
117 l Premise of Primals

“Kuplo Kopp?” Azlyn called to the nervous moogle who noticed the eight of them approach. The moogle fluttered up and down, his pinkish orange Pom seemed to jitter. 

“Ah... ah... the Warriors of Light... So how will you do it, kupo?” 

“Do what?” Kida curiously asked to the moogle. “What’s he talking about?” 

“Are you talking about dispelling the wards?” Richiro Wichiro asked at last. “Didn’t Master E-Sumi-Yan say that you had the keystones to dispel the wards, Kuplo Kopp?” 

“...Oh, he told you about that.” Kuplo Kopp deflated. 

“If we had any other way we’d have tried it.” Azlyn offered, only for Ozwin to uncomfortably clear his throat. “We don’t want the mogglesguard to be influenced to something that is beyond saving—so the sooner we deal with Good King Moggle Mog XII, the better for all involved. Please Kuplo Kopp?” 

The moogle’s wings fluttered fast, as he seemed to consider her words. After a long pregnant pause, Kuplo Kopp sighed. “Well if there truly is no other way—I’ll do it, kupo. Take the ferry to Sweetbloom Pier—I’ll go on ahead.” He flew off into the sky, heading toward the East Shroud. 

Roll crossed her arms. “I think we should go quickly, else he might change his mind if we take too long.” 

Kida ran over to the ferrymen. “A boat for eight passengers to Sweetbloom Pier please!”

As they were shuffled down the pier onto the next available boat, they sat in close quarters to one another as they rocked and ebbed alongside the Twelveswood many rivers. The boat ride took about twenty minutes, and when they docked they all filtered off the boat to the grassy knolls of the east Shroud. 

“Oh look there,” Kida announced, “a few moogles have accosted Kuplo Kopp!” 

“Let’s go see what the problem is.” Azlyn stepped forth to hear one of the armed moogles shouting to Kuplo Kopp. 

A moogle holding an axe with a bright red Pom shook in anger. “Don’t you dare lie to me, Kupo! I know what you’re planning, and I won’t allow it!” 

“Open your eyes, kupo!” Kuplo Kopp shouted back. “The king will never be satisfied, no matter how many crystals you bring him!” 

The three angry and armed moogles looked behind Kuplo Kopp to see their group stop short. The moogle with the white Pom over his head angrily waved his cane. “We offered you a choice, and this is how you repay us!? By consorting with these adventurers!?” 

The red Pom moogle brandished his small axe. “Imperials, Gridanians, sylphs—you’re no different from the rest of them! Actually, you’re worse kupo!” 

“A dagger through my heart!” Kida theatrically clenched her chest. “To say we’re worse than the Garleans, why I never!” 

Azlyn brought both her hands up to show she meant no harm. “Please, we mean no harm. My name is Azlyn and—“ 

The moogle with the red Pom perked up, his axe shook in his little hand. “We don’t care!” 

“Okay then.” Azlyn widened her eyes. She took a step back as negotiations fell before they even began. 

“Traitor to his kinsmoogles! He plots treason against the crown!” The white Pom moogle shouted. 

“Enough.” The teal blue Pom moogle spoke at last. His gladiator helm bounced as he announced to them all. “Kuplo Kopp will answer for his crimes soon enough, as will all who defy the will of Good King Moggle Mog XII—may he reign forevermore—kupo!” 

The three mogglesguard felt that their intention were plainly laid for all to hear, before floating northward toward the Bramble Patch. They watched silently, watching the trio disappear at last. 

Kuplo Kopp shook in a case of nerves. “The king is planning to purge the Twelveswood of his enemies, kupo! We’ve got to stop him before it’s too late! The entrance to Thornmarch is deep within the Bramble Patch, kupo! If you take me there, I can nullify the ward. But be warned, the Mogglesguard has set traps to lure enchanted beasts. I can’t hide from them, so you’ll need to protect me, kupo!” 

