
116 l Hail to the King, Kupo!

Mor Dhona was but a small section in Eorzea’s realm; the growing community of the adventurer’s that found a home in the crystalline lands between the Coerthas Central Highlands and northern Thanalan. Given that the landscape held many dangerous encounters, from the Morbolo’s in the swampy lands by Castrum Centri—to the giants that roamed carefree just east of the camp that belonged to the Sons of Saint Coinach research crew… these lands presented the Scions with an opportunity. The opportunity to truly be neutral in their efforts to bring peace to Eorzea.

As preparation were underway thanks to Alphinaud’s surprisingly large social circle—Azlyn found herself working alongside some of the burly adventurers. She did tasks, went hunting for monster parts, helped organize one of the bars back room… She learned that this place—known as the Rising Stones—would soon be the Scions new Headquarters.

And the best part? Revenant’s Toll had an aetheryte in the center of their plaza.

Azlyn had been sold on this decision the moment Alphinaud had suggested the place.

Now the only thing that bugged her about this place—had been the glaringly new object in the far east distance. She recalled prior to their infiltration of Castrum Centri that no such structure or tower had been there. Yet as of the day before yesterday when she arrived in Revenant’s Toll—she could see the brilliant blue crystal tower that shined like an ominous beacon. The sun refracted off the surface at any point during the day, and at night—well the structure had been breath taking.

She was a little concerned by the tower’s sudden appearance—and by sudden, she meant sudden. According to Archon Rammbroes, the crystal tower had miraculously appeared a few days after the aether had returned to Eorzea… which meant whatever they did after the Imperials failed in their conquest and Bahamut’s true end led to this new tower popping up.

As of that moment she had been told not to worry about it, as she had other things to take care of for the Scions. But Archon Rammbroes had made sure to make a note to himself to contact her whenever they decided to delve further into whatever it was.

Azlyn found herself eating her lunch at the fountain of Revenant’s Toll when her linkpearl buzzed. She placed her half-eaten sandwich in the small lunch box to answer the call. “Azlyn speaking.”

“Ah—ah, is this how this works? Azlyn, this is Tataru. Can you hear me?”

She chuckled. “Yup, what’s going on Tataru? You sound worried. Everything alright?”

The line remained quiet for a moment, probably the Lalafellin attempting to open the line once more. “Ah—yes. A messenger from the Twin Adder came to the Waking Sands while you were busy in Mor Dhona. I wasn’t privy to his conversation with the Antecedent… but I did see the look on her face as he took his leave. Something is definitely amiss.”

The Au Ra had to wonder what could worry Minfillia—but since she wasn’t physically there, it would be hard to speculate otherwise. “Strange… I wonder what for?”

Tataru started to panic over the line. “Have the Ixal summoned Garuda again! Or mayhap imperial forces have been sighted within the shroud!”

“We don’t know for certain, so it’d be best not to speculate too much.” Azlyn reasoned at last. She shook her head, wondering what the blazes had happened now. This might also mean having to call in the Free Company from their individual tasks. “I’ll pack up my things and be over in a little bit. See you in ten minutes or so.”

Tataru hummed nervously into the line, ending the linkpearl connection shortly after.

She packed her things, setting them neatly into her satchel, and teleported over to Horizon to walk over to Vesper Bay. Soon this wouldn’t even be a thing anymore—as she could just teleport to the building itself after they move. Until then she would still need to walk.

Given the time approximation, she found that the front door to the Waking Sands had been opened by the anxious bookkeeper who hurried her inside and down the stairs. “Go ask the Antecedent if there’s anything you can do! Whatever it is, I’m absolutely certain it’s nothing you can’t handle!” The girl gave her a thumbs up, and gently shooed her down into the lower storerooms.

“Tataru is sure particular…” Azlyn closed the first set of doors behind her and walked down the main corridor to the Solar. She might as well find out what was really going on. She let her knuckles rap against the wood of the door, and waited for the Antecedent to call her in.


