Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 22: Suspicions

Amidst the freezing cold of one particular winter night, a woman dressed in a fine fur coat could be seen traversing through the almost knee-deep snow. With her breathing ragged, her golden blonde hair peeked through her hood as she struggled against the frost to keep her footing.

Close to her bossom she carried a small thing snugly wrapped in warm clothing.

"We're almost there.. haah.. just a few more steps, little one.." She murmured under her breath as she grit her teeth and pushed forward.

The sounds of steel clashing against steel and men crying out in pain could be heard from the far distance. Loking back, she could see the castle she once called her home under fire. Amidst the chaos, five men on horseback suddenly emerged from the fires. With ferocious will they commanded their steeds to brave the dark winter night with astonishing speed.

"Find her! She couldn't have gone far! Find that traitorous bitch and her spawn!!" The one at the helm bellowed as he kicked his horse with great fury.

Seeing the five men on horseback exit the castle grounds, the woman quickened her pace with vigor. Her destination was the nearby forest where she had instructed one of her most loyal servants to wait beforehand.

"Alois!" She called out in a panic just as she neared the forest entrance. "Where are you?! Come out!"

A middle aged man of average height, the one the woman called Alois suddenly appeared from within the forest, sporting a hood and carrying a backpack with some supplies.

"Milady, I am here. I've gathered most of my belongings as soon as I received your order. But what is happening?! Why is the castle under siege?!" The man asked in worry.

"There's no time for that, here."

Seeing the woman hand out the thing she was carrying, Alois reached out his hands and received it.


"Milady, this is--"

"There's no time! He's almost here! Give me the cloth and pillow I asked for!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the woman quickly took the pillow and blanket that was hanging down his side, but just as she was doing so, the loud bellows of men and horses suddenly entered their ears.

*Neigh* *Neigh*

"Quickly! Find her!! I'll kill every last one of you if that lecherous bitch escapes!!" The man at the helm beckoned.


"They're here!" The woman exclaimed.

Hearing the ever closing gallops of the horses, the woman quickened her pace and drew close to the the thing she gave Alois. After giving it a kiss, she quickly wrapped the pillow with the blanket and faced her servant.

"Head for fort Cartwright, Alois. Once there, give this to lord Bellrous, he'll help you cross the border to Seraphim." The woman said as she gave her servant a sealed envelope.

"?! But, what about you, milady?!"

"I'll follow you as soon as I lose them! Now go!"


"There's no time!! Go!!"

"A-aa.. as you order, milady!"

With a heavy heart, the hooded servant turned around and disappeared deep into the woods. Without looking back, he heard his lady's last orders.

"Protect my child at all cost! No matter what happens!" Her voice called as it slowly faded into the distance.


Inside a particular room in the Carmine estate, a certain red-haired princess was sitting in front of her mirror.n

"Mhmm~ hmm~" She hummed in delight as she fixed her normally braided hair into a ponytail.

Today's the day she's been looking forward to ever since the moment they arrived here afterall, the day where she can have the man she longed for all to herself, Juliette's debut.

"I wonder if ser Larc will like this hairstyle?" She murmured to herself.

It was not too long ago that Claudia finally realized that the strange feelings she had for Larc was in fact love. She had also realized that Juliette's and Larc's relationship were more than just master and servant. It was quite clear that Juliette held strong feelings towards Larc just like her, and it was also clear that Larc somewhat reciprocated this.

Knowing this, she still decided that she would persevere to make her love bear fruit, even just a little bit. After all, Juliette was engaged to her elder brother, the crown prince. So she knew that Juliette and Larc could never be together.

Claudia realized that if she could just convince her father to grant Larc nobility, even a low ranking one, then she may have a chance of getting married to him.

After all, the largest of the three great families, house Carmine, was already bound to the royal family through the engagements of both her elder sister and elder brother to the House's children. So she believed that her father would let her, the third child with little to no real political power, marry someone of her own choosing.

She knew that it wouldn't be easy though, Juliette almost never separated from Larc. This was a given, however since Larc was after all Juliette's personal butler. But that's what made this day especially valuable.

The Carmine household has this tradition that dictates the family to travel to their ancestral home in Veerwood Lake, atleast once a year, on a particular family member's birthday to pay their respects to their ancestors and wish for good fortune.

Today was such a day.


Just outside the Carmine estate castle walls, a group of people could be seen mounting their horses. They were the members of the Ducal family present today that would be making the trip to Veerwood Lake, the debutant and young lady of the house, Juliette. Jorgé, the heir of the house and future Duke, as well as his future wife and future Duchess Princess Camilla.

The current Duke and Duchess were still making their way from the capital, but they were expected to arrive in the evening, the same time Juliette and her company were expected to return from their ancestral home.