N’thuzu Tia brought his axe forth. “That’s why we’re here—we’ll take care of the monsters.” 

Kuplo Kopp stared at the weapon in the Miqo’te’s hand, deciding to float in the same direction the three other moogles went. He nervously chattered back to them. “This way...” 

The landscape changed once they entered the Bramble Path, the area had been protected by thick thorny vines that wrapped upward for eight to ten feet, curling outward as a defense wall. Nature had an interesting way of growing. They didn’t have any trouble getting rid of the monsters that appeared from the hogs to diseased treants, a large Stroper with him any tentacles and nasty breath appeared, alongside angry fungus and large squirrels. By the time they actually reached the wards, Kuplo Kopp nervously floated back and forth between them. He took comfort being closest to N’thuzu Tia and Mjnt. 

“These enchanted beasts vary in both size, strength, and smell.” Richiro Wichiro wiped the sweat from his brow. His summoned fairy Eos went to heal their minor cuts with her healing. 

“They don’t wish the keystones to be used to break the wards.” Mjnt replied, she loftily swung her lance to her side. “But it must needs be done.” 

“I just need to... to lay out the keystones over there.” Kuplo Kopp pointed to a thick onset of thorny branches. They were especially thick from what Azlyn could gather. 

“I’ve been here countless times, but I never paid attention to the landscape.” Azlyn spoke to her cousin near the back of their group.

“We weren’t here for too long. We mostly were by Little Solace and Hawthorne’s Hut. Little wonder that there would be something hidden beyond the thorns.”

Kida marched right up to Kuplo Kopp who placed his last keystone down. As if the magic is took effect, some of the thorns started to pull back and away—revealing a hidden passageway through the thorns. She whistled long and slow. 

“Have any last minute suggestions?” Koroko Koko asked the noodle who anxiously floated by the entrance. 

“Don’t die?” Richiro perked behind her.

The moogle bobbed his head up and down. “The rest is up to you, kupo! Now go and teach those foolish moogles a lesson and send the king back whence he came!” Kuplo Kopp mustered his courage to rally their party.

Moving past the sprightly moogle, the eight of them brandished their weapons and stepped into the Thornsmarch. The aether had been palpable, the purple haze hung in the air the further they walked from the thorny groves. N’thuzu Tia took point, leading them down a long, narrow path of thorns before it opened into a large clearing.

They assembled into a half circle, looking up to the sky. They could see some of the moggleguards floating down from the trees above them. Many of them were pulling out their own small weapons to defend their king.

“Five—six—seven—there’s quite a lot of moogles!” Kida counted what she could see, pointing to the different colored poms on their heads.

Azlyn saw a red pom moogle with his little axe yell at their arrival. “Kupo!? Who in the seven hells are they?”

A lime green up popped up next to the red pommed moogle, pushing him out of the way to get a better look. “Meddling adventurers, I’d wager!”

One of the moogles broke from their pact, diving down to the open clearing. This was the same moogle with the teal blue green pom with the sword and shield. “Mogglesguard, to arms! Defend the King, kupo!”

“And negotiations failed even before they began.” Ozwin nudged Azlyn with his elbow as he went into his battle stance. “Come on, the little tikes aren’t going to back down. Thuzu, you ready to bash a few of the moogles?”

N’thuzu Tia nodded, flexing his readied axe. “If we must.”

Mjnt snapped her lance at the ready, as a moogle fired an arrow to her. She swiped upward, breaking the shaft of the arrow. Her ears went straight up, as she glared to the blue pommed moogle. “It seems the woodland creatures must needs a lesson in manners.”

“Then let’s boogey!” Kida plucked her harpsichord.

Azlyn summoned her Ifrit-egi to her side, primarily focusing her target on one of the moogles. It appeared that seven of the mogglesguard were attacking them.

One moogle, the one with the sword and shield—charged straight to Ozwin—and they all watched as the Midlander Hyur clenched his fist. Azlyn had been in a few tussles in her life, but what Ozwin did reminded her of how a bar fight went.

