Truth Of The Forgotten Age

3-09: To The Second Floor

A swift chop to the exoskeleton of a large bug ended it. Veronica's new axe was holding up nicely. She tried to use the dungeon to focus, but her mind still floated around a bit.

"Veronica, are you alright? You seem a little off." Eleanora asked sweetly.

Veronica's eyes lingered, studying her body. Nice hips, soft looking thighs and a good butt. The tight pants she wore accentuated them out even more.

"Ver, you're drooling. Did you hit your head?" Cassidy asked.

"W-What? No, no. I'm fine." Veronica swore, rubbing the back of her head.

"You're not fine if you can't focus. You need to snap out of it, otherwise you, or one of your teammates could die, if not the whole team. If it's something important, you need to get it settled now, or put it far back into the recess of your mind. You need to pick one, right now." Tisha stated coldly.

'Get it settled, or put it far back in my  mind... there's no point in worrying about my feelings for Cass right now, so I'll try to put it far back. Hopefully.'

The girls continued on, Veronica focusing as much on the dungeon as possible. Of course, there was the occasional slip, where she would trip over herself, but she quickly regained her focus.

Everything in their path was going to die, but it also wasn't really worth it. Can't learn how to take down a person by killing bugs. Their goal was to explore the second floor. Tougher monsters, and more specifically, Humanoid monsters.

The path was pretty easy, with Veronica's seemingly innate sense of direction when it came to the dungeon. In an instant, they arrived at the floor boss once again. If they were lucky, a group already killed it recently, meaning they'll be able to move to the second floor without an issue.

So, the girls did a quick preparation, which included some new buff spells that Eleanora had gotten when she leveled up.

And then they entered, in which they found that they were not lucky. The floor boss spawned. A Hobgoblin once again.

"I have something I want to try out. I'll need about fifteen seconds." Cassidy said, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

The other three nodded and tried their best to give Cassidy the time she needed. Veronica opened up with a few chops and slashes from her axe, her skill was lacking, but it kept the Hobgoblin from attacking.

Aviris flanked around to attack, but the Hobgoblin noticed her and swing around, and Aviris turned to mist, reappearing below it's line of sight, delivering a quick stab to the abdomen and backing off.

Eleanora kept up with her buffs and healing, and trying to give quick slashes. Not to kill specifically, but to distract. Her strikes were quick and precise, deliberate and smooth.

"Get back!" Cassidy yelled out, a large purple magic circle underneath the Hobgoblin.

The attackers quickly noticed and disengaged as quick as possible, and stayed away.

Cassidy's spell was quick, but started small. A small hole in the very fabric of space which gave a slight tug at the air surrounding the group. But for the Hobgoblin, it was struggling to breathe. It tried to swat away the hole, only for it's arm to get sucked in. It panicked and used it's other to try and pull itself out. And got stuck again. The Hobgoblin tried to scream in terror but no sound ever exited it's mouth. And soon, it was completely sucked away and the hole closed.

"Well... that was... terrifying..." Cassidy panted, nearly toppling over before Veronica caught her.

"Cass! Are you okay?" Veronica asked, keeping her friend steady.

Cassidy looked up towards Veronica and gave her a cute, reassuring smile, which caused Veronica to blush.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Didn't expect it to take that much magic. I should be better in a bit." Cassidy stated, nuzzling into Veronica, making the girl blush even more.

Sadly, no new treasure for them. So, straight to the second floor. Down a set of stairs and a bright shining later, they found themselves in the second floor. A gorgeous woodland. It was almost like they were outside, but that would be impossible.

"Beautiful..." The girls said in unison, looking at the trees, seeing the sun shine through the leaves.

"Guess it's time to explore." Veronica said, taking the lead.

And thus, her first steps in the second floor. And hopefully, they'll get strong enough for that upcoming tournament.

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