True Star

v4 Chapter 63 - -Movie promotion

In reality, Tang Feng once participated in a superstar training class held by Su Qicheng and Lu Tianchen. Similarly, in the movie, Chen Fan also participated in this training class program that began to change his life track.

Play in play, different stories, but the same is that they are the protagonists in their respective lives.

When filming this scene, Tang Feng discussed with several editors together, and planned to restore as many scenes as possible when he attended the superstar training class. According to the script, more people appeared, such as several teachers in the training class at the time.

What surprised Tang Feng was that he just tried to contact Larry, the teacher of the acting class at the time, and all of them agreed.

I still remember that the final exam of the acting class was that they each chose a song to perform silently from beginning to end. This scene was reproduced in Rebirth.

The unchanging dark gray T-shirt and black trousers, Tang Feng stood alone in the large empty room with his back to the camera. There was a dark sky outside the window, and the branches were dense but dark gray.

In the large room, he seemed so lonely and small. The back view under the lens was already an oil painting revealing the prelude to the song, painting the pain and sorrow over and over again.

And the lyrics at that time, I believe many people have not forgotten: Iwantlove, butit’i–possible I want to love, but that is impossible A–anlike–eisdeadi ** laces Men like me have long been tired of the feelings of failure … The man in the camera gently twitched his pale lips, and the sleep under the thick eyebrow was the world he saw, the dark branches, the gray sky that couldn’t see the sun, the bustling but empty mansion, And a man singing “I want love”.

… Ican ‘tlove, shtfullofholes, I can’t love, I’ve bruised Don ‘ tfeelnothing, IjustfeelcoldDon ‘tfeelnothing, justoldscars. Except for the cold and old wounds, I don’t feel Tougheninguparound–yheart I feel ashamed … Longing for love, Chen Fan, Tang Feng, who has been loved outside of the movie, suddenly became connected in and out of the movie for two years.

Perhaps God heard Tang Feng’s inner voice, and the feelings revealed in each subtle expression finally gave him everything he had never had in his life: love and health.

Every film will have an ending, of course, “Rebirth” is no exception, but Tang Feng does not want to give Chen Fan in the film a certain end prematurely.

The protagonist in the movie is like Tang Feng in reality. From the beginning, he has stepped out of the predicament of nothing, and has been recognized by his boss Lu Tianchen, and has been recognized by his colleagues. The constantly sharpened acting skills have also earned him a major international director. Favor.

Such an ending is enough for a movie.

Chen Fan stood on the boarding stairs and looked back at the city that had caused him countless pains and disappointments, and finally made him stand up again with a smile.

The camera landed on his confident face. The man got on the plane to Hollywood. The sun was bright and the sea was bright. The future seemed bright.

There is no need to tell people at the end of the film whether Chen Fan succeeded in Hollywood or failed in the end. The plane flying to Hollywood is more like people’s hope. It will always be bright and brilliant.

Regardless of Chen Fan’s ending, his process from failure to standing up has made him a winner.

In terms of movies, Tang Feng in reality is still continuing his career, as if he was full of confidence when he set foot on a plane to Hollywood. He may make a few movies that are notorious. Encountered something in the entertainment industry that caused his career to slump.

The movie is over, and life continues.

In the spring of the third year after Tang Feng’s rebirth, his first film, Rebirth, was successfully shot.

At the same time, the sequel to “Heavenly Son” was successfully terminated in the second month after the rebirth was filmed.

The completion of the film does not mean the end of the work, at least for Tang Feng, the producer and the actor, the latter work is crucial, that is, publicity around the world.

In the mainland, first, the studio staff and publishers carried out the propaganda work, mainly for the placement of some advertisements and simple media promotion. For foreign markets, Tang Feng had to go for a trip in person.

For domestic audiences, the only difference between “Heaven” and other Hollywood blockbusters is that the starring is an authentic Chinese. The movie also has a lot of Chinese elements like a cartoon movie, but for Tang Feng, the starring The popularity and influence of the United States would not have been guessed by audiences in the United States.

If it is said that the first two film-level acting films have earned Tang Feng’s recognition in the industry, then the commercial film “Heaven” has earned him the recognition of the audience. The box office may not tell everything, but at least it can indicate that many people buy tickets. At the cinema, I knew that there was someone like Tang Feng.

Because of its popularity, Tang Feng had a good talk with several famous talk shows in the United States before.

Today, Tang Feng will have a simple talk show. This talk show is very short. It usually ends in fifteen minutes. But at the same time, the talk show and host are very popular with American audiences.

The host is a female, but at the same time she is also an open homosexual, has her own lover, now the relationship is stable, has a good popularity in the circle, is a very attractive female hostess.

Presumably, Tang Feng was vilified for the same scandal with Charles. Everyone is a vulnerable group. The hostess is more friendly to Tang Feng.

“I knew you would come back! I knew it! Did you say it ?!” At the beginning, the neutral hostess smiled heartily, stepped forward and gave Tang Feng a hug.

The audience at the scene applauded and cheered.

“Of course, I will certainly be back.

In cooperation with the hostess, Tang Feng raised her hand and greeted her with a smile to the audience.

There was another applause that made people’s ears numb. The hostess just smiled and looked around, making a few helpless expressions from time to time.

“Okay, do you plan to applaud for fifteen minutes? Seriously, I don’t mind at all, so I can stand still for fifteen minutes and get my salary.

“I beckoned the audience to be quiet, and the hostess took Tang Feng to the sofa and sat down:” I haven’t heard such a warm applause for a long time, and I swear they love you, my God, where have you been during this time , I heard that you just made a movie and it was still based on you? “The dedicated hostess talked about Tang Feng’s new movie in the beginning for a limited time.

“That’s it.

“Oh my God! This sounds interesting, but do you know your **** fans? More than two years ago you were still a dragon runner, haha, forgive me for saying so.

“Yeah, that’s true. I don’t have any fame. I live in a rental house.” After a pause, Tang Feng sat upright and laughed at the audience. “I’m famous now, and I plan to buy my own villa. Do you know how I did it, you will know when you go to the cinema when the movie is released! “On the show, Tang Feng is very happy to make some jokes. He has no personal burdens. He also hopes that he can have a good time while watching the audience under the TV.

“I have to go and I have to go and see how poor you were before you became famous.

“The host laughed with the audience.

In just 15 minutes, Tang Feng used his time to promote his movie as much as possible, and at the same time joked with the host. Perhaps this is why this talk show is very popular, but the host and guests all got 15 minutes. I have to try my best to perform the best, but the result is that the audience is always anxious to change from an hour to fifteen minutes.

Just as Chen Mingxu, as the host, has to record a week’s program in two days, the hostess’s program will also be recorded for several hours in a day, which allows them to choose the programs they want to broadcast. There can be resources to cope with unexpected situations, such as the host being sick and unable to record a program.

So in the background of the show, you may often meet some acquaintances.

I do n’t know if it ’s such a coincidence. After Tang Feng recorded the show and stepped down, he saw in the background the actor “Heavenly Son 2” who also came to promote the movie.

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