Traveler In the World

Chapter 438

Chapter 448: Reason Of Failure

Not all apostles are big guys, but it’s indisputable that large living beings are generally apostles… At least in this world, this is almost common sense. Because the people on earth have not found other huge life forms that can survive in the earth environment.

The energy needed to support a huge life form like the apostle is definitely an astronomical figure. If there is such a life on the earth, it would have been discovered long ago. How can it be unheard of at this time?

However, the apostles were not born in one step, and any living body has a process of growth.

The apostle who was wiped out by Ritsuko Akagi was such an existence… It can also be said that it was the apostle’s cub!

As we all know, the life body is completely blank in its infancy. It is the period of the fastest learning and the period of its own evolution. In order to adapt to the environment in which they live, the cubs of the living body will modify their existence to a considerable extent.

Of course, this kind of modification will not exist in living organisms that have evolved for millions and tens of millions of years, nor even in other organisms with a relatively short evolutionary time, because they have already evolved to a relatively Perfect state, any change can cause an imbalance in their perfect state, causing bigger problems.

But the apostles are different. Their existence is still unknown, and their childhood form is completely unimpressive.

However, the Yidao people were sure that the data that invaded the MAGI system was an apostle, an unknown apostle who was still in its infancy.

Just like the healing of wounds requires the energy of life, evolution and mutation require a lot of energy support, and the evolution speed of the existence of the previous invasion of the MAGI system is acceptable to ordinary creatures? Even if it is Yi Daoist, if he abandons borrowing the power of dragon veins between heaven and earth, he is completely unable to provide the energy required for that level of evolution!

But that being has done it, isn’t that enough to show its identity?

Only the apostles who have the infinite power generated by the S2 mechanism can convert the power into energy, and then provide their own evolution!

It’s just that this apostle is too pitiful.

Everything has a limit. Life is eager to evolve, and it must evolve, but if it is just unlimited evolution without precipitation, the result will only be death!

Just like kneading dough, the more you knead the dough, the stronger it will be and the longer it will be able to stretch. But if there is no kneading, if it is unrestricted pulling at the beginning, it will only be divided into two lightly.

The apostle who was wiped out by Ritsuko Akagi encountered such a pitiful situation.

After adapting to the system environment of MAGI and evolving, it suddenly transferred to the new system developed by Ritsuko Akagi, and then planned to greedily adapt to Ritsuko Akagi’s system environment for evolution before its own evolution had stopped, resulting in Due to its own evolution, some problems that should not have arisen have arisen.

Originally, after such a situation occurs, as long as the energy supply is cut off, even ordinary life forms will not have this situation at all. The energy required to change the evolutionary route is definitely not affordable for ordinary life forms. However, the bad thing is that the apostles are not ordinary life forms. They can fully provide the necessary energy for evolution, which caused the apostles who invaded the MAGI system to lose control during evolution and self-destruction!

It can be said that this is the most pitiful apostle!

It is still in its infancy, and its own evolutionary mechanism is also very powerful. It should have an infinite future, and it may even evolve to be more powerful than other apostles, but it died because it was unable to control the speed of its own evolution. Under the great power, how sad!

“It really makes people want to laugh, but I can’t laugh!” Yi Daoren, who seemed to be smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes, looked at the screen for a while, turned and walked up, and disappeared directly into Chimu In front of Ritsuko.

Rao has seen him many times, but every time he sees Yi Daoren’s miraculous action method, Akagi Ritsuko still feels extremely shocked.

However, now is not the time for her to be shocked! Her most important task now is to report the situation here to Ikariyuantang!

“Commander Ikari…” After connecting to Ikarigendo’s communication channel, Ritsuko Akagi began to report the shock of the apostle, which was extremely thrilling, but didn’t feel any thrilling at all.

On the other hand, the Yi Daoist who left Ritsuko Akagi did not return to the combat command room, nor did he go to the final dogma, but came to the space where human beings’ consciousness existed after they had come together with Ikarigendo… The sea of LCL!

“I didn’t expect Mr. Yi to come here, it’s really strange.” Ikari Wei’s consciousness appeared in front of Yi Daoren immediately after his arrival.

Because there are no other human consciousnesses in the sea of LCL, she is equivalent to the master of the sea of LCL at this moment. Once outsiders enter, she will immediately notice. In addition, Yi Dao Ren did not specifically cover up his movements after entering, she will notice Yi Dao Ren is also inevitable.

“Is it so strange?” Yi Daoren smiled, then raised his pipe and fiddled with the air a few times with Ikari Wei’s surprised eyes, and then said: “You don’t look at your son, but you come to chat with me, no Are you worried about him having an accident?”

“It’s been so long. Although he has a gentle personality, he is used to fighting. And there are so many friends helping him, how could there be an accident?” Ikari Wei smiled.

“Oh? Is that so?” Yi Daoren just raised his but didn’t say anything, just smiled meaningfully, then quietly looked at nothing, but it seemed A void that contains countless things.

Seeing Yi Daoren’s performance, Ikari Wei couldn’t help but not know what to do.

To be honest, in the sea of LCL, she has almost forgotten how to communicate with people, and she has no understanding of the existence of Yi Daoren, and she has nothing to say.

However, there is one thing she still cares about… Yi Daoren’s words just now seem to have revealed some incredible information!

“Does Mr. Yi think Shinji is in danger?”

“If he doesn’t leave his buddies, he should suffer immediately.”

“What do you mean?” Ikari Yu’s expression became a little nervous: “Could it be that those people will attack Shinji? Impossible! They are all Shinji’s comrades…”

“Did you really not feel the problem with the EVA they are driving?” Yi Daoren’s eyes finally turned from the void to Ikari Yu: “I thought you were already very familiar with the apostle’s breath.”

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