Truth Of The Forgotten Age

3-10: Love Talk

The forest-like second floor of the dungeon was stunning. If not for the plentiful amount of creatures trying to kill the girls.

"Elly, behind!" Veronica warned, blocking an attack coming from her side.

Eleanora swiftly dealt with the creature trying to flank her, and quickly ran by to heal anyone who needed healing. Aviris was fine, Cassidy was resting near Tisha to recover her extensive use of magic earlier, and Veronica had some nicks on her face, but was overall fine.

So, Eleanora decided to dispatch any of the foes circling around Veronica, who was finally getting a real knack for combat.

Successful block, chop from above, killing a goblin, and even a quick kick to a flanking foe, creating enough distance for Veronica to reposition herself for a better strike.

With Eleabora's help, and Aviris' skill, the three girls were able to defeat all the monsters nearby.

Finally, with everything dead, Veronica breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to rest.

"Are you alright, Veronica?" Eleanora asked, sheathing her weapon before walking over to Veronica.

"Yeah. Just some scrapes and scratches. I'll survive. Are you and Avi good?"

"I'm fine. Armor took the brunt of it." Eleanora responded. "And Aviris seemed not have been hit at all during the encounter."

"That's good. Let's regroup and discuss what comes next." Veronica said, taking a deep breath and starting to walk towards Cassidy, where Aviris already was.

Eleanora followed Veronica the short distance, all five of them regrouped.

"Ver... you got your pretty face all scratched up..." Cassidy said lazily. "Elly... can you heal her please?"

Eleanora nodded, and reached her hands towards Veronica's face, nearly placing her hands on Veronica's cheeks. Veronica tried to hold back her blush, emotions, and her pent up feelings as she felt the comfortable warm embrace of Eleanora's healing magic.

"There. Prettier than ever." Eleanora said with a smile.

"Thanks, Elly." Cassidy said as she slowly stood up, leaning on Veronica for support. "I'm feeling a bit better now. But definitely not in fighting condition. Everyone down for a break?" Cassidy asked, resting her head on Veronica's shoulder.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Let's try and find a good spot..." Veronica stated, looking around the area.

"I found a spot that seemed nice a small ways back. A hollowed out tree. Might be a good place." Aviris iterated, pointing back the way they came.

"How far?"

"No more than five minutes."

"That'll work. Let's go!" Veronica exclaimed, allowing Aviris to take the lead.

Aviris was right. Just a slight walk away was a very large tree with a cave-like entrance.

"Wait here. I'll check to make sure it isn't a trap." Tisha halted the girls and approached the entrance.

With a quick inspection, she signaled for the girls to come by, indicating that the shelter is safe.

The girls gathered what they could and made a small fire, sitting around the fire. Eleanora sat prim and proper, even on the ground she had an aura of elegance. Aviris was sitting with her legs crossed. Veronica had her legs stretched out, and had her hands behind her to support her. And Cassidy, better but just being lazy, laid her head on Veronica's lap.

"Surprisingly soft." Cassidy admitted with a giggle.

Veronica once again tried to hide her emotions.

'My brain is a mess. Maybe I should...'

"So, since we're finally taking a break, let's find something to pass the time. Love talk! Let's start with... Avi! Have anyone you like?" Cassidy began a session of games.

"Are we counting the fact that we need to sleep with Ver?" Aviris asked before giving her answer.

"Hmm... nope! Unless you really want her~ I don't mind sha- ahem. Anyways, not counting Ver, did you, or do you, have anyone that you like or liked?"

Aviris sat in silence for a small time before opening her mouth. "Back in the desert, growing up, there was a girl. She was my only friend for a while. By the time we were about fifteen, I finally confessed to her. We had something nice going on. But then, well... let's just say that we had a difference of opinions that caused us to split apart. Haven't seen her since a year before I left." Aviris explained her life back home.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"It's fine. I've gotten over it. I'm sure I'll find that special someone soon." She responded, glancing over at Veronica.

"Well that's cute. Elly, your turn!"

"I've spent practically my whole life inside the castle. I've never really talked to anyone other than my mother or sister or the servants. Sorry, I have no one." Eleanora admitted plainly.

"Aw... How about you, Ver~? You've got all these pretty girls who are willing to accept your deliciousness~ Got anyone you're into?" Cassidy teased.

Veronica's heart beat faster and faster, her cheeks going red.

"W-Well, I-I like you all. I can't possibly choose one over the other..." She said nervously.

"Oh how adorable~ Then maybe you could just pick us all~" Cassidy teased again.

"What about you? Surely there's someone you're in love with." Veronica reversed the roles, putting Cassidy in the spotlight.

With the roles reversed, Cassidy grew red, and she tried to hide her face.

"Nope! N-Not a one! Definitely!" She lied.

Veronica, already knowing this, leaned into her ear.

"Are you sure? Maybe I can introduce you to someone~" Veronica whispered, making Cassidy to squirm and make a slight noise, almost pleasurable.

"A-A-Anyways! Who's n-next? Tisha! What about you?" Cassidy tried to take the attention off of herself.

"During the war... there were a few girls. We hooked up on occasion, relived pent up frustration and stress. We were more intimate than we'd let on." Tisha said, staring a mile away at nothing.

"You had your own harem!?" Cassidy suddenly jolted up.

"Yeah. It was... interesting."

"Where are they now?" Veronica asked.

"Dead. I believe you should sleep instead. You'll rest better that way."

It was obvious that Tisha didn't want to talk about it anymore, and so, the girls decided to take her advice and sleep.

But one thing went through Veroncia's head.

'Can I help her?'

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