
72 l Banquet

When they arrived to Costa Del Sol in Eastern La Noscea it was well past midnight. Most of the partying and vacationers were already sleeping in their rooms, the only ones up happened to be the guards. Azlyn, Kida, and Roll arrived, smelling like sweat and bad cheesy decisions. Wheiskaet smelled them well before they reached him, the potency of the gobbie gouda cheese had been a steep one.

“I gather you solved Brayflox’s little problem?” He sniffed at the red-waxed chunk of cheese that Kida gleefully turned over to him. He scrunched his nose at the close proximity of it. “By the gods, that unholy stench! This is—ugh—definitely goblin cheese.”

Roll crossed her arms. “You wouldn’t happen to have a room or two available. And a shower?”

He nodded to the girls, “Your Miqo’te scholar friend came back a bit earlier this evening after you left to render your aide to Brayflox. She predicted you would want a room, so she paid for one in advance.” He summoned one of his coworkers to take the cheese from him. When the cheese was out of their nostril’s reach, Wheiskaet wriggled his nose back and forth. “Judging from the smell, this should be quite flavorful.”

Kida laughed. “I wonder how goblin cheese is even made. Like how do you get cheese to smell that bad?”

Wheiskaet shuddered, shaking his head. “It’s best you remain ignorant of such things. I still remember when I learned what kind of milk they use.”

“Okay then…” Azlyn pointed up to the darkened skies. The stars were brightly shining under a black canvass of night. “Where is Y’shtola, and how do we access this room?”

“With all the ingredients in place, all that’s left is for the wine to be brought tomorrow. Our festival for our esteemed guests will start early tomorrow, so make sure to dress accordingly.” He then whistled to a group of traveling guards on their rounds to come over. “You two, take these three over to building 26, room 12. Also give them provisional access to use the bath house.” With the command in place, the three were escorted down the docks and closed resort businesses, and into the residential grounds for guests.

The pair of guards showed them where the bathhouses were, pointing over to a large bamboo wall where steam billowed from the other side. It appeared to be an outdoor bath. Deciding it best to check in with the Scion first, the trio were then taken over to the small buildings that had numerous rooms assigned to them.

Room 12’s door had a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the doorknob—Kida knocked loudly on the wooden pane. “Y’shtola we’re back!”

Azlyn dropped her head into her hands at Kida’s boisterous pounding.

Roll merely thanked the guards. “We’re good from here, thanks.”

“Kida if you were anyone else I would have hung you up by the scales on your ankles.” Y’shtola replied darkly as she slowly opened the door. She rubbed her tired eyes as she allowed them in. “…You three look and smell like you’ve been to the seventh hell and back.”

Kida smiled brightly to their MIqo’te Scion, not bothered by the threat in her voice. “Trust me when we say, we’ve had a loooooong day. On that note, let’s bathe!”

Y’shtola yawned before returning to the bed she was using. Her bag was by the bedside table where she grabbed several articles of clothing. Azlyn recognized the spriggan hoodie she left behind in the pile she carried. “You’ll be happy to know I stopped by your house and retrieved an extra set of clothes for each of you—although your current attire does suit the environment well.”

“Y’shtola you are amazing—!” Azlyn reached out to her set of clothes, only for Y’shtola to pull them away. The Miqo’te scrunched her face in disgust.

“You smell rancid, don’t touch your clean clothes with dirty hands.” She shooed them to the door, following behind them to lock it. “The last thing we need is to have you smell up the room we’ll be sleeping in. Let’s get you three cleaned up, and we’ll go to sleep.”

Roll chuckled as Y’shtola led them over to the open-air bathhouse. She sighed before exclaiming over her shoulder. “How tedious were the tests from the Company of Heroes?”

“Longwinded.” Roll replied.

“So, they were tedious.” She sighed. She clicked her tongue in a distasteful matter. “This banquet of theirs better be worth the effort you contributed.”

“But we killed a dragon!” Kida exclaimed, popping up over to Y’shtola’s left side. Azlyn was right behind the Scion and Roll walked beside her. “Oh! And we also unleashed a huge sandworm on an encampment of Amalj’aa zealots!”

Azlyn tapped her chin in thought, thinking back on their long day. “I learned how to control my inner beast while fighting. No more blackouts!”

Roll crossed her arms. “…hungry.”

Y’shtola widened her green eyes at the influx of information given. “An unknown dragon in Vylbrand? You know what, I’m not even surprised at this rate.” She let her two braided ponytails in front sway slightly in the wind. “If it weren’t you three I probably wouldn’t believe it. It’s almost as far-fetched as Thancred’s stories of capturing all the lady’s hearts.”

