Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

5-7 Betrayer

If this chapter is a bit confusing, you might have missed 5-6; a snafu on my part caused it to not send out a proper notification.


Also check out this months extra chapters!

After hearing about what had happened with Ferris, it was immediately obvious why Ferdinand had decided it was a pressing enough concern to interrupt my family’s reunion. To be honest, the fact that he had waited as long as he did before pulling me away was already a gift. That didn’t mean I wasn’t frustrated though. After letting out a sigh and gazing back at the door he had brought me through, I did my best to shrug it off.

“…Alright, take me to him…”

“My apologies, but determining the specifics of this case really is important, once we are finished here, someone will take you to where your family is staying.”

“…Can we just go already?” My tone was getting a bit snippy and I was starting to sound like a spoiled brat, but the way he was seeming to drag things on only served to exacerbate my tense feelings on the matter.

“Of course, this way.”

Holding out his arm, he ushered me through the next door and we moved through the palace in the direction of the dungeons.

Considering all my guards left with me, the population in that room shrank quite a bit. If nothing else, this will let my parents cut a bit loose without having to worry about keeping the bare minimum of dignity…

The fact that this was something they weren’t able to do in my presence was a thought best ignored.

When we arrived at the palace dungeons, Ferdinand motioned for my guards to wait outside; astonishingly enough it was an order they obeyed. Though, perhaps that should have been expected; Rupert, Ferdinand, and Gustav, as far as I was aware, were the three highest-ranking men in the castle after the king himself.

In that pecking order, I’m above Gustav and theoretically only under Rupert, but the knights don’t listen to me. When I try and send them away for a moment unless I’m alone in my own chambers, they come up with some excuse or another. Does that place Ferdinand above me? Or is it only in matters of security, given his background?

In any case, Ferdinand brought me into a rather fancy room. My eyes blinked curiously at the sight; a dungeon would normally be a square and metal room, dimly lit, with few amenities. This room was about as well furnished as the one given to me at the Francois Estate. A far cry from my current accommodations, but far from the classical image of the palace dungeons.

Though, given the occupant of the cell, perhaps that made sense. Even disowned, Ferris was still the son of a duke. Of course, he was kneeling.


“Haaa… Lord Ferris, according to Lord Ferdinand, you wanted to speak with me?”

Without raising his head he replied, “Your words honor me, but please; I am no longer of my father’s house. My name is simply Ferris. That said, I did indeed wish to speak with you.”

“Raise your head and say your peace; I am grateful that your actions apparently helped to lead to the safety of my family, and will do what I can.”

“If that is what you say.” Ferris raised his head and after hesitating, he looked me in the eyes.

“Thank you for saving my life.” His tone was calm and resolved, a far cry from what would be expected from a eleven-year-old boy who was just kicked out of his family.

“And then you went on to save my family, or at least assist in doing that. I will do what I can about your status, but restoring you to your previous station will likely be impossible.” As much as having a Duke owe me a favor would be a benefit to me it was not needed, and none of the other nobles would agree to it.

“You misunderstand, I do not wish to be restored to status. My honor as a Febligi demands that I hand you my life.”

“But you are no longer a Febligi; your father disowned you. As such, that honor no longer applies to you.”

“I may have lost the honor of my house, but I still have my honor as a man of this kingdom.”

“…Then, what if I say I do not want your life?”

Ferris shrugged, “Then I will attempt to serve your interests as best I can.”

Is he implying he would act on his own, in order to help me? At least he didn’t go ‘Very well, I understand. I’ll take care of it for you!’ and try to kill himself… Letting him run free obviously not going to be allowed. That would cause problems almost immediately, and it could royally screw up our plans. Then, the options are to keep him locked up, or let him serve me. Is there actually any reason to not take him in?

I looked at Ferdinand.

“He would not be a negative asset, and as a former Febligi, his martial ability is quite advanced for his age.”

‘Quite advanced’ for his age, is a bit of an understatement from what I remember. Granted, his dad is a traitor, so even if I do accept him we’ll need counter-measures. That would mean a limited slave contract.

“I see. Ferris, you understand that I cannot take you at your word?”

“Of course I understand that.”

“Then, will you accept a contract?”

Thankfully he did not give an immediate ‘Yes, absolutely!’ Instead, he stopped and deeply considered the implications. Even if he claimed that his life was mine, becoming a pseudo slave was a big step to take.

“…Very well. I will.”

Ferdinand seemed a bit surprised, and shockingly, did not actually have the items we would need on hand.

“My apologies, I assumed you would have him remain here under guard. That would be safer for him, given what we will be fighting.”