Azlyn slowly opened the door, popping her head in. “Good afternoon Minfillia—my horns were burning so I wanted to check in.” She could see that the blonde-haired Antecedent had been reshelving several tomes in her arms to the bookshelves.

“Hmmm, I have a sneaking suspicion Tataru is behind that.” She shook her head. “Aren’t you busy in Mor Dhona acting as our liaison? How is everything going over there?”

“Everything is going well—did a few oddball jobs for the adventurers and guards. Nothing too crazy. Travelled back into the Temple of Qarn to get a few special stones, and hunted some monsters.” The Au Ra laughed, walking to the desk to run a finger over the wood. “Since I’m back for a spell, want to tell me what’s wrong? Your forehead is creased between your eyebrows.”

Minfillia sighed heavily, putting the books away in rapid order. She turned to her with a look that spelled trouble. She’d recall similar looks when she’d been told bad news. “I knew this day would come, yet I prayed it would not come so soon. We have reason to believe that another primal—or an entity resembling one—has been summoned in Gridania.”

This shocked her. “Wait—what? By who?”

The doors to the Solar opened, and the black and white robed Elezen with his white hood covering his head entered. He quickly assessed her presence with an acknowledging nod. “Thine arrival is customarily timely Azlyn. The aetheric waves leave little room for doubt; thy talents will be needed ere long.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t explain who summoned what, and possibly a why to go with that too.” Azlyn sighed in turn. No wonder Minfilla seemed troubled.

Urianger spoke eloquently in his usual riddled way. “If there be truth in my suspicions, ‘tis a familiar foe we face, though one quite unlike the Lady of the Vortex.”

Minfillia decided to intervene, hoping to catch Azlyn before she started to come up with assumptions of her own. “We dare not draw conclusions without evidence, but as Urianger says, the readings bear a strong resemblance to ones observed more than five years ago.” She lifted a hand to her chin, looking to the side more in disbelief then anything else. “Though I had hoped the Mooglesguard beyond such follies. Suffice it to say, this disturbance warrants a full investigation.” The Antecedent replied calmly.

”Thy presence hath been requested by Commander Heuloix. He awaiteth thee at the Adder’s Nest.” Urianger added.

Azlyn had been wrapping her head around one of the things Minfillia mentioned in passing. “Wait—did you say Mooglesguard?” Azlyn could barely believe it. “I guess there’s a first for everything. Or a second… or third…” She trailed, shaking her head. “Alright, I’ll head over to Gridania.”

“Yda and Papalymo will rendezvous with you there. I believe Yda may have gotten in touch with Roll and Kida over there as well. May you walk in the light of the Crystal.”

She waved goodbye to the pair and activated her teleport to Gridania’s Aetheryte. It didn’t take long to walk away from the central plaza and over to the Adder’s Nest. The headquarters of the Twin Adder had been busy as usual. She could see several people lined up at the counter, fulfilling provisioning missions and offering services to the Twin Adder. 

The person she was looking for was on the opposite side of the counter, Commander Vorsaile Heuloix, who had been surrounded by four others inquiring him. She recognized Kida and Roll right away—their tails and horns were the first thing she picked out in the crowd. It was then that she noticed Richiro Wichiro and N’thuzu Tia speaking to one another. 

Azlyn approached them with her hand up in greeting. “Good Afternoon everyone, it seems we have quite a story on our hands.” 

Roll smiled to her cousin. “Heh.” 

The Commander greeted their newest member, “A pleasure to see you as always Azlyn. Thank you all for coming. Quite frankly, I could think of no one more qualified to handle this. But I’m getting ahead of myself. If you follow me to the barracks, I will explain to you all in a slightly quieter location.” The Commander beckoned them, and before long the six of them were out of hearing of any passing adventurer or company soldier. “Excellent, not long ago, the moogle Kuplo Kopp visited the Adder’s Nest to request an audience with the Elder Seedseer.”

