Traveler In the World

Chapter 196

Chapter 196: Melee!

What Yi Daoren said should not let wisdom go to extremes, Tohsaka Rin has actually heard similar content…in magic.

Because magic is a technology in the past that cannot be explained by science, there are many references to the content of ancient philosophy.

Among them, the Hermes theory occupies a very large proportion in magic.

Of course, it can also be said that the Hermetic Doctrine can be found everywhere, whether in magic or religion, or even in science, because it is never marked with a specific country or a specific religious denomination.

This is the warning of the sages of ancient times… Never allow this doctrine to be solidified into a doctrine!

When the doctrine is solidified, the doctrine will lack philosophy and flexibility, and become rigid!

Just as Confucianism has been reduced to etiquette, the most important benevolence of Confucianism is overwhelmed by cumbersome etiquette, and finally becomes a tool for cannibalism!

It is clear that the personal advice of Yi Daoren is the same as the warning of the ancient sages.

They are all warning Tohsaka Rin not to enter a rigid dead end and let himself be restricted by rules and regulations!

“Only one remember to be respectful, don’t use alchemy indiscriminately?” Tohsaka Rin whispered, and then looked at the smiling Yi Daoist with some surprise.

“That’s right, alchemists must know awe!” The bright and somewhat annoying smile subsided and became extremely serious.

“But I don’t see any sense of awe in you.” Tohsaka Rin blinked.

Indeed, although she and Yi Daoren had only met for two days, she could also see that Yi Daoren didn’t seem to have much reverence, and more of it was arrogance that was the opposite of reverence!

“I’m in awe all the time, it’s just that I don’t need to show my awe.”

Reverence is a kind of psychology, a kind of self-knowledge, and Yidao people do not feel that it is necessary to express it outside.


When Tohsaka Rin wanted to say more, suddenly Yi Daoist raised his brows, and then frowned tightly.

“Do you think I’m too annoying?”

Don’t blame Tohsaka Rin for thinking like this, there are many magicians with eccentric temperament, because there are people who kill people and bury corpses in one sentence. Although she feels that Yi Daoren is probably not that kind of person, but Yi Daoren’s performance is not good. Like a normal person!

Just when she was about to say something, the corner of Yi Daoren’s mouth suddenly evoked a cold arc: “How dare you provoke a puppet, this world is getting more and more interesting!”

No one knows the identity of the puppet better than Yi Daoren, and no one knows the strength of the puppet better than him. Therefore, in his perception at the moment, the puppet’s full-strength output makes him clear that after he leaves, the puppet must be Encountered something that made her have to liberate all her strength!


“If you let it go on like this, the small place of Fuyuki will soon become history.” whispering softly, Yi Daoren raised his left hand: “Come here.”


A strong shock wave exploded in front of Yi Daoren, and then, a puppet staring and grinning appeared in front of Yi Daoren.


This time it was not the sound of the shock wave, but the roar from a distance!


Saber and Archer broke through the wall and rushed in, looking at the puppet nervously.

Just now, they suddenly felt a powerful wave of magic power, and then an evil and distorted killing intent appeared at the same time as the wave of magic power appeared, so they, who were worried about their master, directly broke through the wall!


The invisible sword in Saber’s hand was instantly aimed at the puppet, and although Archer didn’t do that, a short sword in black and white was projected in his hand, his face was full of vigilance, and there was a faint killing intent in his eyes… After the tragic situation of Rin Saka and Sakura Matou, he was displeased by the evil and distortion of the puppet, and he even had the urge to kill the puppet!

“Woo? Gululu…”

I was still wondering how I suddenly passed from Gilgamesh to the Yi Daoist. After feeling the killing intent of Saber and Archer, he immediately let out a low roar full of threats and killing intent, and his body exploded into a pitch-black darkness. The refining reaction gathered around, refining into countless small electromagnetic muzzles, flashing with a dreadful cold light!

For a moment, the strong killing intent froze everything, and the air was stagnant. Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou, who were just ordinary people, had the illusion that they could not breathe, and Matou Sakura, who had been hiding behind Tohsaka Rin, was naturally even more Unbearable, directly fainted!

