Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

8-20-2 Epilogue 2


Jacqueline shortly after the battle

Once again Stahlia had gone and fallen into a comma. At this point, I was no longer surprised, nor did I fear after her health. Perhaps that marked me as a poor maid, but I was no longer a mere maid. It was my cover, so of course I feigned the proper degree of emotion, but inside I was content.

Well, maybe that says a lot about me in its own right.

Regardless, after providing Miss Sasha with the necessary potions for maintaining our lady’s health I retired to the servant’s room attached to Stahlia’s own chamber. Once there, I confirmed I was alone.

“[#######.], [##### ## ########]” My spells took effect, and I was cut off from the surrounding space. Though it wasn’t truly space magic, merely a twisting of light and shadow.

Once secured, I opened my trunk and removed the false bottom. There, under a thin cover of dust was a small magic tool I’d not touched in a long while; my Shadow’s Orb. Once, the other half had been held by Fiv-, by Count Francois. Now, it was in the possession of Lord Ferdinand, the former One.

I feel like I’m violating my lady’s trust somehow, but someone has to make these reports…

There was too much that had happened all at once, and since Stahlia was once again in a coma, it fell to me to inform our home country; those were my orders. With no small amount of trepidation, I activated the tool and sent my report.

“Operative ‘Jacqueline’ reporting to control. Occurrence Code: ‘Commonplace.’ Primary is in fair health.”

“The fight resolved in a resounding victory, Primary personally disposed of thirteen enemy ships before Commonplace. Following that, the combined forces of the navy and knightly order under the command of Knight and Dog disposed of a further ten vessels and their crews. The remaining vessels surrendered, and survivors of all enemy ships are collected upon them. Our casualties amounted to thirty-three, with eighteen fatalities; it was a resounding success.”

“Pending permission, I have further reports and proposals.”

I would not have to wait long; Lord Ferdinand was keeping the other end on his person as I was only to use mine in the case of Lady Stahlia being incapacitated. In other words, if there was something very important happening. A moment later, my tool flashed green, and words appeared in my head.

Acknowledged. Proceed with proposals.

There was nothing preventing me from doing so, and I quickly composed the messages. Though, as it was earlier, I had a strange sensation of guilt. Was it really my place to share this information? Surely, Lord Ferdinand was Lady Stahlia’s confidant. Perhaps, not to the same degree, but she did heed his council, and there was a degree of trust between them…

“Regarding the targets of special interest. ‘Dog’ performed admirably. Rather, they exceeded their assessment; with almost no support from Primary, Dog was able to preempt a planned mutiny, and skillfully disposed of the perpetrator. It is my belief that Primary intends to reward Dog with a favorable position upon conclusion of this mission; I believe that Dog should be approached as a potential agent, or at the very least a resource.”

“‘Squire’ purportedly fought and defeated a member of the Black-Tail Clan, who had hidden herself in the crew of the ship he was on. While this particular member was not especially remarkable, it is still a feat that should have been beyond Squire’s ability. Witnesses to the event recounted that Squire displayed an unusual degree of cunning, and fought using an unfamiliar style- I suspect he was using Shadow Blade Style, taught by Primary in their youth. I have already begun steps to contain the situation, but believe “Squire” should be approached as a candidate for recruitment.”

“Lastly, ‘Demon’ was behaving strangely throughout the second half of the battle. She claims that one of the twelve had personally descended during the fight. While Primary’s spell was impressive, Demon claimed it had nothing to do with it, and insisted that “we are all lucky to be alive.” She is refusing to say anything further until Primary reawakens.”

I sent the three reports, then sat back on my cot.

I did the right thing, I know I did.

A few minutes passed, then my tool once again flashed green.

“Acknowledged. Leave Dog be for the time being; assuming his loyalty remains intact after visiting the clans, we will consider approaching him upon Primary’s return home. Jacqueline is authorized to approach Squire, considering your prior affiliation and familiarity; success code is ‘Acolyte.’ While we cannot do anything regarding Demon from the homeland, your report is appreciated… please request Primary keep us in the loop regarding events.”

My tool fell silent and I reflected on my orders before a wave of fatigue washed over me; projecting communications as far as Drakas took a great deal of mana. It was remarkable Lady Stahlia did this nearly every day, though hers were often far shorter.

Birth of a Champion

Nikita, 16 Years Old, Fourth Month of 948

Where am I?

Just a few minutes ago, I’d been curled up in my bed with Meera, Uma, Aashvi, and all the other apprentice shrine maidens. Now, I rubbed my eyes and stared in awe at myt snow-covered surroundings. Despite being of the White Fox Clan, I’d never seen snow before. It just didn’t come where the temple was situated. So finding myself standing alone in a snow-covered forest of unfamiliar trees was quite disconcerting.

This… It’s not cold.

I was still wearing my nightshirt, suggesting that I might have teleported in an instant. Despite that, I was… calm. Something about this place just felt right to me. Seeing as nobody came out of the trees to accost me, there wasn’t any reason to stick around. After mulling it over, I selected a direction that felt the most “right” and started walking.

