
45 l Order of Twin Adder

Azlyn felt at a crossroads. She had felt Mealvaan’s Gate a bit ago, to find herself sitting by one of the perches by Hawker’s Alley. She was watching the ships in the distance sailing in the vast, blue ocean. The gray clouds shifting and changing as they traveled further east. It wasn’t as if she could just teleport back home to the Isle of Val. But it was quite a bit of gold to make the jump, and she didn’t feel that comfortable spending more money just to have to teleport back to Gridania later that same day. 

“I guess I should head over to Gridania, get the paperwork all finalized.” She replied at last, letting the midday sun feel her with the motivation to move. She thought of the Aetheryte in Gridania, and found herself surrounded by a sea of trees than a body of water. The grounds had been recently soaked, probably from the late night shower. 

If she recalled, she had passed Adder’s Nest before when she was on the way to see the Elder Seedseer. The large building had been the grounds for officers to hang out at during their on and off shifts. 

She traveled westward, moving through New Gridania’s vast wooded bridges and quaint rivers until she found her destination. She could see several officers posted both inside and outside the establishment. Many people were running in and out from the areas with their orders to help the Twelveswood. 

Entering the building, she walked up to the counter where a serpent personnel officer was stationed. He smiled to her as she approached. “You are come to Adder’s Nest, headquarters of the Order of the Twin Adder. Ever do we welcome they who would toil in the elementals’ name for the good of our forest nation.” 

Azlyn smiled back. “I know I said I’d be here around two or three in the afternoon, but I had a sudden change in plans. My name is Azlyn, I believe you were expecting me.” 

The officer nodded. “Ah, the great adventurer herself! Yes, our recruitment officer sent word that you would be by later. It is a pleasure and an honor both to welcome you to our ranks, friend.” He started to shuffle through the paperwork under his counter. “Now, let me gather together the relevant documentation.”

In his search for papers, a young guard came sprinting into the building. His face pale, as sweat poured down the side of his cheek. “Sir!” He stopped mid-salute, his panic was evident in the way his body moved erratic.

The personnel officer stood up from his search, keeping his composure. “What is it? Report.” 

The young lad wasted no time. “An urgent message from Amarissaux’s Spire, sir! A Highwind Skyways airship has taken fire from imperial forces in the skies of the East Shroud! The vessel’s engines were crippled—and it was forced to make an emergency landing southwest of the Nine Ivies.”

The Personnel Officer seemed at a loss, his composure completely went away as the private finished his report. “Nine Ivies?! Gods, this could not have come at a worst time. All but a handful of our forces are presently afield, dealing with the Ixal.” 

Azlyn stepped forward. “Is there anything that I can do? I know you’ve only finalized the paperwork for enlistment but—“

The officer welcomed her suggestion. “No, ‘tis a perfect opportunity. In all likelihood, if the airship had been bearing civilians, and if the reports are accurate—they will have come dangerously close to Garlean-occupied territory. Please make all haste to the area southeast of the Nine Ivies, locate the airship, and ascertain the status of any passengers.”

Azlyn nodded. “I understand.” She turned to the private. “Please show me the quickest route to the crash site.” 

The private nodded, “Yes, it’ll be this way ma’am.” The private started to lead her out from the building. She gave a curt nod to the officer, before following the young lad. He was taking her out the gate toward the Central Shroud, and pointed her east. “You’ll need to head in that direction, see the smoke from the trees over yonder?” 

She spied the black smoke with ease. 

“Continue heading over there—I don’t know how close it is to the Hawthorne Hut, but it looks to be pretty close. Be careful.” 

Azlyn started to sprint through the woods, bringing out her archer’s set so she could snipe any monsters that could potentially be a threat to her on the way. She easily traversed through the woods, finding a winding path that reached into the east Shroud. She could see the paths divulge north and south from where she came from the central Shroud, but she noted the black smoke away to the south. She traveled along the edge of the trees, weaving through until she saw the crash site. 

There was an airship in the distance, and from what she could tell, she could see a single passenger hiding in one of the bushes. She slowly came up to him, hoping not to frighten him with her presence. She could already see Garlean officers surrounding the airship in the distance. Gritting her teeth, she wondered how she would get through an entire battalion of men. 