“For the king!” The moogle yelled as he lowered his shield and raised his tiny sword in the air—only for Ozwin to swing his prepared fist right into the moogle’s exposed face.

Everyone winced—even some of the moggleguards as they watched the teal blue pom flopped to the ground in front of the group.

“That was… anticlimactic.” Koroko Koko stared down to the unconscious moogle.

The other six moogles roared in unison shortly after. “GET THEM!”

Ozwin punched his fist into his open palm.

Their party didn’t really need to do all that much—as Thuzu and Ozwin suckerpunched them until they were rendered unconscious. Everyone sat back, watching from the sidelines.

Azlyn had to rein in her familiar, just so that the moogles weren’t hurt too much.

Roll lifted her astrologian globe in the air, examining the weapon. “That takes care of the guards—but where’s the king?”

From the ground, they all could hear the murmurings of the moogles beaten. Staggering to their feet, the seven mogglesguard floated up from the ground and circled to the center of the field.

Ozwin cracked his knuckles. “Do we need to bash their noggins some more?”

“Wait—hold on.” Azlyn stepped forth, wondering what they were planning.

The seven started to sing up to the sky, chanting “Hail to the King, kupo!” However one of the moogles that got clocked fairly well had messed up the chant, “Hail to the Kupo, I mean King!” The moogles started to dance, as their aether converged in the space—strange enough, different colored spectrums of light started to descend from above them—almost like some vibrant light show.

“If you move past them trying to murder us with their small weapons, the dance and show is kinda cute.” Kida mused. “Oh… was there a big moogle in the group?”

Azlyn had turned away from the moogle spectacle—and so when she turned around—she found an eighth moogle had stood in the center of the circle the mogglesguard had held. This giant moogle held a septor in his hand, and wore a giant crown.

This moogle turned his wrathful gaze to them. “You shall suffer for your transgressions against my subjects!” He then curled down, channeling all the aether in the available space. Only to release that aether back at them. The energy burst sent all of them backward and skidding on the ground.

“Ow!” Richiro Wichiro hadn’t braced for the impact, and found himself trapped by one of the thornbushes. “Help!”

Mjnt looked to the mogglesguard who seemed to recover from their hurt states. “It seems his Majesty can heal his subjects.”

“Then that must be Good King Moggle Mog XII.” Azlyn wiped her face with her sleeve. “We’ll need to take care of the smaller moogles, and then gang up on the king.” She grimaced. “Why does that make me feel bad?”

“Cuz we just watched our two fighters beat the moogles up a few minutes prior? Also, they’re moogles?” Kida answered, pulling out her bow and arrows. She checked her quiver for her non-lethal ammunition. 

Ozwin shook his head. “I don’t take pleasure in punching them either.” 

Roll shook off the aetheric burst and ran over to help Richiro Wichiro out from the bush he was stuck in. “Grab my hand.” 

They reassembled around the moogles who chuckled mischievously at them. Their king raised his scepter aloft as he declared in a booming voice. “Hearken unto me, Brave Mogglesguard! These villains shall threaten you no more!” He sent a giant meteor from the sky created from magical aether upon Koroko Koko and Mjnt. 

The Dragoon jumped high into the sky, meeting the meteor with her lance and effectively destroyed it before it could land. 

Koroko Koko started to cast her heavier duty magic to the smaller moogles that were guarding the king. “I hope the Elementals will be okay with their Moggleguard being slightly charred!” She released several chains of fire magicks upon them. 

N’thuzu Tia and Ozwin worked quickly, punching and knocking out the moogles that they could get their hands on. Only to garnish the attention of Good King Moggle Mog XII himself. The pair drew the king to the side leaving the guard to the others.

The moggleguards that remained wound up in the hands of Koroko Koko’s and Azlyn’s magical capabilities. Azlyn decided to bring forth Garuda-egi to corral them to the sides.


