
107 l Bahamut’s Power

The impact was terrible.

Azlyn knew the makeshift earth wall was shoddy at best, but it helped some. Roll and Richiro immediately began casting heals over their party.

“Where’s Nael?” Kida shouted, looking over the battleground.

“ABOVE!” Ozwin shouted, just as Nael came crashing down into their group. All nine of them were sent outward about ten to twenty yalms. Luckily they had been in the center where the blowback didn’t send them out the ring of death.

N’thuzu Tia had once again been chosen as Nael deus Darnus’s piercing bag—as the dragon-like entity screeched, clawed, hacked, stabbed, pierced, jabbed—over and over and over and over again.

Roll and Richiro were barely able to keep up with the damage output.

Another change of aether occurred, as Alisaie, Azlyn, Koroko and Mjnt were hit with a burst of red energy. Nael cackled before disappearing into a void.

“Spread out!” Mjnt clamored, and everyone watched as the four spread themselves around the ring. Four Nael’s—or three images of manifested aetheric compulsions along with the real Nael deus Darnus started to dive upon them in a series of two to three strikes. The four had been spread out, but the casters had a hard time avoiding the lance that Nael tried to impale them with. Mjnt had an easier time, dancing around the javelin to stab upward.

When the entity had enough fun with them—hitting not only them—but the others as well—they ran to the center where Roll spread out an aspected helios upon them. Nael disappeared once more—but this time three giant meteroids started to spiral down to the outer edges of the ring.

Roll heavily exhaled. “Nael’s hitting us hard.”

Alisaie shook her head. “Everyone’s alive, right?”

“What we need is a stronger ballad.” Kida strummed vigorously over her strings. A sensation of cool aether wrapped around each of them. “A mage’s ballad is the way to go sometimes.”

“Titan-Egi took most of the brunt of that beam.” Azlyn choked on some dust. “Ifrit-Egi, I summon you.” A blaze of inferno fire, the miniature of Ifrit floated up next to her—a low grumble in its throat waiting for Nael to return.

Richiro Wichiro had been switching between Eos and Selene when necessary—however he decided to keep Eos by his side after the last divebombing. “Eos has been helping too.”

N’thuzu Tia looked over to Ozwin wiping the blood from his chin. “You alright?”

“Never better.” Ozwin spat out some blood. “Need a swap?”

“All yours.” The warrior reached into his waist satchel for a bit of dried herbs. He started to chew upon a few leaves shaking the exhaustion away.

The three meteors collided into the ground—spread out—and started to transform into golems. They all had different colors. One was blue. One was green. One was red. Azlyn had a bad feeling about them and looked to their two vanguards. “One of each needs to tank the golems away from each other. The rest of us should take out the third one, and then split to help either of you two.”

Mjnt sprinted to the only other one, along with Mjnt and Koroko. Together the trio started to bash into the heavy stones.

“What about these smaller meteors?” Alisaie pointed to the smaller ones positioned on the ground. There were only four of them and Nael was still nowhere to be seen.

The warrior sprinted off in front, taking the aggression of the first golem. Ozwin sidestepped around the healers over to the reddish looking golem that started to barrel to them.

“Have the golems break them!” Azlyn came up with it on the fly. “But make sure they don’t mingle with one another. The aether imbalance is weird.”

Alisaie nodded, before she ran over to Ozwin’s side to inform him of what to do. Azlyn turned to Roll and Richiro. “Could you two go to Mjnt and tell them to take care of the two closest meteors to them? I’ll inform Thuzu on the other side!”

They all split, as Azlyn and her pet came running to the Miqo’te. “Have the golem attack the meteor there!” She pointed to the yellow meteor. “I have a bad feeling if we leave the meteors and these golems—it could cause a massive explosion.”

N’thuzu Tia nodded, and then started to wrangle the golem to follow him. The pair continued to fight it, dodging it, and avoided being caught—and let the golem charged at the meteor on the ground… only to watch it absorb the meteor instead.

Azlyn blinked slowly, more in shock then anything. “Oh…shit.” She turned around and saw the other golems had absorbed the meteors on their side. “Oh…oh….”

N’thuzu Tia cleaved into the rock numerous times. “Doesn’t matter—the meteors are gone. Attack the core! On my mark!”