Kida crossed her arms over her chest, “Ah—right, Yda mentioned something about moogles.”

Roll nodded.

Commander Vorsaile Heuloix retrieved a journal of the recorded meeting. “Indeed, he spoke of an imminent threat to all mooglekind, one which would imperil the entire Twelveswood if left unchecked. You all have proven yourselves as Twin Adder officers and enlistees, and as such, we would have you reprise the roles in our dealings with the moogles.”

“Which is why an officer of the Adder’s Nest went to the Scions—it’s all starting to make sense.”

“You all should hear from Kuplo Kopp himself—he has been escorted to the Elder Seedseer at the Lotus Stand. Woods will be done.” The Commander issued his command to them, and altogether their saluted.

“Woods Will Be Done.” They harmoniously recanted back. 

N’thuzu Tia remained silent, as he was not one of the Order. He looked down to Azlyn when they were done with their salute, “How was Mor Dhona? I heard you’ve been running amongst the grizzled adventurers down there.”

“Mor Dhona is nice—they have quite a community built. Oh Roll, Rowena sends her thanks for the custom deliveries you made.”

Her cousin smirked. “I have plenty more to contribute if she requires it.”

Richiro Wichiro opened the door for the ladies to exit first.

“Thanks Richiro.” Azlyn mentioned to him on the way out.

Their healer happily smiled up to them in return.

“So, a problem with the moogles then?” Richiro raised his arms behind his head. He tried to rally in their group to the main reason for their summoning to Gridania. “Could this be Primal occurrence?”

Azlyn concurred. “Urianger stated that the aetheric levels matched pre-existing elements that depicted primal origination.”

N’thuzu Tia looked up at the giant trees of the Twelveswood. “Do the moogles even have a god that they pray to?”

Her cousin raked her memories, going through the Twelve gods in her head. “I can’t think of any of the Twelve that the moogles would summon. Maybe this is all just some big misunderstanding?”

Richiro Wichiro’s frown grew on his face. “Let’s hope so—I’d hate for there to be a giant Moogle God summoned that could smite us.” He shivered.

Azlyn had to laugh at the image, shaking her head. “Nah—I highly doubt it, I mean where would the Moogles even collect and gather all of the required crystals for that? Let’s just check what Kuplo Kopp has to say and gather everyone together if it’s necessary.”

The warrior of their group nodded. “Ozwin said he would head over shortly. I got off the link pearl with him prior to your arrival.”

“And what about Mjnt and Koroko Koko?” Azlyn asked.

“Both should be coming too.” Roll replied, glancing to the sun. “Koroko Koko had some unfinished business with one of the mentors she was training with—and Mjnt said she’d be over as soon as she finished her dragoon training with the cavalry.”

“Busy busy.” Kida pursed her lips. “Not like I can blame everyone—even I’ve been busy trying to enhance my bardic abilities. I have a few more songs under my belt, alongside a few new aetheric-charged arrow attacks.”

“It’s good to hear everyone’s been working on their skills. How is the training going with Alka Zolka?” Azlyn gazed to the unusually quiet lalafellin healer. The lad jumped at the question.

“Its… It’s going swimmingly! We’re investigating the influx of tonberries near Camp Bronze lake. But…” He lowered his gaze to the ground, pausing in his walk.

“What’s wrong Richi?” Kida spun on her foot elegantly, slightly cocking her head to the side.

“Well—it seems some of these tonberries are cursed… and they’re hoping with the revival of the nymian arts, we can cure them and make them normal.” The Lalafellin frowned once more. “I wonder if I’m doing enough. It just seems like everything I’ve tried hasn’t worked.”

Azlyn furrowed her brows together. This seemed like a concerning development that needed to be addressed. “Well, maybe when we’re done you and I can zip over to Camp Bronze Lake? Maybe we can do something together?”

Richiro nodded in appreciation, “Thank you—it’s been tough training on my own, but some extra help would be welcome.”

“All you have to do is ask.” Roll nodded.