She shifted her foot, as a branch snapped underfoot. Cursing her luck, she saw the Roegabyn male passenger with goggles over his eyes stared at her in fright. She lifted a finger to her lips, hoping he would stay quiet. The officers had also heard the snap of the branch, but a white gazelle pounced through the lush green fields. 

Maybe her luck wasn’t so bad after all. She breathed a sigh of relief, her shoulders hunkering down once more. When the officers turned away from their location, the passenger spoke quietly to her. “An adventurer? What’re you doing here? No wait—let’s find some cover first...” 

When he gave the signal, he and she started to sprint further south, to hide behind a large Gridanian tree. Behind it’s shadow they hid. 

Azlyn peered around the tree to look at the situation from afar. “My name is Azlyn—I was sent from Adder’s Nest.”

The man in the blue and white motif uniform did not seem moved by her statement. In fact, he seemed more suspicious of her. “The Adder’s Nest sent you? How do I know you’d not an imperial spy? You don’t even have a uniform!” He dropped himself into a fighting stance, his fists brought up.

She blinked rapidly, and then shook her head. “Trust me, I would never in a million years side with the Garleans. They’ve done some horrid things to my village in Othard.”

He spat in her direction. “You could just be saying that!” 

Wondering how best to convince him, she found herself wanton for something. Around the bushes, several branches snapped underfoot causing them both to look over. Several uniformed officers in green tunics approached. They nodded to Azlyn before looking to the taller Roegabyn with the short blonde dreadlocks.  

The leader of the group spoke calmly to him. “Peace friend—we mean you no harm. You are an engineer of Garlond Ironworks, are you not? We were alerted to your plight, and have come to rescue you.” The man turned to Azlyn, giving her a warm smile. “And you must be Azlyn, I presume. I was told to expect an ‘honorary’ Serpent. My thanks for your aid, friend.”

The engineer was tapping on his head now, looking lost by what had just happened. Azlyn shrugged, as she turned to follow the three Serpent officers in green. They peered around the large shrubbery, looking at the scene with clear eyes. 

“Sir, were there any others on the ship?” The leader asked to the engineer. 

The man nodded. “Indeed. The fool of a Lalafell engineer.” 

Azlyn scrunched her eyes, trying to get a better look of the scene. The garlean soldiers were looking at the airship, inspecting and investigating. 

“Imperial scouts from Castrum Oriens. They mean to requisition the ship.” 

The engineer stepped forward, hearing this new string of events. “You have to help Wedge! He’s inside the Tiny Bronco!” 

Azlyn brought out her arrows, notching several on the string as she nodded to him. “Don’t worry—we’ll find your friend.” 

The leader on the other hand seemed more interested in the title of the ship. “The Tiny Bronco? But isn’t that the Ironworks’ latest creation?”

The engineer nodded. “It’s the first airship we’ve built since the Calamity—the first since Master Garlond—well, since he went missing. After years of work, she was finally ready for her first test flight. And she was soaring, she really was—till those bastards blasted her out of the sky!”

The leader of the serpents stood up, turning to them all. He gave them the order. “Attend me, all! The Ironworks’ latest creation must not fall into Garlean hands. We shall strike them, swift and sure, and rescue Engineer Wedge.”

His two officers saluted with a crisp sir. The leader then turned to her. “Azlyn, I trust we can rely on your support.” 

Azlyn notched her arrows with a nod. “I’m at your disposal.” 

The leader nodded back, turning to face their adversaries. He led the charge, his own sword and shield in hand. “May the Matron watch over us! With me!” 

They charged forward through the grass, rushing to the Garleans preparing for battle. Azlyn pulled the string taunt, before letting several arrows fly hard. Three bodies dropped to the ground, as they quickly closed the gap. 

“They mean to ambush us! Attack!” The Imperials yelled, running to the four of them. 

Azlyn hovered in the back, keeping a close eye on the battlegrounds. She tried her best to snipe the shooters, making sure they were her first targets to eliminate. After ten arrows shot, she surveyed that there didn’t seem to be any more snipers in the woods. She rushed forward, as the two other privates urged her not to go into melee range with her bow alone. She merely let the weapon disappear from her hands as a sword and shield appeared at her side. 

