Traveler In the World

Chapter 197

Chapter 197: Yanagido Temple

In Tokyo, Japan, after receiving the dispatch documents from the London Clock Tower and the Egyptian Giant’s Crypt, the head of the branch of the Magic Association showed a smile that could be described as an honor or a bitter smile.

In the East, magicians are actually not very powerful, and can only be said to be one of many mysterious forces, even in Japan, where cultural exchanges between the East and the West are relatively harmonious.

You must know that in the eyes of some Western magicians, Japan, the far eastern land, is completely a barren land of magic… Although the continent to the west of Japan is even worse, it is also conceivable that Japan is in the mysterious world of the West, especially It’s how desolate the magic world is.

But at this moment, not only the clock tower, one of the three giants of the Magic Association, is coming, but even far away in Egypt, the giant cellar composed of mysterious alchemists is also coming here. The head of the Japan Magic Association is excited As you can imagine.

However, he couldn’t just be excited, because the arrival of the people from the clock tower and the giant’s cellar was only part of this commotion, and there were more mysterious forces that did not belong to magicians entering Japan!

“Perhaps, it’s time to inform Chaldea…” Finally, the head of the Japan Magic Association looked at the props that looked like old-time telephones: “It’s up to them to deal with this kind of chaos. After all, This is a very important test point for them, and if they accidentally make a mistake, it won’t do them any good!”

With that in mind, the head of the Japan Magic Association walked over to the phone.

On the outskirts of Fuyuki Town, in Liudong Temple, a man familiar to both Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou is looking at Fuyuki Town, which is bursting with brilliance from time to time… Soichiro Kuzugi, world history and society class of the private Hogunhara Academy Teacher, also serves as an advisor to the student council, and the head teacher of Rin Tohsaka’s class!

Beside Soichiro Kuzumi, there was a graceful woman wearing an indigo-purple hooded cloak and a purple robe. Her true face was hidden by the hood, but at first glance she would feel that she was a gorgeous beauty, and that kind of mysterious Her temperament is like that of a mysterious wizard in legend… Or she was originally a wizard in legend. This time, the Servant of the Holy Grail War is Caster!

Obviously, Soichiro Kuzugi is also a participant in this Holy Grail War!

Raising his head slightly, revealing his blue eyes under his hood, Caster looked at Soichiro Kuzugi: “Master, that Servant with a meatball killed my tool for spying, do you need me to send another one?”

“No need, the battle between them has nothing to do with us.” Fuyuki Town retracted in his eyes, and Soichiro Kuzuki walked into the house: “We need to pay attention, just whether we can help you obtain the Holy Grail.”

“Master…” Caster’s expression became excited for a moment, but immediately restrained: “I know, I will go to consolidate the position!”


Soichiro Kuzuki didn’t look back, but he also gave Caster a clear answer.

After a while, Caster heard the communication between Soichiro Kuzugi and Ryuto Kazunari.

The corner of his mouth slightly pulled out a stunning smile that could be called happiness, but it only appeared for a moment and then disappeared. Caster walked towards the gate of Liudong Temple with a serious expression.

There, she arranged a special magic circle, a magic circle that no other Servant or even a Master would have thought of… a magic circle that summons Servants!

In the Holy Grail War, it is impossible for a Servant to summon a Servant, except that the rules of the Holy Grail War do not allow it, but also because the Servant itself is supplied with magic power by the Master, and even if a Master provides the magic power of a Servant’s actions, it has already Very exhausting.

Just like the unqualified magician Shirou Emiya, even if he has enough magic power to support Saber, he needs Saber to eat, drink and rest like a mortal in order to save his magic power. Being drawn too much and falling into death!

After all, magic power is the same as the ninja’s chakra, which belongs to the life essence of human beings. In any case, consuming more than a certain amount will cause danger to the owner!

But as Caster, who is skilled in magic, she is Medea, the witch of betrayal noted in ancient times!

And that era was an era when gods and humans lived together, so Caster learned the magic of the gods and possessed extraordinary powers as a magician.

