Tutoring the Spoiled

Let’s Take a Trip

Slowly, Kouji’s eyes opened to the bright sunrise. This was exactly as he planned. Not only that, but he was feeling great. It seemed that his illness had passed.

Making sure that she didn’t awaken, he got loose of Anastasia’s tight hug she had given him all night. Kouji got out of the futon in order to get himself ready to leave. There was a place he knew he needed to be, and this girl wasn’t about to find out. If she did, then it was certain she’d want to tag along.

So quietly, the boy got into his only pair of clothes meant for travel, because he was going to be taking a trip out of town for the day. Making sure that she wouldn’t be worried when she woke up, Kouji wrote down on a piece of paper telling her that he needed to take care of some things. That she should just lock up and go home once out of bed.

“Okay, that should be everything.” He whispered to himself, double-checking himself. Kouji was sure he wasn’t that loud, but that belief appeared to be incorrect, as she stirred a bit.

“Mhhm, Kouji…” He froze, when he heard her say his name. For a few tense seconds, Kouji wasn’t sure on what to say or do next. Did she catch him right before he was to leave? As it would turn out, not really. “Oh, Kouji, you should not touch me there.”

“Huh?” He was uncertain as to what she was meaning. However, it was because she had yet to actually awaken.

“Please, Kouji, I do not think that is appropriate.” He started to get hot in the face, upon realizing what she was dreaming of. “Okay, if you want… Then I will let you…” ...If only he let her finish in the bathroom.

With that, Kouji was out of the door and as far from that scene as possible.

What was Kouji’s plan with all this? Well he was going to be taking Teru’s advice. It was time to see his uncle, and hopefully end things better than last time. However, there was somewhere he needed to be at first before leaving.


“Ugh, what do you want?” With her eyes barely open, and the sunlight burning her irises, Teru opened the door to some mysterious figure in the morning. Or at least, what she first thought was a mysterious person. After she wiped her eyes a bit, she realized who was at her door. “What are you doing here?”

The way she asked that question. There’s a bit of apprehension to it, because of how they left each other. There was concern as to why he decided to come here first thing in the morning.

“I came to apologize.” He informed her, and paused a bit before saying the next bit. “And to ask a favor.”

“Hmpf.” She scoffs at his offer. “You come crawling back when you need something from me?”

“I’m going to see my uncle.” He told her. “And well, I was hoping you’d come with me.” A part of it was because she was the one that recommended it. However, he knew that it would be challenging to be on his own, she was the only one that he was confident on their ability to help.

“Taking a field trip? Count me in then.” The idea of going on a little adventure got her blood pumping. Plus, there was the added benefit that these two wouldn’t have to stay mad at each other, she wasn’t sure how she’s try to fix that situation. So it was a good thing for her that he’s the one to extend the olive branch.

“Great.” He breathed a sigh of relief from her answer. “I guess you should get ready then.” His eyes wondered down towards what she was wearing. The girl was still in her pajamas. Which, somewhat surprisingly, was girly pink with sparkles.

Teru noticed her blunder as a result of her rude awakening. In embarrassment, she covered herself with the door.

“Just wait out there.” She muttered, her tone was tense from the humiliation she was suffering.

Good thing for him, that she doesn’t take long to get ready. She might have some care about her perception, but makeup wasn’t a part of that. Soon, she exited her front door with her usual public attire. Some jeans, and a short jacket over some rock band’s tee-shirt. She also had on a hat, worn backwards of course.

“Sorry that took so long.” It really didn’t. “But I just had to tell my parents.”

“I’m surprised you did.” He said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kouji realized that he should stop treating her like this. Whatever their past relationship might’ve been, it doesn’t mean she’s still what he kept envisioning her as. “Look, my dad trusts you. So it’s not a big deal.”

“He really shouldn’t.” As much as people seemed to be okay with him at the school now. Kouji still had his precautions about their true feelings. While he had never been a parent, there had to be some people that didn’t like the idea of their little girls spending so much time with literally the only boy in their lives.

“Don’t act so modest.” She told him, as they entered the train station. “You’ve done a lot more than you think.” While there might be some issue in his mind about how much work he should be taking from these parents. It wasn’t like he had much to counter it. this is his current meal ticket after all, for lack of a better phrase.

The two of them got their tickets, and hopped on the train to the next town. When they sat down, things were quiet. Technically speaking, he hadn’t properly apologized to her yet, and Kouji didn’t want to mess up what he wanted to mean.

“I’m sorry.” He started, breaking the silence between them. “You know, for getting mad at you.”

“It’s kind of my fault.” She deflected. “It wasn’t a good time to bring it up.”

“No, you were right.” He stopped her. “I probably would’ve gotten mad, no matter when you said it… But I did need to hear it.” He had to swallow a lot of pride to admit that to her. More importantly, there was something else he knew that he wronged her with. “And I’m sorry for how I keep treating you. You really are just trying to help out.”

“It did hurt…” She turned her eyes toward the window, enjoying the view of fields as they approached his old town. “It’s not easy you know.”

“Yeah...” This girl had been making the proper decisions towards improving herself. Before, she was a rebellious delinquent with little future with the path she made for herself. Even with her parent’s position, it was pretty much certain she’d never inherit the company.

Now, well she still has a bit of that edgy streak. But her heart’s in the right place, she only needed guidance to find what she really wanted in her life.

“It’s not easy, um, to talk about my feelings.” She continued on. That caused him to look intently at her. The girl was biting her thumb when she said that. “I just don’t want you guys to make fun of me.” But not saying anything, didn’t mean she didn’t care.

“I understand.” He assured her. “I promise that I’ll never make fun of your feelings.” She turned to look him in the eye. To her, she could see that he was telling the truth. “I can’t promise no one else won’t cause you some pain, but that doesn’t mean we should shut ourselves up.” He chuckled at the statement. Some person he is, seeing as he’s guilty of the same exact problem.

That was part of why he asked for her help for this little trip they were taking. If Kouji was on his own, then it was highly likely that he would chicken out. There was only one girl in his life that could force him to make the right decision.

“It’s like with my uncle.” If he was expecting her to be open with her feelings, then he had to be the same way. “Being completely honest, I’m really scared about what’s going to happen.” While he wanted a good outcome, nothing in life is ever guaranteed. There was no telling how his uncle would react.

“It’ll be fine.” She went to grab his hand for comfort, but stopped. Perhaps she wasn’t all that open with her feelings just yet. “Plus, if he gives you a hard time, then I’ll beat him up for you.” She laughed, prompting him to react the same way.

“Heh, maybe it’s better if we don’t resort to violence.” Even then, the thought was kind of funny.

The two of them were in much higher spirits now. As their train reached its destination, things were about to change for Kouji’s life.

Especially in one way, that he never expected.

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