She felt the rush of combat as she charged forth—many of the Garleans had been taken back by the weapons magically changing—and she took advantage of that moment. She slew several officers, slashing and thrashing her blade into their vulnerable spots. 

The leader of the Serpents edged himself backward, his back to hers as they started to fight off the slew of melee combatants. “The rumors were true then, how you possess the power to control the battlefield with just a thought.” 

Azlyn scoffed. “Nonsense, anyone can change the tide with the right maneuvers.” She lunged forward to an enemy with their own sword and shield, he batted her sword away with his shield—the metal ringing loudly in the afternoon day. Azlyn sidestepped with the blowback, barely avoiding the sword that was inches away from her neck. She thought of her lance, swinging her foot around the come up behind him, and then running the end of her pole arm into his back. She felt her enemy drop shortly after.

She turned to the rest of the soldiers, her eyes ablaze. “Come and get me.” She swung her lance up over her head, swiftly running to the remainder of the enemies. With the swift movements of her lance, she was able to completely rid them of the enemy threat once and for all. The blood splatter from her lance last gouging into the soldier’s chest sputtered out, spraying a bit of blood to her face. 

An injured soldier called out to the woods. His voice weak, but carried over. “Annihilate these barbarians! Teach them the futility of resistance!” Before succumbing to his wounds, the trees began to shake as a large Magitek Vanguard appeared from beyond the tree line. 

Azlyn had to avoid the projectiles it shot down at her, as large drills impacted the ground. She flipped back, the dirt pelting her as she skidded to a halt by the other Serpents. She got rid of her lance, thinking of her grimoire and summoning up her topaz carbuncle. 

She started commanding her carbuncle to pelt it with rock blasts, hoping the aetherial magic would slow the gears long enough for their ranged fighters to shoot the driver. She also focused her attention on the mechanical beast with ruin spells, blasting the joints whenever she could. 

This fight took longer, as Azlyn watched the Vanguard slowly creep its way over to them. Azlyn did not back down, casting spell after spell. She didn’t know how many stone spells it took from the conjurer, how many ruin spells it took from her, or the amount of times the gladiator and archer both took to finally wreck one joint of it’s walking leg—but they did it. They watched as the mechanical vanguard crashed into the ground, the driver ejected from the seat. The archer aimed their shot, shooting the Garlean down before he could call for reinforcements. 

A beeping could be heard from the Vanguard. “Ten seconds to shut down. Five. Four. Three...” 

Azlyn yelled to the others. “Get back! It’s going to explode!” 

The officers retreated in the nick of time, as the thing blew into mechanical scrap. The force knocked Azlyn off her feet, as she tumbled and roll back into the grass. She felt that blast go through her, as the muscles in her back started to get sore. 

From around the corner, Azlyn heard a male’s nasally voice cry out from the airship. “Biggs!” He was sprinting from the downed ship over to them. 

Sorely, all of them reconvened with the two engineers in the center of the field. The one called Biggs looked down to his Lalafell counterpart with black and red hair. “Wedge! You shouldn’t have stayed with the ship!”

Wedge shook his head, “Th-that was a close one!” 

“Too damn close. So... how’s she look anyway?” Biggs asked him. 

Azlyn rubbed the back of her neck painfully, as she looked to the airship. Wedge started to explain the airships problems. “The auxiliary propeller is a dead loss, but I think we can wring enough thrust from the main propeller to get us airborne.”

Biggs nodded, before turning to the four of them. He started to explain briefly. “A few minor modifications and we should be able to fly the Tiny Bronco home.”

The Leader of the serpents squad nodded. “While you do your work, we shall keep watch over the perimeter. The enemy may yet be lurking nearby.” Then he turned to Azlyn. “As for you, Azlyn you have more than done your part today, I bid you return to the Adder’s Nest and complete your enlistment. I pray there will be no further interruptions. When next we meet, let it be as fellow Serpents of the Order!” 

She wasn’t given much option to decline, so she bid them all farewell. Just as she was about to leave, the tall guy Biggs called to her. “I—uh—just wanted to say sorry... you know, for calling you an imperial spy and all that. Got that one thing wrong, didn’t I?”