As per tradition, no servants were allowed to accompany the Ducal family through this journey, save for the Duke's personal guard. So Larc would naturally be separated from Juliette for the remainder of the trip. A fact that greatly infuriated Juliette.

"Can I really not bring Larc with me, Jorgé-nii??" She could remember pleading to her brother the night prior.

Unfortunately, Jorgé was adamant in keeping with tradition. He firmly rejected Juliette's demands by stating that;

"I could bring him along, but he will be sworn in to my personal guard and be separated from you when you return to the capital."

To which Juliette herself firmly and viciously refused.

[I guess there's no helping it, I'll just wait until Larc's officially part of the family. Then I'll bring him along.] The silver-blonde lady thought to herself as she fixed herself atop her steed.

"Larc." She called out to her servant while turning to face him.

"Wait or me, okay?"

In response, Larc placed his hand over his chest and offered a slight bow.

"I shall patiently await your safe return, my lady." He answered.

Inside his head however, he was having a moral dilemma. [Kuh.. lying to my lady is painful. But there's just no helping it.]

"Hm? Is something the matter, Larc?"

Curiously, Juliette sensed something from Larc's gestures. Almost as if being able to tell that something was bothering her servant, Juliette closed in on him and looked him directly in the eyes, a fact that sent a shiver down Larc's spine.

[M-my lady's scary..] He thought to himself.

"T-there's no such thing, my lady!" He stuttered. "I was merely thinking of the preparations we'll be doing while you're away."

"Mhmm.." The young lady hummed as she drew her face closer to his, causing Larc to unconsciously gulp.

"! Something's--"


Before Juliette could finish her sentence however, the voice of Jorgé took her attention away from Larc, much to his relief.

"We have to get going now if we want to get back before dark." The young lord said as he motioned his men to start moving.

Juliette, though still suspicious, decided to leave it for now.

"Apologies, Jorgé-nii. Well then, I'll be going now, Larc."

"Y-yes my lady!"

Larc could feel that Juliette was somewhat displeased. Perhaps she figured out that he was hiding something from her?? Such thoughts ran through the young butler's head as the figure of Juliette's company slowly shrunk into the distance.


After a while, Larc finally breathed out a long sigh of relief. Juliette's strangely perceptive side caused him so much stress he almost forgot to breathe. Of course, he knew that it was his fault in the first place for keeping a secret from his sworn charge.

Although she saw Larc's reaction after Juliette left, Milin decided that it would be too troublesome to press him on it. Instead she opted to silently watch him to find out what he was up to.

After making sure that the lord and his company were well on their way, the servants and guards stationed outside started to slowly disperse, no doubt to make the preparations for the grand feast that was planned for the night.

After all, the Duke and Duchess would be coming home to attend the small banquet in honour of Juliette's debut. As such, there was a strange air of excitement surrounding the household.

[I guess I should be making my preparations as well.] Amidst the moving crowd, Larc silently walked as he thought to himself.

Strangely enough, the third princess was not there to see the ducal family off, which Larc deemed to be a bit disrespectful. But since neither Jorgé nor Juliette paid it any mind, he decided to just brush it off as well.

[It's not my place to admonish her anyway. And besides, I do owe her after all.] He thought to himself as he entered the castle. [I guess I should make my preparations as well.]


After seeing my lady off, I immediately went back to my room in order to get my things in order. Today I would be sneaking out of the castle in order to accompany the third princess to town. As recompense however, she would be giving me the money I need to buy my lady a birthday gift, that was the deal.

Strangely enough, even though I decided that it was necessary, I can't help but feel that I'm somehow betraying my lady. I have no excuses though, it was after all my fault that I lost the money I saved up for my lady. But even still, I just hope that everything goes well.

I do hope that my lady and the princess would get along, they will be sisters in law in the future after all.



Strange, the thought of that happening tightened my chest for some reason. Maybe I'm just worried that the two of them will be constantly fighting.

Anyways, after finishing my preparations I quickly headed out to meet with her highness at the back entrance of the castle. Since my lady was not here today, I actually had quite a lot of free time on my hands. We would be touring the city today just as my lady and I did yesterday, I'll also take the time to pay for and receive the custom made necklace I ordered a day prior, hopefully the artisan lord Jorgé recommended did a good job.

Just as I was walking down the hall however, I felt a faint presence of hostile aura lurking about behind me. Looking back, I saw the halls to be empty. It made me think that I may have been becoming a little paranoid. After all, I've done nothing but get into fights with powerful people ever since we arrived here.

[Maybe I should take this time to actually relax.] I thought to myself.

I was unable to feel relaxed during mine and Lady Juliette's trip to town simply because I was too conscious.

Because we've been together for so long, I failed to notice just how much she had grown. Spending some alone time with her made me painfully aware and conscious of how she's turned out be a fine young woman, worthy of the title rose of Carmine.