She waited for his cue, and together they pierced the core with their attacks. He had tomahawked his axe while Azlyn sent several ruin spells one after the other. They watched the golem crumble to dust, before turning to see the remainder of the party. The other two golems had also been taken down quickly, as Ozwin and Alisaie worked in tandem to jump around the massive rock walls it spat toward them. Then blitz to attack the core as N’thuzu Tia had recommended. The last golem had been the easiest to take down—not because it was the last one—but because all of them focused their attacks upon the core.

They ran to the center of the circle, closing ranks between each other. 

“No sign of Nael?” Kida darted her eyes back and forth.

Azlyn looked up sensing a change in the aetherflow. “Above.”

They all looked up as Nael emerged, a burst of energy formed in the palm of the scaled talons. It screeched to them. “Megaflare!”

Roll had prepared for this as she started to cast a veil of healing light over them. She floated several inches off the ground as she drew upon the energy of her globe. Meanwhile Richiro Wichiro helped ease the blow of the expanded aether, granting each member succor.

What had been a brilliant blue night sky turned into a deep red hue—as Dalamud drew closer upon their field. Azlyn watched in horror as the smoke and dust settled from the enormous aetheric bomb Nael deus Darnus released upon them. Not only did the red moon of doom seem closer, but so did the giant allagan tower that blew a particle beam. She watched as it slowly started to drop from the sky—right to the center.


The nine of them started to move out, just in the nick of time as the giant tower pierced into the ground. The blowback sent them close to the outer ring, almost touching the blue sparking lines. Azlyn steadily let a breath go as she had fallen during the impact and skidded to a stop. Her face had been several inches from the line.

Someone grabbed her foot to yank her away from the line.

“Don’t be dead—don’t be dead.” She heard N’thuzu Tia chant over her.

“Not dead.” She groaned in pain.

She rolled over, seeing Ozwin fighting off Nael on the other side of the tower. Koroko Koko had been next to him, blasting the dragon entity with her fire aspected mana. They felt the ground crush in as the tower started to sink.

A hum of electricity over the ground alerted Azlyn to the danger. She grabbed ahold of N’thuzu Tia’s wrist and yanked him out of the area. She noticed Mjnt started to sprint to another side, and Alisaie in another. Sparks of electricity coursed through the ground at certain spots.

And this continued as the tower continued to sink. They thought they could breathe when the Allagan tower disappeared into the center—leaving only the top of the tower’s peak in view. Nael called upon large meteors to fall upon them—crashing into different places on the battlefield.

They all gathered near the center, avoiding the Allagan bits of tower, and saw Nael start to weaken. Ozwin had been able to crack the dragon’s scale—which only enflamed the monster as it began to call upon Bahamut’s favor.

“My Lord will crush the bugs undertoe—thou art nothing more than vermin!”

Three dragons swooped in, spreading out the party when they went to fly overhead. The updraft of wind caused the nine of them to get blown back—almost as if Nael wanted them to die by the blue ring of death on the outer outer ring.

Alisaie wiped some blood from her cracked lips. “I’m getting real sick and tired of these dragons.”

N’thuzu Tia agreed. “Ozwin!” He hollered over to the man using his shield to parry the numerous thrusts and continuous jabs of Nael’s spear. “SWAP?”

Ozwin gritted his teeth as Nael insidiously growled, before increasing the power in their blows. The Midlander Hyur braced for the hits while Roll and Richiro kept him standing. 

“SWAP!” Ozwin flipped backward after the fifth clawed spear jab, while the Miqo’te jumped to the same position as he had once stayed.

Kida burst an aetheric arrow to one of the wings of Nael, watching as the wing shuttered at the impact. They could also see a tiny tear form. “THERE WE GO!”

Nael grimaced as they couldn’t stay flying for long—landing upon the ground to attack. Mjnt gestured to the party before she jumped high into the air. “It’s time we paid you back for your divebombs!”

Roll casted Divination, letting the power of the stars and the universe empower not only her but Mjnt. Everyone watched as the Viera with red hair and fluffy bunny ears started to gather aetheric fire energy in her spear.

Everyone on the ground prepared for their own melee attacks—while the ranged and casters started to prepare the biggest spells at their disposal. When Mjnt landed, and jumped away—they all attacked at once—screaming as Nael deus Darnus struggled under their combined might.