Azlyn waved him off, “Water under the bridge. I hope you’ll be able to fly her soon. She’s a beauty.” 

Biggs nodded. “Seriously though—if it hadn’t been for you and the Twin Adder lads there, we’d be chained up in a dungeon, and our ship turned to scrap. I’m in your debt, friend—we both are.” 

Wedge just gave her a silent nod. 

“Wedge!” Biggs shouted at his companion at his attitude. 

The Lalafell looked to him, and then turned right back to Azlyn. His voice was loud as he thanked her. “Thank you! We’ve very grateful!”

She waved off their thanks, bowing to them instead. “I’ll be on my way—be safe flying home.” She smiled to them both, and let them get on with their repairs. She kind of wished she could have stayed to help—but she also knew she needed to get the paperwork finished. 

In the distance, she could already see a small hamlet—a large blue crystal shining in the bright afternoon sun. Since she hadn’t been there before, she decided to take a quick detour since she was already in the area. Even as she entered the town, she found it quite a charming place. She reached out to attune to the Crystal, feeling the connection hold fast in her mind. The name Hawthorne Hut came to mind when she was finished with her task. 

Smiling she decided it would be in her best interest to head back to Gridania, and return to Adder’s Nest. When she arrived in New Gridania, she sprinted westward through the Knot, and toward the largest building filled with officers. 

She approached the desk with the personnel officer standing by. “Azlyn! It does my spirit well to see you returned! Word arrived but moments ago from the team at Nine Ivies. Lest you worry, the two engineers are safely on their way.”

Azlyn heaved a sigh of relief. She was glad to hear that they had successfully finished their repairs. 

“The lieutenant informs me that you were instrumental in the mission’s success. Had you not found Engineer Biggs when you did, and helped us to rout the Garleans, things might have been very different.”

She shook her head. “It’s all thanks to the help and guidance from the team in the Nine Ivies that success was guaranteed. I’m just glad no one was hurt in the process.” 

The personnel officer nodded his head in approval. “You are well on your way to carving out a fine career for yourself beneath the Twin Adder standard. But without further ado, let us see to your induction Twelve willing, there won’t be any further interruptions.” 

Azlyn saw him produce a packet of policies and procedures. 

The officer then began to explain to her the inner works of the Order. “Protocol requires that I apprise you of who we are and what we do, after which I will invite you to swear an oath of your own free will.” Two other officers joined behind him as they offered the Serpent salute to her. Both arms were held up rigid, one crossed over the other in front of their chest. They bowed to her holding their upper torso tight. “The Order of the Twin Adder is the Grand Company of Gridania. It brings together the martial, economic, and technological resources of our nation, that we might stand strong in times of direst adversity, when our survival hangs in the balance. Our order was formed in the days before the Calamity, in readiness to fight the Garlean Empire, and to combat the beast tribes and their primals. Needless to say, our struggle continues to this day. Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Semna is the supreme commander of our force. Under her wise leadership, we protect the people of Gridania and the sanctity of the Twelveswood.” 

She also happened to read the similar passage in the papers in front of her. She was pretty impressed that he managed to remember it verbatim. 

“As the entwined serpents that grace our standard, let forestborn strive as one with friends from afar to ensure that peace shall ever reign in Gridania. In doing so, we honor the will of the elementals, and theirs is the will of the wood. Now then, Azlyn, I ask that you give unto us your oath of allegiance, in whatever fashion you see fit.” 

And all eyes turned to her, she swallowed the lump in her throat. She spoke resolutely, without reservation. “Wood’s will be done.” She then gave them a crisp bow, hoping that it would suffice until she was taught how to properly salute. 

The officer seemed appeased by her answer, as she lifted herself up from her bow. He postulated to her with a grin. “So you know the words of our Grand Company. That is well. Bound by this common belief, let us strive to preserve all that is good in this great nation.” He nodded in approval. “By the power vested in me, I assign you the rank of serpent private third class. You are now a woman of the Order of the Twin Adder. Go forth, Private Azlyn, and do that which brings peace to the Twelveswood and honor to our name.” 

They saluted to her, and she tried her hand at performing it back. She brought both of her arms up, one over the other, as she bowed to them. Feeling the ceremony was over, she smiled happily. It was one less thing to worry about, and no big fanfare involved. 