On second thought, I doubt I'll be able to relax this time as well. I am after all accompanying the third princess. God knows what'll happen if anything were to go wrong. Add to the fact that my lady hates the princess, I can confidently predict that I'm not gonna be able to relax.

Arriving at the appointed destination just outside the back entrance of the castle, the figure of a hooded person came into my view. Although most of her body was covered with clothing, I could still tell that the person in question was a woman.

She was currently crouching down against the walls while admiring the wild flowers that were growing near the roadside.

"Mhmm~ hmm~" She hummed cheerfully.

Seeing this, I slowly walked towards her and lightly tapped on her shoulders.


Flustered by my actions, the princess quickly turned around in a panic, causing her crimson red hair to peek out from under her hood, and stood up.

"Ah! You surprised me, ser Larc!" She exclaimed as she placed her hand on her ample che-- ehem! She placed her hand on her chest.

"Apologies, your highness." I quickly answered while giving a bow. "I did not mean to startle you."

"Ah no, pay it no mind! I'm just.. I guess I got a little worked up?"

Her way of answering in a meek and timid manner pulled a string in my heart, she looked as if a small animal that one would want to protect, far from my Lady's usually confident and domineering attitude, it was somewhat of a refreshing feel. Saying this, both do have their own charms, in their own way. So I'm not complaining.

After a while, I figured that the day was moving, so we had to go as well. I did want to finish this tour before my lady came home after all.

"Well, shall we get going your high---"

"C-call me Claudia today!"

Before I could finish calling out to her though, she quickly closed the distance between us and cut me off. In doing so, I caught a whiff of the perfume she was wearing and to be honest, it smelled so good-- I mean.. nevermind

"Your highness I--"

"None of that highness folly, ser Larc. You call Lady Juliette by her name whenever you two are alone, correct?"


How'd she know that?!

Frankly speaking I was quite surprised that princess Claudia knew of that little arrangement. Of course, it was my lady who ordered me to do that, so there's no helping it. But if people were to learn that a servant was calling his mistress by her first name, it might raise some eyebrows.

"I-indeed so.."

"..well? Ser Larc?."

I have to placate the princess to avoid such a thing.

"Then, forgive my transgression your hi-- miss Claudia."


I could see the surprised look on her face as she meekly looked down on the ground. Perhaps she had not anticipated just how embarrassing it is to be called by her first name by a mere servant. But I digress.

"T-then.. l-let's go, ser Larc." She stammered as she covered her mouth while turning away and slowly walked off into town.

Feeling a slight breeze in the air, I couldn't help but look up. Seeing the ocean blue sky I couldn't help but think about my lady, wondering how she was doing. Lord Jorgé is with her, so I think I shouldn't be worrying too much.

[Oh well, I guess it would be discourteous of me to think of my lady when I'm acting as the Princess' escort. I gave her my word after all, so I should be focusing on this task.] I quietly thought to myself as I followed the princess.


Watching two people head towards the town square, Milin couldn't help but clench her fists.

[What the hell are you doing, you little brat?!]

[If lady Juliette were to find out about this who knows what'll happen! Larc you stupid idiot!] She cursed inside her head as she clenched her fists.

[And why is the Princess doing this in the first place?? She should know that my lady is particular with her serva--- ah! Could it be that she wants to vex my lady?! Is she doing this on purpose?? Guuuh! This is bad!] She continued while hitting the wall with the palm of butt of her fists.

[Should I do something?? Should I tell my lady?? No.. no no no no. That would be the worst possible thing I could do. Do I just keep quiet? Gah! Larc you stupid brat!]

Hence, the dilemma of the handmaiden continued.


Walking around the town square, a familiar site unfolded before Larc as he watched the princess hum and skip in delight.

In contrast, Larc's enthusiasm wasn't as high as that of Claudia's. After all, he was here just yesterday, even moreso, the guilt of going behind the back of his lady was greatly weighing down on him. Still, he was a man of his words, and he had offered the princess a service as a form of compensation for the borrowed money, so he'll of course see it to the end.

"Prin-- er, miss Claudia." He remarked while walking slightly behind the hooded princess.

"Hm? Is something the matter, ser Larc?." Answered Claudia as she turned around and walked side by side with Larc.

"Erm.. where would you like to go first?"

"Oh? Mhmmm.. I think we can go pick up your birthday present for lady Juliette first" She answered with a slight grin.

Bewildered by the Princess' answer, Larc unconsciously tilted his head and looked at Claudia suspiciously.

"Y-- Miss Claudia, I can just go pick it up at later time" He answered with a strained smile. "We should go with what you want to do, the day is short after all.

"Hmm.. then, let's go pick up your present." The Princess answered back with a now bigger grin.


