Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

5-12 Poison

Sorry for the late release, Scribblehub is being weird again; my end shows the chapter was published, but it wasn't getting any views.

When I checked incognito mode, I saw that the chapter had apparently not been published... No idea.

When we got back inside the palace proper Rupert addressed the guards,

“My fiancé is not to be allowed back out for at least a month… Any more than that, and she will find some other way.” Turning to me he frowned, “Before you say anything else, please… think it through carefully.”

“…Right, I will make certain to.”

It was a bit irritating that he was basically punishing me, but given the potential gravity of my mistake his stance was understandable. A month was not really a big deal either; building a new spy order was going to be occupying the vast majority of my time going forward anyway. It would honestly be surprising if I had the chance to visit Drakas before the spring came.

Actually, I really picked a screwy name. King Drakas sits on the throne of Drakas in the city of Drakas below the mountain whereupon lives the dragon Drakas… No wonder he fell into a giggle fit, that name is generic as hell…

Together we left the inner gateway room and, after being rejoined by our respective entourages, began to walk back towards the main part of the palace. We still had a short distance over which we would be travelling together, and I planned to make use of it to go over the few remaining things for which Rupert was needed. “Prince Rupert, before we part ways… have you given Sasha any special instructions?”

He sunk into thought for a moment, “Sasha…? Ah, your maid. I have not, why do you ask?”

“Ah, well she seems to have decided that she needs to educate me on a few things… To the point where she is refusing some orders, deeming them beneath me.”

“I see, well it is true that there are some actions you should no longer take, it is not her place to lecture you… Since you likely would not have her punished, simply send one of your other attendants.”

“Thank you for clarifying, I had thought to use Ferris already, but wanted to know if she was acting of her own accord or not.”

Rupert nodded, “She is not. If you wish for something to be done, tell Gustav or Ferdinand as the latter will be under your purview following his return to the palace. Whatever you decide, do keep in mind the secrets we hold.”

Right, that is a concern since anyone sufficiently close to me would eventually learn about my body. Speaking of which…

“May I have Lady Elienor?”

Rupert had already been handed a sheaf of papers by one of his manservants and was beginning to read it. He paused and glanced at me over the top of them, “Explain.”

“Even if she is granted a stay of execution, she cannot go free given what her family has done. Though eccentric, she does have talent… Besides this, she is my friend. I would like to offer her the same deal that Ferris has. It strikes me that Sasha is quite overworked, being the only female member of my staff.”

The woman in question looked surprised at my spoken concern for her, understandable given that I had just finished putting her on blast for refusing to deliver a letter to Sieg.

Obviously she’s overworked though, Lucy and Frieda were barely able to do what Jacqueline managed on her own between the two of them. Sasha has only met me a few weeks ago, and is on her own.

“On that subject, if it is possible, I would also like to employ Lucy and Frieda; my maids from when I was living with the Francois… I know that you do not want to stack up too many small contracts, but if we keep the terms between these three identical to what Ferris has, there should be no conflict.”

Rupert was shaking his head.

I see, I guess it isn’t going to be possible then.

“A basic service contract will suffice; please, do not go about talking about assembling a legion of slave servants as though you were buying pets…”

Ah, apparently that was a touchy subject, duly noted.

Looking around, it was pretty obvious that my talk had made those assembled somewhat uncomfortable.

I had Felicity for almost two years, yet I know almost nothing about how slavery works… It’s not like I was avoiding learning about it, just that nobody really talks about it among my friends and acquaintances… Apparently, it isn’t a socially acceptable topic. Thinking about it, I only know of a few other nobles who even had slaves in the first place.

It looked like it was possible that it wasn’t as widely utilized as I had originally thought.

Well, I can look into that at my leisure; especially if I ever decide to try and introduce abolition, I’ll need to confirm exactly how widespread the matter is. For now, anything else I needed to ask Rupert? Ah, the plan I was toying with for the spies.

“I will take that under advisement… It looks like this is where we will be parting ways,” Ahead of us was the branch in the hallways where Rupert would continue straight, towards his offices, while I would turn off towards my own lodgings, “Before we go, about the plan we discussed-”

“You already have some ideas I take it. I will inform my father and await your report.”

While cutting me off, he waved a hand in a motion that looked like he was using it to saw through his throat. The message was clear “be quiet.” He then tapped his ear, signaling that we had people listening to us. Since he was using signs, I could intuit that we were not being watched.

Who and where?