[Fire II] Koroko Koko joined her.

[Aerial Burst] Garuda-Egi’s wings fluctuated as the wind sent the moogles flying to the side. 

Kida deviously chuckled, setting up a few arrows with netting. “And let’s wrangle up these guards!” She fired the net, catching them in groups of two or three. The party watched as the little moogles struggled within their netted prisons. 

“Damn you!” 

“Good King Moggle Mog XII will avenge us!” 

“Save us, Kupo!” 

The Giant Moogle angrily bellowed. “Lend me your strength, and I shall purge our enemies from Thornmarch!” 

Roll stepped forward, with Richiro at her side. They casted several healing spells over themselves at to their friends. “Be careful, I’m sensing the king is summoning something big!” 

They watched as the aether around the giant moogle shifted. 

N’thuzu Tia charged his own aether into the edge of his blade. “I think it’s time he returned to the heavens.” He charged, jumping up into the air to cleave the moogle. When his axe impacted the moogle king, they watched as the aether reacted. The sparks from the energy went off as his axe broke through the aetheric shielding. 

“You got him!” Richiro Wichiro jumped for joy as the Miqo’te Warrior landed the finishing blows. 

Azlyn could see the convergence of magic, as the Moogle King disappeared in a burst of aether. From behind them in the nets laid the shocked moggleguards who gave their dying king a horrified gasp. 


“No, kupo!” 

Mjnt used the tip of his lance to cut the nets that held them back. As they were released, the seven moggleguards cried—ignoring their party as they flew upward through the Thornmarch. 

“Everyone doing alright?” Roll asked with her cards at the ready. “If you require healing, come here.” 

Azlyn felt fine—the fight itself wasn’t bad in itself. Something gnawed at the back of her mind through. An important question that was on the tip of her tongue, but she wasn’t sure what exactly she wanted to ask. 

A bit from the entrance, a familiar moogle with an orangish red pom came flying to them. He excitedly danced and pranced around each of them. “You did it, kupo! You did it! Good King Moggle Mog XII—may his mighty soul Rest In Peace—is no more!” 

“Will the mogglesguard be alright? We knocked them around a few times.” Kida bemusedly called up to Kuplo Kopp. 

He nodded to her. “If you hadn’t, I fear the worst would have occurred! I shudder to think what might’ve happened had you all not stopped them, kupo! Thank you all!” Kuplo Kopp looked to the way they flew up, and sighed. “Perhaps now they’ll come to their senses and stop playing at faerie tales. Rest assured that the chieftain will have choice words for them too!”

“Even moogles have rules and regulations they follow.” Azlyn mused to herself. “Well, I hope so too Kuplo Kopp.” She smiled over. 

“Oh! You should tell Pukni Pakk that the king is no more, Kupo! She’s with Raya-O at Camp Tranquil, and can relay the news to the chieftain.” 

Ozwin crossed his arms. “Is there any reason for all eight of us to go?” He asked the group. “Wouldn’t it be good to report this to the Elder Seedseer and the Grand Company?”

Azlyn grabbed her chin, thinking about what he suggested. “Ozwin has a point…”

“I’ll head the group going to Camp Tranquil!” Kida jumped, holding her hand up in the air. Her tail enthusiastically swiped left and right. “Who wants to join me!”

“I will.” N’thuzu Tia nodded to the blue haired Xaela. “There’s something that I’d like to look at too.”

“I guess I’ll also go, since Thuzu’s going.” Ozwin leaned back, his hands behind his head.

“Then I’ll go to Gridania and report to the Elder Seedseer.” Azlyn offered the second group. “Any wish to join?”

Mjnt walked over to Azlyn’s side, nodding. “I shall accompany you Azlyn.”

“Thanks Mjnt.”

“I need to hand over some provisions to the Grand Company, so I’ll also head back into town with you.” Her cousin replied as she looked down at her notebook. She flipped through several pages filled with scribbles.