So in terms of magicians, Caster’s ability is the level of a magician. But unfortunately, she did not learn the five magics herself, so she is still a magician.

In this world, magicians and magicians are different, or in other words, there is a very big difference between magic and magic!

Magic is a kind of existence. People who have this kind of existence are called magicians. Its essence is to use spiritual power to change material power.

There are many differences between magic and magic, such as whether it can exist in the outside world and whether it can be accommodated by reality, but the biggest difference is whether it abides by the principle of equivalent exchange!

Magic must obey the principle of equivalent exchange, that is, the principle of inevitable existence… What appears here must disappear elsewhere, so it can be considered that any purpose that magic can achieve can be achieved in reality without magic.

This is very similar to the alchemy that Yidao people know.

All of them achieved their own results through some kind of ‘unscientific’ method at the expense of spiritual power.

But magic is another existence!

People who possess magic are called magicians, and their essence is to use spiritual power to create material power, that is, fantasy interferes with reality, as a kind of existence that breaks through the principle of equivalent exchange!

And this point also corresponds to the alchemy of Yidao people… The Stone of the Sage!

But in order to achieve this, alchemy needs the stone of the sage as an energy source to turn your fantasy into reality, and magic can bring things that shouldn’t exist in the world into reality!

Magic is something that cannot exist in reality and cannot be achieved by means other than magic, so sometimes, magic is used as another name for miracles.

However, as a fantasy that erodes reality, magic will be backfired by reality due to the automatic correction of reality. Therefore, to maintain magic requires consumption of powerful magic power.

And if you want to use alchemy to achieve the ability of magic, you need to have the ability of a puppet, since it is a crystallization of pure energy… Of course, the existence of a puppet is a very “magic” existence.

However, the difference between magic and magic has only gradually emerged in the last few hundred years. In the past, magic and magic were synonymous, and all magicians were magicians!

Therefore, when Medea, the witch of betrayal who lived in the age of God, came directly to this era as Caster, the magic she used had the power close to magic!

No matter what kind of great magic, she can use the high-speed divine word skill to perform a project, and her ability even surpasses that of the most powerful magician in modern times, surpassing the magician!

The world used to be full of magic, and the mysterious embodiment of the amazing and mysterious past is Caster, the old witch Medea of betrayal!

Under such circumstances, it is not uncommon for Caster, who embodies the mystery of the past, to find the loopholes in the Holy Grail War system, which is only two hundred years old. Irregular!

So, he came to the gate of Liudong Temple where he arranged the magic circle to summon Servants. Caster summoned a few surveillance birds to look at Liudong Temple, and then activated his own magic circle.

“Since it is used to guard Liudong Temple, then use the gate of Liudong Temple to summon a watchdog.”

Along with Caster’s low voice, powerful magic waves and spiritual pulse turbulence rippled out.

It’s just that although the magic power fluctuations are very powerful, Caster, who is good at magic, has a way to cover it up, so that no one outside knows about it. The only flaw is the fluctuation of the spiritual veins.

But Caster believes that even if the fluctuations of the spiritual veins spread, it does not matter much… The fluctuations of the spiritual veins are too obscure, and even she cannot grasp the abnormality of the surging spiritual veins all the time.

However, as a magician, even Caster from the age of the gods could not grasp the fluctuations of the spiritual veins, but one could accurately sense the abnormality from the fluctuations of the spiritual veins… Yi Daoren!

Yi Daoren is not only an alchemist, but also an alchemist who always controls the dragon veins!

That’s right, although the magicians in this world call the power flowing in nature the dragon vein, but in the eyes of Yi Dao people, it is no different from the dragon vein!

Therefore, he, who has been in touch with the dragon veins since he came to this world, immediately felt the obscure and obvious fluctuations in the direction of Liudong Temple, and a feeling of facing a certain greatness!

And that kind of greatness, he felt that he had seen it in someone…or a certain loli!

