
73 l The Lord of Crags

Riol was true to his word. “Years ago, when we was weighin’ up how to get to Titan, one of our scouts stumbled across the beastmen aetheryte, see…”

Azlyn blinked slowly before dropping a closed fist into her open hand. “Oh! I remember reading this in Sharlayan. It’s an unamplified aetheryte claimed by the beast tribe.”

Y’shtola added more to what she said. “Precisely. Lest you wonder, there is no fundamental difference between such aetherytes and those which we have used on countless occasions.”

Kida patted her cheek with her hand. “So, what I’m hearing is: if we get access to their beastmen aetheryte, we can use it to get to Titan… sweet justice! We won’t have to fight through tons of little kobolds!”

The Scion smiled, reaching up to fix one of the rings going loose in her braid. “Kida is correct. The tunnels beneath O’Ghomoro form a bewildering labyrinth that no outsider has ever fully explored. How the Company of Heroes managed to navigate it is a mystery I have long pondered.”

Everyone looked between Riol and Nin-Nin.

Nin-Nin signed. « We did not go through the mines. »  

Azlyn caught what he said, but she wasn’t able to relay it. 

“Ha!” Riol waved his hand up in the air, wiping away the thought. He smirked over to Nin-Nin as he finished his statement. “Give us a bit of credit, love! We weren’t daft enough to try goin’ in the front.” He went to explain in thorough detail. “The kobolds are always diggin’ new tunnels an’ fillin’ the old ones with traps. One wrong step, an’ the next thing you know, ye’ve got a hundred tonzes o’ rock on you noggin. Suicide to even try, see?” His facial expressions lightened up as he elaborated to the whole party. Then he looked to Nin-Nin and rolled his eyes. “This fool should have told you that before even takin’ a step near these parts.”

Nin-Nin shrugged, gesturing to him with his hands. « No one asked for my opinion. » 

Riol rolled his one eye at him. “I don’ even need t’ know sign language t’ know ye just were being a laz’ shite.”

Azlyn chuckled.

Roll pointed out a viable point. “It’s true that it would be suicide to go in from the mines of O’Ghomoro—but the kobolds navigate through both the new and old tunnels just fine—right?”

Riol smiled to the white haired astrologian, he wagged his finger to her. “Indeed. Funny thing about it—how the kobolds had no trouble findin’ ways ‘round—got us to thinkin’. I mean the O’Ghomoro Mines are like a bleedin’ city, ain’t they? An’ getting’ around in a city that big would be a right pain in the arse if ye didn’t have an Aethernet, wouldn’t it? So it stood to reason that the kobolds must have one.”

Kida clapped her hands together in a solid three tone beat. “And so you set out to find the beastmen aetheryte!”

Y’shtola didn’t seem quite convinced, as she tapped her chin in thought. “Hm. Even if there were aetheryte shards in the depths of O’Ghomoro, you would have needed to attune yourselves to them before you could identify their signatures within the Lifestream.”

Riol shook his head, postulating to her. “Ah, well, that’s where yer wrong, love. We had this Sharlayan bloke to help us, see. Delivered us right into Titan’s bedchamber, he did. I don’t rightly know how he did it, but I do remember him sayin’ it weren’t nothin’ any Sharlayan scholar worth her salt couldn’t manage.” 

Azlyn widened her eyes at that declaration. Which scholar had the gall to say such a thing—she could think of a couple that could say such things and grimaced. She really hoped it wasn’t who she thought it was. 

Y’shtola narrowed her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. She turned her glance to the ground with a scowl. “Did he now? Hmph. Locating a beacon in the absence of a known signature might be possible if the aetherytes in question happen to be—Ah, yes.” The Scion lifted her head, contemplating aloud. “But in order to guide a traveler to said beacon safely, a second party would be required...hmm...” 

Roll walked over to Y’shtola’s side, crossing her arms. “Is it possible?” 

The Miqo’te gave a slow nod. “It is. In theory at least. Yet I cannot be certain until I try. Plainly, all will depend upon whether or not I am worthy of my salt.”