With a start, I realized that Ferdinand was correct, we would inevitably end up fighting demons. I knew first-hand what their apex was like, and the rank and file were nothing to laugh at either. Before that though, we would be facing his family. Probably some of his friends. If he was under contract with me, he would not be able to go against my word. That would most likely put him in a position where he had to fight someone he knew and was potentially close to.

I should have considered something like that. I would have considered something like that… Why didn’t I?

“…Ferris, those are your options. You can remain here, and I will ensure that nothing happens to you,” I shot Ferdinand a stern look, “Or you can enter into a contract with me.”

Ferris nodded, “I already considered the ramifications, and I accept the second option.”

Ferdinand studied him for a moment before nodding, “I see, I will make arrangements immediately.”

He had the knights come inside so that Sasha and I would not be alone with Ferris, then departed. In the interim, I opted to ask Ferris about what things had been like on his side.

“Ferris, what exactly went on with your father? I have recently learned that my name is being used as a driving force behind this… rebellion? Coup. Behind this coup.”

“My lady, you didn’t know?” A genuine surprise was written on his face now.

I nodded, “Until just a few weeks ago, I was in a coma from the injuries I sustained during the capital incident; I was being kept deliberately away from matters regarding the ongoing hostilities.”

“Then, what about your engagement? Is it truly a farce as my father’s lord says?”

Ah, he’s wondering if it was set up without my input, and without my own father’s. But it also sounds like he thought it was legitimate until a moment ago.

“Yes, I did the negotiations myself… The night of the school social actually.”

Ferris fell back into his seat as the pieces all clicked into place; the way I had been acting around Dominic, coupled with the prince calling me away to discuss Ris, and then me coming back and seeming to make nice with Dominic. Granted the prince had made every effort to conceal the fact that he had called me from the event, but as a duke, it would not be surprising if Ferris had somehow learned about that meeting.

“I see. Since then, so you did conspire against Count Francois?”

“Yes. Though, that is not his true identity; he is a demon, one of the Hell Kings.”

“What about the other one? Sitri?”

Like a bolt of lightning, I sat up in my chair. Rupert had said it was probable that Antonio and his dissident faction were responsible for the disappearance of the countsicle, but Ferris’ admission just now all but confirmed that. I had been planning to ask after he was under contract, but if he was just going to tell me, it would certainly save time.

“Ferris, Sitri is with your father’s faction?”

He nodded slowly, “Yes, both her and Count Francois, though he departed for the east to try and gather troops.”

I shot a look at Sasha. While by Jacqueline’s standards she was obtuse and had a stick firmly lodged in her bum, she was not stupid. Interpreting my look my maid produced a parchment and writing implement and began to take notes. Ferris saw what she was doing and paused long enough for her to be set up.

Even with the service contract, it would be foolish to take anything he says at face value. He’ll probably be made to confirm this information after he’s under contract, but taking it now saves time. Besides, I’m curious.

“Sitri was the one who helped my father locate Count Francois. She insisted he had damning evidence against you and his highness. Of course, it did take some time for Count Francois to break free though given his proclivity with fire magic, he wasn’t going to stay trapped forever.”

Yea, no he should have. If Adroni didn’t already warn me he was going to let the bastard go, I’d be livid right now. As it is, I’m still quite upset. Also, no ordinary man would be able to survive for months on ice like that. Sitri could have made Antonio and Duke Febligi stupid with charm magic, but I sealed that. She’s just a lump of stats as far as I’m aware… Ferris would also be charmed if she had regained her abilities… It’s possible other demons are involved.

Unaware of my internal dilemmas, Ferris continued, “Once he broke free, him and my father spent a while talking about a lot of things. Count Francois pretty much immediately tried to leave, but Prince Antonio and my dad managed to talk him into hanging around for a bit… I’m not sure the specifics, but he really, and I mean, really hates you.”

No shit, I locked him away for basically eternity, until the bastards in charge got involved… But, if he hates me so much, why try and leave right away? Anger should lead to a thirst for revenge. Then again, he did spend a really long time planning things in this kingdom, maybe this is more like the anger you stew in? Nah, he would have to know that I can’t pull a move  like that so frequently. The most likely answer, is he doesn’t have a choice.

As much as I loathed the notion, my newest divine overlord was pretty clear about not liking spoilers. They had also said that my questions could largely be answered by Five. It wasn’t much of a leap to think that Adroni had made arrangements with their brother to force Five to leave my general vicinity, at least for now.

“…Fucking bastard…”

“My lady?”

“Ah… Please excuse me, I just realized something is all. I apologize for the language.” Apparently, my feelings on the matter had slipped out in a quiet mumble.

“…Indeed. In any case, Count Francois eventually departed over the border in order to attempt to gather support. He left Sitri behind to liaise with, as well as provide intelligence to Antonio. It was through her efforts that Antonio learned of the plans for your family to move, and hastily put together a subjugation force.”