“I guess I’ll go back to town.” Richiro Wichiro smiled up to the three going to Gridania. “I don’t have any business in Camp Tranquil.”

“Then I shall go with Master Kida, Master Ozwin, and Master Thuzu.” Koroko Koko wiped her hands with a black handkerchief.

“Well, if that settles it!” Kida started a group teleport to Camp Tranquil. “Smell you guys later!”

Koroko Koko chuckled, “If anything happens, we shall give you a call.”

Azlyn watched as the four blinked away in the teleportation spell cast. She then turned to the remainder of their party. “Well, Kuplo Kopp, would you like to join us as we go back to Gridania?”

The moogle nodded. “Verily, kupo!”

Together the five of them walked out from the bramble patch, making their way back through the eastern shroud to the Sweetbloom pier. With luck on their side, they managed to catch a return boat back to Old Gridania.

Azlyn tapped her shoulders, relieving the kink. “Well that takes care of the primal problem.”

Roll quietly hummed.

“Do you think the moggleguard will summon the King?” Richiro Wichiro worried in his seat. He was glancing back to the shoreline of the eastern shroud.

“I don’t know.” Azlyn answered unsure.

“It’s quite possible.” Mjnt was the more upfront about it. “The feeling I had from them upon their departure was not that of complete defeat. I believe they intend to do the same thing—but will wait until we’re away more like.” The Viera crossed her long leg over the other, leaning back against the boat’s side. She closed her ruby colored eyes, as her ears prickled at the woodland noises that accompanied their ride back.

“The Grand Company will most likely keep an eye on them for the time being.” Roll replied after a lull occurred in their conversation. “It’s not the first, nor will it be the last time we see primal activity.”

Azlyn frowned. “I know we discussed why the moogles felt afraid of tomorrow, thus the urgent need to summon something that could potentially protect them, but… there’s something odd. I can’t quite put my finger on it though.”

“Perhaps the Elder Seedseer will be able to ascertain the bad feeling you have?” The Lalafellin caster replied with a tilt of his head. “Or maybe even the Scions know some more about the summoning?”

“Whatever the case,” The Viera perked from her quiet meditative state, “we should report to her of the successful defeat. That will ease their minds for the present.”

The Au Ra had to agree. Not many things seemed to worry the Wood Wailers and the Twin Adder as a primal being summoned in their Twelveswood. The conjurers and hearers would be thankful that the elementals would be calmer after such an event as well.

When they arrived back in town, they were found by the Elder Seedseer’s personal envoy who walked them straight over to the Lotus Stand. Azlyn and her friends found themselves standing in that quiet shade of graveled stone and water in the background.

“Good, you are returned to us, unharmed and victorious. Thus have I two reasons to be glad.” Kan-E-Senna greeted them with a warm smile. She placed her hands together in front of her pristine white robes.

Yda bobbed her head excitedly to them.

“Yet many questions remain unanswered. If you would be so kind as to oblige me, I would fain hear all that occurred in Thornmarch.” The Elder Seedseer did not miss a beat, wanting their recollection of the entire encounter.

Roll stepped forth, proving to be the more simplistic in her answer. “We found the mogglesguard in the heart of Thornsmarch. They summoned Good King Moggle Mog XII. The group split our efforts, we dealt with the mogglesguard while our main fighters handled the summoned primal. There was no damage done to the east shroud, and the mogglesguard did not implicate themselves as tempered ones.”

Azlyn nodded to the overall report. “It seemed as if the summoning had been successful to bring him forth. The Good King Moggle Mog XII returned to the aether after Thuzu dealt the finishing blow.”

“Then it is as we feared…” Kan-E-Senna lowered her chin, a dark expression grew on her face.

