Traveler In the World

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Evil God’S Dragon Vein

After Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan’s voice disappeared, the three Yi Daoren did not pursue, but they were still cautiously guarding, and did not let down their vigilance because Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan’s words meant that they might leave.

Because the words of the enemy are absolutely unbelievable!

Neither soldiers nor ninjas will trust the enemy unless they are tired of living.

If Taodi doesn’t cut it again, it may not necessarily be to leave, it may also be a kind of psychological warfare, in order to let them drop their guard, and then attack them again when they relax.

However, after waiting for a few minutes until the people in the hotel were in a commotion because of their battle, Taodi Zaibuzhan still did not appear.

“Master Yi?” Guitong Wan looked at Yi Daoren, wanting to know what Yi Daoren planned next.

After a moment of silence, Yi Daoren said lightly: “Pack up, let’s get out of here.”

The turbulent voices are getting closer and closer, and there should be many people coming.

This is a very dangerous situation, because they can’t guarantee that Taodi will hide in the crowd and launch a surprise attack on them!


After Guidoumaru and Tayuya agreed in a deep voice, they packed Yi Daoren’s darts and their luggage, and then left the dilapidated hotel with Yi Daoren because of their sudden battle.

After leaving the hotel, the three went straight to the outside of the village.

Due to the assassination, they did not dare to stay in the village for the time being, so they would have too many people to guard against.

The transformation of the ninja is a very useful assassination aid!

Although it is said that after using the transformation, some chakra will be revealed by other ninjas, and the transformed person will also feel a little incompatible with himself, but a master who is good at transformation can use that level of chakra. It was exposed and shielded, and the Yi Daoren and the others didn’t know the people of Tang Zhiguo, so it was not clear whether Taodi Zaibuzhu was a ninja who was good at transforming, and it was best to stay away from the crowd.

“Let a ninja of this level kill me in a mere 100,000 taels. When did the ninja’s salary become so cheap? Or is it that the Heretic God has such a big face?” Very gloomy.

As he said, for a ninja of this level like Taodi, if you want to accept a bounty task, you usually choose a target of more than one million taels, which is a mere 100,000 taels, which is also converted into the currency of Earth China. It’s only a few thousand to ten thousand, and it will be targeted by ninjas of this level.

This made Yi Daoren laugh and cry, but also decided to spread his grievances on the evil gods.

Originally, he planned to leave after the Heretic God Cult got the knowledge he wanted, but now, he has the idea of completely destroying the Heretic God Cult!

“Master Yi…” Just when Yi Daoren was thinking about how to destroy the Heretic God Cult, Guitong Maru came to him: “Do I need to kill that Heretic God Cult priest?”

The Yidao people once said that if a priest of the Heretic God sect finds someone who seeks revenge, he will be killed.

“There’s no need to go to him specifically, but kill him when you see it.”

“I understand!”

As for the priest of the Heretic God Sect who would come to Taodi to kill him again, of course Yi Daoren did not have any intention of letting him go, but he would not let himself waste time looking for the priest of the Heretic God Sect. Before that, he still had Very important thing to do…or rather, research!

When fighting against Taodi Zaibuzhan, he used Lei Dun, Pseudo-Darkness to attack Taodi Zaibuzai.

Lei Dun · Pseudo Dark blasted Taodi no longer out of the house, but also affected the metal spider silk made by the secret ninjutsu and spider stick gold used by Guidou Maru, which caused some of the metal spider silk to become smeared due to the high temperature of thunder and lightning. Orange.

This is a very normal physical reaction, nothing unusual.

However, Yi Daoren, in this reaction, thought of some things that the researchers talked about when they were chatting about other research institutes at the Third Research Institute of Amesteris.

That’s about weapons development.

Although the alchemist is the most powerful weapon in Amestris, it does not mean that Amestris is no longer developing weapons. Whether it is firearms or other weapons, Amestris is constantly developing on.

And one of the weapons was remembered by Yi Daoren while the researchers were chatting… Electromagnetic gun!

Electromagnetic cannon is an advanced kinetic energy killing weapon that uses electromagnetic force to generate kinetic energy to propel projectiles. Unlike traditional cannons, which apply gunpowder gas pressure to projectiles, electromagnetic cannons use the force of the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system, and its effect takes a long time. much, which greatly increases the speed and range of the projectile.