They all heaved heavy breaths, looking at the entity before them, staggering to the ground. The aether in their body started to dissipate—and they watched as the outdoor space soon turned into an allagan dodecahedron shaped room. There were panels blacked out on each face, probably something that helped created the dimensional effect of the open expanse of the illusion. The room lost the energy to sustain the images around them and soon died away. There was no sky—no Dalamud—no Allagan towers above them that would come crashing down.

Azlyn examined the space, her eyes darting to the walls and ceiling—seeing the patterns etched up and around the space. “Its…it was… an illusion…”

Roll tapped her wrist gadget. “And the blue ring of death—as dubbed by Azlyn—was the bounds of the terminal walls.”

“The space matches…” Mjnt replied. The Viera stopped mid speech as she directed their attention back on Nael deus Darnus. “He comes.”

They turned. The man in armor had lost his transformation, stumbling from the center of the platform toward them. The red color in his eyes were clear, not the same as they once had been. His body was aglow as the aether still escaped him.

Alisaie murmured sadly. “Poor creature. Would that you had never been born.” She explained it to the rest of them. “You had surrendered your physical form, and collapsed into aether—but Bahamut denied you death, and imprisoned what little was left of you in an aetherial shell resembling—what I wonder? Images from your memory, perhaps?”

Azlyn frowned. “How painful that must be.” She then gauged the man before them. “But that shell is broken.”

The scion nodded. “And your primal deity seems disinclined to sustain your existence.”

Nael deus Darnus hacked in pain, as more and more aether escaped him. “My… primal deity…? I kneel to no eikon! What need have I to beg…the favor of such filth…” He spat out aetherial energy from his lips, then turned to see Ozwin. His eyes widened in recognition. “You…! You!”

Ozwin narrowed his green eyes, and held his sword and battered shield at the ready. “Nael deus Darnus—your life ends here.”

Nael angrily hissed to him. “What nonsense…you speak!” He hacked more. “I am Nael van Darnus! Remember… remember me now… you filth… of scum! I am the Legatus of the VIIIth Legion!”

It almost looked like the pair would fight once more—but Nael hesitated. He looked down to his armored hand grasping his bleeding arm. “No… a moment… My thoughts are clouded… and this body is not mine own.” He grimaced in pain as more aether seeped out. “Could it be that you spoke the truth?” He turned his eyes to the Sharlayan scholar. “Was I ensorcelled by the lesser moon’s ancient power? …That will not… happen again.”

They all were taken back by his statements, even Ozwin as they tried to piece together what he had said.

“You speak as if Bahamut no longer controlled you!” Azlyn called out to him.

Alisaie nodded. “But that’s impossible! Once a primal ensnares a mind, it cannot be freed!”

Ozwin put his own two cents into the discussion. “Maybe Bahamut dropped his control over him. What need has he of a broken spirit—a broken shell of a man bound for the aetherial realm?”

Nael van Darnus struggled to stay standing. He grimaced. “That I should fall prey to the very influence I sought to purge from the land… and slain—not once—but twice by…” He vehemently looked to Ozwin. “You and your comrades. The irony… is galling.” He hacked heavily.

Ozwin spat blood. “I have a karambit with your name on it Nael—say the word and I’ll end it.” He dropped the sword and shield from his hands and drew out a pointed knife from his back pocket. “The dead should stay dead.”

“Wait…” Azlyn stepped in front of Ozwin. “Why did you do this? Why bring Bahamut into Eorzea at all? If you wanted to expunge the lands of primal influence—why did you use another god to do so? Were you already in Bahamut’s thrall when…?” She wondered if that might have been the reason why the Meteor Project had been brought into existence. Maybe the Garleans had bit off more than they could chew—and couldn’t accept their consequences.

Nael van Darnus slowly turned his head to face her, his eyes widened a fraction, also in recognition before he chuckled darkly. “…you are too young…” He coughed again. “Child of Azem, do not assume that all my actions were chosen for me. It was my will that the Meteor project be resurrected—mine and none other. Yet it seems that my grand designs were destined to fall. Even the ungentle release of death was denied me.”

Alisaie moved up to stand next to Azlyn and Ozwin. She gestured to the legatus pleading him for information. “Nael, please. You must tell us more of the Calamity. I must know the truth of what has befallen the world—and what has become of my grandfather, Archon Louisoix.”