Kida and Roll chuckled, leaving Azlyn to quirk her head. “…Wait, Thancred captures ladies’ hearts? Since when?”

“Exactly!” Kida laughed over her shoulder. “Thanny tells the most bizarre tales!”

“It’s best to ignore him if he even attempts rudimentary flirtations.” Y’shtola advised to her, just as they reached the doors to the bathhouse. Roll and Azlyn both reached out to hold open the door, allowing Kida and Y’shtola to walk right in.

“Thank you.”

“You two are so sweet!” Kida cooed as she walked past.

When they entered the premise, it was almost completely empty. The lobby was a simplistic set up—a counter was set up in the middle where a guard was posted. They gave one look, and several sniffs before granting them access to use the bath house.

“…take as long as you need.” She spoke, her nose scrunched up.

The four of them walked over to the hallway labeled FEMALES. Kida sniffed herself as they entered the next area, which happened to be a small locker room with cubbyholes for their dirty clothes.

“Do we smell that bad?” She sniffed once more, started to remove her clothing and placing them in the designated “dirty” pile. “Is my nose not working right?”

Roll nodded. “Yes.”

Azlyn chuckled. “We just got used to our own filth and sweat.”

Kida snapped her fingers. “Not any longer! I’m going to cannonball right into that bath!”

Y’shtola raised her eyebrows at that comment.

It was Roll’s turn to chuckle as Kida rethought about that. “…Maybe not when Y’shtola is nearby.”

“Thank you. I would appreciate not having to get water out of my ears.” She sighed in relief as she took off her boots and socks. She then rolled up her blue leggings up past her mid-calf. That was all the scion would do as she walked over to the entrance to the baths. “I suppose it won’t be a bad idea to soak my feet while we chat. However, if I get wet Kida I can’t promise you a tomorrow.”

“Awww—party pooper.” Kida snapped her fingers before she wrapped herself in a bathing towel. She then raced past her. Azlyn started to follow Kida, but she had been stopped by the Scion’s hand. She looked to her with a quizzical expression, as she then started to count down from ten. By then time the scion had counted to one, there was a huge splashing noise from within.

“Hopefully her one cannonball will tide her over so the rest of us can relax in peace.” Y’shtola smiled, allowing Azlyn access to walk into the bathing quarters.

“You know all of us pretty well.” Azlyn commented with a smile.

The Miqo’te gave a side-smirk. “It comes with the job. Are you coming Roll?” The Scion had grabbed a few dry towels to throw over her shoulder. Azlyn wasn’t sure why she needed that many towels but thought that maybe it was for a good reason.

Azlyn looked over to see her cousin finished putting on a bathing suit.

“Did you have that with you the entire time?” Azlyn asked.

Roll smirked, placing a hand on her hip. “I’m always prepared with clothes.”

“…but I asked you for a change of clothes before.”

Her cousin shrugged. “Did I say I didn’t have a change of clothes?”

“But you said…” Azlyn opened her mouth, about to say that she did indeed say that—however when she thought back to the actual conversation… She closed her gaping mouth, shaking her head to her cousin. “Okay, I see what you did there.”

Roll chuckled, walking past them and into the bathing area. Azlyn couldn’t say anything else to refute her, so she opted for shaking her head some more. The three of them walked into the bathing area where they found Kida floating on her back, slowly doing laps around the large bath. Y’shtola had brought the towels from over her shoulders, and then layered them on the ground. The water that had splashed up and over onto the concrete had been absorbed and then dried by the towels placed down.

Azlyn dove into the water without making a noise or causing any type of splash back. Given the depth of the bath she had a good idea of where it would be appropriate to jump in head first. Her cousin walked in from the steps, and then walked over to Y’shtola who had brought forth some soaps for them to use.

“Bless Y’shtola for being prepared!” Kida’s voice echoed in the open bath as she effortlessly swam over. She perused the different smelling soaps before she lathered up her hair and body.

They spent a good amount of time cleaning themselves of the rancid cheese smell, sweat, and moisturized their dry skin from the long day under the sun. Y’shtola soaked her feet, waiting for them to finish bathing. 

Azlyn pulled her arms up onto the side of the bath, beside Y’shtola. She made sure not to let the water pool up near the Miqo’te. “Were you able to get everything you needed?” 

Her ears flickered at Azlyn’s question. “Papalymo’s group had been able to gather some intelligence about the primal within the last two days.” She continued from one of the reports she remembered reading. “The primal summoned rocks filled with explosive energy. When he dropped them from the skies, they impacted the mountain and exploded after a short ten to fifteen seconds. There was an account from a child who was down the valley who stated the entire mountain looked as if it had been eaten.” 