N’thuzu Tia bobbed his head in agreement. “I too have been working hard these past few days—I gathered all the required antique warrior equipment my brother wanted—but it seems like he’s changing more and more—as if he’s losing control. He believes it might be the warrior furs themselves, but I don’t know.”

“Is Curious Gorge alright though?” Azlyn questioned.

“Physically, yeah. But if his mind goes like our other brother… we may have trouble on our hands.”

“Sounds like another thing we should put to rest.” Kida grinned up to him. “The less worries you have, the better time we all have when we’re in a pinch—ain’t that right Azzie?”

“I guess?”

“I won’t let my personal affairs affect our work—you all know that, right?” N’thuzu Tia’s ears flattened. Azlyn wondered if he thought he was not doing enough too.

“Of course we do.” Roll smiled softly to him. “Without you, we’d probably be in more trouble.”

“Don’t you worry Thuzu, we’ll just take these things one day at a time. If you want help, I’ll be more than willing to accompany you.” Azlyn offered at last. She hated to see her friends in a bind.

“Aren’t you busy with the Scion’s?” He asked, only for her to shake her head.

“Not that busy.” She reassured him.

“What are you all standing around for?” A new person joined them, the tall Midlander Hyur with dark brown hair greeted them with his raised hand.

“Afternoon Ozzie!” Kida greeted, gesturing to them to continue their walk. “We’re just on our way to see the Elder Seedseer in the Lotus Stand!”

“Is this about that thing you called about?” He stretched, cracking his neck. “I finished up my bit of work in Limsa Lominsa, so whatever you all need I guess.”

“The Lotus Stand isn’t that far from the Adder’s Nest,” Azlyn hopped ahead of their group. She enjoyed being back in the company of her friends—it really had been too long since they’d been together. Even being away from three to four days felt like an eternity. “Let’s go!”

“Someone’s unusually peppy.” Ozwin went to walk beside N’thuzu Tia, smacking his palm against the Miqo’te’s back. “But it’s good to see everyone. You alright brutha?”

“Doing good.” N’thuzu Tia chuckled at the camaraderie. “The new axe you crafted worked out great. The balance and the blade’s sharpness increased the overall quality.”

Ozwin smirked, his face glowed with a sense of pride. “If Roll and I work together more often, we’d probably make a killin’ sellin’ most things.”


Azlyn could hear their chatter behind her, as they all entered the quiet woodland area outside the Conjurer’s Guild. The Silent Conjurer, or the one who was stationed outside of the Lotus Stand noticed them approaching—and directed them forward without a moment to delay.

“The other Scions have arrived—Shall I show you all in?”

This ceased all banter as the seven of them nodded. They moved through the clearing, walking down the garden path onto pristine cobblestones that led into the overflowing rivers of the Twelveswood. The Lotus Stand had enormous Lotus flowers that floated on the surface of the river, growing in bountiful progression. Alongside the edge of the river stood a stationary table where the Elder Seedseer worked behind the scenes—and Azlyn could see that Yda and Papalymo were already in talks with her.

The Silent Conjurer announced them to the waiting affiliates. “The Warriors of Light have arrived Elder Seedseer.” They bowed, before walking back the pathway they came.

Azlyn waved her hand in greeting, only to stop in alarm as a moogles flew straight at her. The moogle had been a few hairs away from her face as he fervently pleaded.

“Please, you have to stop them! B-But you mustn’t kill them! They’re not bad moogles, kupo! They’re just—just misguided! A gentle—no—a firm thrashing is in order, yes, but no—”

The girl had to back herself up and wave her hands to slow him down.

A young Padjal with pinkish red hair tied back into two pigtails shouted at the moogles. “Calm yourself, Kuplo Kopp! Can you not see that she hasn’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about!? Be quiet this instant!” The girl sighed inwardly and gazed to the Elder Seedseer. “Pray forgive this witless outburst, Sister.”

