Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 777: Fuyuki's night is still nuclear

? "I am Ilyas Phil von Einzbern, one of the masters who participated in the battle of the Holy Grail, the master of Berserker!" Ilia showed a cute and cute smile.

The cute girl in a purple dress with silver hair and red eyes was inherited from her mother. Although she was close to a little girl about seven or eight years old, she was one year older than Shiro Weigu.

So, don't look at her calling Shiro Wei Gong Shirou as her elder brother, but in fact she is malicious, she is the older sister!

Everyone was shocked by the appearance of Ilia, and the named Shirou Shiro was at a loss. He didn't want to fight against such a young master if it wasn't necessary, but in its current form, it would not end without a fight.

Saber's face was entangled and painful, and at the moment Illiya reported her name, she recognized that she was Alice Phil's daughter. Reminiscing about Alice Phil, who was noble as a princess, Saber was in deep agony and became enemies with Alice Phil's children. Just thinking about it made her feel like a knife.

"It's amazing, the strength of, it's more appropriate to call it a monster!" Tosaka Rin used the authority of the master to check the basic parameters of Berserker, and suddenly felt cold.

Strength a+, durability a, agility a, magic a, luck b, treasure a...

The horrible parameters are outrageous. Even Saber, who is known as the strongest rank, can't compare to such powerful monsters.

"It's really scary. As far as the strength on paper is concerned, it's okay for that monster to be one enemy to six." Red A said with emotion. Because of the spiritualization, the erratic voice makes it difficult to determine the true position.

Tosaka Rin did not hesitate to reprimand: "Idiot, now is not the time to talk coldly, since the enemy cannot be defeated head-on, then use your strongest ability to shoot him."

My strongest ability is melee!

Red A really wants to tell Rin Tosaka that he has more experience in attacking people with a knife than with a bow and arrows. However, the family status is low, and he doesn't want to lose face in front of Saber, he hums and leaves to find the sniper spot.

Before leaving, he glared at Shiro Wei Gong, a half-hearted magician, don't ask you to protect Rin, just don't hold back.

The frontal battlefield is handed over to Saber, and Red A is responsible for long-range strike support, and if necessary, is responsible for a one-hit kill. This is the tactic developed by Tosaka Rin. The young white guard Shiro in the battlefield has no say, Saber also agrees with this strategy. This is the most reasonable tactic without preparation.

"Have you discussed it?" Ilia smiled sweetly.

Seeing Iliya's innocent smile, no one was there to reply.

"Then it will begin! Berserker, kill them all!"

Following the order of Ilya to sell cute, the ashes Lorikon...cough cough, the ultimate berserker Berserker instantly entered a state of battle.

With a muffled nasal cavity, he spouted two heavy heavy airs. The iron tower-like sturdy body changed. The muscle-bound body expanded in a circle and moved one step closer to the height of three meters. The flesh and blood texture wandered with surging magic power, the swollen blood vessels turned his skin into dark red, and the violent demon **** had great visual impact.

"Ho **** ho ho--"

Treasure’s "Twelve Trials" is launched!

Without the need for treasures or armors, it directly transforms the body into indestructible armor. In this state, Berserker can ignore any attacks below B-level, including B-level attacks, and neither magic nor physical attacks can break his defenses.

The "Twelve Trials" is the blessing of God and the curse of immortality. It has the terrifying power to revive the body after death. It comes with 11 resurrection coins. If the master's magic power is strong, the resurrection coins can be purchased additionally.

In addition to resurrecting and ignoring most of the attacks, the "Twelve Trials" has a third effect, which makes the attack that has been suffered once useless for the second time, and the resistance granted does not need to die first.

With this treasure of foul, Berserker's holy grail war experience is excellent...if he is sane.

Rin Tosaka still didn't know the Berserker's treasure abilities, so even though the opponent's value was terrifying, but they had two followers on their side, it was not impossible to fight.

Berserker stepped on the ground, and the ground suddenly sank into a deep pit, and the cracks in the cobweb broke apart. With the help of the reaction force, he bounced high and aimed at Shirou Shiro.

The weapon in his hand is not a treasure, nor does it have a special name. The axe and sword polished from a rock, the blade is cratered, and there is nothing gorgeous. Unruly weapons, like him, are full of wild tension.

