
47 l Forest Friend

For the next several hours, all of them did their best to assuage their relationship with the Sylphs. Azlyn couldn’t remember how long she danced, or how many times for that fact, as she had an entire crowd of sylphs joyfully applauding her dancing. By the time she was done, most had flown off to tell the others. 

Azlyn wiped the sweat from her brow as she walked over to Papalymo and Yda, they were also finished entertaining the sylphs with an interesting combination dance they coordinated amongst themselves. 

Papalymo lifted a handkerchief to his face, “So much for simple negotiations.” 

Yda placed both her hands to her hips. She was stretching her legs as she tried to regain her breathing. “Let’s take a bit of a break, yes?” 

The Au Ra nodded, waving one of her hands in front of her face to cool down. “Can you explain why you two decided to jump in when you did?” 

“We didn’t think it would end up as poorly as it did.” The elder Lalafell sighed, crossing his arms. “By virtue of the crystal trade, the sylphs have maintained friendly terms with most every race in Eorzea. Alas the appearance of Ramuh has been as a storm cloud over relations. If peace is to be secured, we must reopen a dialogue with the sylphs before they have the chance to summon their god again.” 

She agreed, knowing that the summoning of another primal would not do well for Gridania’s already tied up hands. Yda perked beside them. 

“Well good news is that our dancing has brought smiles and high spirits to all of Little Solace!”

“But did it restore our relationship with the sylphs?” Azlyn asked, looking up to Komuxio who was still high up in the air. She was on the verge of, no, they still weren’t able to open the lines of communication. 

Papalymo noticed her glance, also in agreement with her assessment. He drummed his fingers on his sleeve. “Azlyn, you’re no stranger to helping distressed folks in their time of need. Maybe there is something you can do for them besides the customary greetings?” 

Azlyn nodded. “Where are Roll and Kida?

Yda pointed over to Kida in the distance, she was performing several dances for a large crowd of sylphs and the rest of the community of Little Solace. “Kida’s running an entire dance show. Roll’s entertaining in another way.” 

Her attention was brought over to Roll who was creating astronomical magicks from her astrologian globe. The stardust and glitter from the residues were enough to have the sylphs dancing in joy. 

“Guess that leaves me to deal with the hard labor.” Azlyn cracked her knuckles. 

The Lalafell pointed to the conjurer stationed at a nearby tent. “Seeing as the sylph’s may not be open to their troubles to outsiders, you may garner more information from one who has gained their trust. Hearer Imedia should be a good start.” 

Feeling like they had nothing else to lose, she decided to hear the troubles from the conjurer. Yda and Papalymo waved goodbye. She was beginning to wonder if this would turn into a monster hunt.

“Good evening are you Hearer Imedia?” Azlyn asked a black haired Hyur wearing a set of blue and white lines robes. The young lady nodded her head to her question. 

“Yes, I am. You must be one of the adventurer’s dancing and bringing cheer. Praise be to the elementals. It’s warms my heart to see those who truly have a gentle heart.” 

The Au Ra smiled back to her. She spoke calmly. “I was hoping to see if there was anything that might have been troubling the sylph’s of late? Strange occurrences? A large activity of monsters? Needing something delivered?” By this point she was just listed what she typically found herself doing in all the communities she went to. It was a sure fire was to get to know the people after all. 

The healer tapped her chin, a worrying expression on her face. “You see Little Solace is a temporary settlement, and is want for amenities, not least a stout set of defenses. Consequently, beast from males around are free to wander in and terrorize the hapless residents. If you could put down the ziz gorlins and gall gnats that are too close to the settlement, I know the sylphs, and myself would be eternally grateful.” 

Bringing forth her bow set, she smiled. “I’ll get to work then.”

The healer exclaimed suddenly, as if a thought had just come to mind. “Oh, perhaps you could gather some brownie brushes as well! They play an important role in sylphic culture—I do not claim to know the details—and what with such feral beasts prowling the forests, they are not easily come by.” 

Pulling out her journal, she jotted down all of the information necessary for the task. She continued to hold her smile, a practiced one for when she worked with many people. 

