Traveler In the World

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Cthulhu’S Voice

“No wonder the heresy is so distorted…” After feeling the feeling of the dragon veins here, Yi Daoist understood why the distorted teachings of the Heretic God appeared.

The dragon veins here are like the distorted negative aura caused by the bloodstains carved in Amestris by ‘Father’ for the sake of the country!

Humans are very fickle creatures. The living environment and the things they come into contact with will have a very large impact on people.

Alchemists usually maintain a certain degree of contact with the dragon veins of nature, so that they can connect to the dragon veins of nature in the shortest time when needed. It will inevitably be gradually affected by the dragon veins that are full of evil essence here!

“But, what is the method to make the dragon veins of nature become so evil?” Yi Daoren thought hard.

The dragon veins are constantly flowing, so even if they are infected with human emotions such as the so-called evil and kindness, they will dissipate and disappear because of their own continuous flow. This is the most powerful place for the dragon veins.

It always maintains its connection with everything in the world, and at the same time is detached from everything!

However, the dragon veins here at the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect are deeply evil, making the Daoist who maintains the connection feel sick and nauseous, but also deeply doubt whether there is anything special here that can affect the powerful natural dragon veins !

Suddenly, a strange feeling rose up in Yi Daoren’s heart… No, not in his heart, but a strange feeling spread to his heart along the spiritual will of his connection with the dragon veins of nature!


“You will gain strength…”


“You will get eternity…”

Without hesitation, Yi Daoren instantly cut off the connection between himself and the dragon veins of nature, and even gave up the most basic maintenance!

“Master Yi?” As if seeing the abnormality of Daoist Yi, Duo Yu also called out.

“Find a place to stay temporarily, and give up the troublesome thing about the Heretic God Religion.” Feeling that the water in the Heretic God Religion headquarters was a little deep, the changer decided to give up the idea of destroying the Heretic God Religion before!

He didn’t know the reason for the words that broke into his heart when he got the strange feeling just now, but no matter what he said, the dragon veins actually output consciousness, which requires him to think long-term.

Whether it was the dragon’s vein that gave birth to consciousness, or someone’s consciousness that affected the dragon’s vein, these are not things that he can rashly touch now!

Because these two types represent powers that are so powerful that they can change the world, it can even be said that this kind of existence is no longer weaker than the shady ‘Father Lord’ refined by the country!

If the dragon vein is born with consciousness, then it is connected with everything, and it must be able to subtly affect all the existences under its shrouded range!

And if someone’s consciousness is embedded in the dragon vein, it means that someone can master the dragon vein of nature, which may be more terrifying than the birth of the dragon vein… People’s desires are endless, and when he masters the dragon vein, the world will become The thing in his hands, his will, is the will of the world!

And here is the headquarters of the Evil God Sect, the purpose of the Evil God Sect is to kill everyone!

Feeling a chill all over his body, and goosebumps appeared one by one involuntarily, Yi Daoren turned around and left the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect.

Behind him, Tayuya and Kidoumaru looked at each other, and both saw inexplicable doubts in each other’s eyes.

However, if Yi Daoren didn’t say it, they wouldn’t ask, let alone ask… Just now, they felt that Yi Daoren suddenly changed into a person, depressed, heavy, with an indelible darkness and indifference.

This is a feeling they have never seen in all these years. However, they feel that this is the true face of Yi Dao people.

Because Yi Daoren sometimes inadvertently reveals a sense of depression and heaviness, but it is not as obvious as this moment.

However, the three people who left in a hurry did not see it. Not long after they left, the priest of the Heretic God Sect, who had been judged to be killed when they saw it, struttingly walked into the Heretic God Sect headquarters.

“Isn’t this Priest Ye Shang? Why have you returned to the headquarters?”

He walked into the headquarters of the Cthulhu Sect, which looked like a high-end hot spring hotel, when the priest of the Cthulhu Sect heard a voice that sounded familiar to him. , hello, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Come back and report on the situation in the Iron Country, but the warriors there are dead brains, more dead than the brains of ninjas! Really, I finally gathered some believers, but they were disturbed and dispersed by those warriors…” After thinking about it for a while, Bishop Ando asked the previous question again: “Why are you going back to the headquarters?”

