Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 8 - Fire of civilization

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Nanyuan Middle School.

Chen Hao went to the pre-examination class, he had to take the class, Su Yu went straight to the resource office.

“Su Yu, do you want to exchange the blood of Iron Wing Bird?”

The management of the Resource Department was a bit surprised: “The blood of Qianjun Realm is helpful to Qianjun Realm. Not only is Kaiyuan Realm not a help, but it is also a poison. What do you do for this?”

“Teacher Zhang, can you change it?”

Su Yu said with a smile: “You also know that I have been studying ancestry data. The iron winged bird is one of my more researches, so I want to purchase some essential blood for research, but the price is too expensive, so I came to the school. Just ask … “

“It’s a good thing. In the past few years, you have obtained a total of 18 Wanzi language qualifications. In addition to the three must-learn, the other 15 are all rewarded. A total of 15 merits. Kaiyuan triple has 3 points, which is 18 merit … … “

The management of the Resource Department checked the information and quickly said: “But you have spent 6 o’clock, which is used in the library, and there are 12 o’clock left.”

“Ok, I know.”

Su Yu said with a smile: “How many iron wings can you change for the remaining 12 o’clock?”

“You have to change this … this is not very useful, it’s a waste!”

The management teacher has to remind: “The Iron Winged Bird in the Thousands of Realms is very strong for you, but it is a cannon fodder in the battlefields of the heavens, and the merit points are common to all universities. You can even accumulate some valuable resources in higher education institutions. . “

“You can easily accumulate to 18 points in a secondary school, and you will be rewarded with 1 point if you learn a Mandarin language, but it is not so easy to reach a higher school.”

“It’s not worth changing this! When you go to a higher education institution, some hidden materials, advanced exercises, including some courses may require merit points in exchange, including the military can be used universally …”

“I know all of this, isn’t it?”

Su Yu smiled bitterly, he knew.

Isn’t it run out of money?

There is money, more than 200,000, it is no problem to buy 5 drops, the key is that I still have to live next.

There is no entry for Kaiyuanjing. You have to reserve some money for higher education.

Merit points, this is the most important kind of trading system outside Anping Coin.

Money can buy many things, but not many things.

Higher strategic resources, advanced exercises, and even some inheritance all require merit points. This is a manifestation of the human race’s contribution to humanity.

You don’t contribute to the human race, even if you have a lot of money, you may not be able to buy things.

Both merit points and costs are counted, including the accumulation of original merit points. For example, Su Yu gained 18 points. Even if he spent all of them, he will continue to accumulate these 18 points.

After 100 points, Su Yu has greater authority.

This also puts an end to a lot of people who are rich but have not contributed much to privately purchase a large number of merit points to buy some rare strategic materials.

Some rich people, even if they acquired tens of thousands of merit points, but his initial level is not enough, and merit points can not buy something.

Wen Yan, the management of the Resource Department, sighed: “Then I will not persuade you. In fact, it is still too early for you to do research! Nanyuan Middle School also lacks such conditions. When you reach the higher education, some research can apply for subsidies. Even release resources for research. “

“Iron Winged Birds are common in battlefields in the heavens, and the research value is actually not high. I want you to say that even if you study, you should change to another …”

Su Yu said with a smile: “You are right, is there any anchovy sperm in this school?”


The teacher in the management office said a little bit, “That’s not there, that thing is in the boundary of the Zheshan Mountain, the battlefields in the heavens are rare, and the weakest people coming to the battlefields in the heavens have the Wanshi Realm, and even the vacant realm. Yes, we naturally cannot have this. “

That’s not enough.

Su Yu could recognize a few of the races that were dreamed of, including the anchovy.

However, Wan Shijing started. He is now taking Wan Shi Jing’s essence blood. Even if the album absorbs the energy of essence blood, he can’t hold his own flesh, so he might explode.

As for the blood of other uncertain races, he dare not take it arbitrarily. Once he has never dreamed, the album is not absorbed, and he can’t hold it himself.

After much deliberation, it is still the safest iron winged bird.

“Teacher, change it for me.”

“How many drops do you want? One merit, one drop is really not worth it …”

The teacher once again reminded: “The value of merit points is not too high, even 10,000 points on the bright side, but there are actually things that money cannot represent, you know what I mean.”

“Thank you teacher for reminding!”

Su Yu nodded quickly, and quickly said: “Change 3 drops first, if I don’t have enough, I will change again.”