Beneath my feet, the snow made satisfying crunching noises as it compacted, and the trees filled my nose with the crisp scent of sap. This place was… perfect.

With a start, I spun around and looked back the way I’d come; my footprints made a fine trail back to where my eyes had first opened but that was it. There was no trail showing how I’d been first deposited there, and there was no wider indentation from my body curled up on the ground. It was like I had simply appeared, standing. I shivered, but it wasn’t from the snow. In fact, it didn’t feel cold at all.

Isn’t this supposed to be cold…?

As perfect as the forest was, an uneasy feeling that something wasn’t right was beginning to mount.

“Nikita, come to me; don’t be afraid.”

A soothing voice echoed words in my head and I found myself transfixed. The allure, the desire to follow the voice was overwhelming. Without realizing it, my feet began to carry me in a vague direction once more. Though you couldn’t ascertain the direction a mental voice was coming from, somehow this felt like the right way. Before too much time had passed, it proved correct.

Rising up out of the snow ahead of me sat a small cottage, and in the door of that cottage was a woman, a female White Fox like myself, but something about her hair was… The woman fanned out her tails. All nine of them.

It can’t, no, A Silver Fox!?

I dropped to my knees immediately, hoping that my standing had not caused offense. After all, this was a bona fide goddess. Lady Antenora of the Frozen World, the goddess of cunning and family.

If that’s truly Lady Antenora, than this…

“Hmm, welcome to the Frozen World, my demesne. Nikita, I’ve a favor to ask.” My goddess crossed her arms; clearly, she could read my thoughts. But, what was that about a favor?

“All in good time; after all, the fact that you are here means you have already accepted. Now, would you care for a drink?”

Hesitatingly, I stood and approached the goddess’ table. She snapped her fingers and a steaming cup of something appeared, though my nose didn’t recognize the scent.

“Oh come now; you’ve been brought into my realm; I already favor you. Just sit.” Her words bore a finality of command. Make no mistake, they were an order for me to accept her hospitality.

I sat, and carefully grasped the cup while sniffing at the contents, “This… smells good?”

I took a tentative sip; the snow hadn’t truly been cold, so it was likely that despite the steam this beverage wouldn’t feel hot. I was right; it was pleasantly warm but not scalding. That said… I gagged, and spat it out on reflex before turning worried eyes to my goddess.

“Fufufu, it’s called ‘Cofee,’ and it isn’t suitable for all pallets, though I’m quite fond of it… Well, enough of this. Nikita, I find myself in a rather awkward position where I must admit I have been bested at my own game.”

My tale swished about behind me, betraying my trepidation.

Did someone outwit the goddess of cunning?

She answered me as though I’d asked the question outloud, “Indeed; a young human noble girl. I had offered her power to rescue her sister, in exchange she would bear the weight that is a Champion’s title… Well, to cut a long story short, Stahlia saved her sister, then she killed herself.”

…According to the legends, that much makes sense, I think? The only way to stop serving the gods is to die… But where do I come in? Wait, could it really be!?

Lady Antenorra grinned, and pointed her tails at me, “You catch on quick for my second pick. Yes, I’ve chosen you to take up the mantle in Stahlia’s place. Nikita, will you become Winter’s Champion? Will you bear this curse?”

I bowed my head in reverence, “Far from a curse, it would be an honor to serve the gods as one of the chosen… But, you claim Stahlia had beat the game, yet suicide is a banal way to escape her duties. Hardly a victory?” I could feel my tail twitching expectantly. Surely my goddess would not have brought it up if it was that simple.

Antenora grinned, “But of course. You see, she did not stay dead. And what’s more, she is now claiming the title of Champion of Autumn, despite that role having fallen on her rescued sister… I would very much like to learn why.”

Her diction made it clear; that was my task. There would be the demon’s war of course; champions were only claimed when it was imminent, but there was always something else. Something special tasked to each champion by their respective gods and goddesses. For me, it would be to learn of Stahlia’s plans, and take vengeance for my own goddess.

“I see you have accepted everything; good. Now, I need to go about creating an oracle to herald your new life. Feel free to rest in this place and wake when you desire; you shall find only a night has passed.”

Antenora bowed her head once in gratitude, then a wave of light ran down her tails before she vanished. The light washed over me, and my own hair began to change; white became silver as it took on a metallic sheen. Then, an itching sensation above my posterior, as I felt a new tail growing out of me to join the second. I fell prostrate; not only had I been made a Champion, but Lady Antenora had also even seen fit to allow me to ascend.

Praise the gods!

And there we have the second two chapters. Next release will see the start of volume 9, where I'm planning to split things up slightly; Stahlia will be dealing with the aftermath of the battle, Felicity's resolution from this epilogue, Franklin's fallout, and more travelling for several months. In order to mask that time-skip, I'm planning to do a few chapters speedrunning through some of Nikita's life between her appearance in this chapter and her meeting Stahlia. It should balance out to where they alternate back and fourth, so as to establish some of Nikita's characterization prior to meeting Stahlia and her entourage.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.