True Star

v3 Chapter 7 - -Missing-in

You guys, I’m here to plead for you, you’re good, I don’t know when I secretly took pictures of us again.

Tang Feng glared at Li, and the latter hurriedly lowered his head, embarrassedly glaring at the corner of his clothes, and whispered, “I … I’m not selling magazines, or I feel that you feel very good when you are together. Can’t stop shooting it.

“You just ran away when you saw us. Are you afraid that I will see the pictures in your camera?” “Tang Feng continued to look at the photos. Indeed, he and Lu Tianchen’s photos are only the one looking at the water puppets side by side. The others are not Ge Chen and Su Qizheng, they are the beautiful scenery of Vietnam.

Not to mention, this little SLR with a price of four or five thousand yuan has really taken a lot of good pictures in Li’s hand.

“I’m afraid you’re angry.

“This is how it sounds like the bullied little daughter-in-law. Li Zai looked at the indifferent song dust next to him, and seemed to be hurt.

“Later when they saw them, they wanted to take a picture, and they were discovered before they were taken …” Then Su Qicheng’s Baoyou chased after you, and then Tang Feng knew everything.

“Tang Feng, don’t trust others easily. People who are good to you don’t necessarily mean that they are really good to you. People who are bad to you do not necessarily want to hurt you.

“Su Qicheng popped up a word without saltiness, glanced at Li Li, whose head was almost buried in his stomach,” You are good to others, and it depends on whether the value is worth it, but don’t end it. ” Lost and lost heart, nothing.

In fact, Tang Feng was curious. Did n’t Lu Tianchen and Charles take indecent photos of Su Qizhen before, and this guy was quietly quiet for several months. Why is he suddenly arrogant again, not only keep following them? , Now actually also as the landing celestial finger to scold mixed.

“You mean you were not good to me before, but actually you were good to me?” Tang Feng laughed. “Now the people who are good to me are actually not good to me. What is good to me and what is it? Not good for me? “Su Qicheng’s words must not be taken seriously. Isn’t he just a fool after eating a loss and eating a second time? Don’t have fantasies about the people who have hurt you. Tang Feng, who has more life experience than Su Qicheng, will not be easily disturbed by two or three sentences.

Tang Feng’s words made Su Qicheng a little bit like a tongue twister and he didn’t know what to say. In the end, he could only stare at the man.

“General Su is also good for you. Why don’t you as a person show affection and kindness, Su always knows better than you.

Ge Chen stood next to Su Qicheng’s teeth again, always making you feel helpless when suddenly waiting for you.

“Speak more is not beneficial,” the more you say, everyone should think or think, and what to do or how to do it.

Shaking his head, Tang Feng glanced at his head and was still embarrassed. Now he was so excited to listen to what Lee said if they spoke, and almost forgot the business.

“I just got it?” Tang Feng said and pressed the delete key.

Before confirming by pressing delete, Lu Tianchen on the side said, “This one is left.

“It was the two of them looking at the pictures of the water puppets. They didn’t really see their faces clearly. The photos were taken from their right side. They could only see their faces faintly. The backs nestled together, unexpectedly there was a warm and peaceful feeling.

The earthworm asked Tang Feng to delete it.

“it is good.

“He nodded.

“It was all just deleted.

Su Qicheng suddenly grabbed the camera in Tang Feng’s hand. Seeing that this guy was about to press the delete confirmation key, suddenly someone jumped over from their side like a monkey, and all of them were unguarded. The camera was taken away in an instant.

“Xiao Yu!” Li Dongxi jumped first, and then chased in the direction of the thief, pulling his legs. The two short legs were really weak. It is estimated that the sports scores in the school were barely passing.

Tang Feng also ran past at the same time. The camera was missing in his hand. The man turned and rushed without thinking, and Su Qicheng ran after seeing this.

As soon as Lu Tianchen turned around, he was grabbed by his arm, and when he looked back, he saw the song dust clenching his teeth.

“Tenchen, you do n’t want to drive me, okay, I ca n’t do without you, I have done so many things for you, how can you not want me! I beg you, beg you all right?” Ge Chen’s hands tightened Hugging Lu Tianchen tightly, the loud cry drew the attention of many people nearby.

In just such a blink of an eye, Tang Feng, Li Xi, and Su Qicheng did not know where they went.

