
108 l Fragments of Truth

Azlyn brought over a few bowls of chicken soup with biscuits to the table. They left the coils about an hour ago, deciding to reconvene in Fallgourd Float. The village had been built over waters that give the village it’s name, and given the close proximity to the Ixali Logging Grounds, they also had a Serpent outpost maintained. A heavy downpour of rain trapped them within the Bobbing Cork, the inn of that village, where altogether they shoved some of the long tables together to make room for their group’s . 

They made sure to put themselves in the far side, away from other people and guests so they could discuss quietly in peace. The last thing they wanted to do was to alarm any of the Eorzeans with news of Bahamut’s revival.

And, on top of that, half of their group was missing. They were asked by Alisaie to check on her assistants in Mor Dhona and Thanalan.  

N’thuzu Tia happened to be on his third bowl of soup when Azlyn had brought over their next batch of orders. 

“You weren’t lying when you said you were hungry.” Azlyn chuckled to the Miqo’te. 

He nodded, his ears perked up.

Kida lifted her bowl up to her own lips, forgoing the spoon to eat straight from the bowl. A loud rumble of thunder rolled overhead. 

“It started to rain pretty hard.” Mjnt observed, her own ears at attention as she listened to the pattering of the rain on the roof. “How are you doing Alisaie?” 

The Scion twin lifted her eyes off from the steaming bowl. “I’m fine. Just waiting for Urianger to arrive. He said he’d come to us for his reports. Should be any minute.” Alisaie mused, bringing her attention to the entryway. There were some guards and Serpent officers that passed through to pass the rains. Another loud crack of thunder rolled above them. 

Richiro spun his spoon in the soup. He didn’t seem too interested in eating much. “Will Roll, Ozwin, and Koroko Koko be alright?”

Azlyn gave a reassuring smile over to the Lalafellin healer. She wasn’t all that concerned about their safety. Everyone had good sense to take care of themselves. “They’ll be good.”

N’thuzu Tia paused eating long enough to speak. He swallowed the long clump of biscuit before he said, “We should allow Ozwin time to tell us about the past.” 

Kida slammed her bowl down onto the table, gasping as she eat the entire bowl in several gulps. “That’s some good soup!”

More thunder cracked up above. The six of them looked up to the ceiling of the Bobbing Cork, wondering if the rains pelting the roof would cause damage after sometime. The firelight flickered every once in a while, as the winds blew in from the entryway. An Elezen dressed in black robes and white. hood, wet from the pouring rain, walked into the inn. The man seemed to take in his surroundings before walking over to them. 

“Good afternoon Urianger.” Azlyn greeted when she heard the sandals squish up to them. “It’s raining fairly hard.” 

The scholar nodded, taking a seat. Azlyn offered him a bowl of food to warm him. Meanwhile Alisaie propped her chin on her hand. 

Urianger placed the spoon down on the table, regarding them. His goggles under his hood seemed to have a slight fog from the change in temperature. “Man is wont to cast light wheresoever secrets lie hid in darkness—though that which he illuminate the seldom bringeth him joy. So it is with such unhappy truths as Bahamut’s immense shadow doth conceal.” 

Azlyn frowned, finishing the last bit of her own meal. “Yes—well—we’re managing as best we can. Isn’t that right?” She directed her attention back to the twin who perked up. It seemed like she had something heavy on her shoulders, but that was something to be expected. Given that her own grandfather’s aetheric essence had been tempered by Bahamut. 

“Yes. Our group has been vigilantly working to this end.”

The robed scholar turned to N’thuzu Tia, Mjnt, Richiro, and Kida. He bowed his head to them slightly. “I prithee remain by my lady’s side as her valiant blade, that she might see this quest to its conclusion.” 

Mjnt smiled, “Of course.” 

Kida gave a thumbs up, a toothy grin emerging on her face. 

Alisaie looked to the Scion with a keen eye. “What news Urianger? I would be grateful for your counsel. As you know from our last call, Bahamut’s physical form is regenerating beneath the Carteneau Flats as we speak.” 

Richiro’s quiet voice rose at the table. He spoke calmly. “We need to disable the two remaining internment hulks that sustain him. But the question is how to get in?” 

Kida drummed her fingers on the table, lost in thought. “Wasn’t your assistants looking for those entrances? That was why Roll, Ozzie, and Koko went out to check.” 