Closing my mouth without complaint, I activated my divine eyes and glanced around to see if anything stood out. Nothing did, however; all of our entourage looked normal, and I could not see any other light sources in the vicinity. Though, it wasn’t like I had eyes of true sight. My divine eyes could not see spells, or mana not tied to a living thing. I could always cast [Silence], but without using Eidetic memory for the magic language, the spell would not be modified and thus would be hardly effective against a determined eavesdropper.

I need to fix my skills and talents as a priority… Adroni said that it would just take time, but there is no telling how much time they meant… and I’m not really sure if I trust them or not anyway. For now, I’ll get Ferdinand to look into this when he gets back; people eavesdropping on the crown prince and his wife is definitely in my purview as the new Spy Master… though I haven’t actually been appointed as such yet.

The fact that Rupert made no further moves after shushing me meant that it was probably only a possibility that we were being listened to. In all fairness, it was a possibility that should have been on my mind as well; the fact that he had to point it out to me was negligent on my part.

Not really a mistake I would have made normally… I imagine I am quite shaken from meeting a real live dragon though… I’ll double-check everything I want to say before speaking for the next little while.

My head bobbed sharply by way of acknowledgment to Rupert’s impromptu game of charades, then curtsied, “Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to cater to my request; the view from the peak was as gorgeous as I had thought it might be. Until next time, Prince Rupert.”

Rupert bowed, “Indeed, thank you for accompanying me, until next time Lady Stahlia.”

With our close-but-not too close goodbyes said, Rupert and I separated and my own entourage made our way towards my quarters.

“Sasha, when we return prepare the drawing-room for guests and send summons to Sieg, I would like to speak to him.”

Though my vision was focused forward, my ears caught the sound of my maid missing a step.

“My lady, are you certain?”

The corners of my mouth twitched towards a frown but I suppressed the impulse, “Yes, I am certain I will not enjoy this however I have come to realize that I cannot continue to cater to everyone else’s schedule and feelings. As difficult as it will no doubt be, I have to rise to meet the challenges of my position.”

Sorry Sieg, but I can’t afford to play some weird cat and mouse game betting on the slim chance that you don’t perceive anything I say as an order. Hopefully, whatever friendship we had before this will last, or at the very least you won’t come to despise me.

Two hours later, Sieg was ushered into the drawing-room where he then promptly knelt.

Of course it would start with this, damnit…

“Sieg, I have not been coronated yet so please do not kneel… Sasha, please prepare tea for the two of us.”

“My lady?” Sasha raised a questioning eyebrow, no doubt she was thinking something along the lines of ‘Why don’t you just say what you want to say and dismiss him?’

Well, you want me to act like my station, so here goes.

“Sasha, I believe I have given you an instruction.” There was a bit more of a bite to my voice than I had wanted.

Sasha performed a half curtsy and set about carrying out my orders after a quick apology, “Please forgive the delay.”

Those leaves, that’s one of the herbal blends I helped Sana make in Sieg’s store… That’s a nice touch, but when did you ever have a chance to learn that?

Apparently Sasha had been doing her best behind the scenes for my benefit.

I’ll need to apologize for getting short with her just now, and for snubbing her in front of Rupert and the other servants earlier today… Or would she be upset if I did? ‘A proper royal should never apologize to a servant.’ She’s hard to read… Whatever, I’ll apologize, and if she says anything in protest, I’ll just tell her it was my decision to do so and to stop complaining.

Hopefully, things would get easier in a few days once she got help but for now, in the immediate future, there was the matter with Sieg.

“Firstly, Sieg, I want to apologize,” Though my ears were tuned behind me, Sasha gave no indication that she had any opinions on what words had just come from my mouth, “It seems that Ferdinand made an ass of himself when he had you come along with my parents; I have spoken to him regarding that; it was not my intention to spring the matter of you being a witness like that.”

Pausing for a moment to gauge his reaction, I then continued, “Due to the specific nature of my relationship with Prince Rupert, there were very few who could serve as one of my witnesses. I,”

“My lady, if I may?”

He interrupted me, that’s a good sign for our friendship, I hope. Though, I wish he wouldn’t ‘my lady’ me like that.


After receiving my permission, Sieg continued, “I am not daft, I know better than most what kind of crazy events you get yourself involved with; I also have a feeling I know where this is coming from. Be assured, I will keep the secrets expected of me, not out of any fear, but as a favor to our friendship.”

He spoke words that I had dared not hope to hear. Despite everything that had gone on, he was still willing to call himself my friend. Then, he kept talking.

“That being said, please understand that things have changed a great deal. The little girl who grew up making a mess of my brother’s shop had a tendency to get overly attached to things and people. While I will always look back on those memories fondly, out of respect for your new station; I cannot permit you to continue calling me a friend.”

