
46 l Sylph Management

She arrived back in Adder’s Nest, finding the pair next to an Officer by the end of the long counter of personnel. His uniform was slightly different compared to the rest of the companies, and his signet on his upper right chest showed he was fairly high up in the ranks. 

Yda waved at her upon arrival. “There she is! Azlyn, this is Commander Vorsaille Heuloix, he’ll be giving us the scoop on this mission!” 

Papalymo nodded his head, crossing his arms over his chest. “Indeed, now that our party is ready, please regale us of the current news regarding the sylphs.” 

The commander gave a huge sigh of relief, thankful that they all were present. “No doubt you’ve heard that we’re investigating the sylphs—that curious beast tribe that calls the depths of the Twelveswood home. The sylphs are, for the most part, a peaceful bunch. Much to the delight of the Elder Seedseer, who has no desire to see her people embroiled in yet another fruitless war. The Twin Adder is of the same mind, and ‘tis precisely for this reason that the sylph’s relation to the primal Ramuh has raised a flag of warning amongst our ranks. Friendly as they may appear, beastmen will still be beastmen. Should there be even a sliver of a chance that the summoning of a primal might disturb the balance between Gridania and the sylphic tribes, it is a possibility we cannot ignore.”

Papalymo curled his hand around his own chin. “Yes, better to be safe than sorry.”

“Do we strike Ramuh, or leave the sylphs to their own ways? This is the question, yet I find myself lacking ample knowledge to arrive at the answer. Opinions abound within Gridania, but to listen to only one’s own is among the greatest mistakes a commander can make.” The Commander found himself looking to Azlyn now, as he continued. “I would hear from the other side—the sylphs themselves—and seek an impartial party to serve as my liaison. This is where you Scions come in.”

Azlyn smiled up to the Elezen Commander. “Wood’s will be done.”

He appreciated her candor. “The sylphs of Little Solace remain untempered, and have held many a productive dialogue with our people. I would hear their candid thoughts on their tempered brethren. That said, I urge you to exercise due caution. Sylphic tradition and etiquette bear little resemblance to our own. It would not do to have any cross-cultural faux pas get in the way of a productive parley. En route to Little Solace, you will come upon Hawthorne Hut. Our officer stationed there can enlighten you as to how to win the sylph’s favor. May your expedition be a worthwhile one.” The Commander walked away from them, going to address some of his men nearby on another situation in the Twelveswood. Azlyn could tell that he was a busy man, keeping up with all of his colleagues and the sylphs alike. 

Papalymo seemed encouraged by this notion. “A friendly palaver with the sylphs? This should be a pleasant enough diversion.” He drew Yda’s attention. “The Hawthorne Hut was it? I believe the ferry departing from Westshore Pier should take us straight there.”

Yda bounced with excitement. “A friendly palaver, indeed! I hope this will be as straightforward as you say, Papalymo.”

Azlyn had to agree, her body was still sore from that morning when she went up against the Garleans. A simple talks would definitely be a walk in the park comparatively. She followed the Lalafell scholar and the pugilist masked young lady out from Adder’s Nest, heading into Old Gridania. As they walked through town, up through the market, Azlyn found herself looking at two familiar faces. 

“Roll. Kida!” She called to them. Yda and Papalymo stopped in their walk, noticing them as well. 

The two Au Ra’s had been out for the late morning, buying food for lunch. Kida smiled brightly to the three of them. “Good Morning!” Then she gasped. “Wait, don’t tell me—are you going out for some fun!” 

Roll smiled to Azlyn. “Anything interesting happen?” 

Azlyn smiled back. “Loads.” 

Papalymo tapped his chin in thought, while Yda bounced to Kida. They were bouncing around each other in excitement. “You should totally come with us!” Yda invited, “Scion business and all, and the more the merrier!” 

The scholar looked to Roll and Azlyn. “It’d be good to have a healer join us, just in case there’s need of one.” 

Kida pouted, pointing to herself. “What about a wonderful archer?” 

Yda smiled. “And you too, of course! What would we do without you?” 

Azlyn shrugged, “We’re heading out through Westshore Pier to Hawthorne Hut. Do you two have time?”