The icy tone at the end signaled an end to that comment. Kida perked up by the Scion. “Y’shtola you’re worth your weight in gold to me!”

Azlyn pondered, wondering which fool in Sharlayan actually pissed off Y’shtola from malms and malms away. “Hmm... I should write home to see which idiot it was...” 

Riol chuckled, his genial tone mellowed their party’s atmosphere. “I would say you are, lass! Don’t you worry about that! Have a bit o’ faith in yerself.” He nodded. 

Nin-Nin signed to the group. « It’s better just to see it. Let’s go. »

Azlyn became the automatic interpreter as they all turned to her. “He’s saying it’s better to see it in person.” 

Riol pointed to their silent ninja. “You’re absolutely right! Why don’t we all go to Zelma’s Run an’ take a close look at the aetheryte. It ain’t far. Though there’s sure to be a few kobolds blockin’ the way. Naught ye can’t handle, mind!” 

Kida rubbed her hands together. “Let’s knock some kobold’s noggin’s around!”

Y’shtola sighed but she nodded her head. “If we have to, we shall.” 

The first one who led them through Camp Bronze Lake into Bronze Lake itself happened to be Riol and Nin-Nin. They took the frontline of the party while Y’shtola and Roll took to the middle, and Kida and Azlyn held up the rear. 

They travelled west, through the lake on the broken paved roads and wetlands straight into the lush green canyon that led toward the largest mountain on Vylbrand. There were a few kobolds on patrol around this small pathway—two standing by at the break in the pass. 

Riol and Nin-Nin signaled for them to stay low. 

“The aetheryte is located on the north pass—we’ll need to get rid of the scouts and patrols first.” 

Nin-Nin drew his blades from his side, and motioned for Kida to come up front. 

“Looks like I’m up!” Kida winked to the group before she went to his side. Nin-Nin pointed to a tree located on the path, and then he pointed up. “Oh, you want me to shoot from the high point.” 

He nodded. 

She smirked, and together they silently entered Zelma’s Run. Azlyn crawled her way up to Y’shtola and Roll. Riol was watching through the thicket of the bushes. “I hope we can deal with Titan quickly.” 

Riol smirked over his shoulder. “Another legend to add under your belt Bloody Princess?”

Azlyn stretched her neck, and pretended not to cringe. “...I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 

Roll chuckled. “She’s shy.” 

“I could tell.” Riol laughed. “If I said I bought the book written by a witness from the Mithral Eye themselves, would ye sign it?” 

“Absolutely not.” She replied point blank. 

It was Y’shtola’s turn to laugh. “I’ve been meaning to buy a copy myself. I always wondered if what was written was the truth or fabrication. Something to keep in the chronicles.” 

Azlyn froze in horror. Her expression turned from disgust to horror upon Y’shtola’s admission. “Y’shtola, I swear by the Twelve I will burn that book if you add it to the collections.” 

Roll smirked to her, “I thought you said the book didn’t exist to you?” 

“If it is presented to me, then I can’t very well ignore it?” 

Y’shtola hid a chuckle behind her hand. “Thancred said he purchased a copy the other day. Apparently they’re in the middle of a second book.” 

“Why!?” Azlyn cried before dropping her head. “Twelve preserve, what could they write about me?” 

Two figures approached from Zelma’s Run. A blue haired Au Ra and the black clad Ninja approached. Nin-Nin nodded to them. 

“All the kobolds are taken care of!” Kida gave a thumbs up, and then gestured to how big the crystal was. “There’s a hugggggee aetheryte on the north pass! Just as Riol stated! Many of the kobolds were fighting to protect it from Nin-Nin!” 

« Not as many scouts as I expected. » Nin-Nin signed to Azlyn, and then quirked his at her being in distraught. « You look like someone punched you. »

Azlyn heavily sighed. “I’m fine.” 

Nin-Nin shook his head. He gestured with his hands to push forward. Riol accepted the motion and led their group straight to a rich purple colored prism crystal that was embedded in the earth. There were three to four kobold scouts that were pulled off to the side, their throats were slit. 

