Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

5-13 Debut

There was a bit of a hiccup with the previous main chapter not showing up in the chapter index. This has been fixed now, so if you happened to miss it don't forget to read that one first!

The next three main chapters, starting with this one, are going to be rather bitter.

Lots of self-doubt and insecurity; I spoke with several people who went through a similar experience to or main character (attempted sexual assault), so the way she is acting and feeling now should be accurate.

It ends on a lighter note though, and I plan to release this month's extra chapters between these to break it up a bit. For this month, there will be a family outing in the capital, and a look at what Sasha actually thinks of her new mistress.


Stahlia, Sixteen Years Old, Eleventh Month of 948

Following my meeting with Sieg, it was nearly time for me to make my return to public life. As far as the business proposal, Sieg had requested some time to think about it and Sasha had made arrangements for him to stay in the palace’s servant’s quarters while he did so. If he perceived this as me pressuring him to take the offer then that was fine; he would be more or less correct. Not that there would be any repercussions if he did say no, there was no way that I would let anything happen to him because of me.

I do feel a bit bad about it, but whatever.

“My lady, I need you to focus.” Sasha had become a lot more docile and accommodating recently, though she was still strict.

“My apologies, what were you saying?” We were currently going over the plans for my engagement ceremony.

Though I fail to see the point in planning out every minute detail like this; the chances that things proceed perfectly according to such a complicated plan are effectively null.

In short, the engagement ceremony that was to double as my return to public life was a sort of gala. There would be tables for each attending noble family, a space for an orchestra, and an area for dancing. Owing to the length of time that had been wasted by my coma, the ceremony announcing the engagement, as well as the party welcoming me into the royal family was being held at once.

I was meant to enter with Rupert escorting me, where the king would then make an appearance to announce his endorsement of our engagement. He would then denounce the first prince thereby bringing the few remaining neutral nobles to our side.

Rupert would give a speech, followed by a few words from me. During these was when I was meant to plead for Elienor’s life. Rupert would grant my request, and we would then lead the assembled younger nobles in a dance. At that point, I was more or less free. Though not really; Edith would be bringing me around and introducing me to the key players among the nobility.

I just hope I can remember their names and faces without [Eidetic Memory]…

At this point, my talents and skills had yet to actually make any sort of recovery and were still showing up in that strange, garbled text. Fortunately, I did have Edith to help me, but this was really something I needed to do on my own.

“…My lady, are you listening?”

Oh shit.

“Yes, I just need to do my best to follow that plan then, correct?”

Sasha looked like she was developing a headache, but she nodded all the same, “Yes, just stick to the plan. Lady Edith  and Lord Gustav will deal with anything unexpected that might crop up.”

Somehow, I feel like I’m being sidelined at my own debut… Then again, it is true that I am woefully inexperienced with politics. I might be able to fight and scheme, but that’s hardly what I’ll need to do as queen… Hopefully, I can pick it up quickly.

Of course, I knew the theory. After all, I had been aware that I would have to learn politics ever since signing the contract with Rupert. But I had no real practical experience; other than breaking up with Dominic I had not had any major interactions with the nobility. It certainly did not help that I had been largely ignored and avoided by my peers in the few weeks between leaving the Francois and going into my third coma.

“Please… just follow their lead.”

“I fully intend to; I am well aware that I am utterly lacking when it comes to being diplomatic. I could probably dispose of any of the attendees in a week and leave no trace, but when it comes to placating them and exchanging favors… I must defer to my betters.”

My rather improper words had the desired effect of causing Sasha to fall into a stunned silence. Before she had a chance to recover, a knock sounded at the door.

I smiled sweetly, “I do believe that is likely a messenger from Prince Rupert, we should not keep him waiting.”

At my words, Sasha gave a sharp nod and quickly moved towards the door. It was a good thing that she moved quickly since as it turned out rather than a messenger, Rupert had come himself. Which I suppose made sense since he was meant to be my escort.

Hurriedly standing, I performed a half curtsy, “Prince Rupert, I was not expecting you to come yourself. My apologies for the lacking reception.”

He waved his hand somewhat dismissively, “Your rooms are closer to the venue than my own; it makes more sense to come from here.”

Well, he isn’t wrong.

“More importantly, you have been told the plan?”

I nodded, “Yes, Sasha has gone over it with me… I only hope that things will go so smooth.”

“Indeed, while I respect your ability in other areas, you lack tact… As evidenced by recent events, you tend to overthink things and miss the obvious. Leave as much of the talking as you can to Edith and myself, and make no promises.”

