Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2079: Reach a settlement

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In the afternoon, through a three-party video conference, Ye Tian and "Our Career" finally reached a reconciliation, ending the **** fight between them that shocked the entire world.

The third party participating in the video conference was the Bishop of Kent who represented the Vatican and presided over the reconciliation between the two parties.

In addition, representatives of the Italian Mafia and the American Mafia Committee of Eleven, as well as the leader of the Italian anti-mafia department, the old acquaintance Director Enrique, and the director of the FBI New York branch, Sanders, etc.

All these people involved participated in the final settlement agreement and witnessed the formal reconciliation between Ye Tian and "Our Career".

But the reconciliation was only verbally reached, and it was not documented. They knew nothing about the specific content, and only saw the happy scene at the end and acted as a witness.

In the settlement agreement, the boss of "Our Career" personally promised to provide a treasure message worth not less than US$200 million to compensate Ye Tian, ​​and promised not to seek revenge or interfere with the actions of the brave to explore the company.

Ye Tian also made a vague promise to end the frenzied revenge against ‘our cause’, and the grievances between each other were exposed. From now on, the road will be headed towards the sky, each side will go to one side, and the water will not be offended by the river.

Of course, there is a prerequisite here, that is, ‘our business’ must abide by its promise, take out the treasure information worth not less than 200 million US dollars, and compensate the brave fearless exploration company.

If "our cause" loses its promise, Ye Tian has a way to deal with these Mafia scum, and the Vatican will also come forward and put pressure on it.

The reconciliation agreement reached less than ten minutes, and the **** fighting that almost spread to the entire Sicily finally stopped. This beautiful island in the Mediterranean finally calmed down and began to lick the wounds.

Although the gunfire stopped, the people on Sicily were still terrified and panic all day long, and it would take some time for the mood to calm down.

Through this series of **** fights, everyone has a clearer understanding of how cruel and crazy the **** in Manhattan, New York, is simply an out-and-out lunatic.

Therefore, people have reached a consensus that in the future, it is better to stay away from that bastard, and as far as possible, let alone provoke that bastard, so that you can live longer and safer.

As the settlement agreement was reached, the mercenaries who sneaked into Sicily began to evacuate one after another, away from this beautiful island that they had ravaged arbitrarily, and went back to count the results of their battles, and then receive rewards.

Although I wish I could deprive these mercenaries who took the money and killed their brothers and friends alive, the mafia scum in "our career" finally held back and did not start the war again.

What can I do if I can't bear it?

This is a war that took place in my homeland. If it continues, the entire Sicily will be completely destroyed. God knows how many more brothers and friends will die.

Besides, those mercenaries are soldiers who have survived a hundred battles. They are just a group of gangsters with guns. They can deal with ordinary people and deal with well-trained soldiers. !

Not only the Mafia scumbags of "Our Career", the Italian government, the local government of Sicily, and the police also acquiesced in the withdrawal of these mercenaries and chose to turn a blind eye!

To a certain extent, they even felt a little grateful to Ye Tian and these mercenaries from all over the world, who dealt a heavy blow to the gang of mafia scum ‘our cause’ and dealt a heavy blow to them.

This is something they have always wanted to do, but they can't do it, or dare not let it go. Can you not be grateful?

Of course, these cannot be put on the bright side, as everyone knows it well.

Ye Tian shook hands with "Our Career" and stopped each other's vendetta, which also relieved the five major Mafia families in New York, and was not so nervous.

Especially the Gambino family who was involved in this fight was relieved. Everyone in the Gambino family felt that they had just walked out of **** and finally escaped.

As soon as he learned that the settlement agreement was reached, Gotti, the eldest of the Gambino family, picked up his mobile phone and called to tell his son Little Gotti that he didn't have to hide and could return to New York.

But Little Gotti still had lingering fears. He hung up the phone and immediately left Atlantic City where he was hiding and flew directly to Miami, where he would dare to return to New York.