Y’shtola examined the crystal with a keen eye before nodding. “This is the aetheryte the Company of Heroes used to gain access to Titan’s sanctuary.” She pulled out her reports from the Scions, tapping the papers with a hand. “Papalymo’s speculations were right.” 

Kida chuckled. “I hope Richi and Koroko were able to help.” 

Y’shtola smiled. “Actually Papalymo stated that they helped quite a bit in their research.” 

“That’s wonderful.” Azlyn acknowledged. “So all we have to do is attune to this crystal.” 

“In its present state, this aetheryte’s signal will not be strong enough for our purposes. I may, however, be able to use my own energies to amplify it.” She stopped before giving Azlyn a look. “Safely, mind you. Alas, the task will monopolize my attention for the duration.” 

The white haired Au Ra with purple eyes scratched her temple. “Don’t worry about us—we’ll be fine.” 

Riol smirked. “I’ll be nearby in case the lass needs any assistance.” 

Nin-Nin cracked his knuckles, the loud pop made the whole party look to him. He shrugged. 

Roll stared up at the towering crystal, and then to Y’shtola. “We’ll need a quick escape after Titan’s fall.” She then looked to Azlyn staring up at the crystal. She didn’t seem to be paying any attention to them, but she could still hear them. “I have a potion in my possession in case Azlyn needs one—but she can’t teleport if she collapses suddenly.” 

The Scion nodded. “Do not worry, I will supplement this beacons power and ensure you a way back.” She called out to Azlyn, her arms crossed. “Azlyn.” 

The girl looked over her shoulder to the group looking at her now. “I’m feeling fine.” She pumped her arm. “Never better!” 

Kida shook her head, then nudged Nin-Nin in the stomach with her elbow. “She tends to break out in high fevers and collapse after long, crazy battles. It seems to be a running theme as of late.” 

Azlyn sighed. “I didn’t collapse after Haukke Manor, did I?” 

Nin-Nin signed « Is this part of your secret? »

She signed back. « A part of one secret. Please don’t say anymore. »

Kida watched the interaction before huffing in annoyance. “Okay, I am going to learn sign language! Why can’t the blessing help understand sign language!” 

Roll shrugged. “Because it’s not omnipotent?” 

“Bah!” The blue haired Au Ra replied. 

Azlyn chuckled. “Trust me Y’shtola—I’m feeling fine.”

Y’shtola watched the banter between the party before she looked to the crystal. “With effort, it is possible that I may be able to stabilize the aetheryte’s signal and thereby join you, albeit belatedly. Until such time as I do, you all will be on your own. Be safe.” 

The four of them saluted to her. 

“...Now let us see if I am worth my salt.” 

Azlyn nervously laughed. “ really took that one to heart.” 

“What?” The Scion replied, and Azlyn shook her head. 


Y’shtola walked toward the crystal, extending her arm out and closing her bright green eyes. A flow of aether activated—similar to attuning but not quite the same. They watched as the crystal lit up with a flow of energy. Y’shtola chuckled as she stepped back. 

“I have located another beacon—one far below the mountain. I can only speculate as to what you will find there—be prepared.” 

Roll nodded. “I believe we’re ready to go.” 

Kida smacked her hand into her own palm. “We had way too much time running around—Let’s rock and roll!” 

Nin-Nin stepped up. « I’m ready. »

Azlyn was the first to approach the crystal, giving a smile to her friends. “Then let’s head into the mountain—together.” She closed her eyes and thought of the aether flow. She was taken from outside into a deep earthen cavern. The ground had amber stones decorated all over the stalagmites and stalactites. Behind her three others arrived, popping in from the aetheryte teleport just as she did. 

Together the four of them walked into the center of the large platform. 

The screeches and cries from all over the cavern alerted them of the kobolds that were watching from nearby. “Look, overdwellers! Yes, yes, invaders from above! They use our aetheryte’s against us!” 

The outrage from the kobolds erupted in loud echoes in the expansive hall. Azlyn was still taking in the sights when Nin-Nin stepped up to pull her back. Roll and Kida tucked in the sides as they formed a tight circle. 