She remembered yesterday they had kept the officers waiting all day—so it seemed only fair to offer them an opportunity to join her in this Scion mission. She did promise them after what happened from Ifrit. 

Roll nodded. “If you don’t mind.” 

Kida gave Yda a thumbs up. “Well, what are we waiting for! Let’s go!” 

Now that their party had gained two more, they slowly made their way to the pier. Kida ran ahead, going to the person in charge of the ferry. She held up her whole hand to indicate the tickets they needed. “Five tickets to East Shroud please!” 

Roll approached the ferry woman with a smile. “Good morning Mitainie, do you have room for five?” 

The Elezen woman gave them all a curt bow. “Aye, the ferry docked at the base of this hill will carry you across the lake now. Safe travels to you.” The woman smiled. 

Papalymo spoke with reserve. “If we’re heading into Hawthorne Hut, is their anything customary we should consider bringing?” 

The Elezen thought for a moment. “The Hawthorners are most welcoming folk who have shown us no small measure of goodwill. Still, a bit of courtesy goes a long way. I would encourage you to stop by Fullflower Comb and introduce yourself to Rosa before you travel on.”

Yda grinned. “Then we shall be happy to do so.” She linked arms with Kida, and together they skipped down the hillside. Papalymo looked to Azlyn and Roll with a slight shrug. 

“So attached at the hip they are, sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart.” The Lalafell smiled all the same. “It is good to see them so spirited however.” 

Roll pointed out with a calm reply. “Two birds of a feather flock together.” 

Azlyn chuckled. “Indeed. Let’s not keep the waiting, they might cause the boat to leave before we get there.” 

The ferry ride had been enjoyable, with the lapping calm river underneath, and the soothing of the rowing, the five of them had ample time to catch their two new additions up on the current events. 

“We’re going to talk with the Sylph’s in Little Solace! That’s going to be fun!” Kida cheered. 

Roll crossed her arms over her chest. “However, I do find it alarming if Ramuh has indeed been brought into existence. Everyone in Twin Adder already has their hands tied with Garuda.” 

Azlyn remembered the commander saying something similar along the same lines. “Hey Roll, have you ever been involved in a fight with a primal?” 

Her cousin with gold eyes nodded. “Yes, only once before a few years back. My first fight with a primal happened to be the most savage one known to Eorzea.” 

Papalymo nodded his head. “Aye, Garuda is not one to be considerate of her foes.” 

Roll looked to her open hand, as she stretched her fingers out. “I was selected as a fellow conjurer for that mission. Many of the party didn’t survive the tornados and debris.” 

Kida crossed her arms, thinking back. “Was that before or after I joined the Twin Adder?” 

The Au Ra with gold eyes replied, “Before. It’s one thing as a healer to a party to keep your unconscious stable during a fight—it’s a completely different thing when your party gets murdered with no chance of survival. Garuda barely gave us time to breathe, much less come up with a counterattack.” 

Yda sadly smiled to her. “Your experience had definitely helped improve the chances of the next warriors to follow suit. Without your knowledge, who knows what would have happened to them?” 

Azlyn tilted her head to her cousin. She hadn’t realized that she’d an experience like that before. “I’m glad you weren’t hurt.” 

Roll nodded solemnly. 

Kida cracked her knuckles. “Well I for one have yet to be in a fight with a primal. I’ve been in many fights with the Ixal, but never with any others.” She then stretched her arms out to the side. 

“And I hope you don’t have to if you can help it.” Azlyn remembered feeling a bit terrified standing under a terrifyingly tall god that breathed hellfire at her. 

Papalymo brought their attention to the approaching pier of the East Shroud. “Look everyone, we have reached our destination!” 

The ferrymen helped them out from the rocking boat, and they slowly made their way through the forest. Yda pointed over to the southeast, “I believe we should head that way!” 

Azlyn raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t familiar with this side of the wood, only that she’d briefly arrived there that morning to help Biggs and Wedge out from their ship crashing. “Any reason why?” 

She chuckled, “You can see the honeycomb farm from here! Look, between the bushes!” 