Ozwin lowered his karambit, hardening his gaze.

Nael’s recognition happened thrice-fold as he laid his eye upon the sharlayan. “You are Louisoix’s grandchild? Together with… the Warrior of Light…”

They reacted to this—almost as shocked as the silent members of their group behind them.

“Ah—the fates are generous with their cruelty.” He laughed, even as he hacked. “Continue on, if you would have your answers—they await you at the terminus of your path. But know that this path leads only to despair. The light of truth was ever harsh and unforgiving.”

Azlyn grimaced, Ozwin looked to them in confusion, and Alisaie was the only one who openly spoke her mind. “Why do you say this? Grandfather will be freed once we put a stop to Bahamut’s restoration, will he not? What are you not telling us?”

“Alisaie…” Azlyn frowned.

Nael straightened himself, looking to the young child in between Ozwin and Azlyn. “Steel yourselves. Only unbending resolve and merciless strength can conquer what lies ahead.” He looked to the ground, as if remembering a sad tale. “The weak can do naught but weep under the pall of their own misery. As did the frail child I once was—GAH!?”

What had been a moment of vulnerability had turned into a dying wish as the legatus had been impaled from behind by a spear of aspect light aether. It skewered straight into his back and chest—extending out about three feet from him. Nael gasped in shock and surprise—the pain etched on his face frozen in place.

A loud, dominating voice permeated the space. It was a male voice—older, and more refined. It was a voice Azlyn recognized from long ago. One she’d heard speak once to her father. 

Everyone went alert. Azlyn brought forth her grimoire, standing a foot ahead of Alisaie to protect her just in case. “Silence, chattering raven. Your wretched wings are broken, and you shall soar no more.”

Nael painfully reached his hand upward, to the deadened panels over them. “My crimson moon—Your brilliance sears mine eyes—” The light began to overtake Nael, as the aether enveloped and consumed the man whole.

Azlyn watched as the presence of the Legatus disappeared from the space.

There was a long silence between them, as they all tried to understand what had just occurred and why it occurred the way it had. Ozwin stared up to the walls, his ears had picked up where the sound had come from but had not seen who.

Alisaie frowned. “I…I recognize that voice. But never would he say such words.”

Azlyn bit her lip. She was afraid that this would be the case.

The Scion shook her head. “No. Okay.” She slapped her cheeks lightly with both of her hands. “Come—let us finish what we came to do. All will be put aright when the final hulk lies dormant. Grandfather will be himself again—I’m sure of it.” She pushed ahead, walking past them to the next access way.

Ozwin slid his karambit away in his back holster, to kneel and pick up the sword and shield. “You okay Azlyn?”

She nodded. “Ye-yeah. Guys?”

N’thuzu Tia had his arms crossed; he had a confused look upon his face. Both Kida and Roll were giving Ozwin a curious look. Richiro and Koroko seemed lost in contemplation. Mjnt was the only one not bothered by what had transpired.

“We should follow after Alisaie.” The Viera motioned for them to follow. “Best to stick together.”

They rejoined the girl at the mouth of the path, and together they entered the terminus as Nael deus… Nael van Darnus mentioned it as. Azlyn went straight to the terminal panel, and began going through the software to deactivate the hulk. The ancient allagan letters sprung to life as she began to type.

As Azlyn worked on that, the rest went to the edge of the platform—and noticed the restoration progress of Bahamut. In such a small amount of time Bahamut had recovered aa quarter of it’s upper body.

“Bahamut regenerates more swiftly that I had anticipated. Let us hope that disabling this coil will serve to slow the process.” Alisaie turned to see Azlyn typing quickly. Several screens had popped up in front of the Auri girl, as she quickly scanned the logs.

“The display seems different, but the controls appear to mimic the mechanism we found in the La Noscean hulk.” Mjnt observed with a keen eye.

Alisaie nodded. “It shouldn’t pose a problem. Right Azlyn?”

The girl looked over her shoulder when her name was brought up. “Huh? Uh—yeah, it shouldn’t be that much longer.”

Richiro awkwardly stepped up to Azlyn then, and he tugged on her robes. She continued typing but looked to see him. “What’s up Richiro? Are you alright? You look troubled?”