“They have defiled Titan’s sanctuary—trespassed, violated, defiled!”

“Overdwellers must leave! Overdwellers must fly!” 

An ornately dressed patriarch of the kobolds stepped forward—they seemed upset at their presence. “Brothers and sisters, fear them not! Their fate shall be decided by the Lord of Crags!” 

The four looked around as the earth started to tremble. 

“Hear me, overdwellers! You and your treacherous brethren must be held to account for the breaking of the covenant!” Azlyn looked on the platform they stood on, the shaking and aetheric pressure of the energy shifted around the large chunks or boulders and rubble laying around. “You shall be first to face judgment! Then Limsa Lominsa and her oathbreakers—liars, betrayers, oathbreakers!” 

Kida nudged Azlyn. “You could learn a thing or two about the usage of adjectives from them.” 

“Not the best of times Kida.” Azlyn watched as the entire room erupted in chants—all calling for the Lord of Crag—the Great Father to come squish them. They watched as the prayers of the kobolds transformed the energy, the crystals, the materialization of aether into matter as it exploded in front of them. The pulse of life erupted as a bright amber orb radiated with energy. 

The rocks and boulders started to get pulled to it—almost protecting the core itself as a large bi-pedal rock creature started to materialize. What had been a gigantic boulder exploded out, as the debris of the unnecessary pieces blew past them. Nin-Nin drew his blades, Roll brought out her astronometer, Kida drew her bow, and Azlyn brought into existence her axe. 

“Did Axemaster Wyrnzoen tell you that one day your boulder breaking exercises would be beneficial?” Roll posed to her. Azlyn looked up to the towering giant, a small face with quite the displeased expression—his mouth formed in a permanent frown—his teeth pieces of jagged rocks and grinding minerals. His eyes, a golden amber glow, white hair that was held up in odd angles. A large tuft of white hair pulled up into a haphazard ponytail. 

The entire hall erupted in cries of joy and triumph from the kobolds at the appearance of their god. Azlyn could hear them calling for justice, wishing for Titan to save and protect them.

“He is come! He is come! The Lord of Crags, Titan is come!” A kobold shouted.

Over the rabble of their cries, a thick, almost deep sounding grind of earth resounded in the hall. Titan spoke, and with their blessing from Hydaelyn all of them understood what he spoke.

“Overdwellers—art thou deaf to their weeping?” The primal hunkered his shoulders down, shaking in anger at their presence within their hallowed halls. “Thy vile kind coveteth ever the blessing of the land and murdereth my children by the score—all in service to greed. Such sins are beyond pardon.”

Kida lifted her bow, an arrow already drawn.

Titan pounded upon his chest, the crashing sound of rock impacting against rocks echoed in the chamber. Azlyn went into an offensive stance, holding her axe ready at her side. Titan’s eyes narrowed in on the axe wielder of their group as he roared. “But I am not the first to suffer thy defiance. Thou didst bring Ifrit low.”

“And she’ll kick your ass too!” Kida yelled, and Azlyn sighed.

“…Kida, your enthusiasm and confidence in me may one day be my downfall.” Azlyn stepped up, locking eyes with the primal. “For the safety of the people of this land—and for all the inhabitants that dwell here, you must be destroyed.”

Titan tensed as she called out to him. He angrily responded in kind, gravel spitting from his mouth. “Godless Overdweller! Thy myriad heresies shall not go unpunished! Upon thee shall I wreak a terrible vengeance!” Titan slammed both of his bulky, rocky first together—the force of aether sent a burst of wind to blow past each of them.

Azlyn swallowed the lump in her throat. “…I recommend we scatter.”

Roll already started sprinting to the right side of the platform, Kida moved over to the left. Nin-Nin stayed right behind her as Titan’s loud and booming roar echoed the hall. Titan then punched the earth causing the whole ground to shake. The ground started to crumble as Azlyn tried to regain her stance.

