Traveler In the World

Chapter 437

Chapter 447: Weak Apostle

“MAGI is being invaded!”

“Have you figured out where the invasion was? Berlin? Hamburg? Massachusetts? Beijing?”

“It’s impossible to find out… More precisely, none of the places you mentioned were invaded!”

“Then that place?”

“It is itself!”

Biting her lip and looking at the MAGI host in front of her, Ritsuko Akagi’s eyes were full of distress and doubt, and there was an indescribable complexity.

MAGI is a trio of supercomputers developed by her mother, Dr. Naoko Akagi, named MAGISystem, or MAGI for short. MAGI is equivalent to the brain of NERV and consists of three major systems: -1, BALTHASAR-2, CASPER-3.

The operation of this computer is similar to that of human beings, not only because it simulates all the dilemma thinking modes of human beings, but also because it also adopts the operating system of personality transplantation… a system that transplants the logical thinking mode of human beings to the computer.

This mindset was transplanted from Dr. Naoko Akagi. -1, BALTHASAR-2 and CASPER-3 implanted Dr. Naoko Akagi’s personality as a scientist, mother and woman respectively. The final decision comes from the deliberations of these three systems. For general issues, the minority obeys the majority, and for special issues, a one-vote veto system is adopted.

However, on the day of the completion of MAGI, Naoko Akagi committed suicide at the central dogmatic order, and Dr. Ritsuko Akagi was responsible for maintenance.

The MAGI system can manage the affairs of the Third New Tokyo Municipality, monitor the movements of the apostles, process experimental data, etc. It can be said that it is completely like the brain of NERV!

just now…

“My calculation is being interfered by a special kind of data, and that kind of data is constantly expanding the scope and extent of its interference. If this trend continues, I will soon be manipulated by it.” A line of words appeared on the computer , so that Ritsuko Akagi, who had discovered something bad through the observation of the data, knew more clearly what a terrible situation MAGI is facing now, and what a terrible situation they… NERV, will face!

As mentioned above, MAGI can manage various matters in the third new Tokyo city, so if MAGI is successfully invaded, then it is equivalent to the third new Tokyo city completely in the hands of the invader!

“Now, it’s time for you to make a choice.” The text appeared on the computer again: “Although I don’t want to change my own computing method, but now, even if I don’t change it, I can’t.”

Since MAGI was made by her mother, Ritsuko Akagi naturally doesn’t want to arbitrarily modify the MAGI host that has special meaning to her… Even as a scientist, she knows very well that MAGI’s system has been unable to keep up with the technology of Yi Daoren. NERV too.

just now…

The hand stretched out in the pocket was tightly clutching a USB flash drive that was already in the exact same place as hers, and Ritsuko Akagi felt a deep sense of unwillingness in her heart.

Although she is reluctant to modify MAGI’s system, it does not mean that she has not made a system that is more advanced than MAGI and more compatible with the current NERV!

In fact, she has already developed a new MAGI system, but it has not been updated for MAGI!

But now…

“After all, do you still want to completely erase the traces of your existence?”

The three personalities of Naoko Akagi implanted by MAGI make Ritsuko Akagi feel that her mother is still by her side, but once the system developed by her is updated with MAGI, Naoko Akagi’s personality will definitely not exist. Well… The system she developed was developed on the system of Naoko Akagi, with the various knowledge given by Yi Daoren as an extension. Therefore, that system will also have a personality, but that personality is her personality!

Like the three personalities given by Naoko Akagi, Ritsuko Akagi has given three personalities to his system… Scientist, woman, student!

There is no way out. She has not married and had children, so she will not understand what her mother’s personality is like. But while studying at Yi Daoren, she felt as if she had returned to her student life, the days of endless exploration of knowledge.

“Three minutes at most for you to think about… no, one minute. At the speed of it and the magnitude of my decline, if you can’t think about it in a minute, then it’s all over… 55, 54, 53 …”

After the words flashed, the red numbers kept beating, which were extraordinarily conspicuous and dazzling, reminding Akagi Ritsuko of the remaining time.

“Forget it… You are already dead in my memory, and now it’s not like I erased the traces of your existence. In the end, your traces were completely erased by yourself. If you didn’t commit suicide, there would be no such thing at all. situation arises.”

When the dazzling red number jumped to 10, Ritsuko Akagi decisively took out the USB flash drive and inserted it into the computer to import the data.

She is not the kind of person who must be forced to make a choice at the end. As long as she makes up her mind, she will implement her decision very quickly!

The speed of importing data is very fast. After all, MGAI is the control center of NERV. Generally, it takes only a few seconds for the computer to read the information for several hours.

Therefore, after the red numbers stopped beating for about twenty seconds, the display of the MAGI host turned into darkness in an instant, and then, one after another small red dots appeared in the darkness, which were constantly spreading.

“This… Could it be that the system update can’t stop the attacker’s attack?”

Akagi Ritsuko was stunned for a moment, but before she could regain her senses, many blue light spots appeared on the display screen, and those blue light spots continued to flock to the red light spots, and then were swallowed by the red light spots.

However, Ritsuko Akagi can see that as the red light spot is swallowed by the blue light spot, although the speed of expansion becomes much faster, its own activity is significantly reduced!

“Everything is a collection of infinite and finite. The infinite is that they must be infinite, and the limitation is that they must not be infinite in a short I don’t know when, Yi Daoren appeared in her Behind him, he chuckled and said words like a magic stick.

“Congratulations, as a mortal, you killed an apostle alone.”

“Mr. Yi!” After being surprised at the appearance of Yi Daoren, Akagi Ritsuko then reacted to what Yi Daoren said: “You said that I destroyed an apostle?!”

Yi Dao Ren has always been ghosts and ghosts, because he is like a superpower… or more like a god, he has the ability to cross space and distance. During this period of Yi Dao Ren staying in NERV, Akagi Ritsuko and the members of NERV have long been Got it. So his sudden appearance at most made Akagi Ritsuko startled by the sudden appearance of a person.

But destroying an apostle yourself is a completely different concept!

The existence of an apostle has not always been dealt with by an EVA body before? When can something like computer virus hacking be called an apostle?

“Apostles, not necessarily all big guys.”

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