The principle is very simple, so Yi Dao people just remembered the development principle of the electromagnetic gun in the small talk of those researchers.

However, knowing the development principle does not mean that the electromagnetic gun can be developed. At least, even with the help of alchemists, the research progress of the electromagnetic gun is not very fast. Although some experimental electromagnetic guns have been manufactured, but It will take a long time to debug it before it can be regarded as a mature conventional weapon.

The main reason is because of power and material problems.

However, after discovering that his Lei Dun·pseudo-dark had burned the metal spider silk of Guitong Wan to orange-red, Yi Daoren suddenly thought about whether he could make himself a human-shaped electromagnetic cannon and use Lei Dun to create the electromagnetic field required by the electromagnetic cannon. , and then throw the projectile into it, making it a powerful railgun!

“Without pre-arranging the formation, my combat capability is too weak, but once the electromagnetic gun is developed, the speed and power of the electromagnetic gun should be able to make up for my shortcomings.”

So, after Kidoumaru and Tayu also built a cabin for a temporary rest in the tree, Yi Daoren began to study in the woods on his own.

It’s just the result… Tayuya and Kidoumaru, who woke up the next morning, had already seen the answer on Yi Daoren’s dark face.

Thunder-type chakra can indeed create a magnetic field, but the specific parameters are not something Yi Daoren can find out in a short time. The result of his one night is that he has given himself several times of electrotherapy, and he feels refreshed even if he does not sleep.

Of course, this spirit is something Yi Daoren can feel, and what Duoyuya and Guitongwan can see, that is, Yi Daoren has a stinky face and looks like he wants to eat people.

“Master Yi… or… we won’t go to the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect today?” Tayu also asked hesitantly.

“Go! Why don’t you go? I’m still short of things to purify fire!” Yi Daoren, who had not researched anything, was a little grumpy, glared at Duo Yuya, and said, “Let’s go to the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect right now!”

After speaking, he walked directly in one direction, and there was the direction to the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect.

When Yi Daoren set off for the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect, Taodi was no longer beheaded in a house, sitting beside a young man wrapped in a quilt, sharpening his beheading sword.

“If you don’t kill me again, did the mission fail?” Suddenly, the young man’s voice came out from the quilt, soft and soft, like a girl’s.

“This has nothing to do with you, get well soon, and then we’ll leave here…”

“Bang!” Before he could finish his words, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and then the priest of the evil **** sect who had been beaten by Yi Daoren instructed Guitong Maru and Tayu to break in: “Hey, ninja! It’s been six days. Now, is that guy dead?”

Killing intent flashed in his eyes, but in the end, Taodi didn’t slash and didn’t make any special moves, just continued to sharpen the knife, and said lightly: “The mission failed, I won’t charge you the rest of the money, get out.”

“Failed? Didn’t you say you were guaranteed to succeed?” Eyes widened and he glared at Taodi, the priest of the Heretic God said angrily: “Useless things, you ninjas, you are just a bunch of boastful trash! If successful, then return the deposit to me!”


With the roar of the priest of the Evil God Sect, the killing intent in Taodi Zaibuzhan’s eyes became more and more obvious, but it was only killing intent in his eyes, but there was no actual action.

Because he is now a traitor, if he wants to maintain his own life and maintain some of his ambitions, he needs to ensure his credibility in the field of bounty hunters.

If he kills the priest of the Heretic God Sect, of course it will relieve his anger, but in the same way, the name of him killing the person who hired him will also spread, making it difficult for him to receive bounty quests.

The life of a bounty hunter is harder than that of the ninjas who have the backing of a ninja village!

The Cthulhu priest also knows how the bounty hunter lives. In addition, this is the site of the Cthulhu, and he is not worried about what Taodi will do to him if he doesn’t cut it again, so he has to ignore it and continue to drool. : “Tell me to get out?! What do you think you are! You are just a bereaved dog without a ninja village…”

The young man on the side who was called Bai by Taodi’s no-cutting became more and more uncomfortable, so he braced his body: “Mr. Priest, please don’t say no more, Mr. No-slashing, this time the enemy is very powerful…”

“Shut up.” He raised his hand to stop Bai Wei from talking, Taodi Zaibu Zhan stood up, wiped the blade of the beheading sword with a cloth, and suddenly slashed it in front of the Cthulhu priest, saying coldly, “I It is indeed a bereaved dog, but, you have to understand that a bereaved dog is much more vicious than a domestic dog!”