“Let it go!” Lu Tianchen pushed Song Chen away, turned his teeth and chased in the direction where Tang Feng had just disappeared.

A young man sitting on the ground stumbled on the ground, and several bodyguards beside Su Qicheng ran away when the boss ran away, and no one was here to serve the big star.

“Lu Tianchen!” Song Chen was about to cry, his chest was undulating up and down, sitting on the ground and gnashing his teeth in the direction where Tian Chen left.

“He doesn’t like you, why should you chase him hard.

“The Republican student stood beside Ge Chen, bent down and stretched out his hand to the young man, smiling slightly.” Get up and fight against the big boss.

“”Snapped! “Ge Chen’s unrelenting palm opened the hand stretched out by the other party, and said coldly:” What kind of thing are you talking about? What kind of cool words are you talking about here? Who do you think you are? You are just a dog under Su Qicheng’s hands. Don’t think that he is spoiling you now, you can ride on my head, I tell you, you are a dog, and Cheng Yuan is a dog riden by someone! The smile on the face of the Republican student’s face was stiff for a moment. He closed the hand of Song Chen and waved his hand, gently rubbed the palm of the pain, and slowly said, “Yeah, I’m nothing, but it’s also better than You are strong, you see what you look like now, sitting on the ground crying and keeping a man who does not want you.

Finally, do you think you are a big star? Hehe, after leaving Su Qicheng, you are not alone “” Dare you speak to me like this? ” !! “The song dust is not light.

These second-tier stars were not respectful and respectful when they saw him at the beginning, now they are alright, and there is a backer one by one.

“Why don’t I dare, do you think you are still a great star? Everyone has no big bosses to invest in you in the back, who will give you movie performances, who will give you packaging and propaganda.

Ge Chen, you are just like a dog like me, no, you are more pitiful, because you do n’t even know who you are.

“Looking down at Ge Chen, the Republic of China smiled slightly:” Look at how you look now, this is the difference between you and Tang Feng. If I choose, I won’t choose you. Can only hold poor poor worms.

“”you! Song Chen got up from the ground and reached out to hit the Republican primary school student. Unfortunately, he forgot that the Republican primary school student was half a head taller than him.

As soon as Ge Chen stretched out his hand, he was caught by the Republic of China ’s Republic of China, and his backhand was forced hard. Ge Chen took a few steps back and almost fell.

The students in the Republic of China raised a, and their eyes were full of disdain and pity: “No one here will support you and no one will support you. How did you bully us little stars, now let you taste this and taste.

“Ge Chen’s chest was up and down, and he never went to beat him again, but just looked coldly to see the man not talking.

“What do you think? Are you not convinced? Oh, there is nothing you can do if you are not convinced. Now, no one will give you a shot. President Su is not interested in you, and Lu Tianchen doesn’t like you. Is it still seventeen eighty-nine? Withdraw from the entertainment industry early, this is not for you.

Glancing at Ge Chen, the students in the Republic of China chased after Su Qizheng in the direction they left.

Looking at the students in the Republic of China far away, Ge Chen stood alone for a while, and he retreated to the side alone and patted the dust on himself.

After thinking with his head down for a while, the young man raised his head and smiled.

“You yelled at me, backer, you really need one.

“Taking a deep breath, Gechen gritted his teeth.

“You scolded me today, and I will give it back to you ten times in the future.

As for Tang Feng … let’s put it aside for a while, he can’t be defeated by a 30-year-old Republican primary school student.

“Huh!” Song Chen took a breath, turned and chased after Su Qizheng they left.

He didn’t walk too long before seeing Lu Tianchen again. The man saw that he ran directly afterwards. Before the song Chen had time to be happy, he was thrown a cold water by the other side for half a minute.

“What about Tang Feng, have you seen him?” Lu Tianchen seemed a little nervous, and even his tone became severe.

After hesitating for half a second, Ge Chen saw the Republican students who were also nearby and said to Lu Tianchen: “No, I came from there at the moment, I didn’t see Tang Feng, and I didn’t see Su Qizhen.

“What happened, didn’t you find them?” “Ge Chen asked.

“It’s gone.

“People in the Republic of China glanced at each other,” President Su, Tang Feng, and the college student whose camera was stolen were gone.

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