She waved goodbye, thanking them for their time and went into Gridania for a bite to eat. Her stomach had started to lightly grumble. As she started to pursue the marketplace for foods to eat, her linkpearl started to buzz. 

Azlyn answered it while staring down at a pot of steamed dumplings. “Hello?” 

“Can you hear me Azlyn? This is Minfillia.” 

The Au Ra chuckled, it had been less than a day and Minfillia had already started to reach out to her. “I can. Did you find something that you need help with?” 

She could hear her caller’s chuckling as she spoke. “An officer of the Order of the Twin Adder contacted me with news of your enlistment. My congratulations, Private Azlyn.” 

At this she sighed, “Why does it feel like news about me is going to spread faster than a fire caught on oil?” 

Minfillia answered back. “Because you’re the heroine of the hour. I have no doubt that you are eager to make acquaintance of your new comrades, but I would ask that you pay a visit to your old ones first. Remember: though you are now a Serpent of Gridania, you are no less a Scion! Pray return to the Waking Sands at your earliest convenience. There are some friends here whom I would very much like you to meet. We shall be waiting!” The Head of the Scions hung up the linkpearl, leaving Azlyn to buying herself a quick bite to eat before teleporting over to Horizon. 

She ate her food on the way, walking from Horizon to Vesper Bay. She had decided to save her money for a time, as she didn’t want to deplete all of her coffers by renting chocobos, inn rooms, and flights through the air dock. 

It was a quarter past one when she arrived at the Waking Sands, noting Tataru’s ignoble absence at the front desk this time around. Wondering where the Lalafell went, Azlyn decided it best to hurry down to the Solar. 

She opened the door to the Solar, and everyone from with turned to look upon her entry. Minfillia greeted her with a raised hand. “Welcome back! It seems you wasted no time putting your skills to work!” 

Azlyn sighed, placing a hand on her hip as she approached the Scions circled around Minfillia’s desk. “Let me guess, the officer regaled you of the airship recovery for the Garlond  Ironworks?” 

Minfillia nodded happily. “Indeed he did! The pride in his voice was quite palpable. We Scions are truly fortunate to have you with us Azlyn!”

Azlyn looked around the room, noting no new members to be introduced to. Curiously, she turned back to the blonde haired woman. “I believe we were already friends.” She pointed to the whole group with a smirk. 

Thancred shrugged, Y’shtola smiled warmly—the two from Gridania Papalymo and Yda waved their greetings. Urianger remained quietly by the edge of the desk.

The Scion smiled, “Well I neglected to mention that you have already met. Tataru? Can you show them in?” Azlyn followed her gaze behind her, and watched Tataru opening the Solar for their guests. “This way, sirs!”

Two engineers dressed in the same sky blue and white uniforms slowly walked inside. The Roegabyn with blonde dreadlocks on top of his head, and the Lalafell with black and red hair entered. 

“I see you made your repairs swiftly.” Azlyn replied. 

The one known as Biggs nodded. “Thanks again for getting us out of that mess. We owe you our lives. But I don’t think we’ve properly introduced ourselves. I’m Biggs.”

Nervously the Lalafell whom she remembered as Wedge stammered. “A-And I’m... I’m... “

Biggs shouted to his companion. “Gods man, spit it out, will you?!”

“W-Wedge, at your service!” He yelled at her. 

Minfillia gathered their attention from the entrance by clearing her throat. “I am pleased to say that Biggs and Wedge will be staying with us for a while.” She waited while everyone centered themselves back to the desk. “Magitek-driven contraptions such as airships grow ever more vital to the City-States of Eorzea. As a neutral party, it was judged that we Scions should serve as the keepers of this technology. Of course, for this we needed the knowledge of experts. And so we requested the assistance of Garlond Ironworks, who very kindly sent us two of their finest engineers.”

Both Yda and Papalymo began to clap loudly for their new additions. 

“Our happy family continues to grow. On behalf of the Scions, I bid you welcome to the Waking Sands.” 

Y’shtola and Thancred approached Biggs, speaking with him about the recent developments undergoing with the Ironworks. As they delved into their conversation, Minfillia brought Azlyn’s attention back to her. 

