Traveler In the World

Chapter 390

Chapter 400: Black Wings

“Asshole! Asshole! Asshole…” While calculating the complicated formula and using superpowers to reflect or refract Feng Zhan Binghua’s attack, he kept cursing, and Accelerator was now full of frustration and anger.

On the one hand, this is because he can only hide in embarrassment under the attack of Feng Zhanbinghua, on the other hand, it is Yi Daoren who has been making noises around.

“From the previous 100% reflection, it can only reflect 20%, and the remaining 80% can only be refracted to one side… Accelerator, you can’t do it.”

“Shut up!” He glared at Yi Daoren fiercely, but under such distraction, Accelerator was accidentally struck by a thunder and lightning summoned by Feng Zhan Binghua, and his whole body was charred!

“Oops…” With a sound that seemed to be very regrettable, Daoist Yi snapped his fingers, and a dark purple tempered reaction jumped to Accelerator. After repairing his almost half-cooked meat, Daoist Yi smiled: ” You’d better fight Binghua seriously, or I’ll have to fix it again… This is the seventh time!”

“Shut up! If you hadn’t influenced me on the side…”

“Is this an excuse?” Yi Daoren made Accelerator shut his mouth in one sentence: “Once you make excuses for yourself, you will always make excuses for yourself, and then…”

“Shut up! I know!” After gritting his teeth for a while, Accelerator continued to charge Feng Zhan Binghua. Only this time, no matter how Daoist Yi teased at the side, he didn’t respond at all, just the crazy calculation formula with red eyes to reflect and refract Feng Zhan Binghua’s attack. That kind of momentum is not so much a person as it is a crazy beast doing the final struggle!

The human body contains a very powerful potential, and this potential is generally not highlighted. But at some extreme times, some extreme emotions will stimulate people’s spiritual power to realize their potential… For example, there are real examples of mothers breaking out amazing power when their children are in danger.

And now, the potential seal of Accelerator, who is crazy like a wild beast and hit by anger on the last line of reason, is hit by his extreme emotions, and slowly begins to change his reality!

A black tentacle similar to the Guanghua tentacle rooted in the void of the imaginary math area behind Feng Zhanbinghua diffused out from behind Accelerator. It’s just that the number of black tentacles is only two, and it is not like Feng Zhan Binghua plunged into the void, but continues to extend, dragging out about ten meters!

“Is it finally aroused… The ‘wing’ that combines extreme emotions with its own reality!”

Seeing the black tentacles appearing behind Accelerator, a gleam of light flashed across Yi Daoren’s eyes, which made people feel as if they had gone to Siberia in winter naked. This is a sign that he has opened his eyes of truth!

The eye of truth can see through everything, so once anything, including people, is watched, it will give birth to its own unique sense of crisis!

Even so, Accelerator didn’t seem to feel anything wrong… In fact, it couldn’t be said that he didn’t feel anything wrong, but Yi Daoren had always been a very dangerous existence in his eyes. Even if he felt something was wrong at the moment, he would only think it was Yi Daoren who had found a way to interfere with him, so he simply ignored it and attacked Feng Zhan Binghua frantically. In doing so, he made Feng Zhan Binghua unable to find a good way to deal with it for a while, so he could only hide in a little embarrassment.

“Jie Jie Jie… Are you only capable of this? Didn’t you hit me just now?” He laughed frantically, attacked, and vented. The black tentacles behind Accelerator became more and more solid, and finally formed shaped like wings. As soon as he swung it, a swift and violent hurricane instantly swelled, increasing his speed several times, making Feng Zhan Binghua even more difficult to deal with!

“Binghua, you can fly now.” Yi Daoren who saw this situation gave instructions.

Before, in order for Accelerator to be able to play against Feng Zhan Binghua instead of being used as a target to hang a kite, Yi Daoren instructed Feng Zhan Binghua not to fly, but now, this limitation of Feng Zhan Binghua can be solved. opened. Otherwise, it would become Accelerator hanging Feng Zhan Bing Hua to fight!

“I see!” After Feng Zhan Binghua agreed, Guanghua’s tentacles shook behind him and dragged her to fly.

The conditions were equal, and the battle between the two began to become lively again.

However, Feng Zhan Binghua found out that Accelerator’s superpower flaw that she had calculated before was no longer used! It was obvious that Accelerator still used vector control, but when she attacked with the cracked formula, she didn’t get any effect!

“Is it because of those wings?” Feng Zhanbinghua’s eyes focused on the black wings behind Accelerator.

On those black wings, she felt a power similar to the brilliance tentacles behind her. But that kind of power was purer than her brilliance tentacles, and seemed to be exclusive to Accelerator. Although the brilliance tentacles behind her can only be controlled by her, she also knows that the fundamental components of those brilliance tentacles are the AIM diffusion force field crystals in her body, and the AIM diffusion force field crystals are composed of the abilities of the entire Academy City. The essence of the AIM diffusion force field is formed through a special arrangement. Although it also contains her soul, it is not very harmonious after It can’t be compared to the one with Accelerator!

“If he destroys those wings, his power will be gone, right?” After biting at the beginning, Feng Zhan Binghua focused his attacks on Accelerator’s body and turned to the wings behind Accelerator.

Perhaps for ordinary people, the attack itself is much better than the attack on the exterior such as wings, but Accelerator is not an ordinary person, and the attack that falls on him will only be deflected or even bounced back by him. Rather than that, it would be better to directly attack Accelerator’s wings that have changed so much in Accelerator’s strength, and then defeat Accelerator’s original strength after the wings were destroyed.

It’s just that a plan will always be a plan.

Feng Zhan Binghua thought so, but how could Accelerator let Feng Zhan Binghua destroy his own wings?

Although he was almost overwhelmed by his anger now, he didn’t even know when his wings appeared, but when Feng Zhan Binghua attacked his wings, he still consciously controlled his wings. Get up and bypass Feng Zhan Binghua’s attack.

However, Feng Zhan Binghua’s attacks were too numerous and varied, even if he controlled his wings to avoid, with the size of his more than ten meters long wings, he would inevitably suffer several attacks.

But after being attacked, he found that those attacks could not hurt his wings at all, and he was directly smashed by his wings, and he let out a harsh and wild laughter: “Jie Jie Jie… Are you capable of this?!”

While speaking, his wings were drawn directly towards Feng Zhan Binghua!

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