Alisaie explained with a bit of concern in her tone. “Indeed. All we can do it wait and see what happens from here. Yet with every moment our mission is delayed, the realm is pushed closer to the brink of destruction.” 

The Scion crossed his arms over his chest, looking over to Azlyn when he spoke. “When last thou descended upon Bahamut’s subterranean fastness, thou didst discover, didst thou not, that the dread primal had bound the shade of Nael van Darnus unto his will.” 

Azlyn bit her lip, bobbing her head at the memory. 

“And though thou didst consign the fallen legatus to blessed oblivion, thou mayest recall that the piteous wretch was not alone. Doubt not but that Bahamut’s other thrills shall seek to hinder thy passage.” 

Alisaie interjected angrily. “You can say his name, Urianger. I have not forgotten that my grand sire is waiting for us.” She clenched her fists, shaking. 

The older Elezen turned his gaze over to the young Scion, as he tried his best to assuage her. He was concerned about her well-being after all that had happened that morning. “My lady. I would remind you, as I must oft remind myself, that the man whom we both loved and revered is no more. What remaineth is but a shade which defileth his memory.” The scholar had been fairly stoic with them throughout their timely discussions, but this time, it seemed like his emotions did get the best of him. “The vile verbiage that spilleth from his lips must not be heeded, for it cometh not from your grandsire, but from Bahamut himself.” 

The girl sighed, trying not to sound depressed. The slight tinge of red under her eyes were apparent. “You need not worry, Urianger. Come what may, I will not stray from the course.” She let out a determined decision instead. “I will not let Grandfather’s sacrifice be in vain!” 

Azlyn pursed her lips, forgetting about the food in front of her. Her stomach rolled at the thought of having to fight against the Archon’s shade. “With no way inside the fragments, we’re kind of stuck.”

This caused the rest of her friends to hum in low grumbles. 

“It sure started raining hard here.” Koroko Koko’s voice echoed from the entry. They all turned their gaze over to see the three members of their missing group shaking off the water from the short walk from the Aetheryte. Kida popped up from her sit to wave over to them. 

“HEY! Over here! We have hot soup with your names on them!” 

Roll walked over, soon followed by Ozwin and Koroko Koko. 

Urianger smiled over to their new arrivals. “Full oft hath the Warriors of Light set events in motion by virtue of thy presences alone. ‘Tis possible that they may do so again.” 

Ozwin scoffed. “Warriors of Light. I keep hearing that. Anyway—Alisaie, your assistants didn’t find a way into the fragments. Either of them.” 

Alisaie sighed in defeat, reaching a hand up to rub her eyes. “Great.” She exhaled, letting her breath blow her bangs slightly up. 

The Scion stood up, his soup had been finished now as he excused himself. “I shall search for answers of mine own. Pray take a few hours to rest. Full sure am I that the path shall be revealed to us ere long.” His optimism made Azlyn smile slowly. 

He teleported from within the building, blinking away in an aetherial bubble to wherever he was heading. The nine of them ate what remained of their early dinner, and catching each other up on what happened. 

Ozwin burped aloud, leaning back in his chair. “Excuse me.” He stretched his arms up into the sky. “Alright, it’s about time I tell you all about what Louisoix and Nael talked about. Those interested can follow me to outside the building. Less ears, more privacy.” He gestured to the door. “Oh, Azlyn doesn’t need to know this.” 

Kida raised an eyebrow. “Why? Shouldn’t she be involved in that chat?” 

Azlyn chuckled, shaking her head. “We had a few chats beforehand, so I have a good idea of his history. You all are more than welcome to take him though.” 

Alisaie smiled warmly, “Then you all don’t mind if I have Azlyn’s attention for a while? I have something that I want to pick her brain on.” 

With her friends changing venues, the pair remained behind at the table. Azlyn started to gather all of the empty bowls, utensils, and helped wiped down the space. Alisaie helped with the cleaning, and struck conversation when able. 

“Thank you.” She spoke stoically. “I broke down after... after my grandsire’s appearance. But you didn’t say a word and just rubbed my back. I’m still angry. I’m frustrated and mad. It’s a bit overwhelming.” Alisaie paused her hand that wiped the first section of the table. 

Azlyn waited for the girl to speak further, but it seemed to her that she was grimacing. Her face had contorted in misery, as if wrangling a deeper demon within. She placed the bowls down lightly upon the table, and pulled out a chair to sit. She gestured to the seat next to her. 

