Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 7 - Book Open

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The huge iron-winged bird hissed, more clearly than the previous dream, and you can see clearly at this moment.

This time, the dream is still a bit different. At this moment, a huge drop of golden blood is suspended in the dream, which is the blood of the iron winged bird.

The iron winged bird that was originally chasing and killing Su Yu seems to have been pulled.

At the next moment, the bird’s eyes looked at the golden blood, a little dazed.

Soon, the iron winged bird gave up chasing and killing Su Yu, and flew towards the golden blood in the void.

The iron winged bird flew faster and faster, before falling in front of the golden blood, and then hissed, swallowing the essence blood.


At this moment, the iron winged bird was like a golden sun shining brightly, shining through the dream.

At this moment, Su Yu also looked at the Iron Winged bird expectantly, what will happen next?

Essential blood is really useful!

While he was thinking, the next moment the winged bird suddenly became bigger and bigger and bigger, as if to explode.

Su Yu’s face changed, as expected, a bang boomed, the dream began to collapse, the iron wing bird burst into countless golden light spots, and disappeared into the dream in a blink of an eye, and Su Yu was also torn apart by this explosion.

At the last moment of the dream, a book that covered the sky suddenly appeared.

The book turned quickly, and the other pages were all white. Soon, the page turned to a page, and the golden light spot of the iron winged bird merged into it. This page was instantly lit, and a pattern of the iron winged bird appeared on the page. .

At this point in the dream, Su Yu woke up instantly.


Pain, pain like a burst of the head, the whole body is in pain, as if it had just been torn apart.

Su Yu woke up.

At this time, Su Yu’s eyes flickered and his dream was cracked.

At this moment, a looming book appeared in his mind.

The book that appeared in the dream!

“Dream becomes reality …”

Su Yu looked a little dignified. After so many years, it was worth the joy to break the dream, but why did this dream come true?

That booklet that absorbed the light spots of the Iron Winged Bird actually came to mind at this time.

Is it a ghost image, or do you really have a book in your head?

Su Yuguan thought about the book in his head, and his thoughts moved. At the next moment, the book began to turn pages. Soon, the page reached the page where the iron wings lighted up.

“Iron Wing Bird (Thousands of Seven):

Racial skills: tearing first level (essential blood on), iron-wing chopper (essential blood on)

Basic Yuan Jue: Nano Yuan (Essential Blood Open) “

There are only these short three-line characters, and they are not human languages, but scripts of the iron winged birds.

If Su Yu hadn’t learned it, I’m afraid I couldn’t understand it at all.

“Thousands of Thousand … Ethnic Skills, Basic Elements …”

Su Yu frowned, what is this book?

This so-called sperm blood opening, literally, needs to continue to absorb sperm blood, open … what to open?

Turn on skills?

Qianqiqizhong, should be the iron winged bird whose absorbed blood was Qianqiqizhong, which is easy to understand.

What does the latter stand for?

Su Yu’s thinking turned quickly, “Can it be said that as long as there is enough blood, I can open the Iron Wing bird’s skills?”

“Can I use it after starting the skill?”

“Even if I can use it, what is my strength, Kaiyuan Sanzhong or Qianqi Qizhong?”

“How long can it last? Will there be sequelae?”

“Where did this book come from?”

Su Yu’s eyes kept blinking. This dream began more than ten years ago. Could it be that this book was in his mind more than ten years ago?

Who put it in his head?

Is there any conspiracy?

There are many strong races in the tens of thousands of races in the heavens. Is it possible that they are a conspiracy of a certain race and want to use themselves to make chaos within the human race?

Su Yu had to think so!

Some races of the Ten Thousand Tribes are very insidious, and this kind of thing has not happened to the Human Race. Many strong human races have been calculated and influenced by the Ten Thousand Tribes. A member.

“However, with a tens of billions of human beings, I am just the most ordinary member. Even if you are bewitched, you don’t have to plan on me for more than ten years?

Su Yu was still puzzled, and then some unbearable heartbeat.

Would you like to try it?

In addition, this book feels very thick and thick, and only one page has been opened now. Does that mean it can open other pages?

Thinking, Su Yu suddenly felt a faint fluctuation.

At the next moment, Su Yu was a little surprised. The fluctuation came from the pages of the book, not the language, but a fluctuation similar to the spirit description.

“It can be opened, as long as it is the race I dreamed of, it can be opened if the corresponding essence blood is found, but I am only in Kaiyuan Realm, so when consuming the essence blood, you must consider the body’s ability to bear …”

Su Yu understands, for example, he now feels that his body is very explosive and very painful, and he only devours the blood of the iron winged bird.

If the essence and blood of Wan Shijing, Su Yu is afraid that he will die even if he does not die.


Su Yu murmured, he understood a little bit, every dream in these years, each dream represents a race.

This time the book is opened, it is not that the blood of the iron winged bird has such a big effect, but that it can be opened as long as there is the ethnic blood of the dream he dreamed of.

But before Su Yu didn’t know those race creatures, let’s talk about how he could devour the essence blood with Kaiyuan triple.

If he didn’t understand the meaning this time, he wouldn’t take the risk.

One carelessness, it was fatal.

“Basic Yuan Jue, Yuan Yuan …”

Su Yu didn’t think about it any more, and suddenly thought of the basic element formula of the third line. Na Yuan formula is the basic formula of the Iron Wing Bird family. The only function is to absorb part of the vitality.

“Na Yuan Jue … Jingxue opened?”

Su Yu’s eyes flickered, “What do you mean, can I still use the blood to open the Na Yuan tactics, and fail to absorb the vitality?”

“Kaiyuanyuan cannot actively absorb vitality, and can only passively wait for refining.”

