I just can't contain my excitement!"

Hearing Juliette's words, a visible sadness appeared on the just smiling face of the maid.

She looked at Juliette as if she was her own sister. Loving and caring the young lady, that was her duty.

There was nothing that Milin wouldn't do to ensure Juliette's happiness. That's why even though she's against it, she turns a blind eye towards Juliette's fondness of Larc.

She had long since realized that Juliette harboured feelings for the young butler.

[She'll outgrow it sooner or later. Maybe once she gets engaged.]

That was her thought process. But unfortunately, contrary to her predictions, Juliette's feelings for Larc only grew stronger and fiercer as time passed, even going so far as to hating her own fiancé.

Milin understood that there was no way for Juliette to achieve this happiness. The royal family had decided that they wanted her to be the future Queen after all. So unless House Carmine was willing to take on the combined might of three great houses, there was just no other way.

Once the crown prince ascends to the throne, Juliette would marry him and become the queen. She would be tasked with the duty of supporting her husband and continuing the royal blood by bearing his children.

That was her fate, so Milin figured that the least she could do was to was allow the young lady to experience these small things, giving her these precious memories to look back to.

[I'm sorry, my lady..] She solemnly thought to herself as she looked at the young Lady's radiant glow.

"Hm? Why do you look so sad, Milin?"

Hearing Juliette's voice, Milin was pulled from her thought.

"Eh? Ah.. apologies, my lady. I was just lost in my thoughts. Hmm, what dress would you be wearing today?"

Milin smiled awkwardly while trying to deflect the conversation.

"Hmm.. if you say so. Well, I'm thinking of wearing that white sundress Mama got for me before, what do you think?"

"My lady I think that dress would be to conspicuous."


"I think something more.. ordinary would be better suited if your--"

"I got it!"


Juliette's sudden outburst startled Milin. Fortunately, she had already finished fixing up the young Lady's hair, so suddenly standing up wasn't a problem.

Juliette excitedly walked towards her wardrobe, seemingly almost skipping, and started to excitedly rummage through her clothings.

"It's got to be here somewhere." She remarked as she flipped numerous clothes to the floor.

Milin of course silently picked up after her.

After a while, Juliette's eyes suddenly shined as if they were looking at the best jewel in the world.

"Here it is!" She exclaimed as she pulled out a dress and enthusiastically showed it to her handmaiden. "What do you think? It's not too flashy, but also pleasing to the eyes!"

Looking at Juliette excitedly showing her the dress unconsciously reminded Milin of the time when they were still children. Juliette would often look for strange things and excitedly show them to her. Sometimes it would be small insects, or sometimes weird looking rocks.

Because the young lady was doted on by both her parents, she developed a somewhat entitled attitude, so Milin often times feigned interest in the things Juliette brought her. Overtime however, she grew to genuinely be interested in them.

This was not to say that Juliette was haughty or unreasonable, but she was particularly stubborn whenever she decided on something.

This is the reason why Duke Carmine allowed Juliette to keep Larc even though he was just an orphan from the slums, or so Milin thinks.

"That dress would most definitely suit you, my lady."

Milin's answer was genuine. The dress that Juliette took out did in fact suit her, but she still couldn't help but feel sad about her lady's desire that would never bear fruit.


Midday arrived and it was finally time for Juliette's and Larc's "date" around the city.

Just outside of the castle walls, a certain black-haired man stood with his arms crossed, seemingly waiting for someone. He wore a dark blue tunic with a leather belt, while his brown pants tucked inside his leather boots.

He was quite tall for his age, while his broad shoulders and toned muscles clearly indicated that he was trained, add that to his more than adequate facial features, one might easily mistake him for a noble.

Right after he finished fixing himself up, Larc immediately headed towards the designated meeting point of him and Juliette. But because of the issue with the Princess, he was inadvertently delayed.

To his surprise, and relief, Juliette was not there yet neither. He had thought that because the young lady had a penchant for punctuality, and her enthusiasm for the trip, she would arrive early and scold him for being late.

Fortunately, that was not the case.

Minutes later, while Larc was leaning against the wall, a cheerful voice suddenly called out to him.


Looking over, what he saw was the figure of a beautiful young woman dressed in a simple green and white ankle long dress which accentuated her beautiful long legs. Her silver blonde hair that was unusually tied into an intricate braid was partially covered by a sun hat with a pink ribbon.

He had not notice it before because they spent all their time together, but looking at her now made Larc aware of the fact that Juliette had grown into a fine young woman. She had a well proportioned body which had ample fat on the places that needed them, except the chest area, while her smooth porcelain like glistened under the sun.


[Oh god. My Lady's too cute!] He thought to himself.