Taking her cue, the girl plopped down, her hands wrangling the cloth.

A few long moments of silence—the growing rain outside continued to hit the roof above them. A cool breeze from the outside blew in, wrapping the front area and the outer walls where they sat. 

“You know—” Azlyn spoke up, she placed her hands together, clasping them. “I can’t say that I will be able to understand all that is happening. But what I do know is that you love your grandfather very much. I remember meeting him when I was younger. Much younger—I was around eight—maybe nine? My father worked with him, and he would always call him Master.” The Au Ra chuckled sadly. “The Archon was an incredibly smart man. Urianger was with him as well, younger—a bit shorter than his current height.” 

Alisaie quietly listened, her attention had been upon her as she spoke of the past. “Urianger followed our grandsire quite a bit. Though he did watch us for sometime too.” She sighed, dropping the cloth on the table. She straightened the cloth with her hands. “My grandfather’s legacy, I want to uphold it. I want to keep Eorzea safe, and prevent Bahamut’s revival.” 

Azlyn recalled the call from her brother—and how he was concerned about her reasonings and choice of path. He worried that she was following a course of action that wasn’t of her own choosing. She pondered how best to relay this without upsetting her. “Alisaie, whatever you decide to do, I know we’ll be right behind you. You’re not alone—after all you have your friends—and your family watching over you.” 

Alisaie rolled her eyes at the mention of family, it seemed apparent she knew that Azlyn had implied Alphinaud in that. “Ugh—Alphinaud. He’s too naggy. ‘Quit relying upon grandfather so much’, ‘His legacy is clouding your judgment’, ‘You must needs choose your own reasons’. Gods above he’s a pain in the ass with all his chattering.” She dropped her hands on the table in exasperation. 

“It sounds like he is worried about you.” She decided to omit the call she received from him. 

The girl gave her a side eye—the one that glowered. She quoted with her hands. “Worried.” 

She chuckled, placing a hand under her chin to smile warmly. Azlyn watched her with a soft gaze, one that seemed to read in between the lines of sibling bickering. “You two love each other very much. Despite the disagreements, you siblings have quite the bond.” 

Alisaie had to take a moment to blink, her expression morphed into a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. Her ears started to turn a bit red. “I mean—he’s my important brother—but don’t you dare tell him that. He’s one of the few people that does understand me—even if he’s annoying.” She shook her head. “It seems like you and Roll have a good sibling relationship. You both compliment each other well.” 

“Roll’s my cousin,” Azlyn grinned, thinking back. “But yeah, we do get along well enough. She’s been helping out her mom in Ul’dah for sometime. She also is an incredibly hard worker. She loves to craft and make things—sometimes I wonder if she takes on too much.” 

“She older or younger?” 

“Older, by two years.” She answered back. 

“DIdn’t you say you were twenty four before?” 

Azlyn nodded. 

“So everyone’s in their mid twenties.” Alisaie hummed, tapping her chin with her finger. “Not that I’m surprised, mind you. It just seemed like everyone had a few more years on us.” 

“The Scions are older than you two siblings.” Azlyn shook her head. “Isn’t Urianger around thirty?” 

“I think twenty nine. Papalymo is the oldest.” Alisaie remembered. “He’s in his forties.” 

“Wait—what!?” Azlyn gaped at this new discovery. “He looks like he’d be no older than Yda! Especially with the way they bicker!” 

The two girls laughed once more, before they began cleaning up the tables. Azlyn carried the dirty plates and utensils back to the counter, where the bar assistant had taken the plates with a grateful nod. It had appeared as if the young Elezen had worried about bussing the table previously, but realized that Azlyn and Alisaie did the majority of the work for him. As a token of thanks, the young lad had come back to the pair with two cups of hot cocoa before running off to the back. 

They were enjoying their hot beverage when Azlyn’s linkpearl buzzed. The girl reached up click open the line. “Azlyn speaking.” 

“Tis I, Urianger. Glad tidings have I for thee and my lady. For a blessing, a way hath been found by which thou mayest enter the remaining fragments of Dalamud.” 

Azlyn gave a relieved sigh. “Thank goodness, good work Urianger!” 

Alisaie placed the mug on the table, her blue eyes wide with anticipation. “What! What did he do? Did he procure a way in?” 

Azlyn nodded. 

“Pray escort Mistress Alisaie to the Ceruleum Processing Plant in northern Thanalan. There, all shall be made clear.” 