…Really? I might have that tendency, sure. But I’m not stupid, I know that my words carry weight now, I don’t need you to remind me as though I’m a child.

“…And remember to try and avoid close contact with anyone; the story is that you are not fully recovered from events yet.”

His last warning was easier to stomach than his first. After all, if someone touched me it would dispel the illusion my ring projected. Even if being reminded about it was a bit irritating I could at least understand why he was so concerned about it. Not so much his other warnings.

“Of course, My intention following our dance is to state that I am feeling faint. That excuse would permit me to spend the rest of the night sitting, while Edith can pre-screen anyone who wants to speak to me directly. If I could borrow Gustav for the night as well, then I believe there will be little to worry about.”

Rupert nodded, “You can borrow him then, Gustav officially you will be acting as my own representative at whatever audiences Stahlia ends up with.”

Gustav bowed in brief acknowledgment but didn’t speak. Rupert extended a hand to me, “Shall we go?”

Right. Just remember that this isn’t like that.

I grit my teeth and pasted the best fake smile I could manage, then took his hand. Fortunately, my illusionary self was a bit too short to link arms with him, so holding his forearm was the most I had to do. Still, that would not last forever and eventually, I wouldn’t have an excuse anymore. Even with just this, I could already feel my pulse beginning to quicken as my adrenaline spiked. I wanted to throw his arm away but forced myself to hold back.

Rupert looked down with a raised eyebrow; he had probably felt me stiffen slightly. I shrugged and shook my head, doing my best to ignore my heart beating in my throat.

“I’m fine. Let’s go.”

Rupert narrowed his eyes, but whatever he was thinking was irrelevant; we did not have time to go over how I was feeling. He nodded, “Then, let us depart.”

I really hope I can move past this all soon… I just need to be strong for now.

We arrived outside the large entrance doors. This was the same venue that the wake for the second prince had been held, so I was at least slightly familiar with it. In a few moments, a knight serving as a herald would announce us and we would go in. The two other loyal dukes besides Edith’s father were waiting just ahead of us; being the highest-ranked they would be announced and make their entrance just before Rupert and I. Edith was present as well, once again representing her father, while all of the counts and barons were already in the room.

Duke Lawrence and Duke Lester, their wives, then Edith representing her father… I see she has things pretty hard as well.

Looking at it objectively, the amount of work Edith was doing was insane. Quite possibly more than I was, and yet I had never heard her complain. Even now, she was making small talk with two grown men on behalf of her father so that he could tend to the defensive lines.

If I didn’t know any better, I would suspect she had reincarnated herself. But, if that was the case she would have told me after I shared my past with her… No, Edith is genuinely gifted, if not for my circumstances I wouldn’t be able to keep up at all.

Sensing our arrival Edith, the two dukes, and their wives turned to greet us. The dukes and their wives both bowed to Rupert, but towards me, they merely looked. Their gaze was harsh, appraising, as though they were trying to find any fault or weakness. Though, given my position and dubious origins, their attitude made sense. After all, how often does someone’s family become a barony, then have their daughter engaged to the next king in a span of a few years?

The wives were one thing, I could somewhat handle their stern yet curious looks. The dukes were something else though; their gazes felt much harsher, more critical. I felt a shiver run down my spine and though I did my best to hide how I was feeling behind my mask, Edith knew better and I caught her eyes narrow.

I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me right now.

Obviously, there was no way for me to really pass her that message, other than smiling faintly and hoping she figured it out. I did so, and though she narrowed her eyes suspiciously, she held her tongue.

“Announcing Lady Edith, representing her father Duke Claurence.”

Since Edith was technically lower ranked than anyone else in the waiting room, the herald announced her first and she fixed a smile on her face. Curtsying to those present, she turned and entered the hall with her guard.

Dukes Lawrence and Lester have their wives with them, but Edith was alone… Considering she was originally meant to marry Rupert, I wonder what’s going on with that? Hopefully she doesn’t end up single… Though in this case, since she is representing her father she couldn’t be escorted by anyone from another house.

The Herald’s voice called out again, disrupting that train of thought, “Duke Lawrence and Duke Lester, together with their wives.”

The four of them bowed and curtsied as required then passed through the doorway with their own guards. This left Rupert and I “alone” once more.

“How are you feeling?” His question was rather unexpected, causing me to jump slightly.

There was no point in explaining exactly what tumultuous thoughts were passing through my mind at the moment, so I contented myself with a vague shrug, “I will be fine… Their intense appraisal just made me a bit anxious.”

“I see.”

Before anything else could be said, the herald announced us, “His Highness Rupert von Drakas, together with his fiancée, Stahlia von Ris.”