He didn’t care too much about racial skills, tearing and iron-wing slashing are the basic skills of the iron winged bird, and the human race also has induction. The opening of the essence blood may be to allow Su Yu to learn this, or to reach a thousand and seven levels of strength. Too concerned.

It is this Na Yuan tactic that can also be opened with essence and blood. What is this?

The human race cannot take the initiative to absorb the vitality before reaching the limit. The role of “Kaiyuan Jue” is only to make the ethnic group gather some vitality, so that the surrounding vitality is stronger, the passive quenching takes longer, and the effect is better.

“Na Yuan Jue …”

Su Yu suddenly felt a little overwhelmed with excitement. If he can open Na Yuan Jue, does that mean he can actively absorb the vitality in a Kai Yuan realm?

Kaiyuan Jiuzhong has a long time, the key is that it cannot actively guide the vital energy into the body, because the human body cannot form a continuous system of acupuncture points.

What if it can be actively absorbed?

“But … the consequences are open to question!”

“What are the consequences of absorbing vitality? Also, how much seminal blood is needed to open? If it’s a drop of seminal blood, how long can it last?”

“How efficient?”

“This stuff is very expensive, 50,000 drops, if a drop can only last a few minutes, then there is no need to waste this money.”

Numerous thoughts flashed in Su Yu’s mind. In addition, other race pages require essence blood to open, where to get so much essence blood.

Suddenly, Su Yu felt that his brain was not enough.

“Maybe … I should experiment!”

“Another thing is, where does this stuff come from, do I have to ask the teacher?”

After thinking about it, Su Yu quickly rejected the idea.

Even if this thing is placed artificially, teachers will not know that their strength is too low. This is not what they can touch. This thing can be maintained for more than ten years without being noticed by anyone, let alone thousands of stones, it is empty. The environment is not necessarily known.

“Imagination is not understood, it is best to try it.”

Su Yu was thinking, suddenly a loud noise came from the gate!

At the next moment, Chen Hao waved his schoolbag and shouted: “I have notified Jifengtang, and I will continue to stay without fear of death! Upstairs and downstairs are strong, go!


Su Yu was dull.

Chen Hao’s schoolbag waved loudly, and after a roar, there was some movement upstairs and downstairs.

Soon, someone upstairs shouted, “What’s wrong?”

“The beasts of the Wanzu religion are here?”


“Surround them!”


Su Yu is no longer sluggish and hurriedly shouted: “It’s okay, it’s okay! Uncle Zhou, Chen Hao and I are joking, sorry, sorry!”

Soon, an old man came out of the air, carrying a kitchen knife and fiddled with the door that opened Chen Hao. When he saw that Su Yu was okay, he was relieved: “I thought that the beasts of the Ten Thousands religion came, your dad just Go, be careful, and greet us at any time! “

After all, Chen Hao slapped his head in a daze.

“Mad, who made you roar? It’s okay, don’t roar. If this is the guy who really came from the Wanzu religion, next time we don’t take it seriously, wouldn’t it hurt people?”

The old man was very annoyed. Of course, it was not Chong Suyu, but Chen Hao.

“Boy Chen, dare to report false letters next time, and I will ask your father to drag you downstairs and hang up!”

Chen Hao was sad and wanted to explain, not me!

It’s Su Yu!

Suddenly the guy sent a message to himself and let himself break in. Could he not think much?


Su Yu got up and felt that his body was still a bit painful, but fortunately, most of his blood might have been absorbed by the album. Some were sore, but he was not injured.

Unable to take care of these, Su Yu quickly apologized, Uncle Zhou looked relieved, and then couldn’t help but patted Chen Hao’s head.

Look, why the gap between you and the Su family is so big.


Chen Hao wants to cry without tears!

Su Yu also smiled secretly and quickly asked, “Is it true that Jifengtang has been notified?”

“No, scare people!”

Chen Hao was unhappy, and he didn’t know if something had happened, how would he inform Jifengtang.

“That’s good.”

Su Yu let out a sigh of relief, and Chen Hao said unpleasantly: “What is good, why are you sending me that kind of message, because I thought you had an accident.”

At this moment, the uncles and aunts upstairs and downstairs saw that everything was fine and left.

Su Yu let out a sigh of relief, pulled Chen Hao into the door, and closed the door: “I just felt a little dizzy and I was afraid of fainting, so I sent you a message, didn’t you let you knock on the door first?”

“Oh, are you okay?”

At this time, Chen Hao didn’t investigate anymore, and he was worried. “You will not be hungry, right? Uncle Su is gone. Are you running out of food?”

“Or go to my house to eat later, my dad asked me to call you before, I’m afraid you won’t open your face …”

Su Yu couldn’t help crying, did I starve myself to death?

But it was a little touched. Although this guy was nagging and nervous, he was very concerned about his friend.

“It’s okay. It was too long to practice Kaiyuan Jue last night. I felt a little uncomfortable in the morning. Now it’s all right.”

“That’s good!”

Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, “Then do you still go to school today? Or … you call the coaching teacher and say you are sick, and I accompany you to the medical office, so please take a leave for me? “


Su Yu just moved away without a touch!

This guy is not saved!

He didn’t dare to abstain from school, but actually thought of asking him to ask him for leave.


With a laugh and curse, Su Yu thought for a while and said, “No leave, go to school today, I happen to have something to go to school.”

“You go too?”

Chen Hao is at a loss, why are you so variable?

I asked you before if you do n’t go, and now you have to go again. Are the smart people with so many brains changing so much?

Su Yu was too lazy to take care of him. He went to the academy to find a channel. Is there a way to get Iron Wing Bird’s essential blood or other essential blood?

Xia’s firm is too arrogant!

With a drop of 50,000, Su Yu had the money left, and it was not enough to stop his teeth.

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