For a long time in the future, Little Gotti does not intend to return to New York. He is really scared by the series of merciless **** killings, leaving a huge shadow that will linger throughout his life.

After finalizing the settlement agreement, Ye Tian and the others returned to the company. It was already around four in the afternoon.

Not long after returning to the company, Ye Tian's cell phone rang again. It was a call from Jason's boy.

After the call was connected, Jason's voice came over immediately.

"Good evening, Steven, oh no, I should say good afternoon, I forgot the seven-hour time difference between the two places, Athens here is evening, New York is afternoon"

When the voice fell, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Good evening, Jason, it should be me. How is the situation on your side? Tell me about it."

"Everything is ready, Steven, now when you arrive in Athens, we can set sail and explore the treasures of the blue Mediterranean. The scenery here is beautiful, and this journey of exploration must be very pleasant."

"That couldn't be better, but don't patronize you kid to admire the scenery and enjoy the warm sunshine of the Mediterranean, talk about other situations, such as the reaction of the Greeks"

"Okay, Steven, the day we arrived in Athens, we aroused the idea of ​​the relevant Greek departments. In the past two days, the Greek Ministry of Culture and the cultural heritage protection department have come to the door to inquire about the purpose of our trip.

In addition to these government departments, some folk culture protection organizations across Greece, as well as various universities in Greece, are also watching our every move and inquiring about treasures through various channels.

We ran into some troubles when renting yachts and diving equipment and purchasing various supplies. Some Greeks were unwilling to do our business, lest we robbed us of the national treasures belonging to Greece and treated us as bandits.

Fortunately, the Greeks are not monolithic. We have successfully completed all the preparations. According to your instructions, we have also released some news that the destination of our operation is on the high seas, not the mainland of Greece.

After the news came out, the Greeks' emotions relaxed a little, and their suspicion and hostility towards us also decreased a little. One more thing, some protesters appeared on the port today, mostly students from Greek universities."

Hearing what Jason reported, Ye Tian hesitated for a while before smiling and saying:

"After experiencing the previous treasure exploration operations that shocked the world, the Greeks had this kind of reaction. It was completely cleaned up, and I expected it. It is not surprising.

We will leave New York soon and go to Athens. Before we arrive in Athens, you still have to keep a low profile and try not to leave the port to avoid conflict with the locals.

As for what treasure we are going to explore in the Mediterranean this time, you can tell the visiting media that only I know all kinds of information about this treasure, and you know nothing.

In this way, the pressure you face should be less. In addition to being careful of the Greeks, you must also be careful of the Italian Mafia, especially the Bernano family and "our cause".

Although the Bernano family provided information about the treasure, no one knows whether this veteran mafia family is willing, especially after finding the treasure.

Then there are the scumbags in ‘our business’. This afternoon I reached a settlement with the mafia scumbags and ended the fight, but whether those guys keep their promises is a matter of two things.

Be careful with other Mafia families. The place where we are exploring the treasure this time is within easy reach of Sicily, the nest of the Mafia. Those scumbags will be jealous and take the risk!

When you, Sophie, and other employees of the company are visiting Athens and enjoying the beautiful scenery, you must also be careful of the local Greek gangsters. Whenever you go ashore, you must have security personnel to follow."

", we will be more careful. The security personnel who came with the ship are not furnishings."

Jason responded with confidence in his words.

Next, the two chatted for a while before ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian called Matisse into the office and said to him:

"Matis, you will notify Wilson of Raytheon to let the security personnel employed by us set off and sail out to the sea off the Strait of Andykihira, waiting to meet us.

Tomorrow morning, you will set off with a few guys and fly directly to Athens to fight for us. We just had a fight with the scum of "Our Career". We must be extremely cautious in this exploration."

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, there won't be any problems"

Matisse nodded in response, his expression quite excited.

New exploration activities are about to start again. This must be another sensational journey of exploration. Can you not feel excited?

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