Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

8-20-1 Epilogue

The One Left Behind

Felicity, Shortly before engaging the pirates.

The shadow-space had grown recently; Claire-Oneesama said it was because Felicity’s Talent had leveled up after how much it was getting used. That was nice; it made things less cramped since Stahlia Neechan could not be trusted. Every time Felicity looked away, she almost died.

“You know that isn’t true.”

Felicity doesn’t agree.

Claire-Oneesama and Felicity were at odds with each other. For the first time since Felicity could remember, Felicity did not agree with Claire-Oneesama. And also for the first time, Claire-Oneesama was not forcing things; she was letting Felicity do as she pleased. That was why Felicity did not mind when Claire-Oneesama questioned her.

“Stahlia is… in a difficult position right now, but she is reckless.”

Yes. Stahlia Oneechan almost died, again. Everytime Felicity looks away, Stahlia Oneechan does her best to get hurt!

Just because she was letting her do as she pleased didn’t mean that Felicity wasn’t upset that Claire-Oneesama wasn’t able to see what she saw. Or maybe the older sister was just being stupid on purpose.

And this time there’s that woman pretending to be mother, and Stahlia Neechan is letting her do it!

“...I don’t think Stahlia has a choice. Remember, it was that woman who caused Stahlia to get hurt this time.”

See! Claire-Oneesama just said it; Stahlia Neechan got hurt again!

“Felicity, I’m not denying she’s reckless, but I think… This isn’t exactly healthy. What are we even going to do from here, if someone’s strong enough to beat Stahlia, what could we possibly do? Jump out of her shadow to what? Die with her?”

Felicity was at a loss for words. She hadn’t really thought that far ahead, but when Claire put it like that suddenly she could only wonder: what would Felicity do?

…I, Felicity would die. But Felicity wouldn't be left behind again!

"Did you just…? No matter. Yea, you would die. But have you considered the repercussions of that? I would die too, since we share your body. And Rosial would never see you again –you would leave her all alone, just like you did by chasing after Stahlia."

Claire-Oneesama had been making sense until that last part. But at that point, Felicity got very angry.

“No! Claire-Oneesama told me to!” Felicity shouted out into the shadows that surrounded her. Nobody would hear because of them and Felicity was just too upset to keep talking mentally.

“I… I did tell you to, once. But that was when we were going to Zesten. Stahlia just sort of let you come this time; if she really wanted to, I’m sure she’d find a way to drag you out of her shadow. My old student was always clever.”

“Felicity doesn’t care. Felicity is going to make sure Stahlia Neechan comes back. For Rosial Imoutochan.”

“But, at least… Stop hiding! Stahlia is clearly willing to let you come with her! You’re only hurting yourself like this.”

“...Fine… After this next fight, Felicity will stop.” Claire-Oneesama could be so tiring when she became incessant like this.

But, it was nice to hear her voice again. For a time, there had only been silence and the few times they did talk… It had been difficult for Felicity to tell which of them was the one speaking. She didn’t know why, but Felicity was certain Claire-Oneesama had been very close to disappearing, to leaving her alone… That was scary. For as long as she could remember, Claire-Oneesama had been there with her.

But now things were different. Claire-Oneesama was back, and she was completely distinct. The return to normalcy was comforting for Felicity.

After Stahlia Neechan deals with those pirates, Felicity will stop hiding. Instead, Felicity will learn how to fight, so she can protect Stahlia Neechan!

“...I think you’ve missed my point, but fine; that’s still less risky than being in her shadow and getting carried straight to the biggest threats.”

Felicity felt a smile spreading across her face, and her tails swished back and forth excitedly in the tight space. Things were finally starting to look up.


Benji, during the engagement with the pirates.

Her majesty left the bridge to prepare her attack and I gave one more look to my contemporary before disregarding his presence. It had been a long week, but in the end, his burgeoning mutiny had been crushed even as it left the womb. According to his officers and even the second in command, Captain Shepherd was entirely alone within his own ship’s command structure.

It made sense; that’s why he had approached me, and from what I’d heard, the captain of the Jewel of Gaia’s Crown as well. If the three officers agreed to mutiny out of fear for our own positions, it would become much easier to convince his remaining officers. He’d just made one miscalculation. The man chosen to command the Jewel of Gaia’s Crown was a noble appointee, well entrenched into His Majesty the King’s own faction. And I myself had my loyalty purchased by Her Majesty at our very first meeting.

From the moment Stahlia had revealed her knowledge of my lineage without denouncing it, I had made my choice. That choice was only reaffirmed later on when she became aware of the burgeoning mutiny.

“Helm, bring us ahead; move into a position to cover the Might of Man while taking them out of our weapon’s range. A weapon pointed at an ally is a weapon not aimed at the enemy.”

“Aye sir.”

If I were to list my flaws, I would mark my brash personality as one of the most glaring –the fact that Stahlia was able to look past that was just another point in her favor.

Maybe it’s how she grew up in a small village, then climbed to the top.

But when it came down to it, my command style was for the best. Unlike on the bridge of any other ship, my bridge was silent. Eerily silent. Every man at their station, awaiting orders. It was a stark contrast to how I normally carried myself. There was the smell of blood on the water and, I was focused. Those who served under me were likewise paying all their attention as cheaply as possible.

“Close into range and prepare to brace.”

“Aye sir.”

Stahlia said she would deal with thirteen of them, and she claimed she would do it from a kilometer away. Well, give us a show then.

The air was heavy as the to fleets closed toward each other. Then, all at once, the air caught fire. It was disappointing in a way; I had been expecting there to be more of a show. Instead, one moment everything was fine. The next, a brilliant flash of light temporarily blinded anyone looking toward the enemy. Once my vision returned, I beheld thirteen pillars of divine majesty had descended upon the enemy.

I was dumbstruck for a moment before remembering to speak. Without any of the nobility present, there was not any reasons to continue playing pretend, “And there you have my answer, Captain Shepherd. The gods stand with our Queen, and I will not oppose them.”

Shepherd looked around the bridge before bowing his head in resignation, “That’s that then. Well, do what you will until she becomes angry with you as well.”

It wasn’t worth responding to his barb, “Captain Shepherd, I hereby place you under arrest for treason and conspiracy to mutiny. Lieutenant, provide Shepherd with arms and armor and place him on a deployment in the third wave. Let the record show that Formerly captain Shepherd died fighting with honor.”

“Aye sir.”

Of course, he won’t get the chance.

This was all part of my arrangements, and the crew of his boarding ship were handpicked for loyalty. They were going to be struck by an enemy lightning bolt during approach. Miraculously, nearly all hands would survive. Only one, a disgraced former captain of the navy, would be knocked into the sea clad in heavy armor. Truly, a tragic fate.

“All hands, this is First Captain Benji. The first wave is a go. I repeat the first wave is a go!”

My ship shuddered as the first wave of boats jettisoned themselves into the sea.

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