Azlyn followed her line of sight, and finally noticed the large boxes of white housed troves. 

“Does that mean we can get honey!” Kida exclaimed, “I love honey—honey on fruits, honey on bread, honey in tea.” 

Roll slowed her walking pace so she was matching Papalymo’s. The five of them walked in the direction of the Fullflower Comb, where they eventually found a woman dressed in simple gardener’s attire. She was happily watering the flowers. 

“Good morning!”

The woman looked to their group. “I should say it’s close to good afternoon now! What brings you here travelers?” 

Kida started to chant, “honeyhoneyhoneyhoney”, while Azlyn explained. “We were wondering if you could impart on us a customary gift for the Hawthorners and the Sylphs who live in Little Solace?” 

The woman blinked several time, before smiling at them all. “I see! My name is Rosa Hawthorne. Well, you couldn’t have come at a more opportune time—if you help me with this task, I will help you with what you seek. Oh, and with honey of course.” 

Azlyn had no reason to decline, so she accepted it. “Happy to oblige, what do you need done?” 

Kida triumphantly pumped her fist at the chance for free honey, meanwhile Papalymo and Yda looked to Roll. 

“You three seem capable to handle such errands. We shall go on ahead, and scout.” Papalymo replied. 

Yda waved her hand. “See you guys soon! Save me some honey Kida!” 

As the two Scions left, Roll looked over to Rosa.

Rosa had already began to explain to Azlyn. “Our bees need some protection. The poor little dears are always under attack by a murderous swarm of hornets. Could you exterminate the hornets for them? These beehives are not only their livelihoods, but ours as well.” 

Roll started to unroll her sleeves, as a careful measure against stinging hornets attacking them. She lifted her astrologian’s globe up as she peered around the Honey Yard. “Let’s see what we can do?”

Azlyn and Kida brought forth their own weapons—Kida her bow, Azlyn brought out her lance. She was hoping with the distance they would be able to kill the hornets without getting in close contact. 

The remainder of the morning turned into a hornet’s hunt, killing the surprisingly large swarms that tried to invade the beehives. Unfortunately for Azlyn, she had gotten stung the most—but when all was done and complete her cousin nursed her wounds by giving her succor. 

She winced as she rubbed her neck and arms. “I hate hornets.” 

Roll started to roll up her sleeves. “That’s why you should always dress for the occasion.” 

Azlyn sighed. “Very true.” And then blinked. She didn’t shower that morning, nor the day before. She sniffed her clothes debating whether or not she started to smell bad. 

Kida laughed at her, “What are you doing?” 

The girl shook her head. “Nothing, I forgot to shower so I wondered if I smelled.” 

They walked back over to Rosa who already had prepared several jars of honey for them. “Thank you friends! Our bees can make their honey in peace! I knew you all were Twelvesent the moment I laid eyes on you.”

Roll brought up the reason why they were there again. “Do you have a customary gift for the sylphs of Little Solace, or someone in town that would know?” 

Rosa tapped her chin, “There is one who goes by Amelain. He is a sentry at Josselin’s Spire, but makes regular excursions to our hut. He’s quite enamored of our honey and the tales of my husband, Rolfe. Though I’ve found him to be tight-lipped around those he’s unfamiliar with. Oh!” She produced another jar of honey for them. “I know what we might try. Why don’t you take a jar of fresh honey to him? I reckon you’ll find him more than talkative then!”

All three of them thanked her for her time, while Kida joyfully put her jar in her bag for later. They walked through the Honey Yard, heading east until they came across the large hut labeled Hawthorne Hut. Azlyn recalled being there just that morning, attuning to the crystal just in case. 

Roll looked to her cousin. “If you need to attune to the crystal, I would recommend you do so.” 

Azlyn smiled, “I did this morning, I was in the area dealing with a situation.” 

Kida snapped her fingers. “You were the one dealing with the airship crash!  I was wondering who the Commander meant when he said an honorary serpent was taking care of it.” 

They walked together inside the hut, Azlyn leading them in as they found a lone Serpent Officer in uniform. He was standing at attention when they approached him. “Excuse me, we’re looking for an Amelain. Do you know where we can find him?” 

