Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 778: Why is King Arthur a girl

? Berserker and Saber's battle is gradually intensifying, and every time the weapon hits the jumping sparks, a raging wind is set off.

Saber's "Wind King Enchantment" used to hide the Sword of Oath of Victory has its own confusing effect to block the length of the sword, but for Berserker, who has been honing himself in adventures all his life, this confusing effect is useless. The inherent skill ‘Mind Eye’ is the ability to avoid danger based on intuition and sixth sense. Even if reason is deprived of reason due to madness, this almost instinctive skill is still effective.

Saber also realized this during the fight. As a pure warrior, only competing for speed and skill, Berserker is far above her.

With top strength and super agility, coupled with the madness and unforgettable fighting instinct, Saber also has to admit that Berserker is the strongest killing machine, no matter what age it is put in, it is a big kill on the battlefield. Device.

Calmly analyzing the battle situation, Saber knew that the current environment was very unfavorable to her, so he fought back and led Berserker into a tombstone cemetery.

If you really want to say what advantages Saber has compared to Berserker, it is probably a petite size. Although Berserker's huge body is agile and powerful, it is definitely not as flexible as Saber.

He can press Saber on flat ground, but if the terrain becomes more complicated, his attack will no longer be so smooth.

Saber used the tombstone to interfere with Berserker's line of sight, and changed his fighting style to wandering, constantly shifting around the tombstone. Berserker's fighting instinct is still alive, but he is often misled by Saber with unconsciousness, and the axe and sword that he slashes can't even touch the corner of her clothes.

Gradually, Saber relied on his wandering attack method to grasp the rhythm of the battle in his own hands. The original defense was greater than the offense, but now it has completely lost its position, leaving various scars on Berserker's body. Although it cannot cause absolute damage, the situation is gradually turning to her advantage.

At this time, Berserker's body was full of dense sword wounds, staggered across his chest and back, looking somewhat miserable. However, this is only a superficial phenomenon, even if the injury is doubled, it will not affect his combat output.

Berserker has a tough body that has been honed, and his inherent skill ‘fighting continuation’. Even if he is severely injured, he can still fight stubbornly. The current injuries are not worth mentioning to him.

Saber did not expect Berserker to die from bleeding too much, she has been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for Berserker to reveal a fatal flaw, and then win the victory in one fell swoop.


Saber jumped out from behind the tombstone and slashed at Berserker's chest with a sword, seeing that the sword was blocked by the axe and sword. She was short in stature and rushed into Berserker's wide open middle door. She moved flexibly, and the invisible sword successfully left a bone scar on Berserker's left rib.

Unknowingly, Berserker fell into a passive situation. Although his injury was insignificant, he immediately became furious, and he fought Saber with a sword. The axe and sword swept Saber out.

Saber was repulsed by a huge force, stabilized her figure and continued to walk. She firmly believed that if there were no accidents, this battle would definitely be won.

Rin Tosaka and Shiro Eomiya chased all the way along the magical fluctuations of the battle. Seeing Saber fighting in the grave, they both had a happy expression. The young White Guard Shiro on the battlefield could also see that Saber had the upper hand.

"Rin, at eight o'clock behind you, there are two uninvited guests. It is the slave and the master, pay attention to them, and don't be attacked." Red A's inherent skill "Eagle Eye" is very suitable for detection and To find the enemy, as long as you stand on a high place and look at it, you can overlook the whole of Fuyuki City.

By the way, because of the ‘Eagle’s Eye’ skill, the effective sniper radius of the Red A is 4KM. As long as it is within this range, even a high-speed moving enemy can perform accurate strikes. It is a pity that he possesses such a magical skill, but he has a melee heart.

There are enemies! ?

Rin Tosaka heard the voice of Red A, nodded calmly, and did not look back, pretending to be unaware: "Idiot, can you see what rank the enemy is? Give me a detailed description of their appearance. listen!"

"A woman with long blue hair, with outstanding temperament and good looks..."

Tosaka Rin gritted his teeth and interrupted: "Idiot, tell me the point!!"

"Obviously you asked me to describe it in detail..." Red A was almost wronged to death.

