Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

5-8 “Wedding”

After the contract was signed Ferdinand excused himself, saying that he would inform the relevant parties that Ferris was no longer restricted to the dungeons. After telling Sasha to have a room made up near enough to my own that Ferris would be useful without being so close as to cause a scandal, it was time to determine what that use was actually going to be. Though, since I did not as yet know what my own task would be, there wasn’t much I could do on that front.

“Before anything else, according to our contract, do not reveal what you are about to learn to anyone.” It was possible that the particular secret in mind would fall under the “not allow harm to befall me” clause, but I was not going to take a chance.

After another glance around the room to verify that my knights and maid were the only other ones present, I consciously halted the flow of mana into my ring. A moment later, the illusion it created faded. After confirming by the rather startled expression on his face that Ferris had seen my real body, my mana was allowed to resume its normal flow.

“In the past six months, I have aged four years. For all intents and purposes, I am now sixteen years old.”

It took a little while for Ferris to respond but after doing some weird stretching motion wherein he opened and closed his mouth a few times while wiggling his jaw, he managed to restore his previous expression, “I see. This is a side effect of what happened between you and Count Francois?”

I merely nodded, “The only people who know outside of this room, are Rupert, Gustav, Ferdinand, Edith, Sarala, and my family.”

“I understand, I shall keep it as such unless otherwise instructed.”

Standing up from my chair, I made my way toward the exit. Ferris had stood up on his own at some point prior and he fell into step behind me while Sasha actually opened the door. I didn’t have any other plans for the day, so I figured that we may as well introduce Ferris to my family. As we walked, I decided to make one thing clear.

“Ferris, in your own opinion, what should I do with you? How best could you use your talents in my service?”

I might be a bit reluctant to the idea of using people, especially through contracts like this, but I would be a fool to not utilize the tools laid out before me. Doing that is in part what led to most of my issues, I won’t make that mistake again.

“The only thing I am much good at is swinging a sword, my lady.”

Yea, I suspected as much… He’s only eleven though. He might have been able to hold his own against the boys in the sword fighting class with skill, but they were only a little ways ahead of him. He wouldn’t be able to beat an adult knight in combat. That rules out guard duty or wet works… Actually, how strong is he?

“And what level is your purpose?”

“The last time it was checked, I was level ten.”

So, a bit advanced for his age then. Well, now I have a method with which to test my hypothesis from earlier, that doesn’t involve asking Rupert.

“Hold a moment.” Bringing my party to a brief halt, I once again trained my Divine Eyes on Rupert.

Sure enough, now that he was soul-bound to me, the divine eyes showed me his status.

Name: Ferris

Age: 11

Species: Human(Pureblood)

Class/Level: Knight Apprentice, 13

Social Strata:

Ability Values:

  •         Strength: B: 154 (+52)
  •         Endurance: C: 110 (+52)
  •         Dexterity: D: 66
  •         Intelligence: D: 66
  •         Charisma: D: 66
  •         Mana: D: 66

Talents: Sword Fighting VI*, Bladed Weapon Mastery V*, Mighty IV*, Athlete IV*

Skills: Sword Arm*, Blue Blooded*, Flow*,

Level 13 at only eleven years old. What on earth was his father doing? And Knight Apprentice… That’s a rather rare martial class from what I know. Not the rarest, but certainly one of the nicer ones. Also, that talent list seems a bit short.

As soon as the thought crossed my mind, the list expanded to what I was used to.

So I was filtering out the useless talents that pretty much everyone has? Go back to that please.

The long list of random talents vanished, now all that was left to do was to quickly go over the skills I did not recognize. It would behoove me to know my servant’s own abilities, and it was always possible that one of them could end up being worth grabbing for myself when I got the chance to. [Mighty] and [Athlete] did the same thing as my own [Flexible] accept for Strength and Endurance. Good talents for a knight to have.

[Blue Blooded] was a Skill I personally already had, though this was the first time someone else had it that I knew of. [Sword Arm] was intriguing and definitely something worth considering; it caused any sword the wielder picked up to fill with their mana. Essentially, it turned the weapon into a literal extension of the user’s arm. It might synergize nicely with my Blood Magic Enhancements.

Actually, couldn’t I do something similar quite easily…? I already know that my Blood Magic can mimic the effects of different skills with the correct applications. This seems like it would be similar to appraising an object or enhancing it… Something to practice for sure, it would also help me regain full control of my mana so that touch-appraisal stops exploding stuff.

Lastly, his [Flow]. This one looked nice on paper but after a moment of thought, I decided it would not work for me. [Flow] caused the user to enter a combat rhythm with their chosen style. It increased reflexes while assisting in recovery and slowing the rate of stamina loss. It was a powerful skill, but it only worked for melee; it would not adapt well to my own mixed style.