“Like every soul here, I love Eorzea. And I count myself blessed to have been given this chance to stand with you all and fight for the future of the realm. Never have I known such fulfillment—such happiness.” She replied, raising her own hand to her chest. Her eyes were filled with joy. 

After giving their group a moment to reconvene, Minfillia called out to them. “Now, having set aside the formalities, we have a favor to ask of you.” She turned to look at Azlyn. In fact, everyone in the room had, and she widened her eyes at the request. 

“How can I help?” Azlyn replied, wondering who it was that was going to ask. 

Minfillia spoke calmly, “Urianger, could you please present the documents from the Students of Baldesion?” 

Urianger nodded, drawing forth the required papers. “Aye, my lady. Here they are.” He handed them over with nary a glance to Azlyn. 

“We have conducted a study at the behest of the Order of the Twin Adder.” Their leader lowered her papers, looking to the Lalafell in scholarly robes, and the young girl with the mask hiding her face. “Papalymo, Yda—a synopsis if you would.”

Both nodded to her, and then looked over at Azlyn. Papalymo started with their findings. “Our task was to survey the behavior of the slopes, a beast tribe indigenous to the Twelveswood.”

Yda interjected, “Oh how to describe them—they look like—gyashl greens? Floating ones! That worship the primal Ramuh.”

Azlyn thought back to her history on the gods. “The lightning god? That one?” 

Yda nodded, “The very same!”

Papalymo cleared his throat so that he could steer the conversation back on course. “Though technically a ‘beast tribe’, sylphs are blessed with a comparatively personable demeanor, conducive to peaceful communication.”

Minfillia added to their report. “Offering us an invaluable opportunity to learn what the beast tribes know of their primal.”

Papalymo nodded. “While Ramuh’s existence is well documented, the sylphs do not—or perhaps can not—summon the primal any longer, insofar as can be ascertained. Until such time as we know it would be unwise to assume that the threat posed by the primal has passed.”

“Which leaves Gridania with the added worry of not knowing what they should be worrying about!” Yda added, concerned for the city-state. 

“In that regard, they are hardly alone. What we can say with absolute certainty is that Gridania has its hand full fending off Garuda. Who, I need hardly remind you, is among the most savage and terrible of all known primals.” Papalymo concluded. 

Azlyn had to admit, in most of her studies on the primals in Sharlayan, Garuda had the most impactful resonation to Eorzea’s land. 

Minfillia raised a hand to her chin. “In short, it is essential that we approach the symphony in as diplomatic a manner as possible. Words and actions can be misconstrued. The only sure way to communicate our intentions is the Echo. Winning the sylph’s favor may well bring us a step closer to mitigating the threat of the primals. Will you help us?” 

The Au Ra didn’t think she would have any right to decline—only because she felt some responsibility regarding her newfound alliance with Gridania. She nodded her head. “I shall do my best.” 

Minfillia slightly bowed. “I am grateful.” 

Thancred smiled over to Azlyn with his usual smile. “Don’t overdo it now—you’re still recovering last I checked. Well, much as I’d like to help, I’m afraid I would be of little use to anyone in Gridania. A veritable babe in the woods.” He turned to address Minfillia. “Yda and Papalymo however should be able to see the forest for the trees, is that not so, Minfillia?” 

She nodded, “Indeed. You are willing?”

Yda tapped on her chest with enthusiasm. “Leave it to me!”

While Papalymo called to her with a correction. “It should be us, Yda, us.” 

Azlyn chuckled. “It looks like I shall be in your care.” She bowed to the both of them. 

With that, their meeting was adjourned and everyone left the Solar. Minfillia went back to the reports she had received from Urianger. Azlyn looked down to Papalymo and over to Yda. They smiled to her. 

“Let’s be on our way to Adder’s Nest, shall we?” The Lalafell scholar suggested, as he activated his teleport. “We shall see you there Azlyn!” And the two of them blinked out in the flow of aether. She wondered how different it’d be working with them, and could already see how they worked comparatively to Thancred. He was more forward with his information, while Papalymo and Yda seemed more—ready to jump straight in. 

She chuckled, deciding it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, and connected herself to the Aetheryte back in New Gridania. 

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