Truth Of The Forgotten Age

3-05: Date With Cass

"You, me, day out on the town, you in?" Cassidy asked, pushing her face right up to Veronica's.

"Uh... sure. I guess we could. Just the two of us?" Veronica agreed hesitantly.

"Yup! You, me, and a dingy alleyway where no one can hear me scream your name."


"I'm joking, I'm joking." She laughed, finding Veronica's reaction priceless. "Anyways, I already got money for us to use and I've already planned it all out. All that's left is to pick a day."

Veronica cleared her throatand tried to regain even a semblance of composure. "Isn't tomorrow a free day? Can we do that?"

"That works for me. Make sure to wear something nice~ I'll swing by your room at... the tenth bell?"

"Sounds great, Cass. We finally have a reason to explore now. Might as well make it count!"

And so, after the rest of the school day, then after a good night's rest, tge two got ready, putting on their most fashionable country bumpkin outfits that they own. By the tenth bell, a knock came from outside Veronica's door.

The two left the dorm and academy grounds, as some other students had been doing, and made their way into town.

Finally taking things slower, they studied each of the buildings. Small storefronts to huge business complexes. The capital is a thriving place, not even a beggar to be seen.

Cassidy stretched her arms out and took a deep breath. "Feels like I've been cooped up in tight spaces for too long. Feels nice to just simply wander."

"It really does. Our village wasn't even like this. It really is eye opening."

"Yeah. This small square of building is practically the entire size of it. Do you think that we could just retire here? A couple years of adventuring, some bandit slaying here and there, and then a nice little place here to stay for the rest of our lives."

"Here? In this economy? We'd have to be adventurers for at least thirty years. Like, take a look at that bookshop. A book about plants for Ten Electrum! That's enough to retire on for the rest of our lives and then some."

The two giggled as they continued down the street, exploring everything they came across.

Like a clothing shop, where they tried on outfits for each other, eventually purchasing a pair of outfits secretly for each other.

Then, another clothing store, one that specializes in the lingerie department. Cassidy was definitely trying to signal Veronica with how much risqué lingerie she was showing off, while Veronica stuck to the simpler types. Ones that didn't show off nearly as much. 

A jewelry store as well. After all, one doesn't simply visit the capital and leave without a pretty gemstone to accessorize yourself with. Perhaps, for two girls who are intimate with each other, matching rings, a simple band adorned with each other's eye color as a gemstone. A ruby in one, and a zircon in the other.

Hours of exploration ending with a simple restaurant.

A young woman, no older than Aviris, came to their table. She was wearing a rather boyish uniform, but the most striking part about her werrle her animalistic features. She was adorned with a rather cute pair of bunny ears, and a tail just above her butt. An ever so rare Beastkin. Not too many around here. Though, there were a few back at the academy.

"Hello! I am Sila, and I'll be your waitress for today. How may I help you?" She said, with a business-like smile.

"I think I'll have this Chocolate Creme Brulee and Morning Sun Tea, cold please." Cassidy ordered.

"Chocolate Creme Brulee and Morning Sun Tea. Got it. And you, miss?"

"I take the Black Currant Cheesecake, and I'll have a Morning Sun Tea as well." Veronica gave her order.

"Black Currant Cheesecake and another tea. That'll be right up!" The bunny girl exclaimed before running off to the kitchen.

"Well she was cute." Veronica blurted out.

"Oh my, we're on a date and you're already looking at other girls! You break my heart." Cassidy joked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Anyways, where'd you get the money for all this? None of these were cheap. Or moderately priced for that manner." She asked, wondering how Cassidy was suddenly able to afford such extravagant things.

"Got it from Elly." Cassidy admitted. Veronica stared at her with an expression that seemed to say 'legally, right?' "Relax, I talked to her about this, and the next thing I know, she's shoving a huge bag of money in my face. She called it pocket money. I call it 'enough money to live for a few years'."

"That sounds right. Given who she is."

"Oh, and she also said she wants a turn. She's getting rather jealous."

"She's a princess. May I remind you what'll happen if I so much as lay a finger on her?"

"Counter argument, you'll get to shove your cock down a royal's throat, and she wouldn't say no."

"She makes a good point."

'Please stay out of my head.'

"Then please start having sex. It's great! Oh, slight warning, Succubi, and Incubi, are well known for their fertility. We can practically impregnate anything, or be impregnated by anything. As long as they carry sperm, of course."

'Thank you for telling me before hand... That's actually really good to know. So, don't fuck with out contraception.'

"Those fancy medicines won't work. Trust me, I've tried with my partners. Granted, that was ages ago. But, I'd just stick to the old fashioned way."

'Right. Anyways, food.'

And their sweets did soon arrive. I'm which they ate with haste. The taste of their desserts were completely new to them. Vastly better than what's normally served at the academy. The tea tasted normal, granted, Eleanora usually brews this tea back at the dorm anyway.

Their date soon ended, their bellies full on sugar, they headed back home.Home, where they put down all of their newly aquaired goodies and continued to Veronica's room.

Cassidy, without wasting anytime, stripped herself, and her friend, completely nude, and threw her on the bed.

"For now, I think it's time for a little... practice~"

So, I've been getting some comments (not bad ones!) about if Veronica should have external testicles. And, instead of simply saying yes or no, since I'm fine either way, but generally perfer one over the other, I'm leaving it to a poll! Now, if I have it set up right, the poll should end by the time the next chapter is out. Which is coincidentally on my birthday. Anyways, the poll results won't change the plot, but rather, it'll pretty much just be flavor text/lore. Depending on how I want to take it. Have fun!

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