True Star

v3 Chapter 8 - -Missing-down

Man is like floating in the sea, with the ups and downs of the waves.

I wanted to reach out and catch something, but Tee couldn’t hold anything at all, her body was so fierce, and her consciousness was a little confused.

It took Tang Feng a few minutes to make his consciousness a little bit sober. He remembered that he and Li Zao were watching the thief running away. The thief turned into a street. On both sides were local people. With tourists, the bright lights around were very lively. He shouted to catch the thief, but the local people didn’t seem to listen to him very much.

Later, he jumped up and grabbed the thief, and when he was about to recapture the camera, the thief suddenly stung at him. The smell was slightly acrid. He had no time to breathe, and the acrid smell quickly spread. , And then the whole world seemed to be upside down, his head was hazy.

Relying on his final consciousness and physical ability to reflect, Tang Feng ran to the crowded place with a punch in the past. He seemed to see Li Xi and Su Qiling who came over. He reached out and waved at them as if to shout. He said something like “Come here”, but he couldn’t even hear himself clearly.

Unfortunately, without waiting for Su Qicheng and Li Zai to come over, those two people were caught by a sudden emergence of a group of locals, holding the mouth and pulling the mule away.

When Tang Feng passed out, he felt like he was being held from behind. He tried to look back at who was holding him, but the other party knew his intention and reached out to hold his eyes. .

Plunged into a quiet darkness.

Was it kidnapped again? How can life be more exciting than the movie? It wasn’t Su Qicheng once. Su Qicheng also seemed to be caught. Who is that? Lu Tianchen’s enemy? Or suddenly came out of Albert? My head is still groggy, it doesn’t hurt or feel uncomfortable, just faint, like when a person is half asleep and half awake, half immersed in the dream and half conscious, but there is no way to open the eyes completely.

He tried to move, his hands and feet were free to be bound and not locked. He grabbed his hands and grabbed them, it was a slippery seam, not a haystack or a cold ground. It felt like home. Like the big bed.

As a kidnapper, treatment should look good for now.

There is no unpleasant smell in the air, but Maple has a smell of seawater and a faint fishy smell. They are either at the sea or at sea. If he was so dizzy that his body was shaking occasionally, it should be On board.

Where is this ship heading for, isn’t it about throwing them into the sea to feed fish? Tang Feng did not like the feeling of being strangled, nor did she think she had the invincible good luck of being born again.

“Hmm …” He held his forehead and tried to sit up, but soon someone squeezed him by the shoulder, and there was always someone beside him, but he didn’t notice it.

He tilted his head to look at it, before he could see the appearance of the other side, he was in a dark place. The other side came over and kissed his lips, and broke in with some strength. With the faint taste of mints, Tang Feng felt that he was really hopeless and was kissed by people and still analyzing this one.

The chest felt a lot of pressure that belonged to the man. The other party hurriedly took off his T-shirt, and a pair of warm and often cocooned palms slightly stroked his chest and shoulders. He stroked them back and forth, occasionally stopping and suddenly sucking on his fan again.

It hurts a little, it must be bruising.

What’s going on in these years, robbers and jerk, he is not a big beauty.

“Baby, have you missed me?” The man put out a breath in his ear slowly, and the ambiguous and familiar voice echoed in Tang Feng’s ear. The voice, the tone, and the familiar ones. palm.

“Charles …” Tang Feng stumbled out three words, which not only made the guy pressed on him a contented smile, but also relieved Tang Feng.

Although he would not die or live because he was strong, but no matter who put this kind of thing on it, he would not feel good about it.

Earthworm Oh Jade was kidnapped by Charles? Tak also came better than anyone else.

“So smart, my baby.

With a smile, Charles bullied him again, humming as he crunched the man’s pants.

“Have you missed me? I want to die for you, oh, look at you, you are all bullied by Lu Tianchen’s idiot. It doesn’t matter, I will protect you and won’t let you be bullied by him.

“You are an idiot. Where I was bullied, I don’t need your protection.

Tang Feng had no time or strength to talk back to Charles, and his head is still chaotic.

I heard a few sounds in my ear. Tang Feng tried to grab Charles’ hand: “I’m dizzy …” “Sleep just fine, there are absolutely no toxic side effects. In order to promote sleep, we can do some sweating Exercise also helps to increase our feelings.

“I don’t want to say this … Tang Feng soon felt that Charles was eagerly pressing on him, did the bear start to estrus again?” Oh! “The slight pain made the man snorted softly. When he started shaking, he felt his head was more dizzy. He was not in the sea now, but in a tumbler washing machine.

Charles you idiot on the brain! ………… I don’t remember what happened in the back. Shaking Tang Feng and falling asleep.

Sure enough, his head no longer fainted after falling asleep, but his limbs were not sour.

The body was wrapped in a soft quilt like a silkworm baby. Tang Feng blinked slightly, and when he woke up, he first heard Charles’ voice, but the other party should not be talking to him.

“Speaking of letter? Oh, I have always been a credible person. If you help me, I will return those photos to you.

You see, I have given you back those photos now, Mr. Su, am I right? “Charles was sitting on the bedside, one hand resting on Tang Feng’s waist across the talker, because Tang Feng was lying facing Charles, the latter did not find Tang Feng has woke up.

“Charles, everyone is a business person. I brought you to Tang Feng, and Lu Tianchen also helped you hold it. Yes, you returned the photo, but you ca n’t cross the Hezhe Bridge and take someone. Just want to get off the boat? “Su started.

“Well, Mr. Su, I said that you are really strange. Do you want to follow me if you don’t disembark and go home? Let me declare first, I have no interest in this type of you.

Charles said with a smile and squeezed Tang Feng’s fart. “I love my baby Tang very much.”

“Disgusting, flesh-hemp, big bear! Tang Feng sighed secretly when listening. What happened to Lu Tianchen and Charles, wouldn’t it be because he was in trouble? How does it sound like Charles and Su Qicheng cooperate.

Su Qicheng said angrily: “Charles, Tang Feng and I are missing together. If only me went back, would Lu Tianchen see that he would help me?” “Do you fear him?” ? “Charles was still cynical and said with a provocative smile.

“It’s one thing to be afraid, but no one likes revenge on Lu Tianchen.

“Su Qizhen paused and said,” If you know him so well, you should know what his character is.

“Okay, do n’t talk to me here, why did n’t you see me when you promised me to ask these questions, Su Qicheng, don’t come with me, you will let me go when you arrive in Thailand, unwilling to go If so, I would be happy to throw you into the sea to feed the sharks, you choose.

“Charles Gu was impatient, and then someone asked Su Qi to go out.

After Su Qicheng left, Charles turned over and suppressed Tang Feng. He kissed the ear of the man and said with a smile, “Dear Tang, I know you wake up, it’s all Su Qicheng’s fault. The voice is so big on you Wake up.

“” It’s clear that your voice is the same as the bear roar.

“Since it was discovered that Tang Feng was not pretending, the first thing he did after waking up was not to ask him where he was, or to ask Su Qicheng to unite him and Lu Tianchen.

Tang Feng looked at Charles with a smile on his face, and thought of being squeezed out by this guy yesterday, a fist fell on Charles’ face.

“Oh! Dear, how did you become more powerful, I will look disfigured! As soon as Charles hugged his face, he bent down.

Shaking his hand, Tang Feng punched him again against Charles’ shoulder.

The first punch was 揍 Charles went to him yesterday, and the second punch was 揍 Charles again using drugs.

“You white idiot bear!” The third punch was pure friend anger, and his good vacation was destroyed like this.

By the way, Charles also paid attention to an international penalty!

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