The man gave the three Auri a peculiar look. His face was guarded as he nodded. “Indeed, I am Amelain of the Twin Adder. Your face in unfamiliar to me.” 

Azlyn brought forth a jar of honey for him. “We have a gift for you.” 

“Hrmm? You have a gift for me?” He gave them all a puzzled look before he saw the labeled jar of honey. He softened up almost immediately. “A jar of Rosa’s honey, and freshly squeezed to boot. You three certainly know how to make a first impression.” He smiled, and then nudged the man sitting beside him. “Did you see this Rolfe? I was given honey!” 

Rolfe laughed, “It’s fortunate since you can stop your ailing stomach from afflicting my ears with it’s hunger pangs.” He teased, winking to the Auri. 

Roll started to explain why they were there. “The Commander sent us here in response to the Sylph’s management and procurement of parlay. We were hoping for some guidance on the matters from you sir.” 

The officer smiled, “Ah, so you’re the adventurers of whom the Commander spoke of. Fo forgive me for being curt! Pray, let me tell you what I know of the sylphs. For all their whimsy, they are a wary lot. Particularly since the Empire has come to the Shroud. Earn their trust, however, and they’re as friendly as any folk. They have their quirks, but don’t we all?” He added with mirth. He held the jar of honey aloft as he sighed happily. “Care to learn more? You’d do well to speak with my companion Rolfe! He’s forgotten more about the sylphs than I’ll ever know.” 

Rolfe shook his head, looking to them with a smile. “Hardly forgotten, more like the stories slip from time to time. Today, I’m at the peak of my form.” He cleared his throat. “You three must know that it is traditional of visitors coming into Little Solace to dance to the sylphs. It’s the traditional greeting that has been passed down through oral traditions.” 

Azlyn crossed her arms. “Dancing?” 

Kida’s eyes lit up. “Dancing!” 

Roll mimicked her cousin, but seemed bewildered. “Dancing?” 

Rolfe nodded. “They are a curious bunch, if not without their quirks. It is also customary to bring a gift to them. I believe milkroot from an ochu will do for a wonderful gift. I hope that helps you in your expedition.” 

Kida reached over to grab onto Azlyn’s sleeve, she was tugging it up and down in rapid motion. “Dancing, dancing, dancing—which dance shall we do? Wait we should make sure we are in sync! Come, we’re to practice!” She seemed to entirely miss the gift part, as she was more excited about the dancing. 

Azlyn widened her purple eyes, “Wait wha—aahhhh.” And she was unceremoniously dragged away. Roll bowed to both the Hawthorners, and slowly headed out the entrance to find Kida already beginning her instruction on their dance. She tried her best to glean what she could, with Roll mimicking the dance moves behind her. Kida made sure to spend over an hour making sure they were in sync and their movements on point. 

By the time they were done, Azlyn collapsed on the ground. Her butt landed with a thud as she lifted a foot up to examine her soles. “I feel like I’ve been dancing forever.” 

Roll nodded in agreement, however she was still standing. 

Kida’s tail swung in excitement, swishing as she pointed eastward to where she assumed would be Little Solace. “Come on! We can’t waste the day away when we practiced so hard! Let’s give the sylph’s a traditional greeting!” 

Roll reached out to Kida’s collar, stopping her with a firm pull. “We can’t go without a gift. Milkroot from the Ochu—or has your excitement made you forget?” 

Kida shrugged earnestly. “Oops?” 

Azlyn massaged her calf’s, and then finally pulled herself back up. “Alright, so we should find some ochu’s and obtain this milkroot. Where would they be typically?”

Her cousin pulled out a map, presenting it to them. “We’re here in east Shroud—the ochu’s typically found over here.” She pointed to an area a bit aways from their current location. 

Kida tapped her chin. “Anyway we could lure one in?” 

Roll thought for a moment. “I suppose with amber syrup we could. Ochu’s like sweet things.” 

Azlyn remarked to her friends. “Alright, then why don’t we head over to Rosa’s and ask her where we can get some syrup?” 