He ended the call, and Azlyn stood up. “Strange—it’s the same location we first arrived to when we teleported out of the first coils. Alright, let’s go get the rest. Hopefully they aren’t grilling Ozwin too much.” 

Alisaie smiled, happy to hear that they had a way inside. “Are they prone to grilling?” 

“The thing about our group that I learned is we tease each other when the opportunities are available. Especially when someone’s feeling low and needing a good pick me up. Come on, I’ll show you.” Azlyn finished her cup as quick as she could, feeling the scalding hot cocoa run past her tongue and down her throat. 

They walked outside, the pattering of the rain dropped in rhythm against the railings and the large body of water below. It wasn’t hard to find their group, tucked away in the back corner of the Bobbing Cork’s storage pile. They could see Kida sitting on top of one of the large crates, while Roll had been perusing the discarded materials that were left outside. Some of the others like Koroko Koko and Richiro Wichiro had been leaning up against the wall to avoid the rain. 

Ozwin didn’t seem to care, as he sat upon the ledge of the rail, as the water dripped over him from the roof. 

“When this is all done and over, I want to go camping for two days straight with nothing but our rods and our tents.” Ozwin’s voice carried over to the pair. Azlyn could tell the history lesson had been done given the topic. The man wasn’t the type to deviate when it was something he felt was important. 

Kida snickered into her hands. “Rods…” She then burst out laughing. The pair had turned the corner to see her miming something else.

“I think this is the reason why she calls you Master Baiter.” Mjnt pointed out with a matter of fact voice. 

Azlyn dropped her head into her hands, more in embarrassment at what they just walked into. Alisaie had to hold back her laughter, biting her lip and turning away. 

Ozwin rolled his eyes. “Great, so because she has a dirty mind and misconstrues what I’m implying—I turn out to be the bad guy. No. Not happening. She can mime a dick all she wants—I’m not giving her that power of me.”

Kida chuckled darkly. “But you already have.”

Azlyn cleared her throat to announce their arrival. “I see everyone’s in a jovial mood.” 

The Midlander Hyur snapped his head over to the pair, before he jumped down, and bee lined straight to Azlyn. He then smacked both of her horns and the side of her head, which didn’t necessary stop her from hearing... That seemed to be a misconstrued idea about their horns upon their heads. She could still hear but it processed the sound differently—it was normal to Auri but to others she could see how it could be considered strange. Holding them tight in his hands, he then turned to the rest of the group. “Alright, stop talking about that—we have the youngest here.” 

The Au Ra shoved him off playfully. “I’m not that young. Richiro’s the youngest I think!”

The Lalafellin pointed to himself. “I’m only twenty. You’re what—? nineteen?” 

The whole group laughed except for Azlyn.

“I”m twenty four!” Azlyn interjected with a bit of flush. “Geez! Richi’s the youngest!” 

Ozwin shook his head. “Lies. You’ll always been seventeen in my heart.” This was the moment he let her go, as he feigned grasping his chest. It was as if he were some father speaking fondly of his daughter. 

“Shut up, you didn’t even know me when I was seventeen.” 

“I do—cause you’re seventeen now.” 

“I am not!” 

They bickered between one another. 

“Alisaie’s the youngest technically.” Koroko Koko brought up with some mischief. “Unless you’re retroactively growing Azlyn backwards.” 

Ozwin snapped his fingers. “Koroko, you’re absolutely right. From this day forward, Azlyn is fourteen.” 

“WHY!?” She widened her eyes in horror. By the Twelve, how had she turned a decade younger by just a simple statement.  

“Because you’re the youngest.” He pointed out bluntly. 

The Au Ra groaned, shaking her head. She looked over her shoulder to Alisaie. “See Alisaie, jokers—all of them.”

Roll smirked, a light laugh left her lips.

Alisaie laughed aloud, shaking her head. “Urianger had found a way into the fragments. We should meet him at the Ceruleum Processing Plant for more intel.” She smiled over to Azlyn who had grown heated in the last few seconds. “The sooner we can prevent Bahamut’s regeneration, the sooner we can return to normalcy.” 

“I’m glad one of us has their priorities straight.” Ozwin grinned cheekily as he and Azlyn were mock fighting with their hands. He had caught her wrists as she tried to punch him. “Ceruleum Processing Plant? Okay, last one there is a rotten egg.” He disappeared in a poof of aether as Azlyn stuck her tongue at him leaving. 