Roll leaned over to Azlyn’s other side, whispering to her. “That is Raya-O-Senna. She is the Elder Seedseer’s sister, but she already said that.”

“Gotcha.” Azlyn looked between the two. She could see a bit of resemblance, and she remembered seeing her before. It had to have been during the Remembrance Celebrations—she was with another Padjal, a young boy with the same pinkish red hair. Although his bangs covered his eyes.

Kida smirked, “My dude Kuplo Kopp, your little wings are going to tucker themselves out if your flutter them too much.”

“I’m—I’m sorry.” He hung his head down a bit.

Kan-E-Senna did not seem to be bothered by the slight, and instead looked on to their group. “Most grateful am I that you all have come, and upon such short notice. Truly, Gridania could not wish for a more stalwart ally.”

Richiro Wichiro blushed at the praise, shaking his head fervently. N’thuzu Tia crossed his arms over his furred armor.

“What was this about a thrashing was in order?” The Warrior looked to the moogle in curiosity.

“It seems we have been brought some news of a most unsettling development.” Kan-E-Senna directed her attention to the moogle with the slight orange and red colored pom over his head. “As it stands, it appears Good King Moggle Mog XII has returned to Eorzea.”

“Good King Moggle… what?” Azlyn had never heard of such a Moogle.

“A curious thing to hear, I know.” The pigtailed Padjal interjected to her. “Truth to tell, I myself cannot say for sure if he is a genuine figure from history or some manifestation of moogle mythology. Kuplo here would have me believe the former.”

Azlyn brought her attention to the moogle in question now, curious on these strange dealings.

“Once upon a time, we moogles served the gods in the heavens. It was quite nice up there—unspeakably beautiful, unimaginably spacious, and with a literally endless supply of wine, Kupo!”

Ozwin rolled his eyes. “Back on track please.”

Kuplo Kopp jumped at the redirection. “Er—right! In spite of this, or possibly because of the last part, the gods eventually became discontented and started squabbling, which made life jolly difficult for the poor moogles. So Good King Moggle Mog XII—may his glorious name live forever—decreed that the time had come to leave, Kupo! The realm of man would suffice, he said, so all the moogles should live there instead.”

“Interesting.” Azlyn raised a hand to her chin, her eyes were brightened at the thought of learning something that Sharlayan textbooks in the Archives had not dictated. “What happened next?”

“Unfortunately, the two realms are so far apart that we couldn’t safely fly down. But Good Moggle Mog XII—may his miraculous foresight ever be praised—knew exactly what to do, kupo! He had a rope, you see—the longest one ever woven. Thus he nobly held while his subjects climbed all the way down to the world below.” Kuplo Kopp waved his little arms up and down as he recanted the tale. “And that is how we moogles came to this land, Kupo! All of us except Good King Moggle Mog XII—may his courageous sacrifice never be forgotten. He alone would remain in the heavens so that mooglekind might at last know peace.”

“But if you said the two realms were so far apart, how long would the rope be?” Richiro Wichiro scrutinized the story. “Doesn’t that seem odd?”

Kida shook her head. “Calm your tits Rich-Rich, that is not what we should focus upon.”

Papalymo agreed with her. “Exactly! The rope is not the point! However, there is a BIG problem! He has not remained in the heavens, from what I understand—that being your reason for contacting us, yes?”

“I’ll bet he tied the rope to something! Good thinking!” Yda approved of the Mog King’s way to get down to Eorzea, only to raise her hand to her chin in thought. “Remind me again what the problem was with him returning to Eorzea?”

Azlyn thought the story nothing more than a myth from the tale given, but what shocked her was not the question of his arrival—but the answer to how he arrived.

Kan-E-Senna did not miss a beat as she answered. “The problem, Yda, lies in the fact that he was summoned.”

Everyone in the quiet tranquil place gave an alarmed look to the Elder Seedseer.

“How?” Azlyn asked. She thought that primals were summoned gods who had not only a plethora of crystals to supply for the mana, but also a reverence of devotion to said god. From what this myth indicated, this Mog was no more than a King.