They were in agreement, walking out from Hawthorne Hut and back to the Honey Yard. They travelled down the path until they were once again back in Fullflower Comb. Rosa smiled to them. 

“Good afternoon! Did Amelain like the honey?” 

Azlyn nodded. “He did indeed, thank you.” 

Kida jumped right into action. She was already ecstatic about dancing for the sylphs. “We need some amber syrup to lure an ochu in for a milkroot! Do you have any?” 

Rosa frowned, “I believe we have some in the back of the stores. If you give me one moment, I can procure you some.” 

Roll nodded to her. “Yes, we’d greatly appreciate it.” 

They waited for several minutes, they were quietly discussing battle strategies for when they took on the ochu. 

“—alright, so it’ll use a poison like spray so range will probably be best.” Roll explained. 

Azlyn brought forth her arcanima grimoire, bringing her carbuncle forward. The topaz colored creature sat obediently by her side while Kida prepared her arrows. 

“I’ll have my carbuncle herd it away from us, but still be within range.” 

“And I’ll fire several binding arrows to lock it into place.” Kida smirked. 

Roll seemed happy with the plan. “Okay, so long as we follow the plan, I shouldn’t need to heal us from poison.” 

Rosa arrived not moments later with a small jar of amber colored syrup. She handed the jar to Roll. “I gathered what we could.” 

Azlyn smiled to her. “Thank you Rosa. Oh, is there a place that we could lure in an ochu that won’t hurt your bee farm?” 

The woman pondered a moment. “If you go out into the Honey Yard, and down the path, there should be some logs that you can slather the syrup on. I hope you catch your quandary.” 

They also hoped they would too, and sent out in the direction of the logs. When they arrived, Azlyn got ready in position. Kida notched several arrows, and Roll began pouring the syrup on the log. She left the open jar beside the log as she ran back to their side. 

They waited for ten minutes. 

Then fifteen. 

Kida yawned as they continued to wait. 

Azlyn looked to her carbuncle who had laid down on her feet. “Will this even work?” She finally asked, reaching down to stroke her pet’s ears. They twitched under her touch, yet it didn’t wake up. 

Roll rolled her shoulders. “Give it another five minutes.” 

And so they waited, until finally a tree branch snapped. “There!” 

Roll yelled out, pointing to an ochu who was curiously approaching the log. It’s swinging vines for arms were dancing in the air. 

Kida hopped into action, firing several arrows. Azlyn brought forth several ruin spells. 

The plant-like creature wheezed in anguish under their attacks. Roll merely stood back, holding a card up and couldn’t see a reason to contribute. Her cousin and friend had already depleted it’s energy and rendered it unconscious. 

By the time they were done, a milkroot had been left in it’s wake. 

Roll walked over with a wry grin. “I didn’t even need to do anything.” 

Kida put her bow away, stretching her arms behind her. “I was sooooo bored.”

Azlyn admitted that she was bored as well. “Sorry, I felt the same.” 

Roll shook her head to them. “Nah, it just means your damage output is faster and higher than what I can do. There’s a reason you guys can whittle down an enemies defenses.” 

Kida jumped in excitement again, “Can we go dance for the sylphs now Roll!” 

Their healer of the group nodded at last. “I believe we should get this checked first befo—“

Kida grabbed the milkroot and started teleporting to Hawthorne Hut. “I’ll check it, you guys head over to Little Solace!” 

Azlyn chuckled at her friend’s exuberance, while Rolls wiped her hands. “Well, while she’s checking the validity, let’s be on the way.” 

The duo walked down through the Honey Yard, making their way through the south road away from Hawthorne Hut. Along the eastern path, heading away from Hawthorne Hut to a small residential area in the woods, Kida was bouncing. She must have already been to the hut, as she was waving a wrapped box to them. “It’s the genuine deal!

“Anything we need to do?” 

Kida then produced a written missive. “We’re to deliver a penned letter from the Elder Seedseer herself to a Komuxio in Little Solace!” 

Roll led their group, pushing further into the wooded area. They travelled a bit aways from Hawthorne Hut only to start seeing sprightly like beings appear around the trees. Their leafy green body’s, their tiny arms, their heads looked like a grown vegetable with leaves growing around it for hair. 