The others started to poof out, one by one. Alisaie chuckled before teleporting over herself. Azlyn was the last to pop over, as the blue colored canyons and smoking stacks of the plant welcomed them. 

“There’s Urianger.” N’thuzu Tia pointed out with a small grin. “And the weather isn’t that bad over here.” 

They looked to the skies. The dark clouds billowed over, blocking out any sign of sunlight. There wasn’t any rainfall yet, but the storm from Aldenard could be seen heading in their general direction. 

Urianger spotted them from around the building’s alcove. They met halfway, as the Elezen gave a slight bow. “Mine apologies for summoning you thus from afar, my lady, but Tis here that your journey may finally begin.” 

Alisaie smiled, more relieved that a way could be found back into the fragments. “I did wonder. To my knowledge, there are no fragments in northern Thanalan.” 

The Bookkeeper of the Scions nodded once to them. He noticed the whole group had circled around to hear his reasoning. “Nor are you mistaken my lady. Yet a pathway doth exist—one which you yourself have made use of in the past. At the conclusion of your several forays into the Binding Coil, ‘twas at the crystal formation which lieth to the north of this place that you did emerge, was it not?” 

“Yeah, we did come out just north of here.” Roll acknowledged, crossing her arms. “Right after the first coils. We teleported out to this point. There wasn’t any indication or reason why.” 

Azlyn nodded. “Perhaps because of the influx of aether near their Ceruleum plants and canyons can affect the aether routes.” 

Alisaie thought hard. “Yes... an aetherial stream bore us back to the surface—that much I had surmised. Are you suggesting that we can use it to return underground?” 

This caused the Au Ra’s eyes to bulge. “Isn’t that... dangerous? We’d have to have an entire set up for an aetheryte just like...” She paused. “Oh, just like what we did for Titan.” 

Kida snapped her fingers. “Oh! I remember Y’shtola helped with the set up!” 

Alisaie mused aloud. “Even if that were possible, would it not simply bear us back to the pose places which we have already explored?” 

“Not necessarily.” Azlyn remembered. “The O’Ghomoro Mines had several hundreds of shafts and pathways within Vylbrand. We focused on a specific point in the aether and it teleported us to the exact place we needed.” 

“Titan’s bedchamber.” Ozwin nodded. “Yeah, now it’s starting to come back.” 

Urianger smiled over to Azlyn’s previous experience, nodding once. “Pray allow me to explain further what Azlyn is suggesting. Upon the evidence of your experience, it seemeth plan that two internment hulks may share the selfsame aetherial egress. From this, we did infer that others may be connected in like wise. Thus did we labor long to verify the existence of further tributaries to the selfsame stream—in which task we were at length successful. ‘Twas then but a matter of arriving a solution to the problem of traveling to an unattuned destination.” 

Mjnt adjusted her stance, shifting to the balls of her feet. She looked over her shoulder to another building. She quietly murmured. “I see.” 

“That one might reach what we may call the headwater, we propose to employ a modified aetheryte which serveth to amplify such ripples as do originate from said source. By focusing one’s essence upon these ripples, it should be possible to make the journey.” Urianger continued with his explanation. “Yet be fairly warning, my lady: as with all untried modes of aetherial travel, this method entaileth considerable danger. Merely to attempt the voyage could cost you your life.” 

Kida waved off the scholar’s concern. “Pssssh, we’ve traveled like that before. It’ll be fine!” 

Richiro Wichiro glanced nervously over to the Au Ra with blue hair. “...Eh?” 

“This is a risk I am willing to take! You are brilliant, Urianger!” Alisaie excitedly pumped her fists together. “But I am curious,” She paused in her moment of celebration to think back on his choice of wording. “While Azlyn and the others have spoken of this mode of transportation, you repeatedly used the term of “we”. Did you have assistance in forming this plan? Unless you have taken to using the majestic plural in our absence?” 

This seemed to give Urianger some cause of worry, as he reached up to his hood. He purposely avoided Alisaie’s intent gaze. “Ah—Ahem. Nay, my lady. As you have correctly surmised, I was not alone in this endeavor.” 

“Meaning there are others who are aware of our mission.” Alisaie stepped to the side, stepping back into the view of Urianger’s face. She watched the man shake his head, and once more turned his gaze upward. 