The teacher of the management office felt helpless when he did not listen to the dissuasion. He quickly arranged for someone to pick it up. When he was waiting for someone, he thought about it and reminded him: “Your dad went to the battlefields in the heavens two days ago. The school knows about this. If you are not at home, you have to be more careful yourself recently. The guy of the Wanzu religion is active in Daxiafu. You should also know. “

“Well, but it has nothing to do with me?”

“It doesn’t matter!”

The teacher scolded: “Be careful! The beasts of the Wanzu religion, the main goal is not the strong, nor the genius, at least not the genius of the monk, but the wise!”

“Although you can’t talk about being a wise man, you are the reserve of a few civilized schools in Nanyuan Middle School!”

“The damage caused by the strong is limited, but the damage caused by the wise is unlimited! In the battlefields of the heavens, the human race can guard for hundreds of years, not only by the invincible strong, but also the wise men in the back!”

“Who have n’t been assassinated some of the top researchers in the Institute of Civilization? These people deciphered the Ten Thousand Clan Skills and studied their civilization in depth.

The management teacher admired a little: “They paid a lot in silence, no less than any invincible strong! But most of them lacked the necessary combat power, so even in the rear, they often become the target of the Ten Thousand Races, and assassinations are common.”

“The guys of the Wanzu religion are engaged in sabotage within the human race, but not to assassinate individual strongmen, the main target is them!”

“Although you haven’t entered the school of civilization, you don’t know too many languages, but you are still young, but it is more dangerous than the few monks and nuns in the school. Kaiyuan’s fourfold and fivefold are not necessarily worth their shots.”

“A Kaiyuan Realm, how long does it take to practice to the sky?”

“The wise man, maybe ten or twenty years, can decipher a skill, find out their shortcomings, and kill them in a targeted manner … This is much more dangerous than a vacant territory.”

Su Yu smiled bitterly, right?

Although I have mastered 18 languages, it is too few for the tens of thousands of ethnic groups, and most of them are common languages.

“Don’t take things seriously, be careful and pay attention! When you are in danger, please call for help at any time. The inspection of Nanyuan Mansion has also been strengthened. The deployment of Jifengtang has begun to be strengthened, including a team of Longwu stationed in Nanyuan Mansion. Wei also started patrolling. “

“If you are in trouble, ask for help aloud, at most tens of seconds, someone will definitely arrive.”

Su Yujian said seriously, and nodded quickly: “Teacher rest assured, I know! Nanyuan Mansion is so small, those guys may not come to us, even if they come, say something unpleasant … I should still not No. “

“This is also true.”

The teacher smiled, “But you can’t carelessly, especially when you go to Liu to teach, you must be careful!”


Su Yu stunned slightly, “Liu teaches …”

“Do n’t get me wrong, I mean, Liu ’s teaching is the strongest coach in the Wanyuan language of the Nanyuan secondary school. Every year, our school is enrolled in the Civilization Institute, and out of it, 9 out of 10 are taught by him.”

“Director Liu will definitely be the biggest goal of Wanzu. If the other party comes to Nanyuan, he will be the first to be assassinated, not the governor or the city owner.”

“Director Liu is Mars, and Mars is lit up, at least for Nanyuan, so I remind you to be careful.”

Su Yu’s face changed, “Teacher, isn’t it dangerous for Liu to coach?”

“It’s okay, don’t worry too much. Now the governor personally protects Liu’s coaching, including Longwuwei. Some people also secretly protect. There is even a team from Jifengtang. I just remind you to go to Liu’s coaching. At that time, pay attention to safety on the road! “

Su Yu was relieved, and Liu, the managerial teacher, was also Su Yu’s devoted teacher. Su Yu mastered 18 languages, almost all of which came from this old coach.

As the management teacher said, Liu ’s coaching may not be a big deal in Daxia, but in Nanyuan, especially Nanyuan Middle School, it is indeed a propagator of civilization.

He has been teaching for so many years and has brought out hundreds of students from civilized universities.

Most of these hundreds of students have graduated, and now they play a certain role in Daxiafu, even in the entire human race.

It may not be too big, but the inheritance of human civilization is supported by this group of grassroots.

If the Wanzus came to Nanyuan City and wanted to assassinate people, Liu ’s teaching was indeed more important than the city ’s master.

Between the two talking, the staff took the blood of the iron winged bird.

3 drops!