“It is our belief that Good King Moggle Mog XII is a myth made manifest via means akin to those employed by the beast tribes in the summoning of their gods.”

“Waaaaaait…” Yda gaped to the Elder Seedseer. It appeared to the group that the Scion would ask the question that popped into all their heads. “You’re saying a handful of moogles with a boatload of crystals wished really, really hard, and he just sort of appeared? …Would that even work?”

“What I cannot fathom is why they would even try.” Papalymo crossed his arms over his chest. The Lalafellin thaumaturge seemed at a loss as everyone else.

Azlyn hummed to herself. “Well, if you look at the bare bones minimum of a Primal Summoning—the two most important things one needs is the devotion to the being, as well as enough aether or mana to supply the manifestation of said being. Maybe we shouldn’t think summoning is solely designed for gods alone, but more wide scale… right?” She looked to the Elder Seedseer to see if she left anything out.

The Elder Seedseer nodded to her.

Papalymo sighed. “With Garuda and the Ultima Weapon destroyed, what new threat could have prompted them to take so drastic a measure?”

Roll perked up. “From what I could tell during my initial hearings, the elementals have not prompted such a dire threat until recently after… well, this.” She gestured her hands out to the given situation.

Raya-O-Senna raised a finger up in the air to present her own opinions. “Might that not in itself be the answer? Twice in the last half decade, Eorzea has been brought unto the very brink of destruction, only to be spared at the last by the heroics of a chosen few.” The girl turned to the rest of them. She explained what she thought the moogles might be feeling. “To you who braved those tempests and survived by virtue of your own strength, this latest period of peace will doubtless seem a welcome respite. But to those who had not the power to defend themselves, who were spared only by another’s grace, this is merely the calm before the storm.”

“So the moogles got anxious and summoned Good King Moggle Mog XII to protect them instead.” Ozwin seemed to get the gist of what the padjal was speaking.

Raya-O-Senna nodded to his assessment of the events. “I think the Mogglesguard are afraid—afraid of what tomorrow may bring, and that things may not end so well as they did yesterday. That fear has driven them to call upon a greater power, one they believe can be relied upon to protect their loved ones and their homes come what may.”

The Moogle in their group lowered in his flutter, dejected by the recent events. “I assure you, the Mogglesguard only want to protect the forest from outsiders. But ever since the return of Good King Moggle Mog XII—may his boundless grace fill our hearts with love—they’ve started to get a little carried away, kupo. Verging on a lot, in fact…”

Yda tapped her foot. “Like the sylphs who summoned Ramuh, you mean?”

Papalymo looked to Azlyn, remembering her words about summoning practices in general. “Hmm, we cannot discount the possibility that this entity is influencing the moogles in a manner similar to that of a primal then. Given the assumptions and postulations from Azlyn and the Elder Seedseer, we must needs treat this entity as we would any summoned primal.”

Kida punched her hands together. “We beat ‘em up!”

The Scion nodded.

Kan-E-Senna seemed pleased to hear that they were all on the same page. She turned her blue eyes to them all, straightening. “Whoever or whatever the king may be, it is our belief that he poses a threat not only to moogleking, but to Gridania as a whole. Thus do we beseech you all—our Warriors of Light—confront Good King Moggle Mog XII and drive him from our midst.”

Roll saluted to her. “Woods will be done.”

Azlyn nodded, following her cousin’s uncanny response. “We shall stop him Elder Seedseer. That you have my word.”

Ozwin reached a hand to his linkpearl. “Where are you at? You missed a thrilling conversation—no, meet us at Nophica’s Altar. See you shortly.” He ended the call abruptly before announcing to the group. “Mjnt and Koroko Koko have just arrived in Gridania.”

N’thuzu Tia smiled. “We’re all together again.”

“And ready to kick some ass!” Kida pumped herself up, only to have Raya-O-Senna glare at her outburst. The blue haired Auri whistled afterward, not apologetic for her actions.