And it’s something he has at level 13, so it is probably a rather weak effect at the end of the day. I think the really powerful skill from [Knight Apprentice] is definitely [Sword Arm]. So, knowing this, what’s the best course of action for him.

“Ferris, I can’t use you presently; you are too weak.”

He set his jaw but did not question my statement.

“So, I will arrange for you to train with the knights here. According to Prince Rupert, they are among some of the most experienced in the kingdom. Your purpose is Apprentice Knight, fulfill it by practicing. When you achieve level twenty and derive a new purpose, then I will make proper use of you.”

After looking around, particularly at the captain of my guard knights in order to ensure my point got across, we resumed walking.

When we got to the guest rooms my family would be using I briefly introduced Ferris while taking pains to make sure not to reveal any state secrets. My family was responsive towards him if a bit confused but after everything else that had happened to them today, they took the news in stride.

Two days later, I found myself in a small room, just big enough for the people who were present.

This… this happened rather quickly though, and well… Yea.

Obviously, I was at my own wedding. Rupert and I were standing next to each other along with my father in front of a table on which there lay a contract. This, once signed, would amend the engagement contract into a marriage contract. Once it was signed, we would be legally married and thus have upheld the terms in the engagement contract. We weren’t alone of course; my parents and the witnesses were present as well.

Edith was here acting on behalf of her father. Jacqueline had been brought in using her wheelchair. Lastly, Sieg had been brought from my home village as well, though he had been absent from the family reunion. From Rupert’s side, he was using Gustav, Ferdinand, and my Guard Knight captain. That last one was a bit strange at first, though it made sense when I considered that he was trying to keep the secret from spreading to as few people as possible.

Sieg, once told why he had been brought, agreed readily. I hoped it was due to our old friendship, and not out of fear. Unfortunately, he really was one of my only options, if not my only option. Using Gustav might have been a possibility, but since he was already in Rupert’s service that would be a bit counterproductive. On the bright side, this brought Sieg to the capital so I could ask about the request I had made last time we met.

Fortunately, he hasn’t been forced to sign a magic contract or anything; after all, who would believe him if he did say anything?

When I had asked Rupert why that was, he explained he also wanted to try and minimize the use of contracts for singular issues. The more incidental “simple” contracts signed, the greater the risk of something going wrong or overlapping in unexpected ways. So, unless the contract was for something major like Ferris’ loyalty, going to the effort of a contract was more trouble than it would be worth. There was also the fact that Sieg was a simple alchemist at the end of the day. He could disappear, but I would rather not think about that.

I really messed up, there’s no way Sieg doesn’t hate me for getting him involved in this… Damnit!

“Stahlia, are you sure you are ready?”

My father seemed to have picked up on my distress as he looked down at me, face filled with concern.

“Yes. I should think some nerves are only natural, but it is nothing I cannot handle.”

I’ll need to apologize to Sieg later… Right after waking up and determining to be more careful, my lack of forethought went and messed something up!

The last person in the room was a Cardinal of the church. This one was the same old man that had been there when I went to see Sana and learned about the prophecy. The church already held many secrets on behalf of the kingdom, as such the cardinal was not considered much of a risk. He and Sieg had both been vetted and confirmed to not be under any demonic influences, nor did they have ties to the First Prince.

He began to speak in his capacity as our officiant, starting with a reading of our contract, though it was nothing complicated, “…Thus concludes the reading of the contract. Your Highness Rupert von Drakas, do you accept these terms, and as such seek to take Stahlia von Ris und zu Drakas as your queen?”

“I do so accept and intend.”

“Stahlia von Ris und zu Drakas, do you accept the terms as written? Do you concede to forgo your own titles, and become Stahlia von Drakas und zu Ris, queen and wife to Rupert von Drakas?”

“…I do so accept and concede.”

With that exchange complete, it was time for us to sign the contract. Rupert held out his hand towards me while gripping a pen. We had not had a rehearsal or anything, for a secret ceremony with no onlookers such a thing would have been a waste of time. In lieu of that, Sasha had given me an itinerary of events. Unlike with a normal contract, it was tradition for us to sign our names using the same pen while holding it together.

Reaching my hand out towards the pen, I suddenly felt sick. Swallowing repeatedly, I gripped the pen over Rupert’s hand and allowed him to guide it towards the paper; he would write his own name and then it would be my turn to guide us as I wrote mine. When the pen touched the paper and my mana began to flow out through it and mix with his own, my vision started to go blurry.

What the hell is this? Am I really that nervous? No, that shouldn’t be the case… Am I crying?

Blinking rapidly a few times confirmed that my eyes were not watering.

What in the world is going on with me?


Rupert’s voice pulled me back. Looking down at the paper, he had finished his own signature, and it was time for mine. I tried to move our hands but found things to be sluggish. The pen slipped inadvertently, marking the paper.

“…Sorry… I’m not, I’m not sure what’s going on.”