More bad news; those plans were made after I woke up. And we kept the cards close to our chest; I didn’t even know the details. There’s a mole in our ranks, and someone high up as well… I’ll need to warn Rupert. There’s also the question of how Sitri is meant to Liaise… probably more demons, hopefully not anything too dangerous, we would be so lucky.

“Though, I feel like something is different about her… You said that Count Francois was one of the Hell Kings, then Sitri is as well…?”

“No, she is a demon, and rather strong, but not quite that. Please continue.”

Thankfully he did not press me and resumed, “Well, there isn’t much else to say. When I learned of the plan, I approached my father and raised my objections. We went back and forth for a day, and then he disowned me. In retrospect, I believe he may have allowed me to learn the plans intentionally so that I would not be put in a situation where my loyalties would conflict. This way, I can give my entire loyalty to your highnesses.”

That’s the first time someone has called me and Rupert collectively like that… In his mind, Ferris is treating the wedding as having already occurred, isn’t he? Despite having been rather aggressively courting me himself half a year ago.

“Ferris…” A rather horrid thought crossed my mind as I was preparing to ask my next question. Falling silent, I fed mana into my eyes and enabled my mana sight. Studying Ferris closely, I checked for any spot where his mana faltered. After nearly a minute, I was satisfied that he was not carrying a larval demon.

I should have done that first things first! What was I thinking!?

 No use crying over spilled milk, at the very least my mistake had not been costly. Though the intense stare seemed to have made Ferris grow rather uncomfortable.

“My Lady…? Is there something wrong?”

I shook my head, “No, sorry for that; I was checking something that I neglected. We will have to wait until after the contract before I can explain though.”

Granted, he was not likely to be able to tell anyone in the few minutes remaining, but after my mistake a moment ago I was taking no chances.

“Then, Ferris. The plan to have my parents come to the capital was finalized a week and a half ago. I do understand that Ris is somewhat near to your father’s domains and those of the First Prince’s faction, but how did you manage to learn of it, and pass us warning in such a short time?”

“I can answer that Lady Stahlia.”

Ferris fell silent and adopted an at ease pose.

“Ferdinand, thank you for rejoining us.”

The returning Lord Ferdinand began setting out the materials for establishing the contract on a nearby table, while doing so he quickly summarized how Ferris had managed to perform this little feat, “Ferris was dropped off near the border of the territories by a lone knight on horseback, some last favor from his father no doubt. From there, he moved to the nearest town, where we have a garrison. Of course, the garrison commander contacted me immediately when one of our foremost foe’s sons walked through the door seeking asylum. Finished.”

Ferdinand had finished setting out the things we would need, a roll of parchment infused with magic, and two quills of the same variety I had used when signing with Rupert. He also seemed to have finished his explanation, as he had stopped talking.

Though from what I know the rest is easy to figure out. After Ferdinand was contacted, he probably made arrangements for Ferris to be brought to the capital separately. Though taking reports over magic communication tools would be a security risk, all Ferris has to say is “My dad and the prince know about the plan to move Baron Ris.” From there, Ferdinand would change the plan completely, or at least drastically alter it. The rest of what he knew, he probably learned rather recently himself, when Ferris arrived.

Looking at Ferdinand now, I had a lot more respect for how he had handled things, my earlier irritation about the interrupted reunion had gone. Mostly. Ferris leaned forward and look at the parchment, based on his mannerisms, he was a bit nervous.

“Are you sure you want to do this Ferris? I can keep you under hou-” Before I could finish, he had picked up his quill and written his name, thus opening the contract.

“Please my lady, do not question my honor.”

Knowing that any other action on my part would be viewed as an insult I picked up my quill and opened the contract. Unlike my contract with Rupert, this one was rather straightforward with only three terms outlined.

“The Individual Ferris will, under threat of paralysis, obey any lawful order given to him by the individual Stahlia. The Individual Ferris will, under threat of paralysis, not allow the individual Stahlia or any of her allies to come to harm unless to prevent such would violate the previous. The Individual Ferris will, under threat of paralysis, seek to preserve his own safety, unless doing so conflicts with the first two terms.”

Otherwise, a few terms were defined for clarity; individual meaning it was the person who signed, regardless of how their name might change. Name changes were registered in the soul, and as I had learned recently, contracts of this nature were rather pedantic. Idly, I also noted how this was basically the three laws of robotics, with a few semantic tweaks and a changed order.

Ferris confirmed the terms once, then signed his name. After doing it three times myself, I gripped my quill and signed just below his. That was how I gained my second ever slave.

A special thanks to Rita152, CypressLB, Loliconhanter, and Plus1 for Beta Reading and for helping to edit this chapter!

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