Quietly they entered the open area, now seeing both sylphs and people alike in a small little community set up of tents and treehouses. Kida excitedly looked around. 

“I believe this is Little Solace.” Roll replied, crossing her arms as she regarded the wooded lands. “It’s very beautiful.” 

Azlyn had to agree, with the amount of abundant nature and small opportunity for light pollution, this would be a wonderful area to be within. Especially for a naturalist.

The three of them walked up the path, Kida dancing all the way up to a tall blue insignia’d tent. There were two sylphs present, and Kida started to sprightly dance in greeting. Azlyn followed her friend’s movements, as did Roll. When all three stopped their mirthful dancing, the sprightly ones clapped in joy.

“This one would welcome walking ones who moves like these ones.” They chuckled happily. “if walking ones would talk to this one, this one will answer. This one is a busy one, so walking one should speak with quick tongue.”

Kida was the first to speak. “We look for a Komuxio to give them a present and a missive.” 

The sprightly one pointed to itself with it’s small leaf like hands. “This one is Komuxio. Walking ones has gift for this one? Walking ones are very kind.” 

Kida presented the wrapped box, along with the letter from the Elder Seedseer. 

Komuxio danced with joy when they unwrapped the box to find the milkroot inside. “Walking ones brings milkroot! Milkroot fills this one with great joy!” The Sylph handed the milkroot to their companion beside them. Roll and Azlyn watched as they too were excited and sprightly danced at the gift. They circled around them excitedly, while Komuxio looked to the penned missive. “Walking ones carries message from elder one? This one will deliver the message to elder one. Walking ones should not worry.” 

Coming up beside them were their missing Scion friends, Yda and Papalymo. They approached Komuxio and their group with warm smiles.

“Hello there! We’re envoys from Gridania, and we’re here to treat with your people!” Yda remarked happily. 

Roll widened her eyes, wondering what they were doing. 

Papalymo continued on, “Aye. We come to pay our respects to your elder, and to learn from him more of your Lord, Ramuh.” 

Azlyn let her eyes follow them both the scions and the sylphs wondering if they would take offense to their sudden appearance. She hoped not, as she slightly bit the bottom of her lip.

Komuxio looked to the three of them, and back to the two Scions. “Who are these ones? These walking ones come from Gridania?”

Kida widened her eyes, already seeing the betrayal in the Sylph’s eyes. “Actually, we’re from—“ 

But the damage was done. The one known as Komuxio exploded on them. “Walking ones becomes dancing ones and brought milkroot, but walking one tricks this one! This one does not like tricks! This one will speak no more! Elder one is busy. Walking ones should go back home!” Komuxio huffed in anger.  

Yda called out to the sylphs in earnest. “G-go home, you say?! But the sylphs of Little Solace have always welcomed Gridanian envoys with open wings!”

Papalymo also added. “The letter carried by these three here is an oath of peace penned by the Elder Seedseer herself! Still you would refuse us?” 

Komuxio fluttered it’s wings in anger. “This one’s reasons are no business of walking ones. Elder one has no words for Gridania. Walking ones waste everyone’s time!” Komuxio turned away from them, floating up several feet above their heads.

Azlyn and Roll groaned, knowing all that hard work went to waste. Kida crossed her arms, tapping her foot in rapid succession. Meanwhile Yda and Papalymo seemed at a loss. 

Yda looked down, worried. “Well, I never! Turned away at the gates! Whatever did we do to deserve such a rude welcome? Was your jig insufficiently jiggy?” 

Roll shook her head. “No, I don’t think it was that.” She sighed. 

Papalymo crossed his arms also concerned. “I’m as baffled as you, but something tells me recent events have our erstwhile fluttery friends feeling uncommonly wary. It would seem we’ve no choice but to ask around and see how we might earn their trust.” 

Kida looked to her friends. “We have no choice, we must use our actions to reach their hearts!” 

Roll and Azlyn both gave her a wide-eyed glance. “Pray tell—how exactly?” 

Kida smacked her hands together, as she exclaimed. “We’re going to dance!” 

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