“I humbly do thank you all.” Kan-E-Senna replied to them, she gave them a warm and gentle smile. “The sanctuary of the Mogglesguard and their liege lord is concealed by magical wards. Brother E-Sumi-Yan of the Conjurer’s Guild will doubtless be able to offer insight on how they might be dispelled. Pray seek his counsel ere you proceed any further.”

Roll smiled to her. “We shall go see Master E-Sumi-Yan then.”

Kuplo Kopp happily danced above their group, relieved to hear that they would deal with this new summoned deity.

Together the six of them alongside the two scions left the Lotus Stand. When they entered Nophica’s Altar, they could see the entrance to Stillglade Fane off to the side.

Azlyn looked to her cousin. “If some want to wait for Mjnt and Koroko Koko, the rest of us can go speak with the guildmaster.”

Roll was already walking toward the guild. Richiro Wichiro followed suit.

“I’ll wait here.” Ozwin shooed Azlyn to go with them. “We’ll get the others up to date while you guys get the rest of the details.”

“Okay, then see you in a few.” She waved to them, before chasing after the two healers. She could see how quiet the conjurer’s guild actually was—as the dark cavern pathway led deep into a quiet sanctuary. Azlyn could see a group of Hearers and conjurers sitting in small groups, quietly attending to their studies.

“Master E-Sumi-Yan is there.” Roll pointed out, and paused. “Oh, and so is Sylphie.”

Richiro Wichiro smiled broadly. “That was Roll’s apprentice when she was starting to learn how to properly conjure.”

Azlyn quirked her head. “Oh? There’s a way to improperly channel?”

Roll gravely nodded, looking to her cousin. “Yes. The same way one can improperly channel arcanima too.”

“My bad. Okay, I get it. I’m sorry.”

The older Auri moved to approach the pair. “Good afternoon Master E-Sumi-Yan. Sylphie, it is good to see you well.” She bowed lightly to them. Roll then introduced Azlyn and Richiro Wichiro to the conversation. “Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Senna sent us here to inquire about the recent unsettlement in the East Shroud.”

E-Sumi-Yan smirked to Roll. “So you already know where it is. The elementals are keeping you in tune—which is good, given your new aspected healing. If only we could teach non-Padjal the ways of the White Mage.”

Slyphie brightened up, “Roll, it is good to see you! I’ve been mastering the art to conjure ever since we fought the diseased arhiman.”

Roll reached out to pat her on the head. “Good work.”

The young girl beamed at her praise.

E-Sumi-Yan beckoned Azlyn and Richiro Wichiro away as Roll took Slyphie to the side. It was apparent she was diverting the girl’s attention so that they could get the information they needed. “Welcome Azlyn, Richiro Wichiro. That you should be the ones to face Good Moggle Mog XII is a great comfort—to me and to the elementals, both. As I am sure you know, the moogles are not by their nature a warlike race. Yet should the king be suffered to remain, it is like that his influence will bring about a change in them.”

“The sooner we stop it, the better for all involved.” Azlyn reasoned.

Richiro Wichiro gulped nervously.

“The wards barring access to the king’s sanctuary can only be nullified through the use of enchanted keystones—the selfsame method employed five years ago, when first the king was summoned to Eorzea.”

Azlyn quirked her head, “He’d been summoned before?” 

E-Sumi-Yan nodded. “Didn’t your one companion tell you? He’s one of the few who felled the King before.” 

Richiro gasped in shock. “Ozwin defeated the Good King Moggle Mor XII!? He never said anything!” 

The girl had an inkling that might have been the case, but she wasn’t going to assume. However she was curious about one thing. “I thought his previous deeds were not remembered—at least not remembered by others.” 

The Guildmaster smiled coyly. “The Elementals speak fondly of him. Even if he’s deaf to nature, they are always watching so I hear about his deeds, forgotten though they may.” 

“Huh.” The Lalafellin hummed, “It sounds like Ozwin’s well liked.” 