Roll was combing through her hair with her fingers, getting the last bit of cleaning agent out from the tendrils. “What happened to the mountain after that?” 

“There was no mountain after that.” Y’shtola remarked, flexing her feet. “The only thing left was a smoky crater.” 

Kida whistled. “Let’s hope we don’t become like the mountain then.” 

Azlyn leaned her head down on the lip of the ground, she let her body slightly sink in the water. “Rock boulders charged with explosive aether.... we should be wary of that.” 

Roll looked to her. “Do you think we can deal with that type of damage?” 

She gave a dismal laugh to her cousin. “I hope that’s a rhetorical question.” 

Y’shtola tapped her chin with her hand. “The reports also mentioned seeing the boulders flashing quickly before they exploded. Maybe they each have their own trigger?” 

Kida snapped her fingers as if she had an idea. “Let’s just kill him before he does that then! It’ll solve all our problems!” 

“I don’t think Titan’s going to make it an easy fight.” Roll stretched. “But if the rocks flash quickly before they explode, we could plan around that.” 

Azlyn nodded. “Indeed, it’s an excellent piece of information to have prior to the fight—something that won’t surprise us mid-battle.” 

Y’shtola yawned again, the second time during their bathing. “How much longer will you ladies be, I’d like to sleep before the long day tomorrow.” She stretched out all of her limbs, pulling her feet up from the water to start drying them. “I, for one, find it even strange that the guests should be expected to supply the victuals for a banquet held in their own honor...and this while the shadow of Titan looms over us all! It beggars belief.” 

All three of the Auri blinked at her sudden admission. 

“...I’m sorry. What?” 

“Guests of honor.” 

“HOLD THE LINK PEARL!” Kida bellowed. “We supplied our own banquet?! How messed up is that!” 

Y’shtola shook her head. “Indeed, the last two days you’ve been doing their tests, you’ve been also supplying your own banquet. You should give your complaints to Master Gegeruju.” The Scion shook her head. “What nonsense.” 

“I’m eating my fill tomorrow.” Roll spoke resolutely, clenching her fist above the water. 

Azlyn groaned, now feeling exhausted after all that work. “Let’s get back to the room and get some sleep.” She pulled herself up and out of the water. Y’shtola handed her a dry towel for her to dry her hair, and stood up. 

“Let’s be on the way.” 

They were in the bath house for a little over an hour and smelled better than when they first entered. They changed into the clothes Y’shtola brought for them, and Azlyn flapped her spriggan hoodie in delight. With their attire changed they walked back to their room. Y’shtola didn’t need to tell them to get some rest—as all three found spots to rest for the night. Roll curled up with some pillows and blankets on the floor, Kida plopped down on the couch, and Azlyn went to relax against the front window seat. She was looking out the window. 

Y’shtola brought over a blanket for her. “I’m going to sleep, don’t stay up too late.” 

Azlyn nodded to her. “I won’t be long.” 

She waited until she heard everyone was fast asleep. She wrapped herself in the blanket Y’shtola gave her as she stared out into Costa Del Sol’s resort. She gave a sad smile. Her entire hand burned in pain—now worse than before. She thought it would alleviate some but that had not been the case. The pain kept her up for most of yesterday night, and she had a feeling it would keep her up that night too.

She still attempted to sleep, closing her eyes as she sat on the window seat. She managed to get a few hours uninterrupted before the pain became too unbearable. She remained sitting by the window, hoping the morning would come quickly. 

Roll had been the first one of the group to wake, as she slowly roused Y’shtola. The Scion stretched from her sleeping posture before poking Kida and waking her. 

Azlyn pretended to be asleep, waiting for when Roll would shake her shoulder. “Azlyn...time to wake up.” 

She feigned waking up, smiling sleepily to her friends and cousin. “...Morning already?” Luckily her voice cracked to make it believable that she must have just woken up. She didn’t want to worry her friends about this sudden new development. 

“Yup, better be ready for the banquet for the century.” Roll smirked, “I sure am!” 

Y’shtola and Kida were packing up their belongings, before all four of them made their way out to the wooden piers had been decorated with banners, flags, and miscellaneous items for celebrating. The four of them walked down the large pier. To Wheiskaet’s station, where they recognized a few faces. 

Wheiskaet, U’odh Nunh, Landenel, Brayflox Alltalks—they were all present as they approached. Azlyn and her group of friends approached them. 

“Good morning.” She called out, bringing their attention to them. 

Landenel waved a hand to them. “Morning to you all.” 

Whesikaet nodded to the four of them. “Master Gegeruju should be coming now—oh there he is.” He pointed to a Lalafellin running as fast as his feet could carry him, he was sprinting over before leaping up into the air and prostrating himself in front of the four of them. He bowed to them deeply. 

