Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2078: Conditions of settlement

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After introducing each other and getting to know each other, the guy from Sicily who came to represent'our career' got into the subject, his face was gloomy, and he bit his molars and said:

"Mr. Steven, we hope you can stop the retaliation, stop the mercenaries who have worked for you, and stop making **** killings. That can only deepen our hatred between each other and form death feuds!"

Ye Tian glanced at him contemptuously, then sneered disdainfully and said:

"Form a feud? Mr. Pierrot, you planted a remote-controlled bomb in the Rockefeller Center underground garage that could blow up the entire building to the sky, trying to kill me. Isn't this not a feud?

From that moment on, it became a life-and-death game. Besides, for those mercenaries who appeared on Sicily, what evidence do you have to prove that they were working for me? "

Hearing his words, the faces of the Mafia scumbags sitting opposite couldn't help flashing an embarrassment, and their expressions became even more ugly.

After a short pause, the guy named Pierrot said in a deep voice:

"I hope you can understand, Mr. Steven, if you have a death feud with the Sicilians, you will inevitably harm your family, such as your wife. Some of the Sicilian traditions, I think you have also heard about it... …"

The voice hadn't fallen yet, but was interrupted by Ye Tian's murderous voice.

"The Chinese are a peace-loving nation, and they value harmony, but I happen to be an exception. To protect the safety of my family, I can do anything at all costs, even if I am an enemy of the whole world!

The conflict between the two of us was caused by your greed, and you were the first to attack. Then you have to bear the result now. This is called blame and blame for others.

If you dare to hit my family’s ideas and hurt my family, even a single hair, I will not hesitate to launch the bloodiest revenge, everyone in "our business" will go to hell"

Hearing this, the faces of the Mafia scumbags on the opposite side suddenly became even more ugly, one by one, like a dead father.

At the same time, the anger and hatred in their eyes were even worse and full of fear, which could not be concealed.

Each of them knew very well in their hearts that the **** in front of him absolutely did what he said, and he would not hesitate. Killing was easier for him than drinking water.

The **** killings taking place on Sicily are the best proof!

Ye Tian's voice became colder and colder, as if he came from hell, and every word and word he uttered from his mouth was full of endless murderous aura.

"Not only you, everyone involved with you, from the dying old man, to the child who is waiting to be fed, regardless of men, women or children, everyone will go to **** because of your stupidity.

At that time, Sicily will become a **** hell, and everyone will be panicked all day long, because you don't know when and where a deadly bullet will fly.

"Our business" has always been known for its cruelty. It has assassinated countless opponents, and even used 500 kilograms of TNT explosives to deal with a judge investigating you and blow them to pieces.

You may be able to kill me, but that is of no use. Once I am assassinated, I will immediately activate an astronomical reward fund and issue a series of reward orders to hunt down each of you.

Next, there will be countless killers and mercenaries from all over the world, pouring into Italy and Sicily like a tide, fighting with you for those high rewards until you kill you.

You will face endless pursuits, even if you hide in a mouse hole, you will be picked out by those crazy killers for money and sent you to **** in exchange for bounty to change your lives.

The lover who slept with you on the same bed, the brothers and subordinates who followed you from birth to death, may betray you for money, holding your head, stepping on your corpse, to welcome a better life.

I can also tell you that this reward fund has been set up, not just to talk about it, I have money, even if I offer a reward to kill all the men on Sicily, there is no problem! "

When the voice fell, the scene suddenly became quiet, and there was a dead silence except for the sound of heavy and rapid breathing.

The Mafia scum on the opposite side were all dumbfounded. They looked at Ye Tian dumbfounded, with hatred and fear in their eyes, as if they were watching a devil from hell.

Especially Pierrot, who came to negotiate on behalf of "Our Career", was shaking slightly, his eyes were blood red, and his teeth were about to break with hatred.

He's a complete bastard, a devil from hell, it's crazy!

It is so stupid to be an enemy of such a crazy bastard!