“When you are done, seek out Kumoxio. He is slow to warm to outsiders, but your good intentions will not be lost on him. My own experience speaks to this.” When it seemed like the healer had no more left to say about the task, Azlyn headed out. She walked out from the settlement seeing some of the sylphs float by her. Some were waving and smiling, one even ran a tiny hand through her hand. She smiled to them all, giving them a cheerful dance as she walked on through. 

It wasn’t hard to find her quarry, as the monster Ziz Gorlins were fairly large reptilian like birds that were yellowish green in color. She could see the growing nest of them beside the settlement already. Notching her arrows, she took out the ones closest to Little Solace, taking considerable amounts of time to take each one down. 

The same could be said for the Gall Gnats, the black, large flying gnats that floated around the area south of Little Solace. It was of no wonder Little Solace had trouble with them, seeing the vast amount of Gnat nests high in the trees. She took care of the colonies, driving both them and the Gorlins further into the forest. Hopefully this would deter them from coming back—after all nature did follow on instinct. If many of their colonies died so close to the camp, it would only mean trouble for them later—so instinctually they’d learn not to set up an establishment the next time. 

For good measure Azlyn started to throw repellants up in the trees for the gnats, and then she started to clean up the surrounding areas of the Gorlins. She moved several large bird’s nests until it was a considerable distance away. 

An hour later, she had finished her task—and found several dozen of the brownie bushes. They were hard to find at first, but with a quick sweep of the area, she found the tiny mushrooms with ease. 

With her tasks taken care of, she ran back into Little Solace. She found Kida, Roll, Yda, and Papalymo standing with Komuxio once more. It would seem that they were able to get him to stop floating over their heads at least. Smiling, Azlyn brought forth the brownie brushes. 

Komuxio circled around her, looking at her with interested eyes. “Dancing one is still here? Dancing one can dance all night—this one’s trust is not so easily earned.” But he was eyeing the brownie brushes with keen interest. 

Roll smiled to Komuxio. “She went out of her way to help Little Solace, she even brought you a gift.” 

Azlyn presented the brownie brushes to him. “I also took care of the nests surrounding Little Solace—you should not have anymore gnats or gorlins to deal with.” 

Komuxio couldn’t resist the Brownie Brushes, as they smiled in delight. “This one can dye thread once more—this one is pleased. And dancing one kills bitey, buzzy ones? This one hates, hates, hates bitey, buzzy ones!”

Kida grinned ear to ear. “When Azlyn starts to work, she makes sure to finish it to completion. You’ll not see the bitey, buzzy ones for quite sometime!”

Komuxio seemed to be at a loss. They floated around each of them before declaring. “Dancing one is—kind. Too kind. Many walking ones come to these ones abode, but few are friendly like dancing ones and their friends. Perhaps this one was wrong not to trust dancing ones after all.” 

Azlyn smiled in relief, letting Komuxio take the brushes from her hands. She smiled. “I’m glad you like the gift.” 

Komuxio nodded. “This one asks dancing ones for forgiveness. These ones have many troubles since walking ones last came to our abode. This one must be careful. Always careful.” 

Kida gave the sylph a thumbs up. “It’s alright! I’m glad we understand one another now!” 

Roll was also pleased, but that was probably from not needing to dance or put on a magicks show anymore. 

“Dancing ones are not like other walking ones. This one can trust dancing ones. This one would ask dancing ones for help.” Komuxio sighed as they floated back to the tent. They explained it as the five of them followed. “Strange walking ones with bodies of steel come to the home of these ones. This one thinks steels ones come from Empire.” With the mention of the Empire, everyone in the group narrowed their eyes. “Where Empire goes, many living ones become dead ones. Trees fall and bushes burn. These ones’ home is in danger. Danger!”

Kida resolutely spoke. “Then we shall drive them out from this side of the forest.” 

Roll looked to Kida. “You want to attack the Castrum Oriens—dead on? We’d literally be shot, point blank.” 

Azlyn bit her lip. It was hard enough dealing with the imperial soldiers as it was. “Was there recent activities nearby Little Solace that we can assist with?” 

Yda and Papalymo agreed with this question, crossing their arms to wait. 