For such a large monstrosity, the primal moved quickly. The feet pounded and left small indentations in the earth beneath it. Azlyn decided to let him rush her, as she and Nin-Nin waited for him to get into melee range of them. With Roll and Kida to the sides, the only concern would be Azlyn and Nin-Nin not getting smashed or squished underfoot.

“Sons of man! Murderers of my children!” Titan slammed his fist into the ground, as Azlyn deftly moved to his boulder foot. She swung hard into the rock of this creature and could already tell they were in for a long fight.

Nin-Nin moved with lightning speed, darting behind the primal, she could hear the earth being chipped away as the ninja started his long stream of combinations. Kida had been firing arrow after arrow. The piercing damage cracked bit of the rock that covered over his core, but the damage was still too little. Roll blasted the primal with several bursts of energy from her globe—before she started drawing cards from her deck.

She felt a rush of adrenaline as Roll finished her cast—and the healer of their party continued to sling one offensive spell after the other.

Azlyn could only execute her known attack routine—from heavy and tempest swings she tried her best to start breaking down what parts she could reach. Titan resorted to stomping, the after shocks of energy slammed into each of them as they continued their assault.

When the Au Ra Warrior thought they were making some progress in their fight, Titan laughed gravelly before jumping high into the air. Nin-Nin darted over to Azlyn as she was watching Titan soar up high in the cavern. It was a quick maneuver, as Nin-Nin wrapped an arm around her mid-rift and signaled for the others to stay out of the center.

Azlyn’s view had changed while she was being carried like a sack of potatoes. “I…can’t…see…Nin-Nin!”

Titan’s jump turned into a cannonball as he plummeted back to the ground. Roll and Kida were far enough away from the center as he made a crash landing back on the platform. The earthquake rocked all of them off their feet, and they all watched as the platform they were on had broken and fissured. The edges of the arena shrunk—or rather the ground fell off, and any path of escape was gone.

Nin-Nin and Azlyn were together, before he dropped her at his side. 

He signed quickly. « He’s going to make the area smaller with each jump. Be on guard. »

“What’s he saying!” Kida yelled as Titan started to rampage over to them.

“He said Titan’s minimizing the playing field!” She lifted her axe, before Nin-Nin flagged her. He pointed to where he wanted her to go.

« Bring him to you there. »

Azlyn ran immediately over to the location, it was stationed in between Roll and Nin-Nin. “Hey Ugly! I’m over here!” She tried to provoke him over, and she was not surprised to see that it worked. Titan rushed over to her from the center, making small quivers and aftershocks with each slam of his foot.

She saw Nin-Nin had run over to Kida and seemed to be directing her over to another spot. Azlyn didn’t have time to pay attention, however, as Titan raised his fist up. She could tell he was charging energy into this hit, so she had to run between his legs just when he slammed an aether packed fist into the ground. She watched as the earth exploded up and blew chunks of the ground back.

Azlyn couldn’t see this fight going well the longer they prolonged. She jumped up, cleaving her axe into Titan’s lower back and started to rock climb. He noticed her attempting to climb him and roared. Only for him to turn his attention to Roll and raise an aether powered fist up. “Get out of the way Roll!”

Her cousin didn’t need the warning as she was well on her way sprinting to the other side. She casted a major healing spell for those nearest her and settled in a new location.

Azlyn continued to climb, her hands scraping against hard earth as she made it up his mid-to upper back. She pounded her axe into him with one hand, while her other kept hold so she wasn’t thrown off. Titan couldn’t reach her, so he continued to try attacking her friends with his fist-pound into the area, blowing chunks and pieces of earth away.

She could tell if one of them got caught in that attack, they’d be sent flying off the platform.

She climbed up to the shoulder before she reached over to desperately cling to the few strands of white hair haphazardly sticking out. Titan roared as Azlyn slammed the axe into his face. Azlyn was only up on him for a moment, before his fist slammed into the shoulder she stood upon. She was blown off him and fell. Her back was the first thing to hit the ground and could feel the stinging ache of pain arch through her entire body. While her attack didn’t do much—his own attack against her on his shoulder did.

She choked on the dust from the crumbling earth around her as she regained her vision.