“Lady Y’shtola! Lady Azlyn! Lady Roll! Lady Kida!” He bowed his head into the wooden planks of the pier. “A thousand pardons for this extreme discourtesy! I was wholly unaware of your true identity, young ma’am’s! Had I know, I would never have permitted my man to subject you to unspeakable ordeals!” 

Azlyn hadn’t expected a man to bow his head as much as Master Gegeruju had, so she was taken back back his action. “’s... okay?” 

Roll crossed her arms, her face remained stoic. “I just want some good food.” 

Kida nudged her elbow into Azlyn’s side. “It wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle. Ain’t that right, princess?” 

Wheiskaet laughed loudly behind them. “Come now, they must have sensed something was amiss! I did say we had four guests of honor!” 

Roll looked up to the Roegabyn. “I suppose you wouldn’t have us running the length and breadth of Eorzea for some banquet—that’s for sure.” 

Y’shtola crossed her arms. “Your intentions were unclear to me until this moment. And, unlike me, the others have no knowledge of your traditions. May hap you would be so good as to enlighten her.” 

Master Gegeruju lifted himself off the ground. Wheiskaet nodded to her suggestion. “Aye, fair’s fair. But first we’ll wait for the wine to arrive. Nin-Nin and Shamani Lohmani are coming with a bottle as we speak.” 

He gestured over his shoulder down the pier where a black-clad individual with another Lalafellin dressed in a blue tunic and a black apron. They were wearing black shades over their eyes. In Nin-Nin’s hands happened to be a bottle. 

“Nin-Nin!” Kida yelled, waving her arms in the air. He silently approached before he handed the bottle to his Lalafellin colleague. He signed a quick hello to Azlyn and then proceeded to ask for her to translate his next sentence. « Ol’ bastard said he was sending me on a journey to test my skills to find a vintage wine that would satiate Master Gegeruju. Took some time, but we got ourselves a 1547 Baccus Wine. »

“He says he found a bottle of baccus wine from 1547.” She whistled at the bottle in the Lalafellin’s hands. “That must be a very old bottle of wine.” 

The blonde haired vintner smiled up in the direction where her voice came from. She noted that it took him a moment to finally stare straight to her. “Old doesn’t begin to describe how great this drink will be. I’m Shamani Lohmani.” 

“I’m Azlyn. It’s nice to meet you.” She reached a hand out, but was met with no handshake in response. Awkwardly she was about to pull it back, only for Nin-Nin to clap her palm with his own. 

She was taken back by his sudden forward behavior—he didn’t seem the type to exchange handshakes with acquaintances, much less her. She raised an eyebrow to him as he signed. « Good to see you again. »

“It’s good to see you too Nin-Nin. Thank you for before!” She bowed her head to him. 

He waved off her thanks with a pat on the head. 

Wheiskaet drew everyone’s attention by clearing his throat. “Let us go to the table and discuss more there. Master Gegeruju if you would please lead the way?” 

The Master nodded, before whisking them away to the feast. All of the members were brought over to the table set up for them, a low seating arrangement with pillows and low chairs. Everyone had been given plates of food to eat. Nin-Nin refused a plate, crossing his arms. 

Azlyn sat in between Roll and Kida, while Y’shtola sat on Roll’s other side. Nin-Nin stood by one of the pylons of the pier, overlooking the feast with his blue eyes. Azlyn noted the slight red in his eyes. She didn’t have time to comment on it as Wheiskaet brought her attention back to their previous conversation. 

“We five were chosen by our brothers and sisters, and before the Company of Heroes disbanded, we each swore a solemn oath.” He lifted a glass filled with water to the people sitting at the table. To them. “That any who would follow in our footsteps must be weighed and measured—not by their reputation but by their deeds.” Landenel and U’odh Nunh nodded in his assessment. “Each man would judge these would-be god-slayers by his own criteria. If even one found them wanting, she would be rejected without a second thought.” 

Kida popped several grapes into her mouth. She chewed slowly, waiting for them to say if they were worthy or not.

Azlyn looked behind her where Nin-Nin stood by—he returned her stare. 

Wheiskaet nodded. “Given that you three...four if you count us testing Nin-Nin, had proven yourselves worthy, we would then decide to do our utmost to support their cause forthright.” 

Roll ate quietly, the eggs were warm with the bit of meat and cheese. It was a flavorful meal. 

“The world has ever been full of brave souls eager to give their lives for a righteous cause, but all too few capable of making a difference with their sacrifice. To send wave after wave of hapless adventurers into the jaws of a foe against whom they have no hope of victory is worse than futile. Titan is not one to be challenged lightly, and we will not be complicit in the deaths of the unworthy.”