The lalafellin caster frowned. “Forgive me.” He bowed to her, and then to all of them. “When Nael transformed—I—I thought that this was the end. I thought we would all die and it would trigger another calamity… and due to that, I hesitated. Roll picked up on my slack—but I wanted to apologize.”

Alisaie clenched her fist—but not in anger. She turned her head to the side. “You… you’re not alone in that Richiro.” She sighed. “I felt the hope wilt in my heart after I beheld Nael’s transformation. I didn’t believe in everyone to stand much of a chance against the manifestation of Bahamut’s power.”

Kida snorted, brushing off their spoken transgression. “But did we die?”

Alisaie blinked, “We’re breathing—and no one was too gravely injured….”

“But did we die?” Kida reiterated.

“…no?”  The two answered.

The blue haired Auri smiled widely to them, her face had a few nicks and bruises. “Then what’s the point in worrying? It was a fuckin’ tough fight, and that bitch slung everything at us. If we couldn’t handle that, then how the fuck do we take on Big Boy Bahamuttface here?” She gestured to the growing body of Bahamut behind her. “Screw the rules of common sense and rationality. We have each other to support, and if we’re going to die—let it be by sword and shield. I ain’t dying resting—that’s fasho.”

Roll chuckled. “Heh.”

Mjnt looked to the pair. “Have faith. We are stronger than we look.”

Azlyn returned to clicking away at the keys.

“For all your fabled strength and skill, I felt certain that I was going to lose you all—just as I lost my grandfather. Even he, a man for whom naught seemed impossible, was humbled before Bahamut’s might.” Alisaie sighed, as she gazed at the deity in front of their terminus. She cheekily grinned to Kida. “But look how far we have come. You’re right. We definitely didn’t die.”

“DAMN STRAIGHT!” Kida gave the girl a thumbs up.

Ozwin crossed his arms. “You don’t have to worry about us dying. I should have died five years ago—but I was brought back by your old man.”

Alisaie smiled. “’Tis incredible feats of which we are capable—our boundless potential—so to speak.”

“Yeah… yeah…”  The Midlander waved her off.

Roll directed her attention to the Midlander. “I’m very curious to hear your background now. Especially since you were one of the original Warriors of Light.”

The Hyur sighed. “It’s just a title, I gave it up long ago.”

“The title returned to you once you helped destroy the Ultima Weapon.” Koroko Koko chuckled into her hand. “And I see someone’s as bashful with titles as another in this group.”

“I resent that.” Ozwin mimicked Azlyn’s usual line.

Azlyn chuckled, shaking her head.

Alisaie moved closer to the girl working the terminal, smiling wider. “Twas this capacity for greatness, I believe, that Grandfather so dearly wished to protect. With all that has occurred, I have come to understand that much at least.”

The screens in front of Azlyn scrambled to shut down—as she finished inputting the last codes of allagan to shut down the hulk. They all watched as the terminus’s energy flow started to ebb to a stop.

“It’s done!” Richiro cheered by Azlyn’s side.

They all celebrated a moment as one of the three rays of energy finally ceased the cycle to restore Bahamut. They still had two more to shut down.

“Shall we make our way back to the surface, and gather our thoughts?” Alisaie lifted the bullet journal. “We have seen much that will benefit from Urianger’s learned perspective.”

N’thuzu Tia’s stomach rumbled loudly, as the Miqo’te blinked several times in surprise. He rubbed his cheek in embarrassment. “Could we get some food—before that discussion?”

Everyone started to laugh.

“Yeah!” Kida went to clap him on the back. “Let’s go before Thuzu’s stomach eats him whole!” She turned to walk out the way they came, only to bump into a tall Elezen that emerged in front of her. Kida stumbled back into N’thuzu Tia, who caught her with ease. “OW! Watch where your walkin’ pal!!”

The Elezen with darkened tan skin ignored her, walking into the center of their group with ease. The party parted, circling around the mysterious man who suddenly appeared. 

“Archon Louisoix...?!” Azlyn gasped in horror as the Elezen sent a Ruin spell to smack Alisaie square in the chest. She watched the girl crumble to the floor, not expecting the attack.

No one expected it.

Azlyn looked to the girl, quickly assessing her injuries. They were minimal at best—but it did cause her a great shock. She could see the girl starting to shake, and Alisaie’s face had gone pale. “Grandfather?”