“Child of man—I shall grind thee beneath my heel!” Titan leapt up into the air once more. Azlyn pushed herself off the ground and started to run to the edge of the platform—only for Roll to cast a rescue spell to her. The magic wrapped around her, swiftly bringing her over to Roll’s side.

Roll grabbed onto her, a card drawn, and a wash of healing energy went over her. “Hang on!”

Titan slammed back into the center of the field, as more of the field crumbled and dropped into the dark abyss below.

Kida yelled from behind Titan, her arrow ablaze with energy. “Landenel sends his regards bitch!” She fired the arrow, as it shot straight into the damaged shoulder of the primal. Titan roared in pain.

“For thee my hatred is unending, unyielding!” Titan slammed his foot repeatedly into the ground. Nin-Nin covered the distance back to the Primal in seconds, hacking and slashing where he could.

Roll patted her cousin. “Get back in there.”

Azlyn charged. “On it!”

After his last plummet into the ground, Azlyn noticed a bit more of the earth surrounding his earthen, core energy was showing through the cracks in his chest. She yelled out to everyone. “Attack the core! Altogether!”

Kida and Roll started aiming for the spot, while Nin-Nin sprinted to the front of Titan. He motioned for her to sprint over to him and dropped to his knees. He cupped both of his hands waiting for Azlyn to come over.

Guessing that he was helping her get some air, she hopped up into his expectant hands. 

“Alley-op!” She yelled, as he tossed her high up into the air. She flew a good fifteen feet, and she cleaved her axe several times into the heart. Nin-Nin then dashed to the side, throwing his daggers and adding to the massive damage being added to the core.

Before Azlyn dropped back to the ground, she saw some of the debris from the chipped off rocks start to circle around Nin-Nin—he tried to run away, however he was soon trapped inside the stone.

“Roll, Kida! Get him out of there!” She saw the rocks started to flash as bits of energy seeped out from the rock.

The two ran over, as Azlyn landed back on her feet. She had Titan’s attention, as he slammed his fist into the ground next to her. She stumbled, before weaving between his legs and hoping the Primal would get twisted in the process. It was unlikely.

“Azlyn! You need to break the rock with your axe!!” Roll yelled as her spells were only chipping bits and pieces. Kida’s arrows were hardly making a dent either.

The girl had been mid swing when they called for her—the boulder flashed in trepidation. 

“Okay!” She sprinted underneath Titan, as she raised her axe high over her shoulders and thought of her finishing move—the Butcher’s Block. “Come on!” She yelled and slammed her blade infused with her aether into the rock. The gaol collapsed into rubble, as Titan swung his fist right into Azlyn’s side.

She didn’t have much time to react, she barely had enough time to use her axe as a buffer between his punch and then losing her grip on it. She felt the full force rocket her to opposite side of the platform. She felt like a stone being skipped on the water’s surface—skidding and bouncing until she rolled to the edge. She didn’t have enough momentum to stop herself, her hands scrapping the edge of the platform.

Azlyn remembered the feeling of falling—like she had back when she was little. She stared up at the cavern in fright as she thought back to Sharlayan. The high wall she fell off replayed in her head. She stretched her arm out to try and catch the side, only for a black figure to soar over after her to grasp her arms instead.

His hands tightly grasped onto her forearms as his upper body hung off the edge. He struggled with her deadweight and then with as much strength as he could muster, Azlyn watched as Nin-Nin tossed her back up onto the field. She stumbled away from the edge, rolling to her knees. Her body was shaking in a rush of adrenaline as she waited for Nin-Nin to pull himself off the edge. He darted over to her, helping her up to her feet, and pointed to her fallen axe.

Azlyn gave an unsteady breath, preparing herself for the remainder of the battle. “Thanks.” He bolted off shortly after, producing his knives and drew Titan’s attention away from Kida. She was running him around the area while Roll supported her. She went back into melee with Titan, dashing around the rampaging Primal as she retrieved her axe. Luckily it hadn’t been trampled underfoot.

Kida, meanwhile, had unleashed a torrent of arrows screaming in frustration. “Take that you sonuva monkey’s left shriveled testicle!”

