Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

The Party: Planning Stage

[Two weeks After Spellbreaking]

I was surprised to receive a Letter from Kayt. She Was in inviting me to Co-host a party for the young nobles, and influential Commoners... a matchmaking party. She was requesting to hold it Here, As many Nobles Wouldn't Want to be seen with commoners In the Capitol. I agreed, but with some conditions. What were they? Well... Let's go back a bit...

[The night of Spellbreaking]

"I need your help, Nya!"
The strange Catgirl claiming to be Ronans cousin nervously told me...

"I'm not sure I can trust you... but Why do you need my help?"

"Its Cheska, Nya! I... I cant get close to her. I WANT her... I... I haven't slept in months, Nya! Ever since We met, I cant stop thinking about her, but my usual methods Are being Ignored! You finally Made a move on Ronan, So tell me what to do!"

I felt myself turn red at her words...
"It... it was to break the goddess of loves curse! That's all!"

"Your Nyats if you beleive That, Nya! That was one FIERY kiss, ya'nyaow! Made me all blushy watching it from the rooftop! Nyaaaaa! Let go! It hurts, Nya!"

I had grabbed her by the ears and pulled.

"Apologize! Now!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry nya!"
"I won't Spy on People's dates From the roof anymore! Let go, Nya! You're tearing them off!"
"Oh, don't be such a baby! I barely had a grip on them. You need to learn manners! I definitely believe you are Ronans Cousin now... Rooftop Peepers, the both of you!"
"Ow... Einya is Mean... my poor ears..."
"I meant what I said. Manners. Your behavior needs serious work." A soft cry if "Mama!" rang out from the next room, echoed a few seconds later by another.
"Excuse me, I need to check on my Daughters. We will continue this conversation later."

[Back to two weeks later]

We did continue the conversation, and came to a compromise... And that's how the Wandering Theif, Elizara the 'magnificent' became my newest employee. Specifically, my official Messenger/Spy... according to Sylvio, Nobles Need Spy's, And who better to serve as spymaster than The Theif not even the royal guard could catch. We DID make her return the royal Emblem she had stolen, though... She was keeping it in a Dimension bag she had... Also stolen from the royal Treasury, but apparently they had Thirty more, So we let her keep that. Its useful anyway. So Zara, as we had to call her in public, so nobody realized who she was, Is one of my conditions. It seems Cheska has Been thinking about Zara almost as much As Zara has Cheska... So this party? Yeah, I'm gonna be forced to play matchmaker anyway, so why not get my Old Friend Involved? They'll dance or something, And That'll seal the deal, considering how full their heads are of the others...
It was Easy finding out Cheska's Feelings... I just Asked if she'd met the Thief Elizara... And she sighed, blushed, Said yes, Excused herself... Then I heard some things coming from her temporary room I wish I hadn't heard... Pure, untainted Priestess my Ass!

[Royal capital, Seedy merchants, Kayt POV]

"And you are certain this will make that man act like a boorish idiot, without harming him?"

"Indeed, milady... Though I wonder Who caught enough of your Dislike to be the target of Devil-Tongue?"

"Simply a love Rival!"

"Aye, That'd Do it... but careful, too much dosage can cause Demonification in humans, And Beastification in Beastkin... and Possibly drive Em mad. Just a Teaspoon, no more."

"Worry not." Kayt smiled a devious grin. "Ronan. Eina will be mine. And you shall act quite the cad... You shouldn't mess with the Widow."

So Kayt Reveals her true being! The deadly Assassin known only as "the Widow", a title received after an assassin sent tor her late husband found his job already complete... her master, The Red. (Important character later.) I hope you enjoy the party arc, as it leads to a four year timeskip... and deep sorrow ahead.

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