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach, but I did my best to ignore it and shifted my hand so that instead of daintily holding Rupert’s, I was now gripping his forearm. After a moment of hesitation, I moved my other arm around in front of me so as to be holding his arm with both hands. It was a more intimate display, and would hopefully go some ways towards dispelling any rumors spread by the first prince and his rebels.

On the downside, this position meant that I was basically clinging to Rupert’s side, which did wonders for my nerves.

The best way to get over my mental issues is to just force my way through. That’s basically what I did with Asten and my remorse, and it worked then.

Rupert looked mildly surprised but that expression quickly vanished, “Then, let us go.”

I nodded and allowed him to lead me through the doors. Immediately upon entering the brightly lit venue, I felt sick. Hundreds of pairs of eyes were fixated on my body, my hands holding Rupert’s arm, my face, everything. All of them seemed to be staring at me in a manner similar to the dukes as well, which was not good.

Will I even be able to move?

That would be a disaster. If I could barely walk forward down the carpet, then the plan would fall apart before it even had a chance to begin.

And I’m supposed to give a speech, and beg for Elienor’s life!? What the hell was I thinking!

“…Stahlia, walk.”

Rupert’s voice sounded in my ear; he was whispering without moving his lips. Looking up at him out of the corner of my eyes I saw that, though he was smiling for the crowd, his eyes were harsh. Even he seemed to be critical of me right now.

“I… I can’t.”

My own whisper reached him, and I saw the corner of his smile twitch.

Damnit! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have any issues with something like this; I’ve constantly been drawing attention to myself, I don’t know why this is only happening now, but it is!

Suddenly, I was no longer standing. I hadn’t fallen though. Blinking rapidly both to take stock of what had happened and to clear my eyes of the tears that had started to form, I realized that Rupert had picked me up. He was now holding me in a princess carry and walking on his own. I felt my cheeks flush instantly in one moment, and then invariably screwed myself as I began contemplating.

This isn’t good. The plan would have me appear strong but empathetic, a good foil to Rupert’s own personality. This is going to make me look weak in the eyes of the noblemen, and while some of the women might like the image the majority of them will view me as simply a child. I mean, I am technically a child, but that image was something we needed to break.

I really went and messed this up… Will we even be able to salvage the plan at this point? Maybe it would be better for me to excuse myself early. We could say that my illness has returned… No, that would imply that the next queen is physiologically weak. Being absent for half a year was already bad enough, but could be explained away by saying I was heavily injured. If I say I was feeling ill and excuse myself, even if it made sense, it would start rumors.

Then, should I play the part of a little girl and say that being the center of attention made me nervous? No, that wouldn’t work given my past actions; I was never afraid of attention before-

“Stahlia, stop thinking; you will just further complicate things.”

Rupert’s muttered instruction was harsh, but it hit the nail on the head.

He’s right. At this point, I should just go with the flow. Edith and Gustav are here, and both of them are much more capable of social games than I am. Trusting them to play things to our advantage would be the best action I can take now.

Looking at the crowd, I could already see Edith whispering to a few noble girls her own age. Two of them I recognized as being somewhat more heavily charmed; the ones Dominic had been dancing with to spite me.

She’s already starting convenient rumors and laying the groundwork… Sorry for the extra trouble.

Still, seeing her moving on my behalf like that had a calming effect, and I was able to focus on calming myself. After a few more feet of being carried, I whispered back to Rupert, “…I should be fine now. I am sure I am quite heavy seeing as I am not actually twelve.”

“…It would look more awkward to put you down now, than were I to bring you all the way to our seats.”

That much was obvious, even if being carried was more awkward for me. I wanted to ask him how I should play things off, but even lipless whispers posed a danger of being eavesdropped on. Unless I could figure out a way to phrase things innocuously, it would give away that we had a scheme in the works.

I won’t try. I probably could, but I already decided to trust my allies with this. They’ll come up with something and find a way to let me know what I need to do. If they don’t, then I’ll just do what we originally planned and trust that they can manage with that.

Me trying to salvage the situation on my own would just create more work for the people cleaning up after me. As I came to that conclusion, we arrived at our seats and Rupert let me down before pulling out the chair for me to sit. As I took my seat, I risked a quick look around the room. It was honestly rather remarkable; whatever Edith and Gustav had done in the shadows, I was no longer being stared at in a harsh or appraising manner. People were now looking on warmly.

I really am lucky to have friends and allies like those.


A special thanks to Rita152, CypressLB, Loliconhanter, and Plus1 for Beta Reading and for helping to edit this chapter!

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