“The king really is a primal.” Yda replied, her hands drumming on her arms. “But he really isn’t, is he? I mean, the moogles don’t worship him, for one thing—he’s not even a god to them! That doesn’t sound like any primal I’ve ever heard of…”

“It could be as Azlyn stated before…” Papalymo murmured. “Mayhap the fault lies in with the definition. The fact remains that through a combination of the power contained in the crystals and the force of their collective faith, or devotion as Azlyn mentioned, called forth a being that by rights should not exist. Moreover, when slain, said being left no corpse—the aether which comprised him instead being scattered to the four winds…”

The four listened quietly to the Scions’ musings. Kan-E-Senna agreed with the Lalafellin thaumaturge with a slight nod of her head.

“According to the accepted definition, he may not be a primal—but the mode of his manifestation was in ever respect the same.”

Yda looked down in thought. “Which means...”

Papalymo nodded with firm conviction. He looked to the four with a serious look in his blue eyes. “Ascians. This whole business reeks of their handiwork!”

Azlyn widened her eyes.

Kuplo Kopp was the only one panicking, as he flew over Mjnt’s shoulder to postulate to them nervously. “Kupopo!? They—they said it was a masked man who had taught them how, years ago—b-but Gridania has no shortage of masked men—and I never thought to question…”

Mjnt reached a hand up to comfort his pom. “It is alright Kuplo Kopp. These men have been around for a long time—bringing havoc in their wake.”

Roll only sighed. “How many more will they ensnare with their tainted gifts?”

Papalymo ground his foot as he grumbled. “Too many I fear.”

Kan-E-Senna walked over to the table, gazing down at the pile of reports. Her cane had been resting by her resting chair on the adjacent side. “So long as there are Paragons to stir the embers, fools to build the pyre, and crystals to feed the flames, ever and again shall we suffer primal visitation. A sober thought, but a salutary one.”

“If there is anything more we can do for you Elder Seedseer, you need only say the word.” Azlyn responded. “If they summon Good King Moggle Mog XII once more—we will strike him down as we did today.”

Mjnt smiled, nodding her head.

“My heartfelt thanks. Already the information you have provided has proven invaluable. He grand serpent marshal and I have much to discuss.”

Yda snapped her fingers. “Oh!” She drew everyone’s attention over to her. “Before you do, my lady, I was hoping we might finish discussing the other matter?”

“Other matter?” Richiro Wichiro pondered in wonder.

“The matter of which you speak has ever now been settled. The Scions shall not want for support. We shall be glad to send additional supplies to Revenant’s Toll.”

Richiro looked to the Scions, and back to Azlyn in shock. “Revenant’s Toll? What’s going on there!?”

Azlyn answered, remembering she had yet to tell the free company about the decision to move. “Ah, right—The Scions of the Seventh Dawn are moving operations over to Mor Dhona—it should, for a spell, solve a few things that are going on presently.”

Roll crossed her arms over her chest. “That would explain why all the provisioning missions are bulkier than usual. Heh.”

“We knew we could count on you, my lady!” Yda bowed to her with a forceful amount of energy. Papalymo celebrated with a gleeful lifting of his arms to the air.

“Azlyn!” Yda pointed to her, “We shall remain here!”


“Yes—while Yda and I discuss the particulars of our arrangement with the Elder Seedseer, mayhap you could return to the Waking Sands and apprise the Antecedent of all that has transpired?”

Azlyn nodded. “Yeah, I can. No problem.”

The Elder Seedseer looked over to Roll and Richiro. “As my officers of the Twin Adder, I believe Roll will be able to best accommodate the Scions with anything they require. Richiro Wichiro will also assist.”

Richiro Wichiro went stiff as a board upon the direct orders. “Woods will be done!”

Roll walked over to Papalymo and Yda, pulling out her notebook and writing utensils. They were already diving deep into the discussion so Azlyn looked to Mjnt. “Shall we make our way to Thanalan?”

The Viera smiled, “Yes—to Horizon, if I remember correctly?”

“Yep! We can rent a chocobo and ride over to make the trip over to Vesper Bay.”