“Uh… this…” Priest Nogami looked around hesitantly.

“Is there anything special? Come with me.” Seeing Priest Nogami’s performance, Bishop Ando immediately knew that Priest Nogami’s affairs should not be made public, so he took the lead and walked to a room.

“Hehe… Or Bishop Ando is sensible! I’m so sorry…” Priest Nogami hurriedly followed, the humility on his face became more obvious, and he almost drooled like a pug.

After coming to the room, Bishop Ando did not stop, but knocked twice on the bookshelf in the room, then pushed open the bookshelf, revealing a secret door: “You should also come here to find the Pope, right? Come together. Bar.”

“Thank you Bishop Ando!” The ecstasy on Nosami’s face, combined with the humility that did not recede, made it very funny to see.

However, Bishop Ando has no special feeling.

He knew that priests of the level of priest Noshang were not qualified to meet the Pope of the Heretic God Sect directly, but with him leading the way, it would be different.

“Be careful and follow me. You can go wherever I go. If you go wrong, don’t speak ill of me to Lord Heretic God.”

After giving Priest Nogami a warning, Bishop Ando stepped into the secret door with strange steps, and Priest Nogami followed behind Bishop Ando carefully.

The passage in the secret door did not use the electric lights that have been popularized now, but used old candles. The candles flickered and filled with a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere, which was quite consistent with the evil spirits.

After priest Nogami and Bishop Ando walked in the passage for more than ten minutes, they finally came to a large space.

The large space seems to be built underground, towering and sturdy. The stone pillars carved with huge serpentine reliefs are neatly arranged to support it from collapsing.

There are nine rows of stone pillars, one left and one right symmetrical. At the end of the stone pillar, there is a high platform with a huge chair on it, and a person sits on it.

Since the underground space was also lit with candles, the lighting was not very good, and Bishop Ando and Priest Nogami could not see the person clearly.

However, unlike Priest Nogami, Bishop Ando is very clear about the identity of that person… He is the Pope of the Heretic God, the founder of the Heretic God!

“When I finish speaking, you can make your wish to the Pope!” After reminding the priest in a low voice, Bishop Ando stepped forward and stopped in front of the first row of stone pillars. The Evil God Sect Pope on the chair at the end of the stone pillar shouted: “Sir Pope, I’m here to report the situation of the Iron Country!”

When priest Nosami saw this, he hurriedly crawled down.

“Is it Ando? How is the situation in the Iron Country? Has the sanctuary of the Heretic God been established?”

Hoarse, hard, and old, this is the voice of the Pope of the Heretic God Religion, just like an ordinary old man, but it has a strong malice that ordinary old men do not have, which makes people unconsciously think of all the evils in the world!

“My subordinates are incompetent. Under the interference of those barbaric warriors from the Iron Country, they failed to establish a sanctuary.” Bishop Ando slammed his head directly on the ground, making a dull thumping sound.

This made the priest Nogami on the side feel terrified, and directly pressed his forehead to the ground.

The sound of kowtow sounded for a while before the Pope’s voice sounded: “Okay, I also know the ignorance of those warriors.”

“Thank you for your understanding, Pope!” Bishop Ando, whose forehead was full of blood and dizzy, finally felt relieved, and then said respectfully, “My Lord, I have one more thing to ask… My strength is too weak to face those A savage warrior is completely unable to protect the followers of the Heretic God, so…”

After a pause, Bishop Ando glanced at the priest Ye Shang, who kept his head on the ground motionless, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and said, “I want to get some more gifts from the Heretic God!”

“The gift of the evil god? Do you really want to get it again?”

Priest Nogami, who put his head on the ground for unknown reasons, suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

“Yes!” Bishop Ando’s answer was absolutely incomparable.

“So, is he the sacrifice you sacrificed?”


