Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

The Goddesses prank

[Next morning, Ronan POV]

I woke to a faint memory of something soft on my forehead... and the events of last evening came rushing back... I was embarrassed, but thrilled... until I stood. And I knew something was wrong!

"Whats happened to me!" I looked in a mirror... and Screamed.

"NOOOOOOO! WHY? WHYYYYYY?" the voice much higher than normal... 

I... I woke folks up. Eina was the first into the room, Alongside Frankie and Julia... 

"Ronan? What? How did this..."

At that point, a notification appeared... and I nearly screamed again... my stupid Aunt...

[CHALLENGE OF THE GODS: The goddess of love has seen your plight, and so she will test you! With a changed form, can you still get the girl? Do your best, Little fox! -Astra, goddess of love]


[Eina POV, That night]

The Dinner was awkward. Ronan didn't want to leave his room, and after The others reactions I didn't blame him... so I brought his food to him. It had to be a shock, waking up to find your Mature, Adult Body Reduced to that of a Child. It was shocking, going in to investigate the Screams of pure terror And finding A small boy instead of an Grown man... But he was so adorable... I may have said something I shouldn't have. I got an odd notification from the gods... [GODS TASK: Return my son Ronan to his true self. Or don't, really, it's up to you... i honestly think he's cuter this way. Can the Prince's curse be broken? Will the Dashing maiden choose to help him? Up to you, I'm afraid. Good Luck! XOXO -Inari]

"Well... he is quite adorable." And that's was the wrong thing to say... Worse, how does one go about breaking a curse? I needed to do research...  But before that... Tomorrow was when I agreed to let Ronan take me to dinner... That was canceled now. And he was very upset. So... I made a plan...

[The next Evening, Inari POV]

The girl had the right idea! The two were, at this moment, Enjoying A moonlit picnic! I decided to watch, while sitting on my new Sofa, Formerly known as my Younger Sister Astra. The girl is SUPPOSED to be the primary love goddess, but wastes her time pulling pranks. She's just as much trouble as her Half-mortal Sister... I guess that comes from being the daughter of Beauty and Fate(in its Male Form)...

Oh! It's getting interesting.

"Eina... I'm sorry. Due to my childish Aunt, Our Date was ruined!"

"Ronan. Look around you? This is fine."

"But I'm stuck as a little kid! I can't Dance with you, or anything I had planned..."

The girl went red... And then it got HOT!

"Umm... Actually... I can Fix that... just... hold still."

She leaned in, As did I and the Suddenly Numerous audience(the gods)... And Grabbed his chin... They locked eyes... And then she did it... She kissed him, full on the lips... and I watched As Astra's Spell came undone... a quick Action by Cousin Claudia, godess of Tailors, Saved them from any embarrassing Clothes ripping off Situations... but Ronans arms went around her, pulling her into a deeper kiss... they kissed for at least ten minutes... then broke apart, both breathless... 

"I... it looks like... it worked..."


"Ronan? Are you okay?"

"Uhhh... umm... Excuse me."

I watched the boy get up, And calmly walk through the garden, into and through the house, and out the other side... then Stop just outside the Estate... I covered my ears, As I knew what my boy was doing...


In the manor garden, Eina heard all of this, then turned lovely shade of crimson. She can't deny it, there were FEELINGS in that kiss...  and a small voice Beneath me, from behind the ropes and Cushions, mumbled in an affronted way "Only Some? He called me such bad things!"

"Quiet! Some of those titles you deserve!"

"Still. That was quite a kiss from someone who flinches whenever a man raises his voice or tries to touch her."

A voice from behind us spoke.

"Indeed. Next they'll be holding hands... in public... then that will progress to Kissing in public... then marriage... Then They'll share a bed, and once she gets used to that, and overcomes her trauma... They'll be making babies... pant... pant..."

Astra's Twin, Anima, Godess of Lust. "Keep it in your pants, Anima."

"I'd love to, inari, but I'm not wearing any."

I looked... and sure enough, she was completely nude. And her hands hadn't stopped. She has Eight of them, and Half of them are usually busy. Truly the embodiment of Lust. Why do my younger siblings have to be so weird? 

[Eina's Room, late that night]

What was THAT? I meant to give him a quick peck, to break the curse like in that book Julia had... I guessed right that the wording hinted toward that situation... but still... that was... sigh. It's been almost two full years, and I still have nightmares, about those guards... I recall their hands and mouths, their touch... but they were cold. This? This wasn't. It felt like my body was on fire... And when it was over, I felt bubbly and weak... why? What makes this Kiss Different? I don't understand... is it... is it that I Actually Care For Ronan? Is that it? Or is it deeper?

"Fuck. I think... I think this feeling might be... do... do I love Ronan?"

"Certainly looked that way to me, Nya!"

I jumped, startled, and found myself face to face with a very pretty Cat-girl.

"Nice to Meetcha, Nya! I'm Ronans Dear Cousin Elizara... and I need your help! Now... talk to me about your Priestess Friend, Cheska."

This was my first encounter with The Theif Elizara, who would eventually be known as the woman who stole from the gods. Did I mention we were both Naked? Yeah. I was preparing for bed... I have no idea why SHE was Nude, though, and I never asked. Better not knowing.

 But by the gods... I kissed Someone... Willingly... and it was nice.

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