The pair left the Lotus Stand, and once they were outside the inner sanctuary the pair teleported over to Horizon. Azlyn walked east toward the chocobo stand to rent a bird for travel. “Is it one or two riders?”

“Two riders.”

Mjnt looked to some of the chocobos the trader offered. “This one shall do.”

Azlyn reached into her pocket, pulling out a bag of coins. She curiously looked down at the coins before plucking out a gold piece. “I think this should cover it…”

The Viera intercepted her coin with a hand, before pulling out a silver piece from her own. “Here.”

With the bird rented, Azlyn stared at Mjnt who easily jumped unto the saddle. Mjnt offered her a lift to the saddle. The Au Ra hadn’t anticipated the Viera to easily pick her up from the ground, nor place her side saddle on the bird. When they were out of town, the Viera finally let out a chuckle.

“Were you aware you were about to pay the man 1,000 gil?” She continued to laugh behind her.

“EHHHH?!” Azlyn gave her an alarmed look. “That wasn’t a 100 gold piece?!”


“Why do these coins all look the same!?” Azlyn gaped in horror, returning her attention to the bag of coins she finally earned back from Roll. And there she thought she was doing good at paying for things.

“What will Roll say when I tell her… Hmmm?” Mjnt seemed content with teasing her now, as the Au Ra widened her eyes in horror.

“By the Twelve… I don’t want to even think about it. Ozwin already gives me shit for not knowing the difference between a gold and a copper piece…” She groaned, leaning forward into the chocobo. They were lightly jogging through the Footfalls where the three Silent Kings remained.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” She seemed pleased as they rode into Vesper Bay.

Azlyn was surprised at the quick arrival, but it was probably thanks to the company of another that made the trip enjoyable. The girl hopped down from the chocobo, and Mjnt guided their rental bird over to the designated spot.

The handler thanked them, and they were off to the building in the southwest corner of the community. Azlyn reached the doors first, opening them to allow Mjnt in. “After you.”

“Thank you.”

Tataru had been standing at one of the counters on the upper landing, seeing the pair walk in. “Ah! Azlyn! Mjnt! Welcome, welcome! Shall I bring you some refreshments or a light snack?”

Mjnt went over to the Lalafellin bookkeeper. “That would be wonderful. Shall I help you in the preparation?”

“Of course! Come on down, the kitchen’s open and stocked full of everyone’s favorites!”

Azlyn peered down to the strange automaton device that Tataru stopped working on. Apparently, it seemed to be half-way complete. Although she couldn’t tell what or who it was yet.

“I’ve been trying to come up with ways to make money for the Scions.” Tataru explained when they reached the stairs. “I decided I should try to make some automatons to sell—they are cute to look at—and there are some incredibly popular ones out.”

“Oh.” Azlyn remembered her cousin had a few. The one that she was acquainted with happened to be her shark—Major General. “Roll has a few—they are kind of cute.”

Tataru’s eye’s glistened at the prospective chance to make money. “Ah! I hope they become popular! We could afford more things if they did!”

They reached the Waking Sands, where Tataru and Mjnt went eastward to the kitchens. Azlyn waved to them, as she pointed to the Solar. “I’ll speak with Minfillia—and I’ll join you guys in a second!”

Mjnt waved back, before Tataru started speaking about her recent attempts at making some papaya fruitcake.

Azlyn walked down the hall and saw that Alphinaud was not present at his usual corner. He must have been busy preparing for the move. She approached the doors to the Solar, knocking.


Azlyn popped her head in with a bright grin on her face. “I’m back!”

Minfillia chuckled at her entrance, beckoning her to come forward. The girl did as such, closing the door softly behind her. “It is good to see you hale and healthy! I received word from Yda and Papalymo that you all had felled Good King Moggle Mog XII, but I have hoped to hear your version of the tale.”