As soon as these words came out, no matter how stupid Priest Nosami was, he still felt something was wrong!

Apart from the Pope of the Heretic God Sect and Bishop Ando, he was the only one present, so the so-called sacrifices refer to him!

“Wait… uh!” Raising his head, Priest Nosami hurriedly wanted to explain, but a blow came from the back of his neck, making him faint before he could say anything.

“Since you want the gift of Lord Heretic God so much, and you are so pious, Lord Heretic God will not be stingy with his gift!”

As soon as the Pope of the Heretic God Sect finished speaking, the candles in the underground space suddenly jumped, becoming bright and fiery, and then, a powerful and evil force appeared out of nowhere, wrapping Bishop Ando and Priest Nogami inside, and then…

“Ah~ uh~”

It sounded like the howl of the evil spirits that perished forever in hell, making the already gloomy underground space even more gloomy, as if it had really become hell!

The mourning didn’t last long, it only lasted a few minutes. After a few minutes, the powerful and evil power also disappeared, and there was not much change in the face, but the eyes were sparkling, and the sharp and sharp Bishop Ando and one fell to the ground. The ground turns to ashes of dust!

“This is the gift of the Heretic God…” After moving his body, he felt that he had abundant energy and the power to generate a strong wind with a single punch. A twisted and sinister smile appeared on Bishop Ando’s face: “Too powerful! Too strong! Powerful! As long as there is this kind of power, then those warriors are nothing to be afraid of!”

“Ahem…” Suddenly, the Heretic God Pope coughed twice, causing Bishop Ando to regain his senses from the ecstasy of gaining power.

“Sir Pope, I’m very sorry, I’m rude!”

“It’s alright, you should be excited to receive the gift of Lord Heretic God, you are just a normal behavior.” After expressing that he would not blame Bishop Ando, the Heretic God Pope said again: “Now, I want you to do one thing.”

“What’s the matter? Just say it, Mr. Pope, I will definitely do it!”

“Go find someone, someone who offends the Heretic God, and bring him to see me.”


“do not know.”

“Uh…” Bishop Ando was stunned by the words of the Heretic God Pope.

How can he find someone he doesn’t know?

However, the Pope of the Heretic God gave him the answer right away… A purple crystal ball was thrown not far in front of him, and then came to his feet.

“He will react to this crystal ball, you can find him as long as you take it with you. Go, he should be around here now, don’t make me wait too long, understand?”

“Yes! His Excellency Pope!”

After nodding in agreement, Bishop Ando picked up the purple crystal ball, and immediately felt a powerful and evil power, no different from the power when the evil **** gave him a gift!

On the hill outside the village where the Cthulhu headquarters is located, Yi Daoren frowned and looked in the direction of the Cthulhu headquarters.

After leaving the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect, he tried to connect the dragon veins of nature again. As a result, the dragon veins he felt were normal, pure natural dragon veins, without any evil aura, as if the dragon veins with the essence of evil. The natural dragon veins are only the same near the headquarters of the Heretic God Sect!

“This is unscientific! The dragon veins are constantly flowing. Even if the evil will disappear after leaving there, it should disappear slowly, instead of being cut directly by a knife like this!”

After flipping through all the information about alchemy in his mind, Yi Daoist still couldn’t understand why the dragon veins of nature had such an abnormal phenomenon.

“Could it be the seal?” Unable to find the reason for alchemy, Yi Daoren’s mind jumped to the ninjutsu he learned in this world, and then remembered the seal technique in ninjutsu.

But he still can’t combine alchemy and ninjutsu, and he doesn’t know much about sealing, so although he thinks of sealing, he can’t speculate that there is any sealing that can affect the dragon veins of nature!

“This feeling of ignorance is really disgusting!” After looking at the Cthulhu headquarters for a while, Yi Daoren came to Tayuya and Kitomaru who were roasting food: “After you’ve eaten your fill, go to the village to investigate the Cthulhu. However, don’t approach the headquarters of the Heretic God Religion, if there is danger, evacuate immediately! Understand?”

“Yes! Lord Yi!”

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