Azlyn couldn’t help but sense a feeling of guilt from him. She had the same feeling when she first met him when she was invited to the Scions. He purposefully avoided her gaze when he greeted her. 

“Well, it cannot be helped now. Preventing Bahamut’s return is what matters. If some secrecy must be sacrificed to achieve our goal, then so be it.” Alisaie walked forward, following Urianger as he retreated to the rendezvous. 

Azlyn leaned back watching the Elezen with a curious expression. 

The others slowly trickled behind the others moving, while Mjnt stopped just by Azlyn. The Viera tapped her shoulder to garner her attention. “We have a guest.” 


Mjnt gestured with a soft tilt of her head to a building nearby. There was a younger scion speaking with several officers unboxing a wooden box. “Unless Alisaie can be in two places at once?” 

Azlyn shook her head, now finally understanding why Urianger was feeling guilt. “Ahh, she’s gonna rip them both to shreds.” The Au Ra smiled up to Mjnt. They watched as the group of soldiers lifted an aetheryte out before going off in the direction the others went toward. “Well let’s watch the show. Come on.” 

The pair rejoined the others, seeing the two officers from before setting up the aetheryte they carried from the plant. Azlyn didn’t miss the other twin trailing behind them, not bothering to hide his presence. 

She looked over her shoulder to see the boy raise a finger to his lip. She shook her head at him before stepping out of the way. She did not want to get caught in that sibling fight. Mjnt followed her lead, moving to the far left side. Ozwin gave them both a curious look, wondering why they were moving weirdly. 

Alisaie watched them with keen interest. “So that must be the modified aetheryte. But what are the Immortal Flames doing here?” 

The crunch of the gravel behind alerted them. They all looked over their shoulders and saw a confident young Elezen with shining blue eyes approach.

“Those men may be sworn Flames of Ul’dah, but they are first and foremost faithful retainers of House Leveilleur.” Alphinaud called out from behind his sister. The group turned on their heel to see him approach. He stopped short of Alisaie, while Urianger coughed into his hand. He looked away from Alisaie who flared in anger to the both of them. 

When Urianger wouldn’t return her gaze, she faced her brother instead. Her eyes darkened. “Alphinaud. So it was you who was helping Urianger!” 

Alphinaud shook his head, doing his best to assuage his sister’s temper. “Lest you worry, I have no intention of making the details of your venture public. Like you, I would prefer to avoid causing a panic.” He raised his hands up when his sister started to glare. “But given that which is at stake—namely, the survival of the realm—one must be willing to accept help when it is offered. Would you not agree?” It seemed like his sister wasn’t giving him an inch, so he jumped ships. “Azlyn, wouldn’t you agree! It’s for the sake of the realm.” 

Azlyn dropped her jaw in mock horror. She was going to watch the show, not become involved within it. She could see Alisaie’s darkened glare turn to her as she brought her own hands up to defend herself. “I—uh—Alisaie, don’t give me that look like I betrayed you. Come on.” She exasperated to them all. 

Alphinaud sighed loudly, seeing how that approach failed too. “At the very least, do not be cross with Urianger—‘twas at my behest that he kept silent.” The older Elezen still looked away, his hand cupped his lower jaw from view. Alphinaud looked to Azlyn, and she had crossed her arms to him. “Oh, and don’t be cross with Azlyn too. She didn’t even know I was helping. Well—I did call her earlier—but that’s for something completely different.” 

Alisaie glowered to her. “Oh?” 

Azlyn grumbled. “Alphinaud! Please. Just. Stop.” 

Ozwin laughed at her discomfort, as the siblings returned to stare back at each other. 

“Hmph.” Alisaie scowled. “We will speak later.” She looked in between Urianger and to Azlyn. It appeared that they both were silently wondering why Alphinaud signed them up for a future scolding from the younger scion. 

“Pray forgive me, my lady, but knowing full well your intent, I judged it meet that Master Alphinaud be informed.” Urianger heavily sighed, postulating with his hands. “Though your grandsire hath become Bahamut’s thrall, his noble blood courseth yet through both your veins, and if he must needs be struck down—“ 

Alisaie snapped her attention to Alphinaud, angrily in interjecting after Urianger. “Do you hear that, Alphinaud? I mean to strike down Grandfather! And when I have done so, I shall banish Bahamut to the aether!” She glared. “Nothing you say will sway me from my course! I will protect Eorzea, and I will uphold Grandfather’s legacy!” 

