Truth Of The Forgotten Age

2-09: First Delve II

Veronica wrenched her mace from the carcass of the large beatle in front of her.

"Ew, ew, ew, gross... why did it have to be bugs of all things?" Cassidy complained, turning her head away.

Veronica checked her status, to see how much more small things she'd need to kill.

Level 1: EXP To Level 2 (50/1,000)

"Only fifty? That's... two experience per." Veronica muttered. "We're gonna be here forever..." She sighed, drooping her shoulders.

"That's why we've gotten multiple days worth of food. As I said, we aren't leaving until all of you get at least one level." Tisha added, watching the girls just far enough to not gravitate attention from the monsters.

"So then...!" Aviris started, thrusting a shortsword into the hard chitin of a monster. "I guess we can talk about our classes more. We never did tell each other what our Spirits were or anything." Aviris suggested, wiping the sweat off of her forehead.

"Sixty four... That's an excellent idea! It'll help us pass the time and get to know each other better." Eleanora agreed.

"Well, since we're talking about Spirits, let's start with Ver! You haven't revealed much about you class other than it being lewd. Tell us more!" Cassidy teased.

"I-It's embarrassing! And I don't want it to change how any of you feel about me, a-and--" Veronica stuttered and stumbled on her words.

"Veronica, it's fine. You didn't choose your Spirit. None of us did. And, I swear, as a member of the Kanhawsa people, that your Spirit won't change what I think about you." Aviris stated, reassuring Veronica.

"And I, too. After all, you chose to come here and work your Spirit up. One way or another, something like this was bound to happen. So, whether you mean it or not, your Spirit's lewdness will eventually level. And, preferably, with people you trust." Eleanora added.

"I- Fine. Where to start... my class' name is 'Infernal Knight', not to mention that the name itself is evolvable. So, I assume that the name will change every now and then when I level."

"That's... a really cool name. And yet sounds a bit... childish?" Aviris commented.

"I didn't choose the name... next is... abilities I guess. I'll try to get through them quickly. The first one is Commander's Body, every time I oevel it, it changes my body, like my height, general shape, etc... The current challenge requires me to... Um... Give or recieve or stimulation from three people..."

'I should probably hide Lilith, for now anyways. Maybe later.'

"You need to... have oral sex with people to upgrade it?" Eleanora asked, cheeks ever so slightly red, but clearly more curious than anything else.

"Y-Yes. This seems like it'll be a.... regular occurrence. Next in the list is Light Weapon Master, by the looks of it, any weapon that can be considered one handed, I think, can be used with ease, as well as letting my partners handle... ugh... 'larger insertions'." As Veronica mumbled "larger insertions", the girls, Tisha included, covered their mouth is embarrassment.

"It currently requires me to defeat fifty opponents with a mace. And, thanks to our work here, it's already half way there. And, lastly, for now... is Charm. I already upgraded it once by completing a challenge that I have no clue how it was done, but it was. And, I might have accidentally used it on someone..."

"Accidentally?" Cassidy asked, with some anger in her voice.

"Yes. At least, I assume. Currently, it allows me to, and I quote, 'easily influence others by showing off my breasts', and the next upgrade allows me to actually control it. However..." She trailed, not really wanting to say it. "I'll need to 'lay with someone relatively older than me'. It's... not very specific."

Tisha made eyes with Veronica, her breathing quickening a little before turning her head away. She took a few steps away, to look out for any danger the group couldn't handle.

"I'll say. I'm older than you by three months. Does that count as relatively? How about Elly, who's two years older than us?" Cassidy wondered.

"I-I don't know. And why are you bringing her up? I'm sure Elly wouldn't agree to-"

"I think I can speak for myself. I said it once, and I'll say it again, I'll help in any way I can. But, if anything happens, I expect you to take responsibility." Eleanora said nonchalantly, as if it were nothing.

Veronica was taken aback, her face grew a deep, cherry red.

"Alright, one more before we take a break and nap? Who wants to go next?" Aviris asked.

"Guess I can. I don't have nearly as much goodies as Ver though." Cassidy agreed to go next, and last for the moment.

"Witch of the Void. From what I can tell, it's supposed to be a magic class that can cast a lot of heavy spells. I've got a lot of magic, and from my practice, I can practically tear through low rank armor as if it were paper." She proclaimed, posing proudly. "I only have two abilities right now though. Void Mistress, I gain more and more spells that connect to the endless void, with earlier spells costing less magic power to use."

"That's pretty good for a damaging caster. Cheap spells related to a void. Actually, no, not good. It's extremely powerful!" Eleanora added.

"Well, it's not upgraded yet. The challenge is pretty vague. It wants me to experience the void. I don't exactly know what that means. I'm sure I'll figure it our soon though."

"That is very, awfully vague. More vague than 'lay with someone relatively older'." Aviris chimed in.

"Hey!" Veronica responded, not knowing how to respond.

"Haha! Anyways, I'm sure I can figure it out. So, the second one is just simply Destruction Magic. It's a common ability for Offenceive Mages. The more skilled I get at basic offensive spells, the higher tier spells I can use, and the quicker I can cast them. Ugh, even chantless casting is slow... basic challenge, similar to Ver's 'Light Weapon Master'. Just defeat opponents with it. And that's all. Not as... odd as Ver's. Or interesting."

"I thought it was cool, Cass." Veronica said, looking at her with eyes filled with pity.

"Give me that look again and I swear clothes will be a suggestion when I'm done with you."

Aviris laughed as Eleanora looked a bit confused.

 "Wait... are you two together?" The princess asked, seeing how open Cassidy was about talking about having sexual actions with Veronica.

"No, not officially. We're childhood friends. And I want to help her grow in power. That's why I scouted you two." Cassidy answered quickly.

"Girls, if you want to take a break, now's the time. I'll keep watch for now." Tisha yelled, a small ways away.

"Right!" The girls yelled back in unison, walked over to the makeshift camp.

"Guess we'll continue when we rest up. Let's eat and take a quick nap." Aviris said.

And, after a snack, the girls set up their packs like pillows and laid down on the hard dungeon floor and shut their eyes. The hero turned teacher watching over them.

"Let's hope this doesn't become a habit..." Tisha spoke to herself, looking at the snoozing team.

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