Y’shtola leaned back in her seat, she used her other hand to gesture to their group. “Which is why you designed tests for them with commendable thoroughness. Time well spent, I am sure. But tell us Captain, what is the assessment of you and your fellows?” 

Landenel spoke first from the group. “They’re a brave bunch. That much is certain. They willingly walked into the midst of danger, despite my repeated warnings that it could cost them their lives.” 

U’odh Nunh cleared his throat, adding to the assessment. “They’re skills are undeniable. They stalked their prrrey as relentlessly as any Child of the Sands, and struck with precision when an opportunity presented itself. The sand worms werrre an excellent ploy.” He winked to the girls. 

Shamani Lohmani spoke up. He was looking straight at the center of the table, not to anyone in particular. She also noted that he continued to wear his sunglasses even when he was inside the hut. Azlyn watched the Lalafellin curiously. “Too many adventurers these days care only for fortune and glory. I speak in place of Nin-Nin when I say this, but he knows from experience that these folks are kind and generous. I am certain they have no shortage of loyal allies who will gladly fight at their side.”

Azlyn tapped her fingers on the table, and then she returned her stare to Nin-Nin. He seemed to intercept her glance, his body language was as lucrative as ever.

 « Don’t overthink it. » And he waved her off. She thought something was weird, yet couldn’t quite put a finger on it. It had something to do with what Shamani had spoken. 

“Pshhhh—why uplanders are talented plansmaker. Tricksy foe for mighty rockman!” Brayflox  added, raising her hands up. 

Wheiskaet spoke calmly. “I can only concur with my colleague’s assessments. We of the Company of Heroes hereby judge you worthy of challenging the Lord of Crags. Write a new chapter in the history of Eorzea. We expect the best out of the four of you.” 

Azlyn looked to Y’shtola. “Are you joining us for combat?” 

The Scion shook her head. “There is much I have to do to ensure you all safe passage out.” 

Nin-Nin stepped forward, kneeling down at Azlyn’s side to tap her shoulder. He signed. « I will be joining you. I didn’t travel all over western La Noscea to get a bottle of old wine for nothing. »

“Wait—you’re actually joining us?” Azlyn was puzzled by this. 

Nin-Nin rolled his eyes. « Yes. »

Whesikaet balked in laughter. “You better believe it—make us proud you damned idiot.” 

Nin-Nin nodded. He signed something to Azlyn. « Anyway, these old farts are retired and past their prime. »

“What’d he say Azlyn?” Roll asked, curious as to why he pointed at her. 

Azlyn coughed, and then she began to interpret aloud what he told her. “Nin-Nin says since they are all retired, someone has to keep things moving.” She amended what he actually meant, which caused her to receive a glare from him. It was her turn to wave him off. 

« Quit being rude you brat. »

Brayflox Alltalks gave the ninja a thumbs up. “Pssshhhh Khhhhhs… Brayflox thinks good idea. Cleverkind Uplanders need more strength—like other Uplander with axe. Uplander was cleverkind and strong.”

Y’shtola gave Roll a questioning look. The girl answered with ease. “She’s talking about a warrior Azlyn was acquainted with. N’thuzu Tia. He said he had something to do in western La Noscea within Raincatcher’s Gully.”

“I see… well I am glad to hear you find help when you need it. Its almost as if the mothercrystal is guiding you.” This comment had been directed to Azlyn who slowly broke contact from Nin-Nin.

“We’ve been fortuitous so far, let’s hope that streak keeps going.”

Master Gegeruju had been quiet throughout their exchange, so when the discussion seemed close to an end, the Lalafellin clapped his hands together as he called out to the whole party. “It sounds like all the formalities are out of the way, so let the festivities begin! Summon the dancers, pour the wine!”

Wheiskaet raised his glass up once more. “Eat, drink, and be merry friends! For today we celebrate the birth of a new legend—the ones who will become Titan’s Bane!”

The retired heroes cheered and catcalled in merrymaking. The festivities well underway the party ate their fill of meat, cheese, eggs, and a glass of delicious wine. Azlyn hardly partook in the alcohol, as she was preoccupied with her thoughts. Something was bugging her about the companies, and there was something else that didn’t quite make sense. However, she couldn’t quite put a finger on it.

Y’shtola leaned over to Azlyn. “I, for one, will excuse myself. Be sure to indulge them—this banquet is as much for the Company as it is for you three. Make sure to get some more food before you leave.” She left quietly, as no one seemed to notice her leave. Azlyn made sure to keep an eye on her until she found a comfortable spot out by a neighboring pier. She sat on the bench, pulling out some notes from her robes.