My hand was shaking now, but through sheer force of will, I was able to write my name. The paper glowed as the magic took hold, and I felt the now-familiar sensation of something binding my soul.

“Please, seal the contract.”

The cardinal’s words prompted me to turn to face Rupert, who was looking down at me. The last part of the ceremony drew almost directly on Blood Magic’s own contract technique, and once we finished it we would be inseparably bound. This was the reason the contract normally required a one-year trial period for the one who would marry into the royal family; divorce was exceedingly difficult. The marriage contract activated magic that would directly mix our mana and link us together.

In short, much like weddings back on Earth, we would end the “ceremony” with a kiss. Skilled application of Blood Magic could probably bypass that, but in my present state where I too attempt manipulating our linked mana it would be uncertain what the outcome would be. Even if I was in a position to do so, letting the contract invoked magic handle things would likely be faster anyway.

My mind was racing a mile a minute going over all the reasons I was supposed to kiss him, even while he was waiting for me to tilt my head up. Something was stopping me from going through with it. A moment later, a light touch. Rupert had put his hand under my chin. Such an action might normally be viewed as romantic, but it had the opposite effect. It caused me to freeze up.


“Y-yes, sorry.”

It took a great amount of effort on my part, but I was able to lift my head such that Rupert could kiss me. He leaned forward and our lips touched. My mana was drawn out into him, even as his own entered me. IT brought back some rather uncomfortable memories, memories of when I had made a contract with Sitri in the past. That had been a true Blood Magic contract, and the method of mana exchange had been the same.

A moment passed, then another, then Rupert pulled back. The next moment, as I looked at how close his face was, I tasted copper in my mouth. My breath was coming out in short ragged gasps.

I’m hyperventilating now? Why now?

Then, I remembered.

Sitri wasn’t the last person to kiss me, it was him. Dominic, when he…

Suddenly overcome with a strong sense of revulsion, I took a large step back from Rupert.

“…Are we finished here?”

Rupert gave me a look, but I couldn’t meet his gaze.

“Yes, things are finished here.”

“…Thank you.”

Turning, I hurried from the room. After a moment, Edith followed after me. My guard knights closed in but I paid them no mind as I hurried along. Rounding the corner and ducking into a hidden washroom, I hurried to a stall and threw the door shut behind me. My knees seemed to come up on their own as I folded myself into a ball.

“Sta-, Lady Stahlia? Are you alright?”

Edith’s concerned voice called out to me. My voice cracked a bit with my answer, “I’m, I’m really not. I, I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“…I’m coming in.” She hesitated a small bit, but in the end, our friendship won out over my new status and she disturbed my peace or rather lack thereof.

Looking up at her, my face was painted with distress.

“Well, what’s going on?”

“…I don’t want to talk about it.”

Edith narrowed her eyes at me.

Great, Edith is back to being assertive. I mean it’s great that she’s back to normal, but couldn’t she have waited another day or two? Why now, when I just want to be left alone?

Then again, what was I doing? Not like I didn’t know. I knew exactly what was going on right now. Why this was happening, and based on Edith now crossing her arms, she was not going to leave me alone until I said it outloud.

“…It isn’t anything important. I just remembered some things, or rather, some things were brought back to the front of my mind… Things that I had been trying not to think about.”

My friend nodded once, but apparently that admission was not going to be enough since she had yet to move.

“…When I was in Ang, things that happened with Sitri… Then, what… What Dominic-”

Jumping up and spinning around, it was a good thing that we were already in the bathroom. Likewise, it was a good thing that I had not eaten much today. As I was wiping away the corners of my mouth, I felt a small hand on my back.

“Rupert reminded you of what Dominic tried.”

It wasn’t a question so much as a plain statement of a fact.

That’s right, Edith blames herself for setting that up! Damnit, now she’ll blame herself for this too!

“No, it was just a bit similar, I’m fine now!”

My hurried reassurances did not have the desired effect.

“No, you are not. I am not going to leave this be; you forced your way on me when I was charmed. Now it is my turn to force you.”

That was when something dawned on me. Edith and I were looking each other in the eye. Even though I had sat down on the toilet at some point.

She was always the tallest out of the three of us, and in time I imagine she’ll grow past me again. But for now, this must be really odd… A twelve-year-old is trying to comfort a sixteen-year-old. Except I’m not that either.

“Edith, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but you really don’t understand… No, don’t protest; just listen. This will sound rather unbelievable, but I am not lying.”

Obviously, I had been hurt by what happened. I had been able to distract myself and repress these feelings up until now, but the events of the wedding had dragged them back out. Now, if Edith was going to help me, to understand the full picture, she needed to know.

Honestly, I should have told her a long time ago.

A special thanks to Rita152, CypressLB, Loliconhanter, and Plus1 for Beta Reading and for helping to edit this chapter!

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