In exchange for 3 drops of essential blood, Su Yu still has 9 points of merit. He also has some physical pain. In the past few years, he only spent 6 points after viewing countless materials in the library. It took 3 points at once, which is too luxurious.

Having taken the bottle containing the essence blood, Su Yu asked again: “Teacher, has Liu been in the school these days?

“Normal work, let him go to the main palace for a while, he is not happy, he can only let him continue to work.”

“Then I will go to see Liu coaching.”

Su Yu was originally prepared to fetch something and went home to try it out, but now she has changed her mind and went to see Liu as a coach to ask some questions.

The school.

Liu Wenyan, who was in the sixtieth year of the pasture, was keeping records while not looking up: “The governor, there is no need to follow me all the time, just in the school, how can it be so dangerous.”

Beside him, the head of the academy, who had also been in flower armor, smiled and said, “I don’t disturb you, what are you doing?”

“You gasped disturbing me.”


The governor couldn’t help crying and laughing, and soon heard Liu Wenyan crack down: “What’s more, you have just broken the Wanshi Realm, so weak, it’s actually useless to come.”


The old governor is helpless, weak?

Kind of.

It ’s really nothing to break the Wanshi Realm if you ’re over 60 years old, but this is the rear, Nanyuan City, the smallest of the 28 cities under the jurisdiction of the Daxia House.

He is not the city master, but the governor of a secondary school. Why should he be so strong?

The real strongman either went to the Daxia Mansion or went to the battlefields of the heavens. In Nanyuan City, he was okay.

“Hey, do you think I want to be with you?”

The old governor did not have a good air: “It’s not too important for you to be an old thing. In the 20 years of Nanyuan City, 320 students have been admitted to the Civilization Institute. The average number of students is only 16 each year, and half of them are taught by you. Could it be the nails of others? “

“Not at all.”

Liu Wenyan also smiled, “After all, it’s just a small Nanyuan City, and I was admitted to such a few people in a year. It’s not worth mentioning to the entire Daxiafu. Do you think the Wanzu Church is staring at me?”

“It’s hard to say, anyway, it’s more important than the old man. I’m a weak man. I’m probably too lazy to watch. It’s not worth killing.”

The governor made a joke, and this is indeed the case. Wan Shijing is not weak, but it does not play a big role in the battlefields of the heavens.

Killing a flower and a stone in the rear may take a few lives. People of the Wanzu religion really won’t do this at a loss.

The two were chatting, and the governor’s ears moved slightly, and he quickly smiled and said, “Su Yu is here. This kid is more promising than his father!”

“Don’t belittle Su Long. Isn’t it that he refused you to come to the school as the head of the guard?

Liu Wenyan also smiled and looked up: “Su Long’s guy, the blood is still there, I saw it earlier, he was not reconciled to return like this, he had been planning to enter Long Wuwei before, there was really no hope. Give up. “

The old man snorted with a sneer and said, “He clearly can’t get in. Before the age of 30, there are still some dramas, how old they are, and they are also expecting to enter the Dragon Wuwei. Wan Shijiu is almost the same.”

“That’s also stronger than you. It won’t die in the battlefields of the heavens. I’m afraid it will be Wanshi Realm after two years.”

Liu Wenyan said and smiled again: “Su Yu is also good. After he went to the Daxia Civilization Institute, although he was not a genius, it would also be the mainstay of the future fighting against the ten thousand people. This pair of father and son is stronger than you and me …”

The old governor nodded slightly, and soon sighed, “If I didn’t hurt my foundation in the battlefields of those days, I wouldn’t retreat. When I was this broken governor, I didn’t mean anything.”

“It’s good to come back alive. There aren’t many soldiers on the battlefields that haven’t hurt their foundations. On that occasion, they didn’t forcibly break through above the Seventh Realm in time, and the value of the cannon fodder was not.”

Liu Wenyan also sighed. Most of the soldiers in the battlefields of the heavens may have no hope of escaping into the air for life. This is also impossible.

In that ghostly place, the fighting was fierce and did not break through quickly. The recruits had to die in a few days, and no one could care so much.

The war school took away the genius seedlings, other ordinary people can only struggle to survive.

During the speech, Su Yu entered the door.

Liu Wenyan smiled, and he was still very satisfied with Su Yu, a student who had endured bitterness and patience. Although he was not the top genius, the human race needed more than genius, but also a step-by-step approach. A good seedling before going.

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