Roll cast another mass healing spell, the pain her body felt from Titan’s punch diminished a little. “I thought you were a goner!”

Azlyn hollered over to her cousin. “Thank Nin-Nin later. Come on!”

Kida held onto her shot, aiming right at the heart as she charged most of her energy. “Go down already!” Her arrow shot off, a blaze of blue soared through the air. The arrow, pierced what they assumed was Titan’s heart and a burst of powerful energy erupted within.

They all watched as Titan shook in pain, the stones and earthen chunks started to break down rapidly—the eyes started to grow dim.

However it was not the end. Titan, even as he crumbled used what strength he had left to leap up into the air.

The four rushed to the side, closing quarters with one another as Titan couldn’t fulfill his maneuver to break the platform. Instead Titan landed back on his feet and started to call upon all of the aetheric energy within the chamber.

“Tremble before the might of the earth!” Titan roared, as the energy blasted all of them. Debris continued to fall off from his body, but their frontal assault still wasn’t enough to slay him. “To the last, I grapple with thee!” He roared, before stomping over to them.

They could feel the ground start to pulse with energy, as Azlyn looked down to see the ground flash.

“Move!” Roll yelled, sprinting away from the flashing areas. The rest followed as the ground imploded in fresh kinetic energy. Azlyn ran at Titan, hoping to draw his attention away from the party now running from the exploding bits of platform that Titan channeled his aether into.

“Just a bit more!” Kida yelled.

Nin-Nin charged forth, his daggers glowing a luminescent white as he leapt up at Titan. There was a burst of white light from his weapons, piercing through the chest of Titan, but Nin-Nin continued in his assault, wrecking the rockman with a gigantic aetheric blade in his hands.

Titan struggled to move, as his entire body made of rock started to crumble to dust. His gravelly voice echoed in the chamber. “Hie, my children…into the dark!” The primal dropped his a knee, as it heavily spat out debris of rock from it’s mouth. “They will—not be denied…”

He burst into energy, dissipating back into the aetherflow. The rocks crumbled to dust leaving naught of trace of his existence.

From all over the cavern erupted in cries of anguish and despair—the kobolds that stayed for the fight cried. “The Lord of Crags! Great Father! Titan has fallen!”

Azlyn exhaled heavily, she could feel the sweat rolling down her face—and so were the others. Each one of them more exhausted than the other. Kida ran over to Azlyn, wrapping her arms around her. The blue haired Au Ra dug her head into the shoulder of her as she squeezed tightly.

“I thought you died! Idiot! Stupid! Moron!”

Azlyn patted her on the back. “I thought the same.” She looked over to Nin-Nin who slowly approached them.

Roll heaved a sigh of relief. “When Nin-Nin was released from the stone gaol, he saw you get pommeled to the side. It all happened so fast—I thought you both were dead.”

Kida refused to let the girl go, so Azlyn looked up to the ninja in their party. She smiled briefly. “Thanks—you saved me.”

« You’re welcome. Consider us even for breaking me out. »

She nodded. “Okay. Thanks.”

Kida pulled back, grabbing both of her cheeks. She inspected her face. “Are you feeling alright? Not feeling sick or woozy? How’s your fever?”

Azlyn had to push her back now. “I said I was fine—I still feel fine. Just a bit battered and bruised.” She looked past Kida’s shoulder to the ground where they slain Titan—and noticed an orange crystal laying on the ground.

Azlyn smiled to her, and then separated herself from them to walk over to the object. As she started her approach, the orange crystal glimmered with light and floated up from the ground.

“…That’s like the crystal the Sylph elder gave you.” Roll replied, watching as Azlyn reached out her hands to it.

The crystal floated into her hands, and like the rest she was brought from the present into a floating space—the crystal shining within her hands as the magic circle filled with the other crystals she found erupted around her. She could see the cracks from before in the ground—how glimmers of light were floating up from the spots as the orange crystal floated out from her hands and into one of the empty spots.

She watched as the cracks started to slowly seal, the energy wrapping itself around her as the Crystals of Light started to merge together.