“This ones not sure—however dancing ones are friends with walking ones in hut-house. Those walking ones must know what steel walking ones are preparing. Dancing ones must speak to those ones there and walking ones here to find out more.” 

Roll nodded. “Alright, so we should split up to cover more ground. Papalymo and Yda, would you care to chat with the residents in Little Solace?”

The Scions both nodded their heads. 

Yda tapped her chest. “You can count on me!”

Papalymo sighed, “Us, Yda, Us.” 

Kida punched her fist into her other hand. “And we’ll check over in Hawthorne Hut.” 

Azlyn smiled to Komuxio. “We’ll look into this for you.” 

The green sylph circled in delight. However they appeared to still be worried. “This one has bad feeling. This one fears steel ones are after something. But this one should speak no more. Do, dancing ones. This one depends on kindness of dancing ones.” 

The three Auri looked to one another, before each holding out their hands. They looked to Yda and Papalymo. “We’re heading to Hawthorne Hut. Give us a buzz if you find out anything.” 

“Will do!” Yda raised a hand in the air. Papalymo had already begun his task by talking with the sylphs nearby. 

Azlyn thought of the Aetheryte in Hawthorne Hut, letting the flow of aether carry their party together over. While they could have walked, it would have taken time. And time didn’t seem to be on their side. They split up, each one going into the buildings to talk with the residents inside. 

Azlyn found herself in the Inn, where a serpent private was enjoying his meal with a friend of his. She approached them with a smile. “Good evening gentlemen, can I have some of your time?” 

The Midlander Hyur with black hair stood up. “For you, yes. How can we help?” His friend, an Elezen continued to sit—his stew still steaming. 

“I am doing a bit of investigation—the sylphs in Little Solace stated that men clad in steel are up to no good. Do you have any news?” 

The man crossed his arms, his concern was evident. “Men clad in steel from head to toe? Imperial soldiers, no doubt. I couldn’t tell you what they’re plotting, but I’m sure it’s nothing good.” 

Azlyn agreed. “Thank you for your time. Please, enjoy your meals.” She waved goodbye, and bowed in thanks before running back outside. Roll and Kida were already waiting for her. 

“Bad news.” Roll started, gripping her globe. “One of the serpent soldiers said the men clad in steel have been gathering deep in the forest by Little Solace.”

Azlyn’s link pearl buzzed. “This is Azlyn.” She answered, waiting for her caller to speak.

“Azlyn, this is Papalymo reporting. Some of the sylph have seen the soldiers nearby with large boxes of supplies.” 

She had a bad feeling about this. “Papalymo, Yda please inform Komuxio that we’re going to check out the surrounding forests. The people we spoke to in Hawthorne Hut have stated similar notions.” 

Kida and Roll waited for her to disconnect the call. When she did, Azlyn looked to her friends. “We should hurry. I have a bad feeling.” 

Her cousin pulled out a map of the area to show them. “We should formulate an idea of where they might be trying to hide. When you were out, did you see them yourself Azlyn?” 

The girl shook her head. She gestured to the map where she was initially that evening. 

“Only on the south side of Little Solace then...” Kida then pointed to a few locations in between the settlement and Hawthorne Hut. “We should check in these areas then. It’s deep in the forest, but still close enough for both the sylph and the serpent officers patrolling to note their presence.”

Roll rolled up the map with ease, before bringing out her globe. Kida followed Roll’s example, having her archer set ready to use. Azlyn brought forth her sword and shield, thinking she’d need to be the offensive guard for her friends. “Let’s move out and find them.” 

They ran out from Hawthorne Hut, running a bit north from the settlement into a throng of trees. It was a short five to ten minute jog, however their search was not in vain. They could see several suspicious boxes stacked upon one another in several spots under the overreaching roots of the trees. Almost like they were meant to be hidden from sight. The one thing that alerted the trio’s attention to the boxes however, were the four imperial officers circled nearby. 

Roll stopped them in their run, pulling them to hide behind a large rock nearby. She pointed out their ranged officers. “Look, they have a caster, healer, and gunman.” 