He shot out a bright blue forging reaction and destroyed the muzzle of the electromagnetic gun made by the puppet. Yi Daoren then put his hand on the puppet’s head: “Don’t make trouble, what happened over there?”


He raised his hand and patted the hand of Yi Dao Ren on his head, and the puppet roared and stared at Yi Dao Ren for a moment, then told everything about his encounter with Gilgamesh… Of course, the kind of “woo woo” The way of speaking, that is, Yi Dao people can understand, otherwise Tohsaka Rin and the others are afraid that their mouths will fall out of shock.

Because according to the description of the puppet, Gilgamesh is a heroic spirit that cannot exist in this world without a master!

However, although Yi Daoren didn’t feel so shocked, the way Gilgamesh’s attack described by the puppet reminded him of some bad memories… what happened when he first came to this world!

He remembered that when he first came to this world, he encountered a naked pervert who had the exact same attack method described by the puppet, plus the bad attitude of Gilgamesh described by the puppet, how could he not know the truth? Both are one person!

“Tsk tsk tsk…” Smacking his mouth, Yi Daoren showed a daunting sneer on his face: “This guy, I’ll be too sorry for myself if I don’t kill him!”

“Huh? Kakaka…” Seeing Daoist Yi saying this, and his body was filled with negative emotions that made him excited, the puppet immediately let out a fun and weird laughter, and then pulled the corner of Daoist Yi’s clothes. He was about to drag Yi Dao Ren to the Matou house where he and Gilgamesh fought.

After just dragging her, she found that she hadn’t dragged Yi Daoren, so she looked back strangely, and found that Yi Daoren was rubbing his chin as if thinking.


“Just killing him would be too cheap for him. From your description and my unpleasant memory, it seems that he must be a conceited person. To treat this kind of person, it is the most conceited place to start the most popular! ”

He is also a conceited person, Yi Daoren knows very well what kind of practice can make him more miserable and embarrassed. He saves others by himself, and he himself knows how to treat Gilgamesh to make Gilgamesh more uncomfortable!

“Since he is looking forward to being in Fuyuki during the Holy Grail War, then the Holy Grail is also his goal… hum hum hum…”

“Wow! Ka Ka Ka Ka…”

On the other hand, the four people, who were nervous because of the killing intent of Yi Dao and the puppet, couldn’t help but twitch their eyes after hearing the successive laughter of the puppet and Yi Dao, and sighed that they were masters and slaves… They were all so vile and harmonious. weird!

However, they forgot one thing…

Before being summoned by the Yidao people, the puppets made a large number of electromagnetic cannons to bombard Gilgamesh, but because one was summoned by the Yidao people, those electromagnetic cannons did not target Gilgamesh and bombarded, but shot at Gilgamesh. Sky!

This kind of situation has made people from all over the world focus their attention on this extreme eastern place again… This kind of orange-red beam of light appeared ten years ago, but in the end, due to various reasons, they could not get it there. Useful information, again this time…

“Contact the Japanese Magician’s Association and notify the manager of that area…” London Clock Tower.

“There is no magic fluctuation, it should be technology!” United States.

“Go and see.” China.

“It seems to have something to do with alchemy…” The Crypt of the Egyptian Giants.

Leaving aside the thoughts of people from all over the world, there is another person… a real bunny girl instantly showed a brilliant smile on her face after seeing this orange-red beam of light.

But in that splendor, there is a fearful cold killing intent!

“Finally found you, Yi Daoren! The pain you gave me, the pain you made me suffer, I will return it to you tenfold, tenfold, and ten thousandfold!”

It’s only been two days since she came to Earth, but her life in the past two days has made her, the founding **** of the ninja world, about to collapse!

Locking the position of the beam of light that he saw, Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly opened his eyebrows and said, “Huangquan Hirazaka!”

The dark hole was born at the place where Kaguya Otsutsuki’s reincarnation writing wheel eye gazed, and then Kaguya Otsutsuki glanced at a corner not far away and walked into the black hole.

“It’s this ability again…” At the place where Kaguya Otsutsuki looked, one of the men with cold sweat on his forehead smiled bitterly: “It seems that we don’t have the ability to stare at her here.”