The scene was silent for a moment before it was broken.

A New York Mafia veteran sitting next to Pierrot said tremblingly:

"Mr. Steven, the reason why we rushed here today to negotiate with you is that we don't want this war to go on anymore. That will not do you any good.

Everyone has their own lives, and you can't live in fear every day, killing each other every day, I believe no one wants to live that kind of life.

No one wants to see things develop to this situation. In my opinion, it’s better for both of you to shake hands and make peace. Reconciliation is good for both of you.

‘Our business’ is our partners, we are inextricably linked to each other, and New York is where we live. Your fight will inevitably affect us.

That's why we old guys will come forward and mediate in the middle. I hope you can shake hands and give up the vendetta. This is in everyone's interest. I hope you can think about it! "

This speaker is one of the five major families of the Mafia in New York, the veteran of the Kolob family, and a member of the previous eleven-member committee of the American Mafia. He has a high reputation among the American Mafia.

Hearing his words, the other Mafia veterans on the scene nodded in agreement, and Pierrot nodded lightly without any objection.

In fact, the reality does not allow him to have any different opinions. The war is about to spread to the entire Sicily. If there is no reconciliation, God knows how many guys will be killed by those mercenaries.

The next person to be beaten into a sieve on the streets of Sicily may be his boss or subordinates, or even his relatives.

As for those mercenaries whose origins are unknown, what does it matter if they die? That is a group of guys who trade their lives for money, and the **** Steven won't frown no matter how much he died.

The most indispensable thing for this **** is money, even if he hires an army to work for him, there is no difficulty!

Ye Tian glanced at the Mafia scum on the opposite side, then looked at the veteran who had just spoken, and said with a sneer:

"Mr. Kolobo, you are right. No one has thought about this kind of life. I have never met the Mafia, and there is no conflict of interest. The well water does not offend the river. This time it is completely unscrupulous.

The so-called disputes are entirely due to their greed. It is not impossible for ‘our cause’ to reconcile, but they must meet some of my conditions and must pay for their stupidity.

The nest of ‘our business’ is in Palermo. It just so happens that I have had more than one dealings with another Mafia family in Palermo, the Bernano family, in Milan and Rome.

If ‘our business’ wants a reconciliation, you can ask the Bernano family about the price they paid to reach a reconciliation with me, or consult the Casa Monica family in Rome.

There is also the Cardinal of the Vatican, the Bishop of Kent. He is my friend. It was under his mediation and presidency that I reached a settlement agreement with the Bernano and Casamonica families"

Without hesitation, Pierrot stood up immediately upon hearing his words.

"Mr. Steven, Mr. Kolobo, I need to call Palermo and report on the progress of the negotiations. Some things need to be decided by Palermo before I can implement them."

Ye Tian nodded lightly, and the veterans of the New York Mafia were the same, with no different opinions.

Next, Pierrot took out his cell phone and stepped aside to make a call.

At the same time, the belated Sanders and a group of heavily armed FBI agents finally rushed to this high-end restaurant on the top floor of Rockefeller Center.

However, these guys didn't come up to interrupt the negotiation, but sat on the side eye-catchingly, staring at both sides of the negotiation closely, as if ready to rush to arrest someone at any time.

About ten minutes later, Pierrot finished the phone call, returned to the table, and continued to negotiate with Ye Tian, ​​but he was more cautious and suppressed his voice even lower.

Soon, forty or fifty minutes passed.

The talk was almost done, and with the presence of a large number of FBI agents, everyone had already turned off the topic and talked about other things, and the atmosphere in the restaurant was not so tense.

At this moment, a sweet cell phone ringing suddenly sounded in the restaurant, coming from Ye Tian's cell phone.

He immediately took out his phone and glanced at it to show that when he saw the name ‘Bishop of Kent’ displayed on the phone’s screen, he laughed softly.

Needless to ask, another valuable treasure is about to fall into his own hands.

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