Seeing her run towards him while sporting a dazzling radiant smile unconsciously made Larc's heart skip a beat.

She was truly a beauty worthy of being called the rose of Carmine. It made him worry about whether people would still recognize the young lady even though she was wearing a disguise.

"Ah, g-good afternoon, my lady." He stammered as he struggled not to stare at her too much.

Seeing this, Juliette couldn't help but grin mischievously.

"Ufufufu my pet is too honest." She teasingly said as she placed her delicate hands over her lips. "Did I stimulate you too much?"


"T-there's no such thing, my lady! I would not dare!"

Of course, as man he couldn't deny the seductive and alluring power of the young lady, but to openly admit that would be disrespectful.

Composing himself, Larc straightened his posture and faced the Juliette while offering a bow.

"I was simply taken aback by my Lady's immense beauty." He confidently said.



This time however, it was Juliette's heart's turn to skip a beat.

"Wha---?! Don't think it makes me happy hearing you compliment me!" She snap back while pointing a finger at Larc.

[Kyuuun! I love him so much! I want to hold him!]

That was a lie of course. Juliette was indeed very happy that Larc was complimenting her, so much so that she was struggling just to keep herself from pouncing on him.

Since they would not be able to meet for a while day tomorrow, she decided that she would make the most of what she can today.

Unfortunately, Larc's unintentional attacks kept on coming.

"I was merely stating a fact, my lady. You are indeed very beautiful."


"Never have I seen a person dress in such ordinary clothes, and still look as good as my lady."


"I am indeed fortunate to be able to spend time with you, my lady."


Of course all of Larc's remarks were genuine, Juliette could clearly feel that. But that fact only made her heart's beating even faster.

"Kuh! T-that's.. t-thats.. thanks.." she answered meekly, steam could almost be seen puffing out of her head.

After a few more minutes passed, the two people finally composed themselves.

"W-well then, shall we start?"

"Ah, yes of course my lady--"

Before he could finish his words however, Larc was cutoff by the pouting face of Juliette that drew close to him, she was tiptoeing though since he was almost a foot taller than she was.

"W-what is it, my la--"

"Myuu! Not only are we alone now, but we are also on a date, you know?!" Juliette cut him off once again before he could finish his sentence.


Realising his blunder, Larc placed his hand on his chest and offered a bow.

"Apologies, Juliette. I seemed to have forgotten of the fact, but rest assured I will do so from now on."

Hearing this, Juliette's whole body slightly trembled. She had miscalculated the impact of Larc call her by her name alone out in the open.

[Ahhhh! I can't help it, I love him so much!]

"T-then, there's no problem! Let's begin, the day is short after all."

"Indeed so."

With that, the two started to head towards the town square where they would spend the entire day just playing around and bonding with one another.

At a balcony overlooking the castle however, a figure could be seen watching as the two left. On his face was a mischievous smile that looked as if a tiger eyeing it's prey while his eyes glinted with interest.

"Interesting. Perhaps I should stir the pot a little?"

He thought to himself as he leaned forward and cupped his chin.

"...No.. let's leave it at that." He continued as he headed back inside the room. "I'll stay out of it this time, Juliette. As a gift."


"Where should we go first, Larc?"

The two were currently walking through the busy streets of the capital city. Looking around, one would see a myriad of people going about their business.

Children prancing around while laughing, mothers or father's haggling for better prices, merchants making sales talk, guards walking around keeping the peace, it was truly a lively place.

Because they were near the Misty Forest, Sundgard was famous for having fertile lands that grew quality produce and an abundance of game meat delicacies from different beasts.

Being so close to the Allesian Plains also meant that some merchants would often travel to and from here and bring with them various products from the horse country, so the trade industry here was particularly flourishing.

"Nee, Larc. Where should we go first?" Juliette asked once again.

Ryouma Satorou never had a relationship with a woman in Larc's previous life, neither did the boy from the slums. So it was not an understatement to say that Larc had absolutely no idea what to do in a date. But because he saw just how Juliette was looking forward to this, he went around the estate and asked the servants what the usual activities they would do whenever they were on a date.

As a result, Larc spent an entire night thinking of an itinerary.

"Well, I did hear that the local theatre would be performing a play today, want to go see them, Juliette?"

"Ah- y-yes, well.. I mean, I'm not particularly excited, but I guess if you want to, then I guess we c-can."

Hearing her name being spoken by Larc so out in the open like this was quite frankly embarrassing for Juliette, but in a good way of course.

[My lady just can't be honest huh.] Larc thought to himself. [Well, it's kinda cute anyways.]

"Ok good, then let's get some food first and head for the theatre."

Because they were travelling as a pair of commoners, they couldn't go to any of the high establishments in the city, as they would surely recognise the young lady. So instead they opted to go for the food stalls that normal people would usually go to.