Her brother groaned, trying to speak to her in a calm fashion. “Grandfather’s legacy? So you still do not know what you yourself desire. Your actions are still driven be borrowed resolve.” 

“Borrowed resolve!? What does that have to do with anything!?” 

Azlyn covered her mouth with a hand as she silently groaned. Mjnt leaned over to speak directly to her. 

“You knew this would happen?” 

“Sibling bickering.” Azlyn answered back from behind her hand. “Alphinaud is worried, Alisaie is trying to find a purpose through following her Grandfather’s legacy—unfortunately both aren’t able to see eye to eye.” 


Alisaie angrily retorted to her brother. “Protecting Eorzea was Grandfather’s goal, and we made it ours—both of us! That is why we came here, unless you have forgotten!” 

“Gods forbid I should ever forget Alisaie. But you misunderstand. I do not question your resolve, only whence it came. If it were your own, you would be able to tell me precisely why you desire so fervently to protect Eorzea.” Alphainud scowled back to his sister, more in frustration than anything else. “Yet you cannot, for it is not your resolve, but Grandfather’s. You may struggle to see the difference, but borrowed resolve shall never be as strong as that which springs from within.” 

Azlyn winced, taking that statement to heart. Roll looked back to her as Azlyn lowered her gaze to the ground. 

The sister looked away, blowing out the air from her chest. 

Alphinaud sighed, shaking his head. “But let us speak of this another time. For now, preventing Bahamut’s return is all that matters.” 

Kida perked up between the quiet tension of the siblings. “So how does one purpose we do so? And are we ready to strike down the old man?” 

“To be plain, I have no objection to striking down whatever is left of Grandfather. Know, however, that I will be accompanying you this time. As a son of House Leveilleur, I would be present for his final moments.” Alphinaud crossed his arms. “I trust you all have no objections to a tenth member?” 

N’thuzu Tia nodded his head. Richiro Wichiro shrugged. 

Alisaie nodded at last. “Very well. You may join us on one condition: I make the decisions.” 

Alphinaud mimicked his sister’s body language. “Yes yes.” 

Urianger looked to the Flames finishing up the aetheryte behind them. “If it please my lady, the preparations look just about complete.” 

“Last chance to get supplies before jumping into the unknown.” Kida chirped happily. 

Roll patted her bag behind her. “I have a good chunk of healing remedies and supplies.” 

Alphinaud walked over to N’thuzu Tia, Richiro, Roll and Koroko Koko. The five started to chat between themselves. 

Ozwin, Azlyn, Kida, and Mjnt were rejoined by Alisaie who huffed in annoyance. “Pay no heed to my brother. You can rely on me. We have come far together, us together. We shall see our journey to its end.” 

The Midlander Hyur gave her a studied look. “Are you okay? You seem a bit tempered.” 

She nodded. “He just pushes my buttons sometimes. Butting in when he thinks its necessary.” 

“Well, what he said wasn’t all that wrong.” Ozwin interjected with a quirked eye. 

Alisaie started to flare. “What was that?” 

“I meant about the borrowed resolve bit—doesn’t that sound familiar Azlyn?” He turned it on her. “You still struggle with that.” 

Azlyn glowered. “Ozwin, has anyone ever told you that you’re an ass?” 

Ozwin smiled warmly to her. “All the time.” 

“Good. Cuz you are one.” She spat the words to him before walking away. 

Alisaie curiously looked to the girl retreating now, her brows furrowed by the strange event that transpired between the pair. 

Mjnt leaned down to her. “Azlyn struggles to find her own path. Even now she tries to find her purpose.” 

“She does? But she’s—I don’t know—strong, intelligent, someone people can rely on. She seems like she would have a reason for why she does things.” 

Ozwin scoffed with a bit of a laugh in his throat. He bent to Alisaie’s level, pointing to Azlyn’s back. “Look kiddo, she’s not as strong as you think she is. She has demons and battles that she must overcome. She flinches whenever her parents are mentioned—did you know that?”

She shook her head. 

Kida crossed her arms over her chest, seeing the girl join Roll’s group. “She’s scared that she won’t do enough—be enough—so she drowns herself in work to prove herself. This resolve she has? It comes from her parents’ last wish.” 

Alisaie slowly nodded her head, taking in their observations. She took a long moment to consider something before she looked up to the three members of the Fated group. She spoke sadly. “Come on, let’s go.” 

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