“He’s a likable guy.” Azlyn chuckled with a slight shake of her head. “Alright so we need certain keystones to nullify the enchantments. Where can we find those?” 

“We’re fortunate this time around to have access to the keystones, by the grace of the elementals.” E-Sumi-Yan nodded. “Kuplo Kopp confided in me that he had been entrusted with a set of keystones by the Mogglesguard themselves. Yet wishing not to betray their confidence, he begged me to find some other means to gain entry to the kings sanctum.” 

“I’m guessing from your expression, you were unable to find another way in.” 

He nodded. “Alas, I have not and I dare not labor any longer, for fear that the moogles might succumb to the corrupting influence of their liege lord. We must needs have Kuplo Kopp’s keystones. Pray go to him, and beg his assistance. The elementals are telling me he is heading to the Westshore Pier. Impress upon him our great need, and I am certain he will yield. Or have your companion persuade him.” 

“Ah... okay. Thank you E-Sumi-Yan.” Azlyn bowed to him, signaling the end of their discussions. 

Richiro Wichiro walked over to Roll who had just finished her talks with the young girl. “Back to Kuplo Kopp!” 

“How is the young girl?” Azlyn asked her cousin. 

“Sylphie? She’s getting stronger every session she attends. She’s in tune with the elementals so she was asking about some of the things they told her. I just reaffirmed a few things.” Roll smiled, “We’re on a time crunch so let’s meet up with the others.” 

The three left the Stillglade Fane, following the path outward to Nophica’s Altar. When they arrived, they found their last two members had rejoined the others. 

“And now we’re back together!” Kida bounced and weaved through everyone. “And not a moment too soon, as we have a king to trample!” 

“A king?” Mjnt’s ears twitched at the declaration. “Was there a monarchy here that suddenly requires such an overthrow?” 

Azlyn chuckled, smiling up to the Viera. “Ah, it’s not type of King Mjnt. This one was summoned by the moogles. Which... speaking of—Ozwin, didn’t you deal with this Moogle King previously?” She turned to the Hyur in question. 

“Oh—right. Yeah.” He waved off her question, suddenly disinterested. “That was pre-calamity. I kind of forgot about it actually.” 

“Really?” Richiro’s eyes were wide. “I don’t think I could ever forget a summoned moogle king, even if I tried!” 

Roll pointed up to the path that would lead them to the Westshore Pier. “If we want to catch Kuplo Kopp, we’ll need to walk and talk.” 

They all walked in groups of two, Kida took the led with Roll energetically skipping. Azlyn waited until the others started to move ahead before walking up to Ozwin. “E-Sumi-Yan mentioned that you might have a way to get beyond the wards?” 

“I doubt you would like that sort of approach. It’s better to just ask the moogle.” 

“Oh?” Azlyn became incredibly curious at this new revelation. “What did you do Ozwin?” Her voice had that slight intonation that slightly went up as she was trying to discover what he did. 

“We may have roughed up a few... mogglesguard to open the wards. I’m trying not to do that again, okay?” Ozwin grumbled, “I didn’t like the crying from the white little tikes, so I’m hoping we can use the keystones from a moogle volunteer.” 

“Such a bully,” Azlyn teased him, as she shook her head. She noticed as they past Miu Khetto’s Amphitheatre. “But it sounds like you don’t wish to utilize that same tactic.” 

They walked the grassy paths and bridges that curved over the rivers to the northward path. In the distance. 

“If you know that, then it’d be best to drop the issue. I’m not going to panhandle anymore moogles if I can help it. Summoned king or not.”

Azlyn nodded. “Understood. I won’t bring it up anymore.” She looked ahead, seeing the port coming up. A lone moogle had been pacing back and forth by the pier. He seemed lost in thought. “Does he look a bit more nervous to you?” 

“Yep. If he could sweat buckets, he’d probably have two of the pails filled.” 

“Great.” She sighed, before they all surrounded him. 

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