Two grilled boar meat on a stick and a pouch of water later, and they were set for the theatre.

It was an open theatre situated at the center of the town square. There were at least 50 seats, all of which were occupied, Larc was fortunate to have found a spot right before the people started pouring in. However, because it was open, friends, families and lovers alike gathered around and either sat on the ground or simply stood up to watch.

Because it was still early in the afternoon, the play they would be watching was a child-friendly one called "The legend of sir Reginald." It was a story of how a simple commoner, born with nothing to his name, gets chosen by the legendary sword Grinwald to slay the dragon that was tormenting the land. Instead of a gritty fantasy action however, it was more akin to a comedy.

The play didn't take itself too seriously and instead added a fun twist to the dreary legend. A fact of which the children greatly enjoyed.

Although it should be said that Juliette was largely more focused on Larc than the play itself, there were times where she found herself genuinely laughing at some of the jokes.

At the end of the play, all of the actors and actresses joined each other on the stage and offered a bow, to which the people responded to with resounding applause.

The two then continued walking around the city, eventually leading to them entering a shop that sold hand crafted trinkets from Allesia.

Overtime, Juliette and Larc gradually became closer and closer, with the lines between master and servant slowly blurring. Juliette was introduced to a new side of Larc, one that didn't reserve himself and moved and talked and laughed like a kid of his age. You see, Juliette had only known the mature and cool side of Larc, so seeing this was a great eye opener to her.

Vice versa, Larc also found this side of Juliette, the honest and open side of her, to be extremely cute. This was the first time that he saw her act so.. naturally, it only served to add more to her already over flowing charm.

They continued to roam around for who knows how long, by the time they finally got tired, it was already dark. They took a moment to rest at a nearby open space with benches.

The city that was so lively just a minute ago was now starting to quiet down as the kids started to disappear into their homes. The pub houses were getting rowdier as the workers who toiled all day started drinking and merry-making.

Larc looked to his side and saw the figure of Juliette stretching her arms and rubbing her nape. Suddenly, numerous magic stones illuminated the houses and the streets creating an illusion of a hundred stars.

It was unreal, Larc unconsciously held his breath as he stared at her with wide eyes. Her silver blonde hair, her sapphire blue eyes, her small lips, her delicate body, her smooth skin, she looked as if a goddess descending upon the mortal plane.

Truly a sight to behold.

Noticing her butler staring, Juliette felt tremendously shy. With her cheeks flushed and small droplets of sweat dribbling down her skin, she grasped the hem of her dress in an attempt to calm herself.

She had longed for Larc for a long time. She could not tell just when did she harbour such feelings for him or why they were so strong, but she knew that these feelings were real. She knew that she wanted to be with him, to bear his child and his alone, to be by his side. Although she could not openly admit it, she really did love this man.

Seeing him so openly ogling her sent an incredible jolt of shock throughout her entire body.

"Y-you're.. staring too much, Larc."

"Eh?.. ah! Apologies, my lady! I didn't--"

"Ah, don't apologize, it's.. it's fine. I'm just a little embarrassed."

The two sat there awkwardly for a time.



Trying to break the silence, Juliette and Larc ended up talking over each other, which led to even more awkwardness.

"Y-you go first, my lady."

Stammered Larc as he offered a slight bow.

[Ahh.. so he's calling me lady again.. I want to hear him say my name again.]

"W-well.. I just wanted to say that I had a really fun time, Larc."

Juliette placed her hand on her chest and looked at Larc directly in the eyes. The young butler could feel her deep gaze, much like a never ending ocean drawing him in.

"I guess, I just wanted to say.. t-thank you!"

Seeing Juliette stutter and fumble about made Larc's heart skip a beat once again.

[My lady is too cute!!!] He thought to himself.

"I too have enjoyed this time, my lady. Thank you for spending the day with me."


After that Juliette and Larc headed back to the estate with a new understanding of one another. Servants noted that after that day, the young lady seemed more aloof than usual, often daydreaming or smiling out of nowhere. Needless to say, it caused quite a bit of stir.

How's it going guys, TachimeSan here! 

First of all, I would just like to apologize in advance for those who would deem this date chapter underwhelming. I had a really hard time writing this one simply because of the fact that I have absolutely no idea how to write one XD so if you guys find the big date underwhelming or disappointing, I apologize xD I will aim to be better at it in the future ? 

Hope you guys understand! And as always, thanks for reading! TachimeSan out!

Ps. If you have any criticism or advice or anything today, please feel free to comment down below, I'm pretty desperate at this point xD I need all the help I can get as there's another date chapter I'll be writing. I might re-write this chapter if someone could give me some better way to write it soo ?

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