“How’s the food?” Azlyn turned to her cousin who was working on her third plate.

“Delicious.” Roll replied with a happy smile. She leaned back to digest some of the food she ate. “Give me ten minutes. I’ll be good.”

Kida chuckled. She leaned over her second plate pointing her fork to Azlyn. “You haven’t eaten one full plate missy—I’m watching you.”

The girl blinked several times, and then it felt like a lightbulb turned on in her head. “That’s it! Thank you Kida—that is what has been bugging me this whole time!” She stared at Shamani Lohmani as he drank from his cup. She noted that he slowly maneuvered his dishes around when he picked things up. This Lalafellin was blind. That was why his sunglasses were always on—and the reason why he never shook her hand when she presented it to him. He couldn’t see. 

But then that raised a bigger question. She frowned heavily, and then crossed her arms. 

Roll furrowed her brow. “You need your strength for Titan. Eat.” Her cousin pointed to her plate, shaking her head. “That last thing we need is for you to pass out from stomach pains.” 

Azlyn raised her hands up in defense. “Okay, okay I’m eating.” She chuckled, eating the remainder of the food off her plate. She shouldn’t worry her friends anymore. She was still wondering how to approach them about her apparent problem regarding her arm too. 

Many of the previous and retired men and women of the Company of Heroes spoke of their experiences. The only ones not present at the table happened to be Nin-Nin, U’odh Nunh, and Wheiskaet who stepped away when the musicians started to set up their band.

Shamani Lohmani sipped his glass of wine. “When you face the Lord of Crags, think not of Limsa Lominsa, Eorzea, or anything beyond his chamber. Think only of the men and women by your side. Fight for them, and they will fight for you. Remember that no great victory was ever achieved alone…well unless you count Ifrit.”

What remained of the table laughed, while Azlyn scratched behind her head. That was a tough fight, and she hoped the Amalj’aa wouldn’t summon their primal again.

“Pssshhh Skhooooh…. Goodly uplanders must be facing mighty rockman with clever battlethink. Gobbieflock cannot be coming to rescue this time! But Gobbieflocks believes these cleverkind uplanders will crumblebits mighty rockman.” Brayflox nodded wholeheartedly to her speech.

A group of Miqo’te dancers arrived, hopping around the sides and a few up in the center of the table. Landenel cheered, standing up and walking over to the three of them sitting down.

He sat in Y’shtola’s abandoned seat, and then shouted to the girls over the music. “You brave fools! Promise me that when you meet Titan, you’ll look him in the eye and tell him Landenel sends his regards!”

Roll gave him a thumbs up, before resting her arm back down on her stomach. “We’ll be sure to do so.”

When the dancing had begun Kida watched their forms with keen interest, studying their movements and expressions.

Landenel tapped Azlyn’s shoulder before gesturing for her to go talk to U’odh Nunh, Nin-Nin, and Wheiskaet who were away from the banquet area. “You should talk with them before you three leave. No better experience than those three guys.”

Roll smiled. “Go ahead Azlyn, I think I may have eaten my fill and then some.”

“…There’s something I need to ask them anyway.” She responded back, getting up from her seat. “Save me a few of the crackers, would you?”

Roll started to reach across to Y’shtola’s abandoned plate for her share, then unceremoniously placed the plate in Azlyn’s spot. “When you get back.”

“I’m not that hungry.” Azlyn moaned, before pulling herself off the seat cushions and off to one of the neighboring piers. She could see Wheiskaet and U’odh Nunh were having a discussion with Nin-Nin, but she couldn’t quite catch what they were saying. The music from the dancers and musicians drowned out most of the quiet in Costa Del Sol. Not to mention all the vacationers and visitors hopping in to see the strange festival being put on.

She decided the best approach would be a frontal assault—or rather just walk up to the three of them to pose her inquiries. As she came Nin-Nin tensed, and Wheiskaet crossed his arms.

U’odh Nunh looked as if he had something he was about to say—however he seemed reluctant to say it given she had arrived.

“Do you need me to leave…?” Azlyn narrowed her eyes at the three of them, and then she found herself staring up at Nin-Nin. Slowly, she reached up a hand but just as she was about to touch the fabric on his neck he backed away. In response she pulled her arm back and frowned. “Look I may be naïve, but I’m not stupid. What actually is going on?”

Wheiskaet snorted through his nostrils, and then gave Nin-Nin a glance. “If you want any of my advice, Nin-Nin, you should just be honest with her. I told you that she was quick on the uptake.”