“You…you…” Trembling all over, he looked at the beheading sword in front of him, the Evil God Cult priest couldn’t say anything for a while.

“Accepting your deposit is because the information you gave is not true. Those three people, especially the man, his strength is definitely not something that can be bought by 100,000 taels. If you are willing to pay 10,000,000 taels, I can do it again. Go try it out, but one hundred thousand taels… You’re almost the same as the lives you used to buy those two little devils!”

After finishing speaking, Taodi took back the beheading sword and pointed at the door opened by the priest of the Heretic God Sect and said coldly, “Now, get out!”

“You!” After biting his teeth, the Cthulhu priest wanted to say something, but when he saw Taodi’s icy eyes and the beheading sword in his hand, he finally endured it. After a “hum”, he turned and left.

“Don’t kill Mr….”

“Shut up, take care of your illness, and then we’ll leave here.” He pressed Bai on the couch with the back of the beheading knife, and Taodi said, “My tools can’t stay on the bed all the time!”

“I understand, don’t kill Mr.

Coming out of Taodi Zaibuzhan and Baixuan’s house, the priest of the Heretic God spit fiercely against the wall to vent his grievance: “How dare a bereaved dog speak to me like this… 10 million taels? With you What is it for you? If I had 10 million taels, would I still invite a bereaved dog like you?”

After speaking, the priest of the Heretic God Sect took another sip on the wall, and then he took out a strangely shaped sign from his arms with a wicked look. After looking at it for a long time, he smiled gloomily: “I didn’t plan to use it at all. However, since that trash ninja can’t kill that guy, I can only use this… The power of the Heretic God Cult, let you, the damned guy, see it!”

After he finished speaking, he walked in the direction of the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect.

That token is a token that all priests of the Heretic God Sect will have, and it is also the biggest benefit they get after becoming a priest of the Heretic God Sect!

As long as there is that token, the priests of the Evil God Sect can ask the high-level officials of the Evil God Sect to remove anyone they want to get rid of!

Is this unreasonable?

Do not!

This is very reasonable!

The purpose of the Heretic God Sect is to kill everyone, and the token of the priest is for the priest to choose who to kill!

Under normal circumstances, the priests of the evil **** sect will use this token to designate the high-level personnel of the trading company or the daimyo, which will cause turmoil and cause more killings.

Of course, there are also some high-level business executives and daimyo who ask them to kill their political enemies and opponents, which also requires this token as a referral.

“Is it here?”

Not far from a luxuriously decorated hotel that looks like a high-end hot spring hotel, the three Yi Dao people looked at the special symbols painted in the dark place of the hot spring and knew that they had reached their place. Destination, the headquarters of the evil gods!

“Evil God Religion…” Looking at the Heretic God Religion headquarters, which is similar to a high-end hot spring hotel, Yi Daoren let go of his spiritual will and let him interact with the dragon veins.

The classics of the Cthulhu Sect say that the Cthulhu is the most powerful deity in the world. It will destroy the world, plunge the world into chaos, and finally open a paradise for the wicked. At the same time, it also describes the appearance of the Cthulhu… Flowing, powerful, like a snake The same, with the essence of evil!

This description is very familiar to Yi Dao people who can perceive the dragon veins, but it is a little unfamiliar…especially the essence of evil!

Flowing and powerful, there is no doubt that it is the feeling of dragon veins.

However, like a snake, it has the essence of evil, but it is impossible for Yidao people to feel it.

Dragon veins do not have any special attributes, there is no good, there is no evil, there is only constant flow of power!

However, since the Evil God Sect has content related to alchemy, their descriptions should not be groundless, so Yi Daoren felt that it was necessary to perceive the dragon veins here.

However, after letting go of his spiritual will and interacting with the dragon veins, Yi Daoren’s brows instantly wrinkled…

There is no wrong description in the classics of the Cthulhu Sect. The dragon veins here do have a vicious feeling like a snake!

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