The Berserker falling at high speed was like a heavy artillery shell. It was already huge, and coupled with the impact of a high-altitude fall, a strong wind was directly set off in the air, making people unable to open their eyes.

At this time, Shiro Weimiya was still a rookie, unable to use magic defense, so he symbolically raised his arm to block the wind, almost being blown over by himself.

Seeing this scene, Saber hurriedly called out: "Shirou, go back!"

How about being a person is to rely on yourself to be reliable!

Just as Berserker descended from the air, Red A tried to save himself, and the arrows formed by magical power were shot down from a distance. More than a dozen red arrows dragged the long and narrow tail, as if a red meteor swiftly passed by, blocking Berserker's downward momentum in the air.

boom! boom! boom---

All the arrows hit Berserker precisely, and exploded violently as they hit his body. Although the attack level was not enough to break the defense, the purpose of the attack had been achieved. Berserker was overturned by the explosion attached to his body, changed the trajectory of his fall, and landed heavily on the garden lawn beside him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh————

Scarlet rain of arrows followed like a shadow, chasing at the moment Berserker fell to the ground. The dense raindrops could not be defended at all. Berserker raised his axe and sword to defend and was submerged by deafening continuous explosions.

The ground rumbling and shaking, the not-so-spacious garden was plowed aside by hundreds of arrows, like a covering blow in a modern war.

It's just a pity that no amount of unbreakable attacks comes, and after the rain of arrows stopped, the unscathed Berserker strode out.

"Unexpectedly... unscathed? What a joke, at least it must be a little scarred!" Tosaka Rin said incredulously, not even scratched, how can I fight this!

Illya sighed, perhaps distressed by the pale resistance: "Berserker, just ignore the attack without pain and kill all the enemies."

"Ho **** ho ho--"

Berserker's eyes were full of red, and he obeyed Ilia's order, completely ignoring the arrow that continued to bombard him, and stepped on the ground leaving a big hole, and his figure instantly rushed to Wei Gong Shirou.

The heavy axe swept across the waist of Shirou Eomiya. If it hits, Rin Tosaka and Saber are exactly half of them. No, if it hits, Saber's group can only leave early.


Saber, who had been prepared for a long time, appeared in front of Shiro Wigiya, holding the sword to block the thick axe. The two stood in a stalemate for a moment, and the invisible sword wrapped in wind magic was twisted, and then released a powerful wind to move Berserker away. Bounce far away.

"Ho **** ho ho--"

The red eyes were stern, Berserker let out an angry roar, and the vibrating sound wave swayed out in waves visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Berserker slammed to Saber at a speed that was completely incompatible with his size. The axe held high easily tore the air and slammed into Saber's head.


The huge axe and the invisible sword collided, and fierce sparks broke out immediately, the interlaced gaps of the weapons vibrated and rubbed, and Saber was overthrown by the huge power from the axe and sword.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh————

The arrow was so accurate that it flashed like a satellite-guided arrow, and the shock wave created by the instant detonation forced Berserker to stop the pursuit, and then a continuous rain of red arrows fell, and the area where the entire asphalt road was located sparked a large area of ​​fire and smoke.

The raging magical fluctuations stirred up the heat, and the fiery rays could not be ignored even if they were far apart. With Berserker as the center, the surrounding ground was pitted, everything was destroyed by the magical arrows, and there was a huge pit in the center. trap.

Berserker's tall figure slowly emerged from the smoke and dust. Not only did the arrow rain fail to break his defenses, but it also highlighted his desperate strength.

At the same time, Duke, who brought Caster out to find the single servant, also noticed this boiling magic.

"Master, didn't you say that there will be no follower to fight tonight?" Caster pointed to the magical turbulence exploding in the distance, looking curious to explain.

Duke raised his brows: "Maybe it's a small friction between the followers. The patrolling followers met. It's normal and reasonable to learn a few tricks and then talk to each other in business."

boom! !

The violent magic rushed to the sky, and the red mushroom cloud rose up, breaking the clouds in the sky, and the night of Dongmu was so peaceful. However, the citizens said that they were deaf, blind and unable to speak, so they could not see or hear anything.

"Master, what do you call this level of battle...comparison!?" Caster looked jokingly, and he was very happy to see Duke deflated.

Dukla has a long face. Who is so bold that he can save his face is obviously self-defeating.

(End of this chapter)

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