“…Only two spots.” She murmured, wondering what would happen if she obtained and filled all six spots.

The vision ended, and she was brought back to Titan’s chamber. She found herself being held by Nin-Nin, probably from when she collapsed earlier, while Roll and Kida defensively were holding their ground. Azlyn shook her head as she heard the patriarch of the kobolds yelling at them.

“The crimes of the overdwellers shall never be forgiven! Never be forgotten! No, no, Never!”

One of the other patriarchs in an ornate helmet yelled next. “’Twas your kin who broke the covenant! We have acted only in defense of our lands!” He angrily threw a rock, which stopped short of Kida’s foot. “Cease your aggression, or never will there be peace! Until our dying breaths, we shall defy you—deny, decry, defy!”

The other kobolds started to chant those three words after their patriarch. The rising voices of the disgruntled kobolds steadily increased. As the halls echoed their cries, they chose to run further into their tunnels—and away from them.

They had told their message, and relayed it to them. There was no need for them to stick around when the killers of their primal were just as capable to kill them. Azlyn pushed off Nin-Nin shaking her head. “…I can walk.”

He placed her down, letting her feet back before she sighed. 

“Deny, decry, defy… The Lominsans really screwed up.”

Kida crossed her arms. “They’ll summon Titan again—I can guarantee you that much.”

“And he’ll be stronger. He grows stronger the more they revere him—the more crystals they give.” Roll replied, putting her astronometer away. She clicked her tongue. “Definitely wasn’t as bad as Garuda—but still pretty bad. How the Twelve did you fight Ifrit by yourself?”

Azlyn let her axe disappear into the aether pocket of her stuff. “Luck I guess—maybe adrenaline.”

Nin-Nin mimicked Kida’s body language. He was looking around the area, watching for any sign of future attacks. As if on cue, a teleport opened in front of them. Y’shtola popped into view as she smiled to each.

“I feared I might arrive too late, but I see you all had the matter well in hand.” Y’shtola confidently walked forward, stopping just in front of Azlyn before she reached forward to grab ahold of her hand. She examined her closely, before she narrowed her eyes. “I heard something from our mutual friend that warrants looking into.”

Azlyn looked concerned, pulling her hand back from the scion. “Wh-what? Lahabrea was here?”

Y’shtola narrowed her green eyes further. “Oh yes—and the Empire with him.”

Kida and Roll gawked in horror. “...The Empire?!”

“…Is it safe to remain here?” Azlyn spoke calmly, looking up and around the cavern. Y’shtola acquiesced for the moment.

“I have taken measures to ensure that we are not pursued, yet I cannot say how long they will hold.” She looked around the chamber, reaching out her hand to Azlyn first. “Take your leave while the kobolds are still in disarray. I will follow anon. There is something I must investigate before I depart.”

“Let’s meet in Camp Bronze Lake. When you’re done.” Azlyn trusted in the Miqo’te Scion to be able to take care of herself—and knew that she’d meet them when she was all done. 

Y’shtola smiled, before lifting a hand and summoning a mass teleport on Azlyn’s party; the flow of aether carried her away. One moment she was in Titan’s chamber, the next she was standing in the quiet of the afternoon in Zelma’s Run. Shortly after her arrival Kida, Roll, and Nin-Nin appeared looking back at the crystal curiously.

“Why would the Empire get involved?” Kida crossed her arms. “What are they trying to get from a primal?”

The girl shook her head. “I think Lahabrea is the one behind it. He’s planning something, and I for one don’t like it.” Azlyn sighed and decided it would be best to come forth with her dilemma.

Nin-Nin tapped Azlyn on her shoulder, and he frowned. « This related to those two black cloaked people? »

“Yeah, and I think they’ll continue to make themselves known as we’re dealing with the primal threats around Eorzea.” Azlyn crossed her arms, thinking deeply. “Let’s head back to Camp Bronze Lake—I’m sure Y’shtola will tell us what more she found out.” She motioned for them to follow her, and together they walked from Zelma’s Run back into the small settlement that resided in the hot springs resting grounds.

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