True Star

v4 Chapter 64 - -Bundled News

“Can you please sign us?” “Of course.

“In the background of the show, several staff members carefully asked Tang Feng. Now, after all, it is their working time. For Tang Feng, it is not within his working time.

As a star, Tang Feng can refuse the other party’s request, but what reason does he have to refuse the other party? Probably because “The Emperor of Heaven” is more influential, several staff members are holding Tang Feng’s photos and posters in the movie “Heaven”.

At that time, the poster of “The Emperor of Heaven” won praises from many people. The overall design was in a style of splashing ink. Tang Feng’s long hair at that time was like flowing water with ink stains. Seeing through the turmoil in this world, quietly, it gave the audience a sense of inexplicable shock.

There is a play in the eyes, that’s it.

When Tang Feng signed and took photos with several staff members, he actually noticed a Chinese sitting next to him and chatting with other people. After all, among a group of blonde foreigners, a Chinese with black hair and black pupil was very conspicuous, but he did not I didn’t think much about it, I just thought that the other party was also a TV staff.

Until he heard the Chinese talking to several people and mentioned the sequel to the movie “Heavenly Son”, he had to carefully observe the other party. He just took a casual look at it. Now he takes a closer look. The designer clothes worn by the other party are not ordinary staff Affordable.

More importantly, the other party took off the baseball cap on his head, and the long hair was braided under the cap.

In retrospect, Tang Feng also signed a few staff members. The opponent held the poster of the first part of “Heaven”. If Tang Feng was the starring part of the second part, he would feel a little embarrassed.

It was like before the release of “Heavenly Son”, Tang Feng’s fame in the circle was not great. Only some people knew that his acting skills were good, but the real fame was after the movie was released.

Now the starring role of the second part of “Tianzi” is the same as the previous Tang Feng. Before you really succeed, not many people will care about you.

As a predecessor and a Chinese of the same origin, Tang Feng thought that he deserved to greet each other.

“Very beautiful braid, is it the look in the new movie?” Tang Feng walked over, smiling as usual, looking very easy-going.

Because the other party was also Chinese, Tang Feng habitually spoke Chinese.

“What are you talking about, I don’t understand, can’t you speak English?” But obviously the other party didn’t understand Chinese, and returned to Tang Feng fluently in English.

“I’m sorry …” “I’m sorry, you think I look like you and have black hair and black eyes and will be Chinese, or you are sarcastic about me playing an Oriental hero but not Chinese.”

“When Tang Feng was interrupted, the man didn’t look very happy. Before the several staff members signed and took a photo with Tang Feng, they still left unpleasant marks in the man’s heart.

“I didn’t mean this. I just came from China and saw people with dark hair and black eyes more intimate.

“Tang Feng is not angry. This young man is not much different from other young people in the United States. He has high self-esteem and some impulse.

Because of the success of the previous movie, this sequel has attracted more attention. In fact, as the lead role of the sequel, this young man also suffered a lot of pressure.

It ’s like a tight string, and it may crack at the slightest touch, just like human reason, it is really difficult to control.

Tang Feng can’t ask a young man who doesn’t have much social experience to be as mature as him. The conflict between him and the producer of “Heavenly Son” has nothing to do with this young man.

“I grew up in the United States. Although my father is Chinese, I have never been back and I do n’t know Chinese.

“It’s probably Tang Feng’s favorable attitude. The young people quickly converged a lot.

That is to say, he has lived in the United States since he was a child, but when he sees someone with black hair and black eyes like himself, he will still have some intimacy.

“You should go back and have a look, there are many beautiful places there.

“Tang Feng sat next to the young man and quickly chatted with each other.” How long do you have to record the show? ” “Two hours.

“I took a deep breath and said weary. The young man came a little ahead of time. No wonder he met Tang Feng.

It is estimated that the TV station did not expect young people to come so early. After all, the protagonists of the two movies met together, and it will inevitably be a little embarrassing.

