Traveler In the World

Chapter 391

Chapter 401: Angel Appeared

“An angel has appeared!”

Whether it is between the secular or the mysterious side, this extremely explosive news has triggered unprecedented discussions. The news of the angel’s appearance was being discussed in the streets and alleys.

Of course, the most interesting thing about this is that the place where the angels appear is Academy City, which is known as the most technologically advanced city in the world, but in fact it is indeed the most technologically advanced city in the world!

“Aren’t technology and religion supposed to conflict? Why do angels appear in Academy City?”

“Maybe the heavens also need science and technology, so I asked the angels to come down and learn the scriptures!”

“The world still needs science and technology? Are you stupid? What kind of science does God’s world need? And even if God needs science, wouldn’t He study it himself? What can’t the almighty God not do?”

“Another religious lunatic…”

“Did I said wrong thing?”

“Shit! What kind of angel? That’s just a new species researched by the scientists of Academy City!”

“New species? What are you kidding!”

“Shut up! We people just need to read the news. God and science are not as important as bread and money!”

Although the discussions from the outside world have not been introduced into Lambeth Palace, Laura can know what those people are talking about even if she doesn’t go out… It’s nothing more than caring and not caring.

“Science…magic…what is Yi Daoren playing this time?”

Compared with outsiders’ discussions about angels, Laura cares more about Yi Dao Ren, the initiator who made angels appear in the world.

After all, although she hasn’t seen angels with her own eyes, she already knows a lot about them. But the person who summoned the angel…especially the person who exists or not even the angels in the religious records can’t be sure, then there is too much room for pondering!

“The claim to ordinary people is the top of the super power development system, and the domain-level ability can control the world within a certain range. The claim to us is to summon some special power from the outside that can be merged with super power, thus Makes superpowers appear like wings of power… Laura, what do you think about him and this?”

The projection of the Queen of England sounded while Laura was thinking, interrupting her thoughts that she had no clue.

“What can you think of him? This person is more mysterious than the chairman of Academy City. Even if he doesn’t hide like the chairman of Academy City, people can’t guess him.” Laura’s eyes turned When it came to Eliza: “As for this matter, do we have any other choice besides trusting him?”

“Yeah, ‘we’ has no choice but to believe him.” Eliza emphasized the word ‘we’ when she spoke.

Laura knew that the ‘we’ Eliza said was definitely not the two of them, but everyone on the mysterious side!

Those on the mysterious side knew that the ‘angels’ developed by the Yi Dao people were developed after they obtained something from them, so what will happen to their next situation?

“According to the information I have received, there are now more magicians entering the UK than the average person.” Eliza said the current situation.

“What a trick to bring disaster to the world! Even if we want to keep our distance from Academy City, we can’t do it, right?” Laura raised a strand of hair and played with it in her hands, the corners of her mouth were intriguing but glamorous. Extraordinary smile.

“Keep our distance? Now we have to form an alliance. If not, we can only hand over our family assets!” Compared with Laura’s ability to laugh, Eliza’s expression is extremely ugly now.

It can be imagined how bad the current situation in Britain is to make such a king-level figure like her show such an expression.

After knowing that Yi Daoren obtained the technology of summoning ‘angels’ in the UK, most of the forces on the mysterious side turned their attention from Academy City to the UK!

It stands to reason that the United Kingdom is also a mysterious country with a long history. Compared with Academy City, it can be said to be a very difficult bone to crack. But it would be nice if everything in the world could be logically said. What’s more, Yi Daoren came to the UK to make a riot some time ago but returned without incident!

Although Yi Dao Ren didn’t reveal his identity as Yi Dao Ren when he came to make a scene that time, anyone with a discerning eye could not tell that the mysterious Oriental Taoist was Yi Dao Ren!

Compared with the Yi Daoist who was faced with running to the enemy’s base camp to make a big fuss and returned home without incident, everyone knows that the United Kingdom is more likely to be bullied. And compared to the super powers of science and technology added by the Yi Dao people after the transformation, the original technology mastered by the British is more suitable for their mysterious magicians, isn’t it?

When fighting against all the mysterious sides of the world, the UK’s current choice, in addition to handing over its own research, is to form an alliance with Academy City to jointly defend against other forces on the mysterious side.

“His approach is really sharp, we have no choice.” Laura sighed. She also knew that the situation was settled and that there was no other choice.

This is a conspiracy, even if you know about it, you can only be led by the nose!

“However, why did he form an alliance with us? Isn’t the existence of ‘angel’ supposed to be hidden as a back-up? Where did he get so much confidence to face the very likely siege of religious forces?”

“I don’t know, UU Reading Sometimes I think he and the upper classes of Academy City are crazy!”

The appearance of the ‘angel’ has a huge impact on the mysterious forces such as religion. Even if you don’t have to think about it, you can know that the result of Academy City’s actions is very likely to attract another siege from the mysterious side. Moreover, this kind of siege is not the game-like siege when Yi Daoren left Academy City for China, but came out in full force and tried his best to kill Academy City!

“Maybe they are lunatics…”

While others were discussing him, Yi Daoren stood opposite Aleister and accepted Aleister’s almost murderous gaze.

“Why let ‘angels’ appear in front of the world?”

“Well… can I say this is more interesting?” Yi Daoren shrugged and asked tentatively.

“If you want me to do anything to you!” Aleister doesn’t have the time to joke now.

Yi Daoren suddenly let Accelerator and Feng Zhan Binghua, who had grown wings, appear in front of everyone, and they didn’t say hello in advance. This is very likely to make his plan and his efforts go to waste in one day. If he doesn’t get a well-founded answer from Yi Daoren, I am afraid that he will really attack Yi Daoren directly!

“Don’t you think it would be better for them to invite the bases over by themselves instead of setting up the bases by ourselves?”

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