“Are all Servants connected to Gaia…” The corner of his mouth twitched, and Daoist Yi suddenly opened his eyes of truth and looked in the direction of Liudong Temple. What came into his vision was a group of pure, yet pure The aura of betrayal is entwined with a sharp aura that makes people feel the sword.

Different from the essence of the sword shown by Shirou Emiya and Archer, in the aura as sharp as a sword, Yi Daoren also saw a kind of nothingness!

“True false, false true? Which description is correct?”

After looking at it for a while, Yi Daoren turned his eyes to the direction of Matou’s house again, and then his expression became very strange…

“I didn’t expect you to pass the truth, Kaguya Otsutsuki, your life is hard enough. But this time, we should make an understanding.”

After reading everything he wanted to know, Daoist Yi closed his eyes and activated the formation formation on his eyelids to seal the eye of truth.


The puppet of Yi Dao Ren Servant gave Yi Dao Ren a strange look. Yi Dao Ren’s strange way of talking to himself made her full of doubts.

However, she could hear the name Kaguya Otsutsuki clearly, and she also remembered the various disrespects Kaguya Otsutsuki treated her back then.

Combining the various contemptuous words that I encountered in Gilgamesh, I couldn’t help but feel even more annoyed in my heart, and suppressed the status of the two in my heart to the lowest position… than the Yi Dao Ren who she wanted to kill all the time. Low!

“Don’t be so annoyed, now the two of them are biting dogs, let’s have fun.” Seeing the puppet’s thoughts, or in other words, the puppet didn’t need to hide his thoughts at all, so Yi Daoren smiled: “Look at them When their heads are broken and their bodies are covered in each other’s blood, isn’t that the best revenge for us to deal with them with the worst attitude?”

“Kakaka…” Yi Daoren’s sinister thoughts made the puppet laugh happily. For the first time, he felt that Yi Daoren was also a good person.

It’s just… Is Yi Dao Ren such a person?

The puppet was puzzled for a moment, but immediately sucked in the negative emotions of Yi Daoren, so he abandoned all doubts in his heart… No matter what kind of person Yi Daoren was in the beginning, it is enough to give her this delicious enjoyment now. !

Moreover, she also has a very deep understanding of human beings… Humans are the strangest animals in the world, they can be pure like angels who can put all praises on them, or they can be more evil and terrifying than evil spirits !

Or, you can say the same thing… God and demons are just extreme manifestations of human beings!

In addition, human beings are always very fickle, under such circumstances, she has no surprises about what Yi Daoren will look like.

But at this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and then Archer’s voice sounded: “Can I come in?”


Opening the door, Archer walked in, looking at Yi Daoren who had his eyes closed but turned his face to him, UU Kanshu said lightly, “I have something to tell you.”


Archer was silent, not answering, but his eyes were on the puppet.

“Huh?” The puppet blinked, then an unpleasant expression appeared on his face, glaring at Archer.

“Just say anything, she can’t speak, you don’t need to worry about her telling what you said.” Yi Daoren put his hand on the puppet’s head.

But before his hand touched the puppet’s hair, he was slapped away by the puppet.


The puppet doesn’t like the kind of intimacy of Yi Daoren, or it can be said that she knows very well that Yi Daoren is not intimacy, but a kind of contempt!

A kind of contempt for pets by owners!

She is the seed of the evil god, not a pet that Yi Dao people can despise!

“You have no problem teaching Tohsaka alchemy, but Shirou Emiya, I hope you give up on him…” Archer kept looking at Yi Daoren’s face when he spoke, but Yi Daoren just smiled, so he couldn’t tell After any special content, he frowned slightly: “Of course, the equivalent exchange, as long as you give up him, I can teach you what he knows, and even if he can’t, I can teach you.”

After chuckling for a moment, and after Archer’s brows became tighter and tighter, Yi Daoren said in a light tone that made Archer’s complexion change greatly: “Why? Just because he is the past you?”

“You know?” Staring at Yi Daoren for a moment, Archer asked in a deep voice, “How did you see it?”

“I don’t know, why did I make Emiya Shirou my contractor? As for how to see it… Of course it’s because of your nature!”

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