Kida notched an arrow. “We should kill the gunman first. If he shoots one of us, it’s going to be very painful.” 

“You can’t heal if the bullet’s not taken out, that’s for sure.” Azlyn bit the bottom of her lip. “Kida, are you confident you can take that gunner down with one shot?” 

The Au Ra with pink eyes and deep blue curvy hair seemed insulted by that question. “You’re asking me, a God’s Quiver archer if I can take him down? Honey, I can take him down with my eyes closed.” 

Roll smirked. “Then Azlyn, you’ll focus on the casters and the lancer. Keep them in your melee and we’ll do what we can with our ranged capabilities.” 

Azlyn tapped her shield with her sword lightly, hoping not to alert the enemies of their location. “Leave it to me, I’m going to channel Arenvald.” 

Kida laughed quietly. “Then without further ado...” She focused on her shot, drawing her bowstring back as she channeled her aether into the shot. “And...drop.” 

She let the arrow fly, and seconds later a thud of a body dropping to the ground informed them to start the assault. Azlyn ran out, her shield up with her sword ready at the side. The soldiers had been taken off guard as their gunner had dropped dead with an arrow sticking out from his eye. 

She avoided the magic being casted at her, deflecting several stone blasts with ease. Roll was coming up just behind her covering her flank. Kida continued to support them from behind, shooting arrows to the enemies. 

Azlyn slammed her shield into the lancer that charged her. The lance clashed away with a loud ringing, as the Au Ra girdled swung her sword at his exposed chest. He grimaced as she vertically cut down, only to see the healer had already started to mend his wounds. 

Roll was already on it, casting several offensive spells at the mage with her globe. 

An arrow from Kida flew by, landing with a thud into their main caster. The person dropped to the ground, clutching their chest in slow agony. 

Azlyn was keeping their lancer busy, avoiding the thrust of his weapon. She could tell she was slowly going from the offensive to defensive as the officer started to overwhelm her. 

Lucky for her, however, Roll had finally taken care of their healer. In such a short time, the three of them were able to stop the lancer, as Azlyn let her sword dig deep into his abdomen with a piercing maneuver. 

Kida ran over to look at the boxes, while Roll casted a few healing spells between her and her cousin. “Guys, check out this log I found.” 

The two of them walked over to her, as she lifted the goods receipt up for them. Azlyn frowned. “It sounds like they’re going to be delivering more of these goods nearby.”

Roll crossed her arms. “Let’s inform Komuxio of our findings. They may know what to do with this.” 

With the soldiers taken care of, and none seeming to be coming to avenge them, the three decided to run back to Little Solace. Another ten minutes of travel found themselves in the heart of the settlement with Papalymo and Yda discussing with Komuxio. 

The sylph was the first to notice their arrival, breathing a sigh of relief. “Dancing ones are back. This one breathes sigh of relief. This one was worried. Hmm?” Kida handed over the quartmaster’s log they found with the large boxes. Komuxio looked over the paperwork with a keen eye. “Dancing ones found something?” 

“A log of goods.” Roll answered.

Komuxio opened it. “Message-paper has names of food and rocks. Food and rocks were hidden inside boxes, this one knows. But this one does not understand. Food and rocks mentioned all come from home of these ones. How do steel ones know to find them? Is there sneaky one hiding behind this one’s wings? Snooping one selling secrets to steel walking ones?”

That seemed like the worst possible outcome, but it seemed most likely. Everyone narrowed their eyes at the thought. 

Komuxio rolled the log up, before handing it off to it’s fellow sylph. Komuxio then turned to them. “This one fears for this one’s home. But dancing ones has helped this one much today. Dancing ones must promise to always be friend to these ones.” 

Azlyn was the first to nod, and then Kida started to dance happily. Roll casted several small magicks as a show of good faith. Komuxio looked pleased. “Thank you dancing ones. This one is most pleased.” 

Their long day over, the five of them decided to camp out for the night and pick up once again in the morning. Komuxio waited for them, wondering how best to speak with them over their peculiar situation. One in which prompted their party to widen their eyes in shock. Apparently the Elder of Little Solace has been missing, and had been for some time.  

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