"Shut up, I asked you to describe the appearance of the follower, is that woman a follower?"

" shouldn't be. The old white-bearded man next to her is wearing a white robe, probably Caster."

"I understand!" Rin Tosaka frowned and thought for a moment, pretending to be close to the battlefield in the center of the cemetery, and taking Shiro Wei Gong to leave the place.

"Rin, the situation on the battlefield is unknown, I suggest retreating first."

"I know! But, before you leave, you must gather some information. You try to attack Caster once and see how strong he is."

"It's a coincidence, I think so too." On the top of a building far from the cemetery, Red A was holding a black bow, using magic power to create an arrow, aiming and then letting go.


The red arrow left the string, passing the dazzling tail flame in mid-air, and it shot to the target's side in the blink of an eye.


The explosion flame rose, but Hong A's face became solemn, and the arrow was blocked. His eagle eyes clearly saw that when the arrow approached the old man with white beard, it was slapped by the opponent and exploded directly in the air.

The next scene made Red A's dignified face directly stiff, because the old man with white beard looked at where he was, even if it was 3KM apart, it could not block the old man's sharp eyes.

In an instant, Red A even gave birth to an illusion that those eyes were actually close at hand. The old man also opened his mouth and said something. It was too far away to hear. Red A read those words through the other party's closed lips.

It's dangerous, you almost killed it!

Red A was very upset: "Cut, another troublesome guy!"

The blue-haired woman and the white-bearded old man who appeared on the battlefield were Caster Medea and Duke, oh, now it should be Master Medea and her servant Gandalf.

"Gandalf, do you see anything?" Caster Medea was referring to Saber and Berserker fighting in the middle of the battlefield. The implication was that the enemies were all melee strong, let's go!

Duke was observing Berserker and his lord Ilia, and casually replied: "Well, I saw a lot, such as their real names!"

How about the wonder of this Holy Grail War! In addition to Shirou Shirou who has occupied two pits, there is also Ilia, who is vying for herself. If she really wants to win this Holy Grail battle, how can she make a wish?

"It's true or false, and the real name can be..." In the middle of the sentence, Medea chose to shut up. When Duke saw her for the first time, he also saw her real name on the spot.

"Hercules from Greek mythology as well as you, and the knight king in British legend!" Duke said with certainty, as if he had already seen everything.

"Knight King!?" Medea blinked blankly: "Who is King Knight?"

"Master, what are your eyes? Of course it's the one with dull hair on his head!"

"No, that flat chest is King Arthur?" Medea was stunned on the spot.

Your question is very good, I don't know how to answer you.

Duke was silent for three seconds before speaking: "The heroic spirit will have different appearance and personality at different time periods, and unevenness is not enough to calm the world. Her peace is not an end, but a means."

No vinegar, this is not ordinary peace, but a political method, peace in a strategic sense!

Duke secretly sighed that dirty politics is better than being super fierce without the holy sword and scabbard!

Medea rolled his eyes and said, "Who asked you this, I was asking why King Arthur was a girl?"

"The market needs!" Duke could only answer like that.

Medea nodded in agreement: "It is indeed, very cute, how about we catch her back?"

Since ancient times, Caster has been cute Saber!

Medea's personal hobby is COS Lolita, but unfortunately she can only COS her childlike breasts, which runs counter to her own hobbies, so she likes girls who wear cute clothes very much.

"Catch it back, okay... How about Such a big one, just to use to see the door." Duke raised his brows, sorry for A, neither is his basement. rich.

"I don't care, now I am the master, I have the final say, I want Saber." Medea looked disgusted, she most hated muscle brother expensive.

Duke suddenly looked solemn: "I will make one thing clear first, don't tell Xiaolan that you saw King Arthur, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

Medea was puzzled: "Why?"

"Because I want to give Xiaolan a surprise, knowing in advance is not a surprise." Duke's smile gradually deepened.

"Hey, you... good or bad!" Medea's smile also deepened.

Thanks to the book friends: SSR does not exist, Muzi No. 1, Human Feelings Hesitating, "", 08a, Ziyue Qianhuan, Book Friends 20181125010111027, Black @夜, forrist, rewards like an ordinary stone!

(End of this chapter)

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