"I dying of curiosity, ser Larc. Please grant me this request~"

Against the Princess' upturned crimson red eyes, Larc felt her heart strings tugged.

[She's at the same level as my Lady's cuteness! Wait.. now's not the time for that!] He argued in his head.

"V-very well then."

"Really? Yay!"

With that, the two headed towards a relatively large artisan house near the edge of the fortress city. Walking along the way, Larc and Claudia took the chance to sightsee and partake in the various food stalls.

Larc was particularly surprised by how intuned Claudia was with commoner life. It was if she knew exactly how a common person functions.

[Come to think of it. What was she doing in the town square in Belmont the first time we met?]

He found himself asking inside his head as Claudia led him onwards.

"Here, ser Larc!" She exclaimed as she handed him a particular delicacy. "You should try it, it's good!"

[Your highness, I know it's good. This what we common people eat.]

But he kept that to himself.

"Indeed so, your hi-- miss Claudia." He answered with a radiant smile.


Hearing Larc call out her name while smiling that dazzlingly sent an incredible chill down Claudia's spine, but in a good way.

[Kyaaah! I love this! Is this what Juliette feels whenever they're together?? That's so unfair!] She cursed inside her heart.

Looking at Larc directly in common clothings greatly excited Claudia. The man he's fallen in love with was with her right now, all alone, without the hindrance of Juliette. She promised in her heart that she would make the best of it and use this as a way to show Larc her charms.

After walking for a while, Claudia turned towards Larc and walked backwards while looking at him.

"Nee, ser Larc." She called out to him.

"How're you feeling today? Are you having fun." Asked the princess while purposefully tilting her head in an innocent and extremely cute manner.

Though she was wearing commoner clothes and her striking crimson red hair was hidden, Claudia's facial features and body proportions alone are enough to captivate almost any man.

"Eh--ahh.. I'm quite enjoying my time, miss Claudia. How about you?" He stammered.

"Hm? Oh well I'm very much having fun! I have to thank you for letting me experience this, ser Larc." She answered as she smiled.

Since lady Juliette was particularly shy, or atleast that's how Larc saw it, seeing the princess be open and honest about her feelings was new to him, truly a breath of fresh air. Of course, it's not to say that Juliette is in any way inferior, they simply have different charms.

"Hey, ser Larc." The princess called out to him once again.

"W-what d-do you think of m-my look today.." This time however, Claudia asked in an even more meek and timidly manner, resembling that of a small and innocent puppy.

"D-does it suit me?" She continued with upturned eyes.

[Gah! Simply too cute! Wait, now's not the time for that!] Larc cursed inside his head.

Looking at the Princess, he could see her slightly disheveled red hair peeking out from under her hood. Her porcelain like skin glistened with small droplets of sweat, adding a certain charm to her. Her dress, even if far from the usual extravagant gowns she wore still complimented her body. It made Larc think that, just like Juliette, Claudia was truly beautiful no matter what she wore.

"You look beautiful, your hi-- err, miss Claudia." He stammered while hiding his mouth and looking away.

[Yosh! I think it's working!] Claudia thought to herself as she made a guts pose inside her head. [He's starting to see me as a woman!]

"Ehehe~ thank you, ser Larc."

Arriving at the artisan's house, Larc went towards the door and opened it for the princess.

"Your highness." He unconsciously addressed as he did so.

Despite being asked to be casual, Larc still couldn't stray away from Alford's teachings. After having been lectured strictly, the act of paying proper respect and honorifics have been greatly drilled inside his head, much to the displeasure of Claudia.

"Myu! I told you to call me just by my name, ser Larc! She cutely argued as she pouted.

"Ahh! Apologies, your hi-- miss Claudia. I seemed to have forgotten."

[Even her tantrums are at the same time, both like and unlike than that of my lady's.] He thought to himself as he looked at the pouting princess.

"Well, if you forgot then there's no helping it, forgive me, I didn't mean to act unreasonable." The princess answered while looking dejected.

An act that greatly pulled Larc's heart strings.

"Ahh, please don't act so sad, miss Claudia. I did not in any way think of you as unreasonable!" He tried reasoning out to her.

Only to be met by Claudia's mischievous grin.

"Ehehe~ I was just joking!" She chuckled gleefully.

"Come on! I can't wait to see what you got lady Juliette!"

Just as she said so, Claudia grabbed Larc's hand and pulled him inside the shop.

[Kyaaah! I'm touching his hand!!] She screamed inside her head, steam almost fuming out of her ears, as they ran inside. [Good lord! His hands are so big! So rough! I can't get enough of it!!]

Inside Larc's head however, was a different story.

[Oh no.. if anyone were to find out that I laid my hands on the princess, my head could roll to the ground.] He cried out in his head. [What's worse, what if my lady finds out?! I'm having chills just imagining it!]

With that the two of them entered the shop, hand in hand.

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