My heart lurched, but his response was more or less what I originally expected. That did not make things any easier, just a bit less shocking.

“I suppose I could order you otherwise, but what would be the point in that?” Shutting my eyes tightly, I took a deep breath. When they opened, Sieg the alchemist was sitting where my friend Sieg had been a moment ago, “Regarding our previous arrangement, have you made any progress?”

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion, probably wondering if it was really that easy.

Of course it isn’t, but if this is your decision, I’ll respect it. I can easily see what sort of trouble would arise from me calling a commoner alchemist a friend. Better for both of us if you become a footnote in my autobiography as the owner of the shop I learned alchemy at.

When he saw no reaction to his suspicious look, Sieg swallowed, “No, unfortunately, I have not been able. My sources within the kingdom have been exhausted over the past year; none have been able to come through.”

My head bowed in real, not acted sorrow, “…Thank you for your efforts… Am I to understand then, that if you were permitted to reach outside the kingdom you might yet be able to find something?”

Sieg nodded, “Yes, if I were permitted to publicize the request amongst foreign suppliers, I may be able to find something.”

True to my original stipulations about being discreet, Sieg had not reached outside of his shop’s regular suppliers. What he was asking for now then, was my permission to make the request public. Unfortunately, that was something that could not be allowed.

If word got out that the ‘fiancée’  of Drakas’ next king was seeking an ingredient for a Goddess Draught, especially with the past and present turmoil in the kingdom… No, that can’t happen. Even if I tell him not to use my name, people would be able to make the connection between his shop and me, the prodigious and inventive alchemist.

“Unfortunately, I cannot allow that; this is a personal request not a matter of state… I am sure you understand.”

“Of course, I will let my contacts know that the request is still open, however there is not much left I can do beyond that.” His tone was apologetic, and not in a way that suggested a businessman missing out on a lucrative deal; he was genuine.

Of course you wouldn’t be able to just cut off everything like he did; I’m sure he still has some lingering thoughts on the matter.

When I left Ris the first time, Sieg was a reminder of his older brother and a close friend in his own right. Upon my return to Ris after what happened in Ang we had agreed that since I was growing up, it would be best if we took a more professional approach to our friendship. Now, he was breaking things off completely.

The more I think about it, the worse it feels. Yet another connection to my past being severed… I’d at least like to hang onto this connection, even if we won’t be able to call each other friends anymore.

There was one way I could go about it, but it was a longshot whether or not Sieg would accept or not. Odds are, he would consider it more trouble than it was worth.

And there’s the potential that he will interpret it as an order, even if I say it isn’t… You know what? My true self is supposedly prideful and selfish. If Drakas, an actual dragon recognized me, what have I got to lose by embracing it just a little?

“Sieg, thank you for your efforts… I do have another business opportunity that you may be interested in, if you would hear it?”

Obviously, my honeyed words put him immediately on guard; it was pretty blatant that I was endeavoring to hold onto the connection he was attempting to sever. Unfortunately for him, given the difference in our stations me asking if he wanted to hear something was the same as me telling him to pay attention. He gave a noncommittal guarded nod in the affirmative, effectively “giving me permission” to continue.

“One of my upcoming duties will require a rather skilled alchemist. Of course, I personally meet the requirements, but I will be too busy with other matters to attend to it myself… Out of respect for our previous friendship, I would like to offer you first refusal on the post.”

Obviously, I was referring to my work rebuilding the Order of Shadows. Someone would need to attend to the procurement and manufacturing of the new Order’s potions and poisons. Truth be told, Sieg had been my first pick even before he brought up ending our friendship. Now, I could use the offer framed as a business deal to prevent him from severing that bond. Bringing it up “out of respect for our previous friendship” was the best I could do to avoid making it a direct order.

Sieg frowned, mulling over my words. After a moment he glanced at Sasha, who was standing impassively in the corner. Likely, he was looking to see if there was any sign that she knew about this, or if it was something I had just made up to keep him connected to me. Whatever information he gleaned from my maid was irrelevant though.

“As you may recall the injuries of my previous maid, Prince Rupert has taken note of my feelings regarding her treatment; he has asked me to put together an order in the kingdom to take care of people like her. Obviously, such work would require a steady supply of potions made by skilled hands.”

Sieg’s eyes turned as large as dinner saucers. After all, both he and his brother Sven knew about the Order of Shadows, at least in rumors. They also knew or suspected Jacqueline to have been a member. By mentioning her and talking about forming a kingdom-wide order, I had made it pretty obvious what job Sieg was being offered.

A special thanks to Rita152, CypressLB, Loliconhanter, and Plus1 for Beta Reading and for helping to edit this chapter!

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