Ozwin widened his eyes in shock. “It’s…you…but why? That’s your grandkid Louisoix!”

The Elezen had a mark tattooed on the left side of his head, his white hair combed back—his beard in pristine order. His clothes looked new, but the same ones from his fight during the Battle of Carteneau. Ozwin gritted his teeth. “Abandon this quest, Alisaie. I will not countenance further sabotage of the coils.”

Alisaie seemed confused. “Sabotage? But—but we must disable the coils if we are to prevent Bahamut’s revival!”

Azlyn glared to the man, tacking onto Alisaie’s statement. “We will stop Bahamut.”

Louisoix looked between the pair, and then to Ozwin behind them. He did not have a jovial expression—as it was devoid of any emotion. He spoke unilaterally to them. “Your defiance seals your fate.” He lifted up his hand, casting and charging another ruin spell.

Azlyn defended Alisaie, stepping in the way. “Archon Louisoix! Do not do this!” The other surrounding him started to pull their weapons. Kida already had an arrow notched, aiming at his center mass.

Alisaie still in shock, muttered behind her. “No…no you are not who I thought you were—my grandfather… my grandfather would never—” Her eyes darkened, scowling to him from behind Azlyn’s protective form.

Louisoix dropped his arm, the spell ended. “Foolish girl.” He looked to Azlyn. “Daughter of Nahz’el.” He looked to Ozwin beside her.

“…?̷̰̪̳͂̒͂͂͂̑͒͒?̶͙̱͉̃̑̽͊̀̚͝ͅ?̵̧̫͆̉̌̄͘̚?̵̧͚͈̼̫̏ͅ?̶̛̣̼̱͙̐̉?̵̞̂̒” The Hyur reacted to the name, and everyone struggled to understand it. Azlyn had to read his lips to get the concept of the syllables—however it was too difficult for her lips to say aloud. “How could the White Raven allow themselves to be bested by such sniveling opponents?”

Azlyn flared. “Say what?!”

The man’s eyes—what had been a brilliant blue hue—a magnificent blue like the twins—had been corrupted by a red glow. The same glow that once held control over Nael van Darnus.

“Listen well. We all exist at the pleasure of one divine will. And the word of Lord Bahamut is absolute!”


Roll grimaced openly. “Tempered… by Bahamut. Figures.”

Alisaie’s emotions overcame her, her eyes welled with tears as she listened to the words that broke her heart.

“Scurry back into your holes, vermin. You have been granted this one reprieve. Thank your pathetic gods for this.” Louisoix turned on his heel, about to leave, except he looked over his shoulder. He eyed the girl with white hair and purple eyes closely. “But should you be so foolish as to crawl into my lord’s domain again, I will crush the life from you myself.”

They watched as he teleported instantly away—the magic of the aether disappeared with him leaving their group standing in a myriad of conflicting emotion. From shock, hurt, angry, frustration, sorrow…Azlyn could feel the palpable sadness, that grief growing behind her.

“That—That light in Grandfather’s eyes. He—he suffered the same fate as Nael.” Alisaie spoke dumbfoundedly, her eyes let fall the tears that brimmed her lashes. “My—my grandsire is no more. That was naught but a phantom that profanes his noble memory.” 

The girl who had once been sad enough to cry, instantly jumped to rage. She clenched her fists in anger, frustration and grief. “This mockery must be expunged! I will not rest until I free Grandfather’s soul from Bahamut’s tyranny!” She angrily turned to face the unfinished Bahamut. “YOU HEAR ME BAHAMUT! I WON’T LET YOU!” She slammed her hands into the terminal. She screamed and cried out. “YOUR TIME IS AT AN END! Eorzea…Eorzea—my family! They will be AVENGED!”

Ozwin approached from behind her. He went to pat her on the back, only for her to collapse to her knees. She started to cry heavy tears.

Azlyn ran over to her, offering her a place to be in her arms. The Sharlayan dove into her hiccuping and wailing in her robes.

Azlyn looked to Ozwin, biting her lip—and then to her friends. They all watched her angry outburst with comprehension and a deep sadness. This time they knew their next expedition would lead to a fight—a fight with the Archon himself.

And that thought broke all their hearts.

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