The mute ninja shrugged to Azlyn. He looked ready to blow her off with a simple retort. « I said not to overthink thi— »

She waved his hand signals away with her hands. “Don’t tell me not to overthink things. Answer me this: How can someone who is blind speak for a mute? I thought it strange how Shamani Lohmani spoke for you, when they can’t even see what you could sign. Which prompts my question from before.”

Nin-Nin’s blue eyes widened a fraction, only to narrow. He was thinking of something before Azlyn shook her head.

“It’s fine to keep your secrets. I have my own too, if you have reason to play a mute—so be it—but don’t treat me like I’m stupid.”

U’odh Nunh watched them with fascination. “She’s prrrretty smart! Maybe she’ll be able to help you with your problem one-day Nin-Nin.”

The Ninja nodded, he gestured with one hand over his chest. « Sorry. »

She shook her head. “If it’s something I can help you with, you just need to ask. You don’t even need to pretend.” She offered, but he refused her request with a stern shake of his head. 

“He does have his reasons Azlyn.” Wheiskaet finally spoke, crossing his arms over his chest. “There’s something he feels compelled to do, and he feels more comfortable doing that from the shadows.”

Azlyn narrowed her eyes. Then she let out a long exhale of breath. “My offer still stands. I hope you learn to trust us one day Nin-Nin.”

U’odh Nunh chuckled into his hand. “You’re not going to prrrress him for furrrrther information?”

She shook her head. “We have other things to worry about—like Titan. I trust Nin-Nin with my life. He did save me a few times before in Haukke Manor. No one can feign that kind of kindness.”

This seemed to take the Ninja back, as he wasn’t expecting that from her.

The Miqo’te Nunh nodded. “He is a veteran of countless battles, Azlyn—of battles most have forrrgotten and won’t ever rememberrrr—This battle will be one of many battles to come, I’m sure. Trrrust in your experience, and you will prevail. Both of you.”

Azlyn relaxed, smiling to him—and then stuck her tongue out to Nin-Nin. He merely dropped his arm on top of her head and used it as an armrest. She struggled under his weight, before he shook his head and stepped back. He nodded to both Wheiskaet and U’odh Nunh before bowing deeply to them.

“I’m not too worried.” The Roegabyn captain offered, giving both a stern glancing over. “You both are blessed with a fortitude to rival the earth itself… actually all four of you are. Titan will struggle to break you.” He crossed his arms before nodding. “I believe I should hold my end of the bargain—you still need a way into O’Ghomoro. Nin-Nin, do you still carry the whistle?”

The Ninja nodded, pulling out a small object. Wheiskaet nodded. “Good, you’ll need to call to one of our allies with this. Do you have a map on you Azlyn?”

The girl shuffled through her belongings to find a map for upper La Noscea. She’d been on the other side of the Wanderer’s Palace with Roll before, so it was only a matter of time before she pulled out that map.

Nin-Nin signaled to her. « Why are you disorganized? »

She pulled out the map, unrolling it for all to see. She then spoke to him. “I’m not disorganized, the maps just got jumbled.”

Wheiskaet took her map from her hands, and then asked for a pen. She easily procured one for him, and then he marked three locations. “When you go to Bronze Lake in upper La Noscea, you’ll want to go to these three spots and call out to our informant over there. He’ll only respond after the third call.”

Azlyn scanned over her map, noting the three destinations they needed to reach. “Does this informant have a name?”

U’odh Nunh smirked. “Rrrrriol.”

“Got it. Okay, then I guess I’ll go grab my cousin, Kida, and Y’shtola and be out of your hair.” She saluted to them, before Nin-Nin reached out to grab hold of her head. “Owwww, Nin-Nin aren’t you coming as well?”

He released her, using his hands to explain. « I have the whistle. You can’t leave without me. »

She rolled her eyes at this. “Where should we meet before we head over to Camp Bronze Lake?”

Nin-Nin pointed to the ferry. For good measure, he decided to add:  « My circumstances stay between you and me. No need to get others involved. »

“Were you worried I’d talk about this with them?” She chuckled at him. “I’m not a gossiper. Like I said when you’re ready to trust us, we’ll be right there. Until then we appreciate any help you can offer us.” She then bowed to him. “Alright, I have to rally the forces. Thank you Wheiskaet, U’odh Nunh.” 

She ran off back to the hut. It didn’t take much goading Roll into action, as she wanted to walk off the food she just ate. Kida needed a bit more cajoling due to her joining the dancers to learn. Azlyn put her hands on her hips. “Kidddaaaa, let’s go! We have a way into O’Ghomoro!”

The Au Ra with blue hair hopped off the table and grinned horn to horn brightly. She patted her friend on her shoulders before running around Roll to gather their belongings. “I learned a new dance! I will have to definitely practice it when we get home after slaying Titan!”