“The moogles summoned Good King Moggle Mog XII using the same method as one does with a primal, and he manifested from the condensed aether in the space thanks to the crystals gathered. When Thuzu dealt the finishing blow to the king, we all watched as the manifestation returned to the aether. Kuplo Kopp confirmed with us that an Ascian taught the mogglesguard how to summon a while back—but they didn’t think anything of him—as there are several masked men in Gridania.”

Minfillia walked around her desk, before she leaned back to sit on the edge of the wood. She hummed in worry. “So, it was as they said. Summoned with the same methods… and taught by Ascians. Though unfortunate, this incident did at least serve to remind the Elder Seedseer of our usefulness, Her offer of additional support could not have come at a better time. My thanks.” The Antecedent bowed her head to her. “Roll and Richiro Wichiro are supplying the provisions from what Papalymo said, and I trust in your cousin’s work.” 

Azlyn nodded. “Roll’s definitely the crafter of the family—she’s been crafting since the moment she arrived in Ul’dah.” 

“Owing to all of our tireless efforts, we are finally ready to bid farewell to Vesper Bay. So as to avoid undue attention, we decided to journey to Revenant’s Toll in small groups at irregular intervals.” Minfillia crossed her arms as she thought aloud. “Lest you doubt, it is still my intention to conduct future operations openly, but on this particular occasion, the need for caution overrides all other concerns. To move north as one ponderous caravan would only serve to invite attack.”

“That makes sense...” The Au Ra replied, “which just leaves you and the others.” She thought of Tataru and Urianger that remained. 

“It seemed only right that I should be the last to leave, and I would have you remain with me until the end.” 

Tataru suddenly opened the doors to the Solar, holding up a fresh kettle of tea she made. “Azlyn! Minfillia, I made some hibiscus tea with orange peels—shall we have a cup together in the storeroom?” 

Minfillia chuckled, “Pray go on and she’ll be with you in a moment Tataru.” 

Tataru smiled widely, bowing to her. “As you wish Antecedent! Azlyn, we’ll have your cup prepared for you when you’re done!” 

The Lalafellin with the pink tunic walked over, closing the door behind her. Azlyn turned back to Minfillia. “What happens to this place after everyone leaves?” 

“Upon my departure, the Waking Sands will formally cease to be our headquarters, and the premises will be given unto the care of Urianger.” 

“Oh?” Azlyn blinked, “Is Urianger remaining behind then?” 

She nodded, explaining why he decided to stay behind. “I had thought to relinquish the property, but he was quite adamant, and I had not the heart to disagree. These walls have borne witness to some of the brightest—and darkest moments in our order’s history. Mayhap it is best that we do not forsake them entirely.” 

Azlyn wasn’t around during either of those times—the times prior to the Calamity—prior to Archon Louisoix giving his life to save Eorzea. “I think,” She stopped looking to the wall where his cane resided—broken but a symbol of their faith in his fervent wish. “that’s a good idea.” 

“I agree.” Minfillia replied, looking to the same wall as she had. “Urianger shall remain here and devote his energies to studying the nature of primals. By the grace of the Twelve, he will one day discover the permanent solution that we have sought for so long.” 

“By himself?” 

“Alisaie shall continue to work closely with him as well. Should they require our assistance, I have their assurances that they will not hesitate to contact us.”

“Good.” Azlyn nodded at last, she was relieved that the pair would be working and studying together.  She felt thirsty after all their work and riding that day. “Is everything in order and ready to go?” She looked to the packed bookshelves in the Solar. “Are you not taking those?” 

The Antecedent shook her head. “No, those shall remain here—for the usage of those who wish to study. Though...” She paused, tapping her chin in thought. “Would you inquire of Urianger if any tasks remain undone? I cannot escape the feeling that I have forgotten something. Something important.”

Azlyn smiled, walking over to the door. “Of course I can. If you remember what it is you’ve forgotten, give me a holler. I’ll be down the hall.” 

Minfillia nodded back, and Azlyn left the Solar. 

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