Even if they didn’t know it before, they will be affected in many comparisons in the media and in the discussions of audience fans. Tang Feng is not the age to be affected by public opinion, but a young man has a difficult mentality.

It’s like when your mother used to compare another child with you, maybe it has nothing to do with that child, but you always have a bad impression of another child.

“These propaganda these days are really exhausting. Where are you going to go next?” At this time, the seniors did not give good advice to the other party.

Tang Feng chatted with each other a little.

“I don’t know. It could be Los Angeles or the United Kingdom.

“The young man looked at the man with a calm manner beside him, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

“I heard you came here to promote the movie?” He asked.

“Yeah, for the first time I was a producer.

“I’ve seen the last movie. You did make a good shot, but I won’t be affected by you. I wish you a good box office.

With a smile on his lips, the young man suddenly reached out and embraced Tang Feng.

Somewhat surprised, Tang Feng still patted the other’s shoulder gently: “Thank you, so are you.

“… The next morning, a picture of Tang Feng and the young man hugging was published in the newspaper. The headline of the news was: New and old emperor, perfect succession.

“The young people’s acting skills are really good now, this Mike Chen is powerful enough. I don’t believe he doesn’t know that there will be someone **, and I don’t think a young man growing up in the United States will be dedicated to the TV station two hours in advance.

“Charles flipped through the newspaper and pointedly pointed at the photo above.” Young people now only know what it means to be late.

“” You say that, it feels like you are very old.

Tang Feng sat opposite Charles, who came to the United States this time with Charles.

Domestic film propaganda includes Lu Tianchen and Xiaoyu. Tang Feng is not stupid enough to focus on foreign markets and forget the domestic.

When he saw the newspaper this morning, he did have some surprises. When he hugged with Mike Chen yesterday, he didn’t find anyone nearby at all **. Is this directly related to Mike Chen? Charles has said everything, Tang Feng is kind, but it doesn’t mean stupid.

Anyway, it is also an old river and lake. From today ’s newspapers, it can be seen that this must be a bureau intentionally arranged by the propaganda company. Take his former emperor actor to hype the current movie. This is good. By the way, he gave him some exposure. It can also be regarded as bundle marketing.

Singing the milk, Tang Feng took out a paper towel and wiped his mouth, raised his wrists and looked at the time, and said, “Landa will come over for lunch with me, will you be with me?” “Landa, who is Landa? “The bread handed down to his mouth was put down again, Charles looked at Tang Feng vigilantly.” Dear, I know you are attractive, but please don’t talk about other women in front of me like this, I will be sad.

“She is a good friend of mine.

“…” Has the screening date been set? A woman of all kinds and styles sits opposite Tang Feng, and sometimes a pair of beautiful eyes like jewels float to the handsome and tall Charles beside Tang Feng. It has no special meaning, but just has more curiosity.

“No surprises should be set for May.

“I will definitely pass.

“Landa smiled and immediately promised.

Tang Feng only thanked him for this: “Thank you very much, Randa.

“Okay, my dear, and I don’t need to say thank you, I will be your girl companion on the red carpet with you that day.”

There was a hint of slyness in his eyes, and Landa looked at Charles and said, “I hope you don’t mind, sir.

“Of course I don’t mind. Every successful man is always behind a super nice man who silently pays me and does not ask for reward.

“This tone is taken for granted, Charles doesn’t mind showing love to Tang Feng in front of Landa,” You’re right, my dear baby.

“Super nice man, would you like to get us two cups of coffee?” “Tang Feng deliberately extended Charles.

“I’ll be happy to help you.

“The look of gentleman Charles caught Randa’s attention.

When Charles left temporarily, Randa’s gossip as a woman broke out immediately.

“You have a love that looks very good-man, dear, you actually took him with you.

“Landa said with some worries. Last year, Tang Feng was blasted out. There was a cousin, and now Tang Feng is still upright with Charles.

“I don’t want to hide anything.

“Looking at Charles’s back, Tang Feng smiled slightly. He didn’t mind being known that he had the same people, but he would not take the initiative to tell others.

For him, life is life and work is work.

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