Roll shook her head, and together they went to pick up Y’shtola. She was halfway through the report from Papalymo when they approached. “—I hope you have good news.” She didn’t look up from her reading.

“We have a point of contact. Riol near Camp Bronze Lake. He’ll be able to get us to Titan’s chamber.” Azlyn explained and showed the Scion her map with the marks. “Nin-Nin has a whistle that we’ll need to use to bring Riol out. He won’t otherwise.”

Y’shtola clapped one of her hands against the papers she held. “Finally, we have something to go off of. We’re leaving now, I take it?”

Kida nodded. “Yup yup!”

Roll smiled. “It was good food.”

Azlyn laughed. “I’m glad you two enjoyed yourselves. Oh—Nin-Nin pointed for us to wait for him at the ferry docks.” She also neglected to inform them of her findings about him—but like she said previously, she wasn’t a gossiper.

They waited ten minutes at the designated spot, and Nin-Nin arrived holding a sack of his belongings. He rolled both of his shoulders before stopping in front of Azlyn.

He handed her the whistle. « We should teleport over to Camp Bronze Lake. »

“Everyone ready?” Azlyn asked, smiling to the group.

Everyone nodded.

Y’shtola smiled, thinking of the aetheryte crystal in Bronze Lake. “Come, let us not tarry any longer.” She was plucked from the air shortly afterward leaving only four of them left on the dock. Kida deviously chuckled behind her hand.

“Heheheee Nin-Nin are you sharing your cooties with Azlyn with your whistle!”

He rolled his eyes, before miming to Azlyn. « Tell her that she better not throw up fighting Titan with all that shit talk. »

She smirked. “He says that he doesn’t want to see you vomiting your food later with all that shit talk.”

Roll ignored them as she activated her teleport. “I’m heading over there. See you soon.” She disappeared as Y’shtola had. Kida stuck her tongue out to Nin-Nin before yelling over her shoulder.

“I’ll make sure to projectile vomit on you mid-Titan fight. Not a problem.” She then disappeared in the flow of aether.

Azlyn nudged Nin-Nin to start his teleport over. “Come on, she’s only joking.”

« Half-joking. » He started to teleported his way over following the rest of the group

Azlyn was the last one to remain, as she thought of the crystal in Camp Bronze Lake. She’d been there once thanks to her running around La Noscea for the firewater business for Buscarron’s Qiqirn friend—so she was lucky to have such a quick way over to their next destination. 

She arrived moments later, in the wetlands of upper La Noscea on the continent of Vylbrand. She could see the lake span out into tiny branches and rivets, flowing out from the town and into the surrounding area. She could also see a good portion of the Wanderer’s Palace dead ahead to the west—not to mention all the broken white columns and pillars of the previous civilization that used to belong in these parts long ago.

Azlyn could see Kida, Roll, Y’shtola and Nin-Nin were waiting for her to arrive. She pulled out her map, slowly walking over to meet them. She held the whistle in one hand, and then guessed by the circles on the map where they should go. “It’s pretty close by… Follow me.”

They walked together, where Azlyn blew into the whistle in three different spots of Camp Bronze Lake. She could tell the sound echoed in the valley, but did it reach their informants ear? That was something else entirely.

Nin-Nin silently followed them, only to stop in his tracks and snap his fingers to get the group’s attention. The rest turned and he pointed up the cliffside where a small building resided. There was a lone figure standing there—his bright blonde hair had quite the flair—a red tattoo spanned on his right side of his face. He wore a white shirt covered by a blue and black corset designed for men, and had a fashionable large yellow wrap around his waist. His pants were comfortable—long black slacks that had patterned striped socks running up from the ankle to the knees. The only other thing noticeable about him was his maroon eyepatch covering his left eye.

“I think that’s our guy!” Kida perked up, and then grabbed Azlyn by her arm to start running through Camp Bronze Lake to the stairs that led up into the area.

Roll, Y’shtola, and Nin-Nin followed at a walking pace behind them—and before long the five of them were standing around the decently dressed hume.

His voice had a nice, southern draw to it—melodic and light on the ears. “…Are you the ones Capt’n sent over? Must be, since you have the whistle.” He stopped speaking when he noticed Nin-Nin, and gave him a half-hearted two finger salute. “Now I know we’re up to business. Aight, listen close. I ain’t gonna say this twice.”

Y’shtola chuckled, her arms crossed over her chest under her sharlayan goggles. “Finally someone who talks sense.” 

The blonde turned to her, a wry grin on his face. “Oh hey, you’re that Sharlayan lass, Welcome back.” 

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