“This is simply cheating! Even the second magic of the Demon Marshal doesn’t have this ability!” a man covered in cold sweat shouted.

Outside Matou’s house, Gilgamesh looked at the dilapidated street houses that were bombarded by his own Noble Phantasm and puppets, and said coldly, “Did you run away? You escaped really fast!”

At this level, he was actually beaten up, but he had to admit that, with the strength of the puppet, if it wasn’t for the fact that he had the lock of the sky to restrain the divine creature, I’m afraid that the person who ran now would be him. …Although that situation is impossible, the threat of the puppet can be imagined.

After standing silently in place for a while, he suddenly shot a Noble Phantasm to kill a bird with a vague magical aura in the distance, then turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the sound of glass breaking from behind him. When he turned his head and looked, he saw two rabbit ears drilled out of the black hole that appeared in the void, revealing a picture that was very familiar to him. Face……


It’s still the pot of Yi Daoren… The meat scorpion No. 49 that he cultivated for Kaguya Otsutsuki and the female meat scorpion he used can be said to be almost identical in appearance, except that the succulent meat he used was due to the problem of cultivation time. It might look bigger, but Kaguya Otsutsuki’s meatballs are girlhood.


As soon as he opened the time and space, he heard someone calling him a witch. Kaguya Otsutsuki’s eyebrows stood up instantly. He was cultivated by Yi Daoren to be very beautiful, but because of her, his eyes turned into white eyes and stared at Gilgar. Several golden vortexes appeared behind Mei Shi, and weapons drilled out one by one, aiming at him!

“Is it an ape that doesn’t know how to live or die?”

“Oh? How dare you say that!” The cold light in Gilgamesh’s eyes almost froze the air.

When Kaguya Otsutsuki appeared, although he misunderstood Kaguya Otsutsuki as the Yi Daoist who used the female flesh, he immediately rejected this conjecture… Kaguya Otsutsuki didn’t have the slightest aura of an evil god!

From this, he could see that Kaguya Otsutsuki must have nothing to do with Yi Daoren, so he planned to take back the treasure of the king behind him.

But Kaguya Otsutsuki said something like an ape!

Who is he?


The oldest king!

It represents the highest glory of mankind at first!

But at this moment, Kaguya Otsutsuki came out with an ape, and this contemptuous attitude made him instantly angry.

“Judging from your appearance, you should have something to do with that **** cub, right?” Staring at Kaguya Otsutsuki’s beautiful face, Gilgamesh raised his head and looked at Otsutsuki with an arrogant expression. Kaguya: “Could it be that you are also a **** with the blood of the It’s just because the rabbits have too many bloodlines, and you have lost the divinity that makes you gods so conceited?”

“Bastard? Rabbit?” These two titles stimulated Kaguya Otsutsuki’s inner pain, causing her expression to instantly turn hideous: “Baiyan · Eighty God Air Strike!”

The storm composed of fists shattered all the matter and pushed it towards Gilgamesh with an unstoppable momentum!

“Spiral Sword!”

The sword with a spiral pattern, or in other words, a spiral-shaped sword shot from behind Gilgamesh, spun into the fist storm, and shot at Kaguya Otsutsuki who was behind the fist storm.

It’s just that there are too many fists in the fist storm, one or two may not be able to shake it, but when the number rises, even the spiral sword, the legendary spiral sword that can level a mountain, can’t penetrate, only sadly. was pushed back by the fist storm.

“Bastard? Rabbit?” These two titles stimulated Kaguya Otsutsuki’s inner pain, causing her expression to instantly turn hideous: “Baiyan · Eighty God Air Strike!”

The storm composed of fists shattered all the matter and pushed it towards Gilgamesh with an unstoppable momentum!

“Spiral Sword!”

The sword with a spiral pattern, or in other words, a spiral-shaped sword shot from behind Gilgamesh, spun into the fist storm, and shot at Kaguya Otsutsuki who was behind the fist storm.

It’s just that there are too many fists in the fist storm, one or two may not be able to shake it, but when the number rises, even the spiral sword, the legendary spiral sword that can level a mountain, can’t penetrate, only sadly. was pushed back by the fist storm.

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